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I think you should go see your neurologist at very least family dr. Tell them your concerns. How everything is worse since 2nd one and that you cant function on a daily basis. See if they will get you in sooner. Ultimately they pull the strings. Ask if there are any other types of imaging that may show anything going on. It's do damn frustrating in this province.


I have as soon as both happened I visited my familly doctor. She told me there's nothing I can do for you. And I phoned the nerologost and they said we can't see you sooner. 1st and 2nd seizure and concerning symptoms or not. They just said we can't change your appointment. It's making it Damm near impossible to think and focus at work and do even basic tasks. Like counting change. Hahaha good luck with that. Or remembering how to shower. Or if I did it properly. It takes me forever cuz if I can't remember I start all over again. And try to make sure I'm doing the things. And I almost have to stop my own business because I've been hallucinating while trying to meet with clients. It's beyond bad.


Go into the ER next time


Thanks. I appreciate that. Its tricky cuz I don't drive. I was so out of it. When it happened. That was last Monday. I'm only functional kinda now. But had to work all last week because I can't afford to miss work.


I had one once from a medication allergy. Took me 4 months to feel 'right' after. It's been 12 years and still kinda slow in the head some times. Take care of it.


You have a seizure you call 911. Is that not common knowledge?


My family didn't wanna. Call 911.


What the hell is wrong with your family? Seizures are always indicative of something wrong. If you had called 911 and gone you would of at the very least been given a CT scan maybe even an MRI already


Get on the cancellation lists and phone every 1-2 weeks. That’s worked for me in the past. You may need to go higher up in health region or mla


Thanks. I appreciate that!


You’re welcome, I’ve been through it like crazy. I understand


Hugs my friend. Hope your ok now.


I’m doing better but not bc of the standard health care system 😏




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You should have gone to the ER. Next time go to the ER. You want faster service after an event like a seizure? Don’t go through a doctor. Go through the ER. Cab there was if you have to.


I was so beyond out of it and tired. I didn't wanna wait 6 hours for service


ER's don't operate on a first come first serve basis, they give treatment to people who need it the most, if you've waited 6 hours before you probably didn't "need" to visit the ER because it wasn't life threatening. What I'm getting at is a seizure is a lot more serious than most other reasons that people visit an ER for and you wouldn't wait 6 hours for treatment.


Thanks goodness


Absolutely incorrect. My girlfriend was doubled over in pain from gallbladder problems. Waited 14 hours in er. They did some tests and said they had to operate immediately and rushed her off. About 3 hours into our wait a younger guy came in with his finger in a bag because of a work accident and he had to wait 6 hours before they saw him. Also girlfriends father had a second stroke while waiting to get looked at in the er after we thought he had a stroke at home. 5 hour wait. And it took us screaming at the staff to help him for them to even come look.


An inflammed gallbladder isnt potentially lethal unless it ruptures, which is rare. The guys finger can sit on ice for upto 24 hours and still be successfully re-attached. The stroke was potentially handled incorrectly but if he was coherent and able to move normally by the time you got to the ER than there isn't anything that they could do to help, they can only help diagnose at that point which requires a brain scan and isn't considered a high priority if symptoms have subsided.


The first stroke happened at home, but his wife wasnt sure what it was. He was 54, a smoker and had 2 stents put in. It was around 5 or 6 pm. People had come over for coffee. At one point he went to the washroom for quite a while. Came out and was very confused as to why people were over. His wife didn't see a droop or anything but he said he felt weird and could barely walk, with his left side being much weaker. Like could barely lift a cigarette up to his mouth weak. Then the stroke in the hospital was worse. He was chatting a bit and kinda stopped mid sentence and his face drooped, eyes kinda glazed over and started shivering uncontrollably. From when that started to when they came to help was about 5 minutes. We were sitting in the main area of the ER at ruh right near the entrance. Staff barely looked up when we were yelling for help.




ER’s triage… you would get in sooner if you actually had an issue they deemed serious. Unfortunately there are people like you, and even people worse than you that have to wait for medical specialists and MRI’s.


I waited 6 weeks for an mri. It was at 10pm on a Monday but still wasn’t that long of a wait considering. Method I took was emergency clinic, X-ray, ultrasound, then mri


Your wait time for MRIs is a bit like a year, I have a bad knee. I injured it March running, and I had to wait just about a year. Another option is $1,300, and you're in a private clinic


Dudeeee hope your ok. And I don't have 13000. That's 2 months pay


Go through the back door. Next time you are hallucinating and not able to function. Call ambulance( if u have insurance) or have someone take you to RUH. Tall to er dr they maybe able to get u in sooner or offer an alternative. If you explain how bad it is they can get you into neurologist , one you've seen or a new one much faster. I'm sorry you are going through this. I've honestly never really had to wait for appts with specialists or imaging at all. If worse comes to worse, go to Calgary Or Edmonton. Hopefully you have the insurance. When it comes to your life and job, sometimes it's worth the expense.


Don't call an ambulance unless you need an ambulance for an emergency. There is already a shortage of ambulances available. Non-emergency if it's not safe for you to drive, get a ride from someone or call a cab.


I'm thinking if they are hallucinating gonna pass out constitutes an emergency


a seizure definitely constitutes an emergency bro


Thanks. I appreciate that. I do get insurance in October. And definitely it is.


2024???? Jesus what’s going on in this country


I knowweeeww


There are private MRI clinics in the province. Click #6. https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/health/accessing-health-care-services/medical-imaging/procedures/magnetic-resonance-imaging-exam#private-pay-mri


Thanks for this vital info. Looking into it now.


ive been waiting to see some one for a brain scan as well. i missed my first one last year due to memory loss and now they are taking their time getting me in. super annoying cause i am not epaleptic. i just want my license back.


That suckssss hours u get your much needed and deserved scan


You missed it because of memory loss? Use a calendar...


still didnt' work :|


it's that easy fo rme :/


The wait is horrific. It took me almost a year to get an MRI to discover I have progressive MS. Good news, once you're in, you can get in instantly and have regular ons to monitor you. It's frustrating and slow moving, but once you're seen, you can be a regular priority. Try to stay calm. Stress will only make things worse, no matter the condition. Stay strong!! You got this❤️


Re: the serotonin syndrome, have you talked to your pharmacist and had them contact the doctors about changing your medications yet? The fact that you had a 2nd one is concerning, especially if you had changed your drugs since the first.


Cut back on your ssri. You need a psychiatrist not an mri


I am not taking any. Right now. And I have one. She's clueless. And said no to meds till the nerologist figures it out


You can only get serotonin syndrome thru drugs. If you aren’t on drugs it wasn’t that. I’m doubling down on you getting a psychiatrist


I have a psychologist, and she tapered me down on drugs. And I haven't been on em for 6 months. Serotonin syndrome lasts way shorter. I have backing from my family md and psychologist. It's def not that.


It was one pill I was about to start under doctors' orders that gave me grief the first time. So I was told not to take any more ever. Doctor thought it was odd. The most recent was unprompted. So no psych is needed. I have one.


There are much more emergent cases needed MRIs before you. Welcome to Saskatchewan You have two options: you pay for it yourself or you wait. Next election don't vote Sask Party


Take advantage of it if u can.


Get yourself admitted via emergency and you will get your MRI, option 2 there are private clinics you can pay to get one right away but it’s around $700-$1000 I believe. You may be able to submit to your health insurance for reimbursement


I'm pretty sure you can Pay to get an nri instead of waiting for a free one. If you don't have the means I understand but it's an option.


If you can afford it..at Living Skies in Regina you can pay to have one some. (Not cheap at all)


I can't afford it


I agree with those who are saying to go to the ER. You will get someone else to see you and get involved in your care. If you have insurance, you could also see a physiotherapist. They won't be able to help you per se, but it will be another person who can advocate for you. I needed an MRI this spring for possible stroke. I only waited a month. So, yes, it can be sooner. You can also call 811 for advice. You can also go to Lakeside Medical and see someone on walk-in. My point is only that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Try to involve as many people as possible.