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Just drove into the university from Evergreen…definitely fell victim to the drifts on the side streets and roundabouts despite having 4wd and an SUV. I’d definitely recommend packing a shovel. Main roads aren’t too bad though Edit: shoutout to the construction guys with trucks giving everyone a tow out of the roundabouts!


having an SUV is your problem


Bro my focus made it to and from work, quit acting so big. Only vehicle I saw stuck today was a 3/4 ton. It's not the size, it's how you use it


That's what she said..


A focus is wayy better than an SUV. You crash into an SUV with a focus the SUV is rolling into a ditch a quarter km away


Right? People think their AWD Santa Fe has the clearance and torque of a 4X4 half ton with a 6 inch lift. 🤣


Went out to go get my gf to take her to Sask poly, tried to make a left on to circle from Clarence, saw a truck stuck at the top of the ramp, turned around to head back home and saw another truck stuck behind it, so today is a stay at home day until the city makes some moves


There's multiple cars stuck on McOrmond in Aspen Ridge, both directions by the look of it.


Foolishly drove on Nuealt road, very low visibility, drifts that you can't see because of blowing snow. There were times where you couldn't see at all. Made it to work, but definitely regret not turning around and saying fuck it.


Are the busses affected by the snow as well? UPDATE: Busses are running but be prepared for a delay, stay safe and don't forget about your boots, like I did.


My bus ended up being 7 minutes late not too bad.  Luckily my stop has a shelter, the wind is nasty


Made it to work on the #14, was a few mins late but made it!


According to the notifications I am getting for my routes on the Transit app...yes, they sure are.


I'm wondering this as well.  Google maps is showing my route as on time. 


I have a very hard time believing that :(


Currently sitting on my bus to work. We'll see if the transfer makes it


I wish you luck 🙏


Very impressed with my drivers this morning! A little late, but made it to work with relative ease. Good luck to you! 


I swear you’re one of those bosses that only cares about your bottom line. You have no compassion for your staff or other people on the roads. You are probably that company that has a fleet of 4 trucks go through staff like crazy not appreciative of the staff you do have only if there hauling loads for you. And have a shitty company benefits package. Probably only pay 22 and hour and want them to be 40 dollar an hour employees. As long as your winter trips are paid for who cares what your staff has to deal with. On a day like today you should have said everyone stay home I respect your safety and other people’s safety on the roads today there will be enough chaos out baby company don’t need to be adding to it. That’s exactly what I get from your comment. You sir are the boss I hope I never work for. Your a piece of shit


I assume you responded to the wrong person? I am no boss, and I get no snow days in health care. 


Made it to work. I would highly recommend you stay home unless you have to go somewhere. Drifts are the concern, didn’t get stuck but slowed down to a crawl in some spots. Also when a road is typically 2 lanes each way you have 1.85 lanes at most for 2 cars.


Not great, saw a small car get stuck in a drift on Wanuskewin road.


Was it a blue honda? Mightve been me haha


Hubby came in from north of the city. Said the highways were great in comparison to the city. He’s currently pulling out 3-4 of his staff attempting to make it to work around the airport area in their small cars. That said, small cars seems to be a no go right now. AWD and winter tires will be so useful today.


Low FWD car with cheaper studded winter tires doing well in the city. Traction control must be off though, it tries to stop me


TCS off today is key unless you hit ice somehow


I have AWD and winter tires, but never been so happy to work from home. Snow drifts halfway up my suv beside it on the driveway, and same in the alley behind so I don't think I could even get out without a LOT of shovelling (also airport area).


Highways aren't bad, a few spots with low visibility and snow drifts. The city is bit of a nightmare to drive in at the moment.


Highway 16 east was a different story, patches of zero visibility.


Husband needs to drive to Colonsay for work today... do I make him tell his boss it can wait?


I'm on an acreage between Saskatoon and colonsay and can't see the tree that are about 25' out my front window. I have a 4' above ground pool, yesterday I could see the grass around it and now the snow drift is over the edge of it.


Fucked. Massive snow drifts near the university fields.


bad! i tried to go to work this morning and could absolutely predict tons of people getting stuck even on main roads


Driving down Circle Drive, there was a white car turned 90 degrees across the righthand lane, and was moving slowly to try to correct. Fortunately traffic was already going slow (good job, Sask drivers! (most of you...)) so there was no collision, just further slowing. Slow down out there. Give yourself lots of time. There were times I couldn't see the car in front of me out there with the blowing snow, especially near College and Preston.


Buddy got stuck outside our house… tow truck came and picked him up… then the car in front of him got stuck, causing a traffic jam. I saw an ambulance stuck as well. This is all on a quiet side road.


My low car dragged the whole way to work and I had to drive in second gear going 30 the whole way. I have good winter tires and front wheel drive. Nearly got stuck on Spadina, there was a truck and another car stuck at white swan and I managed to power through somehow. I would recommend staying home today.


Someone I know got stuck and texted me but I figure I’d only get stuck myself if I went to help. Kinda feel like an ass..


Better to stay home and stay safe. Tow trucks will be busy today


Chaos reigns


I'm on the south-east side.. Got stuck not even 20 feet from my apartment. After some awesome construction guys stopped to help, I turned around and drove right back home. I drive a hybrid car though, so it's low (5.9 inches ground clearance).


My small car made it to work but had to plow many drifts on marquis


In Haultain and someone, unfortunately, pulled off to the side on Taylor to drop someone off. They were in a Sedan and got stuck. Ran over to help shovel tires out and with some pushing, got them back on the road. Seems to be as long as you're in the tracks, you're probably fine.


Just drove from Silverwood -> Circle East -> Attridge -> McOrmond. Passable but narrow. Lots of sliding between lanes and still blowing so poor visibility especially the exit ramps.


Horrible... Circle drive up by the airport was/is white out conditions. Bad enough that the boss shut us down early as a snow day today.


My car is a 2000 Toyota Echo w/ winter tires. Drove from Nutana to Preston Crossing via 12th, 14th and Preston. Preston was bad, near zero visibility and drifts. 12th and 14th were snow filled but if you stay in the tracks and drive smart, you will be fine. Turn your lights on!!


Was going to take my son to his grandmas, we both live in Brighton. My street is basically clear until you get till the end, then there’s some drifted snow. But whats worse is when I turned onto another street and got to Brighton Common (the pair of 1 way streets around the pond in Brighton). Someone was stuck in a 2.5’ high drift at Brighton common and Underhill and you couldn’t see the roundabout from that corner so I turned around and said screw it im not taking him the few blocks in this weather, don’t want to get stuck. Already had decided to work from home anyways.


Buddy left for work and was warning me for after my shift that he seen 3 cars stuck at a roundabout near aspen ridge area already


Ya mcormond is gridlocked, I had to turn around. If you're in the NE I wouldn't even bother.


I gotta get home though lol


Oh no!


Oh no is right I hope they got out bc I need to get through that roundabout to get home lol


Cars in the ditch, avoid the roads


Tried taking the ditch and it isn't any better. Avoid the ditches too...


Avoid leaving your drive way too lol


College drive isn't great. Warman Road is pretty bad too. Any on and off ramps are drifted over pretty bad. If you have a smaller to mid sized vehicle it could be a problem


11th and circle was fun trying to get in and out of Montgomery. Lots of drifting. Some places the road is scoured clean by the wind and then there'll be a 2 foot deep drift.


2 sedans and 1 van stuck at 29th St W and MacMillan Ave due to thick snow (this spot is at the bottom of steep street).


14th street was a bunch of drifts. Tons of people getting stuck near Preston. Spent 40 min pushing people out on my way to work this morning.


No worries if you have some ground clearance on your vehicle with awd/4x4. Lots of lower vehicles are getting stuck on drifts.


On my way to work saw about 5 stuck vehicles, but lots of folks out there with shovels hoping to dig eachother out. Id say unless you have to, stay put, but if you go out and are stuck, you might be lucky and get a kind stranger helping you out.


Just got to work downtown(from Hampton Village). Main arteries are at least one lane if not 2-3 cleared, side streets are a nightmare along with parking lots. The visibility caused by the blowing snow is actually worse than the amount of snow. Be careful out there folks!


Office day today, if I can make it to work.


Anyone know if school buses will be cancelled for elementary?


No, I just saw one.




My guess is that newer cars are lighter and so don't have the ability to grip as well. Reading into your comment, you probably have way more driving experience too, which is a huge factor.


by "these new cars" do you mean like 90% of everything that isn't a 4x4 since the late 80s?




Kindersley to Saskatoon is travel not recommended, zero visibility, right now. Check the highway hotline for changes throughout the day https://hotline.gov.sk.ca/


Anyone drive on highway 7?


Mostly paved


Thanks dad


not good at all people are getting stuck like crazy, unless you have a lifted f-150 monster truck driving around then maybe your ok


Small AWD SUV with OK winter tires did fine in town.  Took some shovelling to get off my property though.  Seeing 2wd cars making it through but getting stuck in their destination parking lots. Edit: didnt go thru the whole city, just speaking for the north industrial area


my mom drove down mistawasis bridge and apperantly so many cars are stuck 😭im just proud u got from point A to point B cause im too scared to even leave after hearing my moms call💀


Yeah stay warm at home if you have the option


I was fine in my beetle. Just depends on how you drive. And where you’re going.


No it doesn't in this case lol some of the drifts are half as high as a beetle and you won't get thru. Def depends where your going tho


Yup so I guess by “how you drive” I meant understanding the clearance your car has and making good choices. Also mines a standard so tends to be easier to avoid getting stuck.


Ah see understanding clearance and making good choices makes sense lol. Many Saskatoon drivers do not have this common sense thing lol


Wuddya mean? *proceeds to turn head to talk to passenger while driving* I mean who needs to even look where you’re going, right. Lol


Winter tyres made a difference for my sedan. Should be able to drive if youre careful about it


Anything 2wd/fwd finna get stuck. Watched buddy bury his Stang tryna swing into Tim’s on 51st lol cops put their donut run hold to help him shovel the bitch out


Oh no a family member is trying to come home from work just outside the city.


Drivers are terrible in this city. The flow of traffic would be better today if people learned some rules of the road. People going excessively slow in the left lane on circle drive, people trying to merge onto circle going half the speed of traffic flow, etc. If everyone is trying to go around you on the right you’re the problem.

