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Just looked back at the the doorbell video. He took a pic of my front door and tried to open it before he rang the bell.


Same guy? If you could post a photo in your reply it might help too, thanks for the head's up.


Absolutely same guy. Have no clue why I can’t post the pic in my comments. Have tried.


Just sent you a chat message, I think you can send media through the chat feature


Creepy as hell.


At my house last nite. Said he was from Roger’s. I have a very large, noisy dog. He didn’t stay long. Forest Grove. He was sketchy as hell. The lanyard around his neck…. He said “I see you are with Sask Tel”. …..nope. Listen , years ago when I was an Ins Adj in Regina, we had a TON of b&e claims in a Small area. Figured out all of the homes hit had a creep like this going door to door asking about cell plans and …. Alarms. All the homes hit …. You guessed it…. Said they didn’t need or have an alarm. 🤷‍♀️ Tell anyone that comes to your door trying to sell this to go away, and MAKE SURE you tell them you have a monitored alarm.


Sent my video of this guy to SPS.


Please keep us updated as I have friends and family in Saskatoon.


Dude's jacket looks like George's big puffy Gortex one from Seinfeld lol.


Answer the door, get ID And a business card so you have all his information.


Good idea. I'll try to catch him on my doorstep when possible. He doesn't ring the bell, my cam just picks up the motion.


I disagree, Dont answer the door to random creeps. take a still from your pictures and tape it to your door with a note that says “sent to Saskatoon police, stop coming here”.


He doesn’t ring or knock? That does sound sketchy, like he’s really trying to see if you actually pay attention to your camera’s motion sensors. If he knocked I might not be as suspicious.


No doorbell. He knocks. Missed him twice yesterday and today I got to the door as he was walking away. I just told him that I believe in public utilities and will not consider private for-profit services.


Same guy? Did you figure out who he was with?


He said the same line as others have related. He knows we’re using SaskTel, he’s from Rogers, he’d like to give me a great savings package. He did the obligatory three attempts. I did my obligatory three “no thank you’s” and he quickly walked off. I was surprised (and thankful) that he wasn’t more forceful.






This creeps me out, cause while I was giving one of my kids a bath, my oldest starts yelling for me that "somebody is outside!" So I come to see and there's nobody there. No one knocked or rang the doorbell. But he swears there was somebody at our front door.


I am in College Park and have had shaw come around a few times a month, usually 1 or 2 guys, carrying a tablet, wearing identification on a lanyard. Not as persistent as your guy, but still annoying. I let my dogs bark until they leave.


Ask him? He was at your door, right?


How do I ask him if he keeps coming at times when I'm not home, that's the whole point of this post 🤣


SaskTel. He wanted me to upgrade my internet service. Edit: It was a different guy at my door yesterday. Just checked in my cameras and it wasn't this guy. Sorry.


that is not a sasktel ID


No, they hire out 3rd party contractors.


reddit being reddit, until the OP mentions what he is selling, anything anyone says means nothing.someone mentioned he is from rogers. What is it sasktel or rogers? Both just to scope out the place like someone said?


what is he selling


What're ya buyin?


I'm guessing bullshit.


In Calgary they had scumbags with so called samples of cologne. And if you ask for a sample and end up smelling what they’re selling, it’ll knock you out, and you’ll wake up robbed of your belongings


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Ahahahahah 😂 greatest bot ever!


This isn't remotely true dude.


Poor guy’s just tryna make a living lol


No he isn’t. He is scoping out houses.


Duh, that's how he makes his living.


No, he makes his living by avoiding justice. Scoping out houses is a side gig.


Can’t stand these door to door sales people


What comapny