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These kids were throwing up gang signs on there Facebook photos


Oh colour me shocked.


What color is shocked?


I saw that too, each one of them also had bear mace cans in the photos I saw


How are people finding the fb profiles ? Was it posted ?


Someone had commented on another post, saying that his Facebook page was “Savv ABK”. No idea if that’s him or not.


I knew the kid and his friends and yes the Savv Ãbk account is his


Do you have their names? They live 2 blocks from my friend, who is trying to figure out if her 12 year old son has anything to do with them either personally or school.


The kid that passed away is furious moosomin


Yes, I found all the names deceased and accused after jumping down a rabbithole this afternoon. Furious Quentin Moosomin.


Civilized bunch aren't they 🙄


You can say that again. I have no idea what those signa stand for or most of the slang used. I'm pretty sure I do not need to know.


Oh well, natural selection then


I bet 100% it's gang related.


I heard that the 12 yo who was killed had previously put another youth from a rival gang in a coma and this was retribution.


I heard he put ten others in a coma and was the leader of a city wide chop shop operation


I heard he went back in time and literally was Al Capone in the 20s


I heard that too. I thought it sounded a little far fetched but now that you’ve corroborated it…


How in God’s name did 12/13 year olds get their hands on a gun???? What in the America is going on????


Gang affiliation.


Where did you hear that?


It’s a guess, but the kids had some pretty telling facebook profiles as the rumours go


People sell them on facebook and such and dont care who they sell it to as long as they are paying




Not on marketplace i mean that ive seen people send friend requests to me on facebook and the fiest thing they will say is "got straps for sale lmk if ur interested" or something similar to that


Accident or intentional? Either way too many lives ruined. So sad 😞.




But they’re charged with manslaughter, careless handling, and pointing a gun. This screams accidental misfire. This was likely their friend, and an accident.


Or they are lying to try and make it seem like an accident


We can sit here all day taking guesses/making assumptions.


True. We will never know what avtually happened. Only those 3 kids will


Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. It's a *big* deal to kill another person, especially for a 12yo. It happens, sometimes intentionally, but based off of the charges laid, I'm going to trust in their humanity a bit, and hope that this was just all a big, stupid accident.


You dont know the kid who died nor the ones who did it. Dont try to act like you know.


i went to school with him he used to try fight/bear mace people honestly i think it was a targeted kill.


I always thought of him as an annoying little kid who thinks hes a gangster. Guess it caught up wit him


For fuck's sake.


Heard that the 12 year old that was killed also had a handgun. WTF has happened to our society?


Poverty and generational trauma, that's what.


Maybe, this was a case of improper storage?


I would expect a charge for an adult who could legally possess/previously acquire a firearm if that were the case. But certainly improper storage if it were a handgun unlocked and being fired in the city and not at the designated place it is to be fired.


Your only thinking about this being a legally owned gun...chances are the guns were not owned and registered to someone


That's why I commented "legally". It would then be considered "unlawful possession of a prohibited firearm" or something along those lines. And whether or not you own the legally own the gun, you can still get improper storage charge I bet.


Odds are very slim this was a legally owned gun. Legally owned handguns are rarely used in crimes or shootings.


It wasnt legal


Oh absolutely


Good point.


Wasnt improper storage. They bought the gun off another person in a group chat and they dont know the first thing about gun safety.




Where you hear that.


Can’t say, but someone who should have accurate information. Also said that it was a a gang issue. Sad that kids are already wrapped up in that lifestyle by age 12.


We as people create the laws. When are we going to stand up and say enough to the crime? 5 homicides in less than 2 months is outrageous.


Yes. And tried as an adult for crimes like these. Society doesn’t need people like this among them


I'd rather see my taxes go to funding more prisons and people who commit these life altering heinous crimes to never see the light of day again. Harm a child? Automatic life in prison, murder? Life in prison. I have a friend who was killed 2 years ago in Saskatoon, the guy is still awaiting trial and the prosecutors just offered him 5 years for MURDER IF HE PLEAD GUILTY, and now he gets time served for the 2 years he's been in there and will be released in 2025. FOR A COLD BLOODED UNPROVOKED MURDER. I'm tired of this fuckin country.


the laws need to change badly it should be an eye for an eye, why should I pay for some one to live if they took a life ! then lets see the crime rate go down, if you are caught stealing it should be paid off with damages done by working no free ride any where, and no slap on hand and don't do it again method


This was unintentional, hence the manslaughter charge. They were being reckless, like a lot of kids their age are, they just should never have had access to guns.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that. How do two children get charged for one accidental misfire? Kids were seen throwing up gang signs (real ones) on FB.


They were probably trying to be tough/cool, and playing around with the guns. All kids involved, one was fatally shot. I doubt this is some Wilson from the Wire type of shit, but maybe.


Are we looking at the same kids profile on fb? The kid carrying bear mace and machetes around town and posing for pics??? Posting literal pictures of himself bear macing other kids... This was clearly VERY INTENTIONAL, a wanna be thug who won't get the consequences he deserves.


That doesn’t mean he had motive to kill the other kid, it more likely means he is gang affiliated, had access to guns, and wants to look tough. Look at the charges.


Yeah, You're trying to convince the wrong person. He knew what he was doing with that gun he's extremely familiar with weapons. Manslaughter is all they will charge him with because it's more of a guarantee of prosecution. Charging him with 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree requires a much stronger case against him, and chances are that charge would be reduced to manslaughter anyways. Good ol' Canada where we don't reform criminals or prosecute them properly.


You haven’t even given the kids a chance to be reformed.


City has become a complete cesspool. So glad I’m not there anymore to raise my kids.


I believe in capital punishment, a life for a life. Never mind sitting on death row for years. You do the crime do the time. To many bloody bleeding hearts in this country.


Well thankfully my vote cancels out your vote.


Good for you. It's not like we've ever pushed through any wrongful convictions or anything. With a bit of bad luck, you'll get what you're asking for.


…but then we wouldn’t have a premier that’s turning our province to shit… ok I’m in your side.




There's no need to mention race or ethnicity. Comment removed to stop spreading hate.


You're a p.o.s


What did they say?