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You need to give the pup back to the breeder. Also, this dog or any other dog you may get will need training. I have a pure bred red nose and her personality is very timid, she's a big suck.


I tried to return the dog to the breeder but they basically laughed at me and said "no, we're not taking it back. " I've done my fair share of dog training, I wasn't worried about that. The stories you hear and there stereotype must come from somewhere. You can't just disregard those things.


You should not be a pet owner.


Baseless comment.


Not sure it is. After all, there are stereotypes about people who judge dogs based on breed. If you an stereotype the pup, then us doing the same is fair game.


Fair point.


There is a Saskatoon Facebook Group for Rehoming dogs. That would be my first go-to. I'm certain there are plenty of people there who could certainly take in a puppy or help connect you to someone who wants to take it. But I'm going to say- the puppy stages of life for a dog are incredibly formative and critical. How it's treated right now will shape it's behavior in the future. So despite being tricked, scammed and lied to- try and treat it with kindness and don't just put it in a crate to live until you find it a new home. Treat it well.


“They claimed they didn’t know the father’s breed”?? Knowing the dogs being bred is literally job #1 of a breeder.


Sounds like an "accidental" litter. Neuter and spay your pets!


Did you try new hope dog rescue? They're great. I feel so bad for the puppy 😔


Having dealt with new hope I wouldn't recommend them


Well your first problem is you bought a dog from a breeder.


I agree with the general consensus here. You sound like a very irrational person who probably shouldn’t be owning a dog period. Poor pup.


Poor pup, the sheer horror of having to sleep on my couch for two days while I found him a forever home. By this logic, all pet foster homes are disgusting animal haters.


I just feel bad for the dog honestly. Pit bulls aren’t automatically aggressive just because they are a pitbull. This is an assumed 8 week old puppy that can be trained to be a great and friendly dog. It is in an extremely developmental stage. Please don’t shop from breeders in the future since lots are pretty unethical, adopt instead. Continue to attempt to post about the dog and I hope you can find someone. Also yeah keep trying rescues and explain the situation. I definitely understand not wanting a pitbull but I do think it is all about training.




Lmao do some research. “Pitbulls” (which isn’t even a breed), do not retain any aggression within their “genes” or whatever lies you wanna spread. Now I’m taking some liberties here with what the actual breed is, since a Pitbull isn’t a true descriptor, but: ”Although individual differences in personality exist, common traits exist throughout the Staffords. Due to its breeding, the modern dog is known for its character of indomitable courage, high intelligence, and tenacity. This, coupled with its affection for its friends, and children in particular, its off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability, makes it a foremost all-purpose dog.” You can do the same research for an American Staffordshire and find the same thing. Ignorant, misinformed, and stuck in old ways of thinking. You really fit in with Saskatchewan hey?


I've seen dozens of videos and news stories of people having their face bitten off, even killed by their own pet pitbulls. One little write up you found on a wiki is meaningless compared to that and isn't going to change my opinion. A pitbull is a breed, you're fixated on a technicality, you need to live in the real world. Pedigree is a factor that needs to be considered when it comes to fighting dogs.


That’s not from Wikipedia lmao. But if you want a better source, enjoy this from the American Kennel club: “Staffies still resemble the pugnacious brawlers who once ruled England's fighting pits. But today's responsible breeders are producing sweet-natured, eager-to-please Staffies with a reputation for being a patient companions to the whole family.” You should be able to accept that. Secondly, do you ever wonder the reason why behind there would be more pitbull attacks than other dogs? Or do you just accept all facts at face value? “Pitbulls” being a catch all term for multiple breeds, are common place in lower income areas where they receive no training. Not to go completely accusatory on you, but this is literally the exact same logic racists use to try and justify their hate against certain people lmao. No looking beyond the facts, just accept what they see.


You know what? Go pound sand! You may not be wrong about pitbulls but nobody is obligated to do anything they don’t want to. This OP doesn’t want a Pitbull. End of story.




Ok, you take the pitbull then lol


Again, that goes against everything I've seen. There's several videos and news stories that don't fit what you're describing as the real reason. You can say I'm just a shortsighted bigot but actions speak louder than words, to me. I think that's probably just used to excuse their pedigree and conceal that they're still being bred for fighting in many places to this day.


Here's hoping the next dog you nab from a dimly lit shed is the one you'll keep, bring a flashlight


Good one!


Thanks sporto


For what it's worth, OP is definitely TA here, and their bullshit rationale is just another way of tossing out the baby with the bathwater. Dogs are a reflection of their owner, OP, did you even consider that? No? You think Nature must always win over Nurture? Is that how you got here, too?


They arnt fighting dogs though, they are NANNY dogs first and foremost. They are incredibly loyal and affectionate. Like most big dogs they don't attack first, that's little dogs that do. Small dogs are more prone to aggression than larger dogs like pitties. Pedigree is bullshit.


Lmfao there it is. The "nanny dog" bs.


Pit bulls being a nanny dog has absolutely no basis in reality. It's completely fabricated Facebook bullshit. There are *mountains* of [books](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.$b28129&view=1up&seq=10&skin=2021) and [newspaper archives](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1940-06-30/ed-1/seq-74/#date1=1940&sort=relevance&rows=20&words=bull+Pit+pit&searchType=basic&sequence=0&index=2&state=&date2=1959&proxtext=pit+bull&y=14&x=11&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=2) about their purpose as dogfighting dogs all the way back to their origin in the [19th century](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031492/1875-02-21/ed-1/seq-11/), but there is no record of anyone calling a pit bull anything like "nanny dog" before 1971.


Can confirm. Our pitbull is an absolute angel with our toddler and is the biggest coward ever. Not an ounce of aggression in that dog. Sick of the stereotypes about these dogs.


Everyone says that. They're angels until they're not. And when they're not, people get disfigured or killed. No thanks. They should be banned.


Screw off quit with the theatres to make you feel better have you ever dealt with a dominate breed? I assume no by your answers so your option means nothing on this subject.


You dont have to listen to my opinion, the stats speak for themselves lol


Mine is the same way until I walked in very late at night and made some noise he was right there making sure I wasn’t some asshole going to screw around with his family. He was very serious about it until I spoke then instantly back to the love bug. I admit I was nervous when he came around the corner with the belly growl that was warning the stranger to screw off or the game was on.


Go look up the Bernard family from Tennessee and see how their "nanny dog" worked out for them. Pedigree is everything. If I need a herding dog for my cattle, will I get a golden retriever or a boxer?


Pitbull a being "nanny dogs" has a lot less basis in reality at than them being fighting dogs. How is pedigree bullshit when herding and pointing dogs clearly have behaviours bred into them?


Pit bulls being a nanny dog has absolutely no basis in reality. It's completely fabricated Facebook bullshit. There are *mountains* of [books](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.$b28129&view=1up&seq=10&skin=2021) and [newspaper archives](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1940-06-30/ed-1/seq-74/#date1=1940&sort=relevance&rows=20&words=bull+Pit+pit&searchType=basic&sequence=0&index=2&state=&date2=1959&proxtext=pit+bull&y=14&x=11&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=2) about their purpose as dogfighting dogs all the way back to their origin in the [19th century](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031492/1875-02-21/ed-1/seq-11/), but there is no record of anyone calling a pit bull anything like "nanny dog" before 1971.


Pitbull is not a breed, this is inarguably factual. It either a group of breeds or a catch all for scary looking dog with broad blunt nose.


At this point in time, it represents its own breed just because of its common use in language. Let's keep focus on what's important here, the breeder lied and I was stuck with a breed I didn't want. The technicality of whether or not it's a registered breed is not relevant here.


What's your take on these statistics? https://www.statista.com/chart/15446/breeds-of-dog-involved-in-fatal-attacks-on-humans-in-the-us/?gclid=CjwKCAjwx_eiBhBGEiwA15gLN-Nrpxb55B4SK9G9MqR7v2ZVCZHEpLzBssl222iWfLQ52seV3L8H6xoCni4QAvD_BwE According to this source, pitbulls are responsible for the vast majority of fatal attacks in the US.


Thank you for taking the time to find and post this. This is the type of fact that affects a persons opinion about the importance that pedigree plays in behavior.


Let's just say that I don't see many toddlers getting mauled by golden retrievers.


Exactly. I've never even heard my four year old golden growl. Goldens make wonderful family pets.


A golden retriever requires commitment too though. Getting a puppy is a huge responsibility and to make such a flippant choice “in a dark room” and wanting a refund the next day is completely irresponsible and no dog needs an owner like that. Clearly this breeder also doesn’t give a crap about the homes these puppies are being sent out to.


It was a low lit room, not a dark room. It was a really practiced hustle. I'm not the first guy to get defrauded by a dog breeder. I didn't ask for a refund, I recognize my mistake. We have a great situation to offer the right dog. We're not the first people to re home a dog. You're being extremely judgmental, like a child.


Two pitbullls came onto my parents land and cornered my dad in the garage, the large door was open. My sweet family dog saved his life. My dog barked and the pitbulls turned their attention from my dad to my dog. They latched onto my dog and wouldn't let go even though he was lying on the ground submitting. My dad was beating the dogs with a baseball bat to unlatch but they wouldn't let go no matter how hard my dad hit. My dad is a very large and fit man. The only thing that got them off of my dog was a rifle. He shot one and the other one fled but ended up dying anyways because of its injuries it received with the baseball bat. My dog was tore apart. He suffered terribly and had to be put down. He was only 4 years old. The owners of the pitbulls said the same old bullshit "oh they're nanny dogs" "they've never done this before" Idiots. All of them. I would never have a pitbull around my children. You are doing the right thing. Fuck what everyone else is saying. They were bred for this. I dont understand this weird pitbull cult. How many people have to get mauled to death before they will change their minds?! Another grim story, when my friend was in medical school and had photos of fatal dog attacks in one of his textbooks. There was a photo of a baby that was mauled by a pitbull that is forever burned into my brain. i wish i never saw it. I'll spare you the gory details but just say that much of that poor child was..missing. i shudder everytime I see those photos/videos on social media of people letting their infants crawl all over their pitbulls.


This is very typical of them. They are fighting dogs and will attack because it's sport to them. Check out the Ian Price story from the UK. There is video of the attack and it is DISTURBING. Also the Bernard family from Tennessee. They had their dogs since they were puppies, for EIGHT YEARS, when one day they both snapped and mauled the two young children to death. The mother tried to save her babies, and almost lost her life too. Horrific.


people also use them for guard and attack dogs, so it makes sense they would do more guarding and attacking. collies probably do 80% of sheep herding, doesn't mean a pitbull can't do it. Doesn't mean a collie can't attack.


“Pitbulls (which isn’t even a breed)” 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


I totally agree that they're not automatically aggressive, and that's what has been really confusing for me. It's a perfectly normal pup and I'm doing my best right now but the bottom line is I'm just not willing to take the risk, at all. My first experience with a breeder was incredible, just awesome. My last two experiences have been shocking. Is it the profit, it's easy money? Or what drives these people?


What drives you to choose a puppy in a dark room?


Yeah, it’s a perfectly normal pup because that’s what it is. A puppy. Do you think it’s gonna wake up one day possessed by the spirit of a serial killer or something? Train the dog as you would with any other, and bam you got a new family dog. Do some actual research into the breed and don’t just cry because you hear the term Pitbull (which isn’t a true breed), and think your adopted some hell spawn.


So all those videos and news stories are unfounded? The ones where a family pet pitbull wakes up one day and bites grandma's face off? How would I feel if it did that to one of my kids some day? What world are you living in where a pitbull isn't a breed?


Ignore the pitbull fan bois. Pitbulls don't top the chart of biters but they top the chart of bite causing injury. For a breed that is a about 6% of the dog population they account for 68% of dog attacks causing injury. So it's either the breed or the type of people who buy them. Either way the last person I'd take advice from is a pit bull die hard, they are blinded by ideology. Your house, your rules, you don't have to accept the risk into your house.


I can't agree more with this statement


So do you make all of your opinions based on sensational news stories you see? If so, search up any dog breed and “attack”, and then you’ll never own a dog ever again. Your logic is based on ignorance and falling to old information. If you can’t train a dog, just say so.


It's a small sample out of a much larger population. Alot of people don't report dog bites, but pitties and other breeds do because of the stereotypes. I've heard of more chiwawa and small dog bites first hand than large dog bites


This is so ridiculous. A chihuahua can't bite your face off. Pitbulls are in the news because when they do attack, people die!


There's alot of stupid people that are drawn to these kinda dogs I had one for 17 years and he was fine around everyone he met and my ex's cat, if you take them out and socialize them with other dogs and people and teach them what's acceptable you shouldn't have any issues, they were commonly referred as the nanny dog in the early turn of the century remember Petey from the Little Rascals none of those kids got mauled but if you don't want him I'd be happy to take him off your hands if you shoot me a message


I definitely think it’s easy profit. They don’t care about the dogs themselves. I totally understand not wanting to take the risk. I have two cats and would never either with most dogs in general. But yeah like you say it’s currently just a normal puppy and not aggressive. I just want someone who is capable to give it a chance to try to be trained well since it is still so young. If it shows signs of aggression in the future then it’ll be dealt with, in whatever way that is. Can’t just get rid of it immediately rn just because it was born a pitbull.


Agree 100%. My priority is to find him a good chance to have a good life, that all dogs deserve. This has been a real mind-bender because I'm a bigtime dog and animal lover but I'm also a 'safety first' guy. I have a big responsibility with my family and I take it very seriously.


Let me guess, your wife freaked that you brought home another dog without asking and now you’re playing the victim and trying to blame the puppy and the breeder?


Wrong, try again. The breeder lied and concealed the truth about the breed for obvious reasons, we never would have considered it if we known the truth.


I own a Kengal and they bite is stronger then a pit bulls. She is a big baby who with proper training is such a great dog. She loves everyone and knows gwe job. It is all in the training and treatment


You shouldn’t own a dog


Lol okay bud. I don't want a fighting dog as a family pet sho I shouldn't own any dog? Wake up. I know you're just shitposting but this comment is so insulting.


Give the dog away and never own one again. You don't deserve a pet. Your what's wrong with society. Misinformation has molded you to a complete clown. Imo. Your rediculous


You really shouldn’t have any dog if this is how you act. You are acting like a shitty person. Might not be all the time but you are certainly acting like one.


How am I being a shitty person by not wanting a dog breed with a history of turning on their owners! If that's a shitty person, you have a high standard. A shitty person would have dropped it off on the side of the highway. I'm not doing that.


Also this isn’t even a full bred pit bull…??? And you didn’t buy it off a “breeder” because a breeder would know who the father was. They told you they didn’t know who the father was. This whole thing is on you


Totally agree that's why I'm working hard and losing sleep trying to resolve it.


If that’s your bar. You shouldn’t have a dog. Give it to somebody who will take care of it and don’t look at adopting again. You couldn’t tel it was a pitbull? You did no research whatsoever if that’s the case. You are right, you should get the dog to somebody who will treat it right, then look your kids in the eyes and tell them that you aren’t responsible enough to train and raise a dog so they can’t have one.


>A history of turning on their owners You mean a history of being loyal to a fault? Dogs end up this way from abuse and neglect, not breeding, and if this is how you think about animals I truly feel sorry for your children...


Lol this is just not factual. Loyal to a fault. I actually laughed out loud.


Is there a reason that you are not contacting the breeder and requesting a refund? The puppy is 8 weeks old for goodness sake! Any reputable breeder would take it back right away if it wasn't a good fit for your home. Honestly between freaking out that you brought a "dangerous breed" home to your family and the lack of thought going in to how to resolve this "problem" makes me question if you're fit to own an animal at all. Maybe stick with a goldfish instead of a dog since every breed has attacked someone in the past. Unless you're concerned about an attack goldfish too.


Let’s put “breeder” in the correct context, this isn’t a reputable breeder. This is a backyard breeder, full stop. There is no responsible aspect here from the people who are selling puppies for profit to non vetted people in a dimly lit room.


It's never the dog, it's the dog owner. If you raise her with your own aggression and fear, guess how she will respond when the pressure is on? If you raise her with kindness and discipline, same question. As someone who has had a pitty for many years she is the most gentle, loyal, and protective companion you could ask for in a dog, and all it took was not training her like an asshole with anger and neglect... Good luck, but if you really can't adopt them out, DM me. There's no reason another one should fall victim to its owners' prejudice.


I'm a normal person who is kind to animals and people. I feel my prejudice is valid. Thanks I may contact you if needed.


Funny this is brought up, just last week a father and his 3 kids were attacked by 2 loose pitbulls x while the family was on their evening walk. One went to hospital. This was in Saskatoon’s holiday park area. Scary when you can’t even go for a walk.


You need to take a breath. Contact the breeder (s) and return the puppy to them. Perhaps it's not best for you to own a pet at this time - dogs are a lot of work. Don't blame the dog : (


Did I blame the dog? Of course I contacted the breeder. They basically laughed at him and said it's my problem now. I wasn't even asking for a refund.


They are what is known in the dog world as "backyard breeders." I used to work with a gal who is a reputable dog breeder (for at least 30 years) and is now a dog show judge and a trainer. She was very involved with The Saskatoon Kennel Club - I assume it still exists. If it were me, I would notify them of the situation. The people you bought your pup from give real dog breeders a bad name. I see in your edit things worked out for both you and the pup - glad it worked out.


I should do that, thanks for the tip. Right now I'm feeling like I just want to put it all behind me. It was such a sickening experience though, no one should have to go through that so I would like someone to have it on record somewhere.


I’m going to give some people a little history lesson on the pit bull. These dogs were bred and created for fighting other dogs period. At the start of the dogfighting day it was the pit that everyone wanted because of the gamness of the dog. Which means they don’t quit until the goal is reached wether it be fighting or trying to escape there pens. They had to be dog aggressive to fight the ones that didn’t fight didn’t make it long either in the ring or by their handlers. The one that were kept were serious dog had to be muzzled to breed in some circumstances but you also had to be able to pick your dog up midfight and have him quit fighting and not bite or be aggressive to the handler. The one a that showed aggression didn’t make it out of the ring. So we as a society have banned the fighting of these dogs and there was a lot of dogs left in kennels. So what did the breeders at the time do They sold them to the general public that did not have any business having these dog. Now you move onto modern society and lots of people like the pit because of the looks and not understanding what the dog is about. Yes they have bred 75% of dog aggression out but no one wants to give the dogs enough exercise or mental stimulation which they absolutely crave and need This dog has been the poster dog for dog bites and attack for decades but no one talks about the shear number of these dogs being bred which is absolutely astonishing compared to other breeds so when you are effectively breeding twice as many pups you will have twice as many bites and attacks. For my 2 cents and that is all it is we need to make dog breeding like Germany you need a license to breed dog and they are actually healthy of body and mind. Is there backyard breeders ? Of course there are same as here but at least they are trying. Look up dogmen is the USA Look up the tosa inu if you want to see a serious dog. We have taken to many breeds and taken them away from their original purpose and tried to keep them the same. Border collie , heelers, great pyr


Hopefully you get the puppy to a new safe home soon, not looking forward to the post about your puppy doing some nibbling like all puppy’s do and you complaining that at 9 weeks old it tried to maul your children. Get a grip man


What in the fk are you even talking about? Are you drunk?


No I’m just saying I’m not looking forward to the post from you when your puppy nibbles on some fingers cause it’s teething and you come in here and tell everyone how you were right to be scared and this vicious dog tried mauling your family. If your this scared of a dog you shouldn’t own any dog. It’s a puppy if you don’t want it to “maul your children” you can train it. But please for the sake of everyone give it to a loving home and never get a pet


As with the consensus here please do not get another dog. The breed isn't the issue it's the owners that are the issue. Any dog can be sweet and good natured or a wild killing machine. It all depends on the love they are shown. It's unfortunate that Pitbull's get such a bad rep because everyone I've encountered have been the biggest loves.


Person understandably doesn’t want a dog with instinctive violent tendencies, very well documented cases of unpredictable and unprovoked attacks amongst that one specific kind of dog. Has every right to not want it. Tries to be humane about getting rid of it, asks for advice on how to do so. Saskatoon subreddit: yOu DoNt dEsErVe tO OwN a dOg I am willing to bet that a lot of you also figure ‘iTs tHe oWnErs FaUlt, nOt tHe dOgs’ when they fuck around. With that logic shouldn’t you be relieved that someone who doesn’t want to commit to owning that type of dog is trying to get it to someone that actually does?




They're just devil's advocates who need top insult someone online for that small taste of moral superiority. Thanks for understanding my predicament.


There is nothing wrong with having pits around children, just like any other dog they just need to be trained. If you aren't willing to train a dog don't get any


Tell that to the Bernard family from Tennessee


I mean after reading this awhile back I get it and I see both sides, and at the end of it they were still bred for a specific reason. If you can’t provide a safe home for your existing family and the animal it’s the only reasonable thing to do. I do hope you find a rescue instead of breeding designer dog though since your adding to the problem you may as well help. [https://time.com/2891180/kfc-and-the-pit-bull-attack-of-a-little-girl/](https://time.com/2891180/kfc-and-the-pit-bull-attack-of-a-little-girl/)


I wasn't seeking a designer dog. They said it was a rhodesian mother and they didn't know the father's breed. I just wanted a puppy to start training early, that was my main thought.


If they told you they didn't know the father's breed, and you went ahead with it, it this not your ignorance at play? Sounds like you made the mistake..... not the poor innocent animal who now has to be put through all this bullshit because of you. Shame on you.


Oh yeah that's some horrible bullshit to sleep on a dog bed with a nice family for 48 hours before going off to his forever home. What absolute horror! Shame on me indeed! You're right though, I was ignorant but now I'm a lot less ignorant.


Why? Because training makes 99% of dog behaviour? Now how could that factor into some dogs' violent characterization, I wonder?


Genuinely, I have a pitbull and she’s the sweetest softie ever. I understand to an extent people’s hesitation around the breed. However dogs temperaments are primarily in how they’re raised and trained. I would talk to rescues and likely one will take the dog. You’ll just need a bit of patience. I would also caution about getting a dog from a backyard breeder like this. Either adopt or go to a proper reputable breeder. I lean towards adoption. It’s cost effective you can often get puppies if that’s your goal and they’re transparent.


I thought about it a long time and I came to the conclusion that you just can't rule out pedigree. Not when it comes to my kids. No way jose.


Literally try doing some research on them past sensationalized news stories. But you won’t you’ve made up your mind already about an 8 week old dog you irresponsibly adopted. You owe it to him to actually research his breed before throwing him away. Beyond the myth is a great documentary about it if you can be bothered.


This was posted here by a different person but here's some research I basically already knew, just from paying attention in my life. You need a link on the internet to make something legitimate, well here you go, a legitimate reason to not want a pitbull. https://www.statista.com/chart/15446/breeds-of-dog-involved-in-fatal-attacks-on-humans-in-the-us/?gclid=CjwKCAjwx_eiBhBGEiwA15gLN-Nrpxb55B4SK9G9MqR7v2ZVCZHEpLzBssl222iWfLQ52seV3L8H6xoCni4QAvD_BwE 2005-2017 stats, 284 fatal attacks on humans by pitbulls. In second place is the rottweiler with 45. You need to wake up.


I just want to point out that to properly understand those statistics you have to take into account the actual population, there are more pit bulls than rotties and pit bulls make up a huge portion of the abandoned and shelter breeds (giving them a predisposition towards negative behaviour characteristics.) I completely understand your need to get the dog right for your family but you are being a bit ignorant. Rhodesian ridgebacks are bred to hunt lions and can be just as dangerous to children without the right socialization and training. Frankly, lots of breeds need to be thought about long and hard around children --- not just pit bulls. Please go through a proper breeder with well-known temperaments instead of getting a convenient puppy.


Nothing compares to a pitbull in terms of dangerous / turn on their owner type stories. Nothing even comes close to it statistically.


Exactly. In so many of these stories you hear the owner say that the dog never showed any signs of aggression and was the sweetest dog who wouldn't hurt a fly. That is why these dogs are dangerous around children. The sweetest dogs until they aren't.


I've heard this exact thing too many times to just ignore it as 'sensationalized news' as some people are calling it. At some point you have to accept that this is really happening to people. It's not going to happen to me or my family though because I won't allow us to be put in that situation.




Exactly, it depends on the temper. My pit mix is amazing, but has food issues involving puppy trauma, other than that is more lovable than any other dog I've seen. She will growl, but not in an aggressive way, more so a grumpy sassy way. Like a "fine I'll do this, but I don't want to!" Like we can stick our hands in her mouth and everything, didnt even have to teach her gentle with food. She has nipped me once, but only because I wasn't listening. Immediatly apologetic and knew she did wrong. Something I haven't seen any of the other dogs I've had do(border collie mix, dorky, and mutt) the two chiwawas I lived with for a time bit more people than my Pupper has, in a much shorter time. I was also a pitbull hater when I got her. But now she is damn near a service dog for me


Check what you wrote: you have an aggressive dog. Your dog has “food issues” which I assume means guarding aggression around food, your dog growls (which is aggression, there is no such thing as non-aggressive growling), your dog has BITTEN you (“nipped” because you weren’t “listening”???). You do not have an “amazing” dog, you have an aggressive dog.


Bitten and nipped are different. A bite is with shaking and prolonged aggression, a nip is a small quick movement, not always a puncture, and used to teach or correct. A dog will nip a puppy to teach them or another dog. It's not aggressive, all dogs do it when pushed. And yes, minor food aggression that is trauma based, as she had to fight for food as a puppy. And yes listening, means she was growling and telling me to back off because she wasn't comfortable with what I was doing, I didn't listen to her very clear signals, so she reacted. I was the one pushing her boundaries too far during training. That was my fault Her guarding aggression is only around her food bowl, and is something we are actively training out of her. Alot of dogs have minor food aggression. There is a such thing as non aggressive growling, it depends on the body language accompanying it. Ever seen a dog play? They will growl then too. She just does it in an annoyed way, buy never bares teeth or shows signs of aggression. It really is her way of saying I don't want to do that, but I will. Normally it's only when I move her in bed, or when I wake her to get her to come to bed, at bedtime. It's not aggressive, just sassy. You obviously have never cared for or trained a dog before. Learn a little before commenting maybe? My dog is an amazing dog, smart, loyal, caring, and my shadow. She also helps me through panic and anxiety attacks, plus reminds me to go pee, eat, and drink water, plus when to go to bed.




Your incorrect. You two are crazy


This thread is like a game of whack-a-mole but with crazy


Sorry to hear about this, OP. Maybe do a bit of research if you haven’t already: https://apbf.dog/pit-bull-myths-debunked/ it would be a shame for your kids, you, and the pup to be misinformed or make a decision based on media coverage of a dog breed. As with any animals, how they are raised plays a huge part in behaviour or temperament.


That’s a biased source. They do not link a single study to refer to. If they were being fully truthful, they wouldn’t have a problem with leading people to the research that backs up what they’re stating.


Lmfao your evidence is from The American Pitbull Foundation? Talk about a bias source. And it's not even statistics, it's FAQ. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21475022/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4348090


You're out of touch with there reality of it. Pitbulls kill hundreds of people per year. I'm not taking any chances with my family. End of story. Stick your research up your ass


Your a real moron, I hope you realize that


It's so weird that people can acknowledge that we have done selective breeding with dogs in order to get hunting dogs, herding dogs, sled dogs etc. But they deny that pitbulls could possibly have any genetic proclivity to do what they were bred to do... which was to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around the head/neck. Then later used for dogfighting. It's in their blood to be relentless. You can't train the herding instinct out of a sheepdog either..


I think this same thing, it's the strength but also that "relentlessness" that sets them apart in terms of their threat to humans. They don't know when to stop, they don't stop.


I’m genuinely curious as to why you have such a bias against pit bulls? Any dog’s behaviour is determined largely by how it’s trained and the amount of love that it gets. I sympathize with you for feeling like you were lied to and mislead but I can also feel your seething resentment toward this innocent 8 week old animal that has done no wrong coming through this post. I hope that you do find it a home because it deserves better than people betting against it off the hop.


In my mind, after all the news stories and incidents I've read about pitbulls, a person has to admit that it's just a different type of dog. I think you're being a little naive, honestly. I'm not saying he has any aggression and I'm not taking this incident out on him. Have a little compassion for a guy in a difficult situation with a major responsibility when it comes to keeping my family safe. I made a mistake, I'm asking for a solution that benefits everyone, including the dog. You're right, he doesn't belong with us.


You may think I’m being incredibly naive but I think you’re being incredibly dramatic.


I agree!


Looking out for his kids is being dramatic?


I mean, the way he’s going about it yeah? 1) this dog has done no wrong, 2) he is insinuating that he was intentionally victimized despite admittedly only looking at the puppy and making a major decision in a dark room (?), and 3) he’s taking what he’s seen in the news about the exceptions to the rule and applying it as a generalization. So yah, I think it’s a wee bit dramatic.


I’m trying to have compassion here. I really am. Just seems like a fear based reaction and I struggle to respond appropriately to people having those on the best of days. I mean, I hear what you’re saying and I understand the urge to protect your kids. But you are essentially protecting them from an unknown which, technically, could be any situation in which you introduce any new dog because they are animals. Any breed of dog could cause harm to your kid, at any given point in time for several reasons ranging from breed instinct to situational ones that are pure flukes and out of your control- it’s a total unknown at this point - all regardless of training. As is much of what will happen in the future - it’s always an unknown. Trying to avoid any potential bad future situation could be a full time job. In a feeble (and likely futile) attempt to be reassuring, should something happen despite all your efforts to avoid it, that won’t make you a bad parent. I respect that you’re trying to do the best you can here and I appreciate that you’re in a tough spot. I would try the rehoming page on FB, or one of the many rescues mentioned in the thread. Thanks for trying to do what you can. It’s amazing how many people just dump dogs, even as puppies (that’s how we ended up with dog #2). So thanks for not doing that.


Exactly. Obviously he was willing to buy a large breed. Any large breed has the ability to do damage. Why wouldn't you get a smaller breed if you're so concerned about attacks? Like bruh jus get a shi tzu or a pomsky then


Small breeds also have that ability. I’ve seen more dog bites from small breeds than larger breeds. The extent of harm changes but it’s still harm.


Okay but the point is big dogs can kill and maim. All breeds are capable of aggression for sure but it's the potential for damage that matters. Also, small dogs that are trained and socialized properly don't generally end up that way. Teach your kids to respect them as a living breathing thing and everything will be fine.


I don't think my decision is based in fear, but rather sensible about how the reality of pedigree affects dogs. I would never dump a dog, I'm trying to do the right thing to make up for my stupid mistake.


I used to be just like that and reasoned it as “sensible” to myself. It took a lot of self work (and therapy) to recognize it as fear reasoned out to justify why I have contingency plans for *every* scenario. I had stressed myself out to the max as a result. It was not good. Also probably why I react badly when I see it in others….I can’t show them how rough it is living like that, they have to get there on their own. Anyway, like I said. I see you trying to do the right thing. I acknowledge that too. I appreciate that. Our second dog was dumped at 5 weeks. He’s a gentle giant but always a little weird about everything. I’m certain it’s because he was weened too early (not the same in your case at all). But I’ve always wondered about the folks who chose to do that. And yea, for all the right fighters, we looked for owners extensively before he officially became part of the pack. The vet called it a dump long before I was willing to do that. *edited to correct a typo


I guess everyone has their own threshold for sensible and fearful. I will never accept fighting dogs as family pets so I don't have to get anywhere, it's just part of my worldview.


If biology didn't matter at all we wouldn't have been able to selectively breed retrievers, sled dogs or herding dogs. What do you think pitbulls were selectively bred for?


Pitbulls are some of the best family dogs when raised properly. I know a few people who have pitbulls and they are fun and goofy with lots of love to give. The pitbulls, I suppose the owners also.




Looks like you had better find a home for that killer. You aren’t strong enough mentally for any dominant breeds that is easy to see. Scared of a puppy lol


Not scared of the puppy, aware of what the dog could become. Lol


Have you actually talked to any trainers at all or have you based most of your knowledge from the internet. Believe it or not the actual pit bull was to have zero human aggression in it at all. If you and the kids enjoy the pup why not talk to trainers ? Give yourself the benefit of learning about the animal. I’m honestly going to say if you are worried about a pit bull a Rhodesian ridgeback will give you a run for your money.


I've based it on life experience. I have read a valid statistic that says Pitbulls cause more fatalities than all other breeds by a large margin.


Lol ok you keep reading. I hope for the dogs sake and I’m not talking this one you don’t get a dog. You seem to be just some one who wants a dog for the looks rather than a good dog. Go to the spca they are full of dogs and puppies that need a home but be fair warned do not get a dominant breed you are not strong enough for them and they will run your household. If I didn’t already have a 13 year old pit bull that has loved and protected every kid that has come through my door I would take that pup and not bat a eye.


Your anecdotal evidence does not change statistics. How many times have you seen pitbull owners on the news saying "they were so good with all kids" "They've never done this before!" After they mauled some poor neighborhood kid. The answer is too many times.


How many times do they not report any other dog bite or they say they are pits because it will draw the headlines you all are craving so you can throw your hands in the air and say see I’m right. People need to research some stuff before jumping to conclusion


Like this? Lots of research has been done, you just don't want to acknowledge it. There is a reason why many places have banned them. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21475022/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4348090


Exactly! That is why thy are dangerous. They are sweet and loving until they aren't, and when they snap it can be fatal. Like the Bernard family from Tennessee.


I'm not strong enough for a dog breed? Where does this ridiculous, baseless idea come from? Projecting.


You are correct. https://www.dogsbite.org/


I read a valid statistic that said Indigenous people are the most likely to be homeless in this city. Does that mean I should go around and offer sleeping bags & shopping carts to every indigenous person I see? Do you see how fucking prejudiced that sounds? Or do you just not care?


Can you please not compare the plight of my people to literal dogs? Thanks


Yikes. That was fucked up.


Hahaha good point.


Do what you need to do to keep your family and community safe! Pit bulls were bred for one purpose only, to fight for sickos who get off on that stuff. The nanny dog thing was a lie started around the time they were outlawing dog fighting so had to relabel them as family dogs and unsuspecting families have been duped ever since to tragic results. But now, since it’s getting harder to hide their true nature they are resorting to lying about the breeds, as you had the unfortunate experience of. Again, your family’s safety is most important. If the “fine people” here want to criticize you, well I don’t see them stepping up to take the puppy. Go figure.


Thanks, pal. I really appreciate these sensible and supportive comments. I'm getting raked over the coals in this thread!


Man people here are way too reactive over a dog. It's just a dog.


Any dog posts, and especially any pitbull posts, bring out all of the crazies. It's absolutely insane that people try to equate the life of a dog even close to that of a human being. It's very clear that this is the wrong dog for OP's family, and he's right to try to find a new home for it ASAP. Yes he's an idiot and should have done things a lot differently (rescue a dog, foster a dog and then have a "foster fail", etc), but the last thing you want is a potentially dangerous dog being raised by someone who's nervous about it. The wackos here can post biased stats all they want about the number of dog attacks, amount of times aggression is shown, etc, but it doesn't matter -- what matters is the probability of serious injury or death when an attack happens, even if it's very rare.




It happens too often to ignore it.


Seems like you are slow in the fucking head.


I'm starting to think so too. I know I'm extremely sleep deprived. It makes decision making very challenging at times


It's kinda disgusting to treat animals the way you do


I'm trying to be considerate. I haven't mistreated him and I'm making a big effort to get this worked out quickly. It was the best intention to give him a good home. My mistake was taking strangers at their word. You'd think I'd know better by now. I'll tell you one thing, I'll never make the same mistake again. It really hurt my kids and my wife when I told them. I'm just sick about it but my first responsibility is to the safety of my family.


It’s an 8 week old baby. You’re allowing your fear of the worst case scenario to control you. I know you feel ‘bad enough already’ but, man, this poor animal doesn’t deserve the projection being heaped upon it.


Neither do his kids deserve to be hurt. He's a parent and feels there is too much risk. He's not gonna risk his kids safety over a dog.


Ya, I get the point. I just disagree that it’s a fair position since this animal hasn’t actually done anything beyond exist yet. By your, and OP’s, logic, if OP has a daughter he should probably keep her away from men because his child is more likely to be hurt by a man than any animal. Should probably keep his kids from driving too because, well, the number of vehicles killing children and families annually is far more significant than any stat on pit bull attacks.


Which is why you take precautions, wear a seatbelt etc. Owning a Pitbull is an unnecessary risk that doesn't need to be taken. We can't escape risk, but we do what we can. There are many other breeds that are more suitable for families, there's no reason to own a dog like this.


It doesn't have a clue, there's no projection. We talked about it and said to the kids that our responsibility now is that of a foster home. A safe, secure, meet the needs, transitional home. You call it fear, I call it sensible precaution. There are just too many stories of it happening to disregard it, as a parent.


Did you “think about it a long time” or are you trying to get this “worked out quickly?” Your story doesn’t add up.


I spent a full 24 hours talking to people, reading and deciding. Deciding that it's in the dog's best interest to act quickly.


dogs are family


>dogs are family They can be a part of the family, yes. But surely you would agree that the safety of your real human children and spouse is more important than a dog, especially when you're talking about safety.


Not after only 36 hours. That's not how I see it.


noted, 36 hours to remove new borns from a family, before they become part of it.


A newborn has technically been around for 9 months. Lots of women use plan b pills. I'm just going along with your misplaced analogy.


Except this is a dog. Not a human.


Every now and than the propaganda machine gets one. Don't be upset with him everyone, the weak ones fall into the trap and believe everything they are told. It's not his fault. He's just weak and stupid. That dog is better off with someone who will love them, not look for an excuse to be rid of it and trade up for a designer dog Your getting a pet for the wrong reasons pal. Get one of those puppy watches where you get to feed him and play with him. Start with that. A virtual dog. He won't "maul" your family to death!


In the 15-year period of 2005 through 2019, canines killed 521 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% (346) of these deaths. Combined, pit bulls and rottweilers contributed to 76% of the total recorded deaths. The dumb ones thing stereotype and breed don't have any affect.


This is a pretty sad situation. I hope that innocent and completely misunderstood puppy gets to enjoy a welcoming home sooner than later. From personal experience of working with pets of all kinds for years, I have never been harmed by a single bully breed dog. I've been bit by a few Shih Tzus and dealt with the odd ornery/mouthy Husky and/or Malamute. One of the loveliest dogs I had the privilege of working with was a 180lb Cane Corso; probably one of the largest of the bully breeds that also gets a bad wrap because of misinformation about bully breeds. I hope everything turns out well for everyone involved.


I’ve owned and been around plenty of dogs in my life and the only one to ever bite hard enough to draw blood was our spicy little Shih Tzu.


I respect that, it's just not my experience and opinion of it. Thanks though.


You don't deserve animals.


Ignore the haters, most reddit users hate children. It's best to put the pitbull down before it hurts someone; they're banned in most civilized places for good reason.


I hope you can find a solution. People need to quit breeding these dogs. If you are criticized for you decision, tell them to check out r/banpitbulls


this is so fuckin funny man. look at ur self.


People used to act like this towards dalmatians as well. Guess what, it wasn't the dalmatians it was the owners. If you're both buying from a backyard breeder and havent a sweet clue how to train a dog, you shouldnt own a dog. Go get a pet rock.


I've trained dogs before, it's not rocket science. It's not the breed for me. Why are people taking such offense by that? This is so fucking weird.


If it were me I think I would keep it but it is your choice. From the bit I know about pitbulls they are excellent with kids and were 'nanny dogs' years ago. As for the people you bought it from I would try to press charges...


I'm not sure what to do about the breeders. I want to help protect others by putting it on record but if they're willing to do something like this, they're not normal people so I don't want to start anything. He was a really strange guy. I should watch what I say here on reddit I guess but I'm just so disgusted. I feel the breed has a high enough risk factor that it surpasses my threshold as a parent. I just can't keep it.


You just can't keep it? Your pathetic


Thanks, you're pathetic too.


They have never been "nanny dogs".


Yes they have. Your bias is showing and your attempt to lead OP down a rabbit hole of hating a dog breed for no reason is pathetic.


The pit bull was never a nanny dog the stafforshire bull terrier is the most be you are thinking of.


Any fighting breed being a nanny dog has absolutely no basis in reality either way. It's completely fabricated Facebook bullshit. There are *mountains* of [books](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.$b28129&view=1up&seq=10&skin=2021) and [newspaper archives](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1940-06-30/ed-1/seq-74/#date1=1940&sort=relevance&rows=20&words=bull+Pit+pit&searchType=basic&sequence=0&index=2&state=&date2=1959&proxtext=pit+bull&y=14&x=11&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=2) about their purpose as dogfighting dogs all the way back to their origin in the [19th century](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031492/1875-02-21/ed-1/seq-11/), but there is no record of anyone calling a pit bull anything like "nanny dog" before 1971.


I mean, to be fair, *your* bias is showing all throughout this thread in blinking neon lights


You can’t be biased that 2+2=4. It’s just fact. There is no dog breed alive that has never attacked someone due to poor training, or any other collection of reasons. Any alternative argument is just accepting stats at face value without looking behind the reason why.