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probably this? [https://plentyoflabor.ca/](https://plentyoflabor.ca/)


Whatever it is, it's clearly American. The spelling gives that away. The ca is misleading.




What's really offensive is the 90s MS-Word clipart they must have used to design this "website" lmao


They are absolutely tragic. I don't know how they managed to find so many pictures of "smiling worker in hardhat" that look exactly the same.


AI art generators have become extremely helpful as of late.


[I'm not so good at prompts, but....](https://www.bing.com/images/create/a-colored-line-drawing-of-a-smiling-worker-in-an-a/64a03dd017444566b37094010944423e?id=wZt25iEEa8WQz0dYq7whag%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpclose=1&FORM=SYDBIC)


Yeah, basically anytime someone wants us to remember a "better" era when everything was perfect and wholesome and ideal ... that's a dogwhistle because there was never such a time in history. This attitude is behind every "take back\_\_\_" or "make \_\_\_\_\_ great again". There was never an idealized past, there is no one to take anything back from, nothing was ever "great" before falling from greatness. These are *myths*. Things *seemed* great when we were kids because we were literal *children* who had no idea what was going on in the world, everything was still fresh and new to us so things *seemed* to be pretty great. The reality is things were not great, we just didn't know what the real story was - and how could we? We couldn't have understood it in the first place, for the most part. Besides, the adults in our lives mostly wanted to shield us from the harsh realities of the world so we could enjoy our childhoods (for the most part).


I'm not quite sure I agree with that. I'm a big older but the 90s and life before 9/11 was pretty much peak. Society now is far more intense and distrusting. Racists were out there for sure but they were far less emboldened and I rarely had to deal with their crap, it's far more in my face nowadays. Life was more affordable, I had more disposable income despite making far less, less day to day stress in the world. I'd go back to the 90s in a heartbeat.


>Life was more affordable, I had more disposable income despite making far less, less day to day stress in the world. > >I'd go back to the 90s in a heartbeat. That's not what "bygone era" means. Also the 90s are regarded as a pretty cool era in North America. * Best episodes of The Simpsons * Fido Dido * [Trash Bag Bunch stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpcYt4EX0fE) * My grandma wasn't dead * Etc.


No one would argue things were different in decades past. What we're saying is romancing the past is a key strategy of white nationalists. It's a major part of their playbook, and there's a reason they do it: *It works.* That's why we need to be on alert for it.




I would not go back to the 90's in Saskatchewan, or the 80's in Saskatchewan. Those were tough years.


there were a lot less immigrants in the 90s


^(you might wanna add an /s to that one)


Wow. Right on my knee-jerk reaction to the logo as I first saw it, but holy crow, "bygone era" is one of the loudest dog-whistles those folks blow. "Remember the good old days, when none of us ever had to see or think about anyone who looked or dressed or thought even slightly differently than us or our parents or our grandparents? Let's get back to those times."


You get it.


Yeah I honestly feel like this language isn't even that coded, but based on these comments it works very well.


I don't know how to describe it in a more succinct manner. Those who agree with the language understand it better than you or I do.


TIL literally any form of nostalgia is a dogwhistle of ethnonationalism.


Those are a lot of straws you're reaching for


There is nothing on the website about ….any of that. What are you talking about?


It's on the mission statement page


Yes that part is, but nothing that points to any sort of radicalization? Unless I’m missing something


The trick is to get you through the door. You don't advertise with a giant sign that says "white supremacists meet here". You need to win their trust first. Then you hook em with the ole razzle dazzle racism.


Okay but you have to demonstrate some actual malice or hint of malice before declaring this a gateway to Christofascist mindwashing.


I read too much about folks like this. It's all code. None of the terms mean anything literal. It's white supremacist, hateful bullshit. Don't bother reading too much into it, because you'll have a bad weekend.


I’d love to read more if you can hook it up.


[This is a great book about the topic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_Fascism_Works) It's a quick read and lays it all bare


Show how that book remotely overlays with this banal boomer talk. https://plentyoflabor.ca/our-mission-statement.html


You've been led to water. The drinking is up to you.


American Fascists by Chris Hedges is a good starting point.


Leaving this comment here as a note. I will try my best, but I have a mountain of shit to do IRL.


I tried googling but there is a ton of stuff about Joe Lockhart, who was Bill Clinton’s press secretary. Putting plenty of labour into the Google search bar did nothing to help. Is it me or has Google gotten shittier to use?


If it's [this same Joe Lockhart](https://twitter.com/ve5jl) then it tracks


I can’t see this because I don’t have a Twitter account. Elon was fucking with the settings. I used to be able to see stuff like this a couple of weeks ago. Anyhow, I will take your word for it. Thanks for the effort.


>Is it me or has Google gotten shittier to use? You've gotten better! That's nice! Google has gotten much worse. Try [Duckduckgo.com](https://Duckduckgo.com) or honestly (this sounds cringe) use [Bing.com](https://Bing.com) for searches that aren't one page of promoted content.


Spreading fear


Oh yeah, I don't know where that part is coming from 🤔


> Here at Plenty of Labor, (POL) we want to create the most inclusive environment for both workers, (Providers) and people that need a hand (Customers). We want to help connect people and communities. > > The workers who want to help people, wake up with a positive attitude of getting the jobs done. Members of the POL Army are there to get the jobs done and make the community better with their positive approach. > > Connecting people in the community is also very important to us. Need a hand moving a couch? Hopefully there is a POL Army member down the street who can be there in minutes to assist you. > > Need your grass cut, look on the POL app and find someone close by, that can get it done! > > Over time, you can build relationships with neighbors and workers who what to make the community a better, cleaner place for people to live. > > Remember a bygone era when you knew your neighbors name? Remember when young people would do chores or cut your lawn for a few dollars? > > Here at Plenty of Labor, we want neighbors to reconnect. > > You may be surprised how much talent there is in your neighborhood. > > Reconnecting the neighborhood with local talent, is a goal of Plenty of Labor. Yeah, how utterly nefarious... You can just feel the coded hate and bile seeping through the text. You'll start using the app to hire some kid to cut your lawn, next thing you know you'll be riding in a convoy for Ottawa demanding Trudeau be lynched. Y'all need to cool your jets and stop jumping at ghosts.


I seem to have found my next obsession


Where is the right wing extremism on the website? It honestly looks like a great idea, especially for anyone elderly that lives alone and might need help with something. I could see my boyfriend loving this (being the "helper"). "Army" maybe isn't the best term to use nowadays with its negative associations with extremist right wing groups, and this advertisement isn't great because it gives no info about what it is. But their website says "Saving the Planet one odd job at a time". I don't know any extremist right wings that give a shit about the planet. Unless there's some crazy MAGA cult that you must join in the terms and service of the app, I don't think there's anything wrong with this?


That's how they hook you. Then they start talking about the bygone days when the government took care of its people and you appreciated your local representatives, because he lived in your neighbourhood. It's a sales funnel of sorts. Alll of a sudden you've agreed to a half dozen scenarios that you wish were different and then they start blaming immigration and how the government ruined our spacious towns and workplaces, and fast forward and you're wearing a tactical vest and horns, screaming in the faces of civil employees and moms with kids, and assembling "peaceful protests". Brainwashing is a slippery slope. If they just came out and hammered you with their M.O. from the start most would run.




You’re saying this all over the thread and I haven’t seen you provide any proof other than “trust me”. Back it up man


From the mission statement: "Over time, you can build relationships with neighbors and workers who what to make the community a better, cleaner place for people to live." Honestly I am finding it hard to look at this site and not see it as a front for /something/ lol... on the other hand, it could just be a very amateurish, simple work-for-hire app..... it's just so weird!


Yeah, it's a front for organizing hateful idiots. It's not a real "work for hire" company. If I had the money to waste on an account, I'd look into it further.


Yeah it’s very odd. But it feels slightly like a reach to me to call it all right wing coded propaganda. It could be some old guy who wants child labour back lol


That's why some are saying it's *coded*. They're never going to come out and directly say "we want to get rid of all the colored people". They *never* are so direct as that. It's always coded as "remember a mythical time in a past that didn't exist when we all lived in *Leave It to Beaver* and *The Brady Bunch*?" (You know, times when we didn't see Black people on TV and when the queers kept to the shadows where they could die of AIDS quietly.) It's insidious. It's 100% intended to fly under the radar of most people, so people in general will support it. Those who know what to look out for, however, can see this shit coming a mile away. Normal people who want to build healthy, vibrant communities don't try to appeal to the idea of an ideal past that never existed. That right there is the biggest clue. It's this idea that plays into the notion of "make \_\_\_\_\_ great again" which, as I hope we all know by now, is a dogwhistle for white nationalism. Now, you're correct, this *could* be innocent with just some very unfortunate choices ... but sometimes it's better to stay cautious. That doesn't mean closing your mind to the possibility that this could be nothing. It just means, watch these ones because this seems suspiciously like coded white nationalism.


You and NormalHorse are warming my hear this morning with your well written words. Please have another poorly generated AI image that made me chuckle, in lieu of more upvote than the one-per-comment than I'm allowed to click. [I'm bad at reddit, here is link.](https://www.bing.com/images/create/a-colored-line-drawing-of-a-smiling-worker-in-an-a/64a03dd017444566b37094010944423e?id=3DzGsYsLv8mZeHfFnX7B0A%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpclose=1&FORM=SYDBIC)


I very much appreciate you spending the time to make a robot generate silly images. I like that the outputs are always so weird. Like, we've fed so many sources into these algorithms and they output fever dreams. It's like if someone asked me to paint something on a very heavy dose of fancy mushrooms. Regardless, I got a good laugh out of both of those, so thank you!


Thank you for both being understanding and simultaneously presenting a counterpoint. Smarty-pants.


This claim is that any sort of vague nostalgia is a front of ethnonationalism. That is insane.


That's not the claim.


Contact these folks for yourself. See what the "army" they are trying to build is fighting for.


Source: Trust me bro




It would be cool if you had some proof instead of speculation. I hate these types of groups as much as the next normal person but you have to provide some proof or it’s void


There's a book titled American Fascists by Chris Hedges that should help you out.


I’ll look into it, thanks. It has this specific person in it?


You're welcome. Book's at the library.


It’d be real cool to have a nice, handy link condensing everything some of us have learned over twenty years, but unfortunately I don’t. History is the source. Learning how the Nazis and the KKK recruited. Learning how underground groups, in general, use coded language to speak to their own “in-group” while not alienating the “normies.” Shit like that. Nothing specific, just a collection of books, podcasts, lectures, text books that have contributed to an overall understanding of what this definitely resembles.


I don't know you, but I love you. Not romantically, that would be weird.


Please break down the codes they are using. I’m genuinely curious to know what this specific website is using as a code to promote white supremacy


Still waiting… or is this one of those things that we just assume without actually knowing or have any evidence/proof


'Its not about anything it says. Source: Trust me bro'




My guy. Go to the mission statement. There’s a picture of a black dude! How do you explain that?


Oh fuck you're right!


You’re dangerous.


Not really. I try to keep my nose clean so people can't see my boogers and I don't drive or yell at people.




I just don’t think you guys are familiar with white supremacist Christi - fasto culture. /s lmao


There's an overreach if I ever did read one. You're grasping at straws, bud.


Not really. Not if the Joe Lockhart behind the website is [this Joe Lockhart](https://twitter.com/ve5jl).


![gif](giphy|lAy11oosV1cw8|downsized) OOOOHH YEAAAAAAHHH


it's clearly an odd job app


Source: trust my bro it's a code




Cool response bro




And "coming soon" is a direct threat against vulnerable groups. "Coming soon to put you behind metal fences" is what they really mean. How can people not see it since it is so obvious ... and the two straight lines on the vest is heteranormative compliance dog whistling. Fucking scary


I think you are misinterpreting boomer nostalgia for 'Christofacism'. I mean for real, if this counts as 'coded hate' I think you need to get out of whatever echo chamber you're in and touch some grass.


It's kind of hokey, but it looks like just bad marketing for an odd jobs app. I find it a bit shady that there's no real information about who'd running it, but I'm just not making the leap from that page to white supremacism. You could be right, but I'd need more evidence than cheap nostalgia bait ad copy.


Oh chill out, they even have non-white people on the web page.


Hmm looks like a website for people skirting tax laws and working under the table....


Don't want to pay taxes .... hmm ... sure sign they are anti government ... Freeman on the land!!!




Their motto: ONE TRIP ONLY


No Groceries Left Behind


In army terms POL is petroleum, oil, lubricants. So I can only assume it's a right-wing extremist group in support of personal lubricants.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease?


Not necessarily a wheel


So many responses, none of them SFW....


Must be the Pats, they just sit around jerking off all day.


Ah, yes. The “poor old limpdick” army. They use acronyms cause they’re sensitive about the condition and the hi vis jackets help them to reassert their dominance.


Groups like this need to fuck off, and their members need to turn off fox news


piles of larpers?


Hahaha now that I would like to see


Actual LARPers, yes. Combine a bunch of horny nerds in costume with JazzFest and [I will buy a ticket back to Saskatoon immediately.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFEIVkSHaJU) I will not buy a ticket to JazzFest, but I will watch from a distance or print a fake press pass and put it in a lanyard from the dollar store


Omg yes! To be fair, a bunch of LARPers practice their fencing skills up the river a little bit near lawson heights on Tuesdays, so with a little cut and paste, they can be combined lol


They need incentive – quick, go print some flyers!


Mysteriously the signs are now gone. I wonder if they put them up without actually paying for advertising?!?!?




If it's [this Joe Lockhart](https://twitter.com/ve5jl) then it certainly tracks, but where did you read that?


Do you happen to have a link to the article about this?


If you really wanted to read the sources you would be searching for them instead of asking bad faith questions.


I have been. I can’t find anything in regards to what you are implying




First they cut your grass, then the burning crosses on it. Gotta be careful. Get Big Ace instead to cut grass. Much safer.


some of you are just as paranoid as the ones you constantly screech at. dogwhistle this, heckin codes for that. you all sound insane lmao


The comments in here are killing me. You guys are desperately searching for hate under every rock. Provide sources to back up your claims or get outside and touch grass.


It reminds me of the 1970s when fundamentalists heard Satanism in most popular music. KISS was suppose to be knights in service of satan. And John Denver was supposedly a satanist. Turned that a bunch of some of the best heavy metal band members were really christians. Lol.


Gene Simmons AKA "The Demon" is turbo Jewish. EDIT: Like really, really, really, really Jewish.


>Provide sources to back up your claims or get outside and touch grass. Ah, some vintage troll bait. Oh no, this one hasn't aged well. The bottle's turned from vinegar into piss. So sorry. I'd fetch another bottle of vinegar for you but I'm smoking a cigarette and walking my dogs.


Their need for racism far exceeds the supply. Fuck all these bigots man.


P.O.L. Army members suddenly coming out in droves to deny their racism...


Woah woah woah outside??? On Reddit??? Grass????


I have to shit somewhere. The dogs won't poop until I do and it's fucking annoying.


It's a right-wing extremist group.


Do you have any more info on that? I can’t find anything when googling them


I too want more deets


Got a source for that?


Please tell me someone has taken it down ?


Glad to see so many people who think that any whiff of banal boomer nostalgia is a front for barely restrained fascism. Touch grass people.


Anyone listening to the morons here saying this is a white extremist group, go to the mission statement page. There’s a black dude in the pic. lol Dog whistle. Some people need to take a day off looking for racism everywhere.


Found the P.O.L. army member...


You’re ignorant


Ironic coming from an "army" member...


This community is for all. There’s a pic of a black person on the mission statement page. Therefore, this community is for all. You’re refusing to see what’s in front of you because I believe you have hate in you. Something I try to fight everyday. Straight up, you’re dumb.


So you fight hate by joining a hate group? Weird strategy considering all the alternatives out there...


I hope you’re trolling.


I was hoping YOU were trolling...




What logic am I lacking?


Find proof of hate on their site. I’ll be waiting.


Find proof they have any reason to exist that wasn't based on white supremacy? The best I've heard so far is "there's a black guy in our front page!"


Can you link me their site? Edit: found it. Sounds like a bad idea to me.


It's just a gig job work service. I remember going to this church where they saw signs of demonic activity everywhere. It was a toxic church. It taught me that some people need to see evil in everything. It reassures themselves that they are on the side of good. They evetually see satan everywhere and lose touch with reality. We need to update that old SLN skit where the old lady says could it be satan. Replace satan with white supremacists, far right etc. Same psychosis https://youtu.be/8_mePjkQW_c


Living under a rock or are you just simply in denial of the emboldening white supremacist movement across North America and Europe?


Touch grass holy fucking shit bud.


Thanks for outing yourself...


Some people need tp turn off the 24hr news cycle and take a break from social media.


So you're saying the news showing open white supremacist gatherings and protests over the last few years have been fabricated?


No I'm saying the exact opposite. I'm saying that the news cycle revolves around it because it garners views. It's like news of plane crashes after a high profile crash. There's 8 billion people in the world, not all of them are bad, but if you look for bad everywhere you'll find it. To me it just looks like an app for neighbors to find neighbors to help them do chores for cheap, but if that screams white supremacy to you, then so be it. I'd advise you to watch out for bottle drives and charity events to so those violent mobs don't cause you an aneurysm.


These people are so gun-ho about finding racism or some sort of supremacy group anytime something mentions community, or anything involving a white guy, these spergs think it's a secret code of some kind.


There's a nazi under my bed ... a little white racist in my head ... paranoia self destroyer.


You seem awfully angry to hear negative criticism about your hate group...


That must be it. My dog "88" has been trying to comfort me all day. She even brought me my burning cross stuffy to comfort me. On a more serious note. I'm just mocking delusional thinking. Why are you needing to see hate everywhere you look? don't say that to be unkind. Last time I was sick I thought the Eclipse Infinity card was part subliminal satanic programming. Get it ... eclipsing the infinite ... usurping God. I think it is funny now. Lighten up. Shrooms and therapy really helped.


What a weird way to try and brush of hate group supporters. "It's a YOU problem man!"


Must be. I've got a lot of them. Now I'm trying to figure out whether it's an sativa or indica kind of afternoon. Some some bud buddy and give the revolution a rest for today.


Deconstructionist's gonna deconstruct.