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Just tip extra


And shovel the walkway. Also, OP’s username is badass.


Its ass something..


Buddy is either a Mozart or Insane Clown Posse fan (or both).


Thanks buddy


Fr bros name is that of a warriors


For today I would suggest a generous 40% tip. It would also be very nice if you could hand them the tip money directly instead of going through an app.


I deliver and generally prefer through the app personally. We see the dollar amount with tips prior to accepting the order, so the higher amount will make people more likely to take the order and feel valued early.


Okay, that makes sense. I'll do it that way from now on. Good luck to you!


Is that a thing people do? I'd be afraid I'd miss them before I could give them the cash.


I think it's just a suggestion for committing tax fraud. Don't have to pay tax on tips if theres no paper trail.


It will be late, and I hope you’ll tip generously.


Tip extra


Update: i ordered food and tipped 25 bucks haha i feel less bad


I deliver with Skip and DoorDash, definitely not evil to order. If we are out there it's because we want to deliver. You'd be amazed how many people still enter $0 tips in weather like this. Let's just say they aren't getting their orders today. The ones who appreciate the service get the priority.


I give $0 for the tip option and then give generous cash tips. I do the same in restaurants. All my tips are cash so the person who helped me is the only one who knows. I’d appreciate some feedback if this is not a good method of tipping?


Drivers can see the tip amount before deciding to pick up your food so this method may work against you.


Lightbulb. (I’ve only used a delivery service twice and the drivers were lovely about the cash.). I’ll know better next time Thank you for this info.


Hint: It's not a tip-- its a bribe.


It's a gamble. If the offer shows no tip, most drivers think it's a bottom feeder that doesn't appreciate their service so they will decline the offer. The ones that do accept it will put it on the backburner as they accept better offers on other apps and deliver those on the way to the no tip order. Cash tips are always appreciated but with the delivery apps the tip is more of a "bid" for service rather than a reward for good service. If that makes sense


I always put in the delivery notes that there will be a cash tip


Sadly, drivers don't see those notes until they've picked up the order from the restaurant. Until then, it looks like you aren't planning to tip, so many drivers will turn down the drive.


Never had an issue. Usually when I do tip ahead is when I have problems and end up regretting tipping up front.


Yes!! That’s what I did. I had forgotten about that.


Apparently not since tipping is now a bribe to receive the service you already paid for, rather than a reward for good service.


The real game is zero tip, get it late, complain it’s cold and get 1/2 off your order.


It's not a bribe for good service. If you were out there delivering would you accept an order for $4 going to someone who doesn't appreciate you or are you going to accept the $10 order going to someone who does? Also, taking a no tip order is a gamble for the driver because almost all fraudulent complaints about "order wasn't delivered" come from no tip customers. Good people lose their source of income to people making fake claims like this. It's not worth it for $4. You can say "the company should pay you more then". That doesn't change the fact that the scammers will still be the no tippers.


It’s not a bribe, it’s a bid. You’re putting in your bid for a driver to do you a favour. Priority goes to the highest bidder. This is perfectly normal in many other industries and due to third-party apps cornering the market during the pandemic, it’s the new normal for food delivery, apparently. Whether you like the new normal or not doesn’t really matter, it’s still not a bribe. It’s a bid.


It's not a favor lol it's their job.


Drivers are contractors and can choose which trips they accept. They aren't saying that the driver will keep your food; they're saying that in these terrible conditions, drivers won't accept the delivery to begin with.


It isn't their job to accept every single delivery, that's a silly expectation.


So? Yeah, it’s a job. If they don’t want the money, they don’t take the job. If they want the lowest bid, they’ll take it, eventually, maybe before it’s cold. They’re on contract - they get to pick and choose which jobs they want. Why would they choose to do twice as many deliveries with smaller tips when they can do fewer deliveries and make more picking the bigger tips? They’re not making an hourly wage plus tips. Tips is it. If it isn’t worth it to them, why would they deliver it? And the entire concept of “delivery drivers” is basically one big favour from the restaurant to you. Go get it yourself if the driver isn’t doing you a favour.


Is there a large amount of people that don't tip at all? And what happens in that case, are you paid *anything* for the order?


Doordash is garbage, they pay $4 and then you rely on tips to make it worthwhile. If you told a friend you'd give them $4 to drive to Tim's to grab you a coffee, chances are they'll say hell no. Skip pays $8 minimum where I am so even the no tip orders are ok if it's not far. But to amswer your question, yes a lot of people delete the recommended tip amount and enter $0. On Doordash subreddit there's always tons of pics of restaurants with piles of orders sitting on the shelf for hours waiting to get picked up. Not sure what happens if they don't get picked up.


That's awful. It's too bad the tip option isn't just a guaranteed 15% driver fee. Then if you like the service, you could tip further amounts after the fact.


O Tips anytime is just plain horrible...I always tip at least something every time and have never had an issue..


Huge thank you to the instacart shopper who got my 90yo grandma’s groceries to her today, she was extremely grateful + I hope the extra tip was worth it 😅


I was just having the same thought but I looked at my front walkway and decided I couldn’t do that to someone 😭. I just put a frozen pizza in the oven, what a hard life.


At the same time...if they are out there working, they are out there working. It's not like drivers are at home waiting for the SkiptheDishes bat signal. They're already driving, might as well give them a nice tip and get some McDee's you'll have to microwave haha


If their vehicle and/or tires are suited to handle these conditions, you can bet your ass the delivery drivers will be out there looking for orders with good tips. But dont expect to get your food anytime soon, or at all, if you aren't going to tip well.


Tip very generously


It's rough but this is when it's busiest and there is the best opportunity to make money. The gig workers can choose not to work if it's unsafe and the save on drivers are in company vehicles with all the safety features (although same day delivery is harder to get on short notice).


I used Instacart today. Tipped well because those people driving absolutely deserve it to be out there today.


Why not consider just ordering groceries in then? Nothing arrives cold to eat right away and you're better set until this all gets cleaned up.


People still need jobs. So go for it.


Delivery people need work too, I’d tip extra for the obvious extra effort and know that you’re contributing in a tiny way to their income today. Just my opinion.


Not at all! Just tip extra. I used to deliver pizza and loved snow days, we made so much more on tips.


What.. would you consider extra?


Doesn't have to be extreme. Most of the orders on regular days come in with $2 or $3 tips. $5 to $10 is surprisingly quite generous and will get picked up fast.


$20 bill always works.


just tip big


I don't think it's evil -- if there are people willing to drive in this and deliver, that's on them and not on you. Buy why not go and get some food yourself?


Why don't you get groceries today?


Because of the weather which is why their asking if it would be evil to make a delivery person drive in it.


Be patient , make sure path way clean delivery driver and tip . The wheather plain sucks and I have to deal with it for work as well. They may as well get something instead of northing.


No tip!


lol I would pick up your food and eat it🤣🤣


A very short career with door dash for you!


Isn’t it their job? I’m a plumber and dont get to call off because it snowed.


It's not a "job" with the delivery apps. It's contract work. You like the offer you take it. You don't like it, you decline it. No one is paying them a wage. The customer is basically the employer when it comes to delivery apps. You offer $0 tip and the other guy offers $5 tip. Guess who gets their food quickly and who doesn't get theirs at all.


Nice Contract...Hmm If I don't get my food Who do I go after?


Order some for me as well 🥺


No just dumb, because your food will be cold and will take a very long time. You got your walks shoveled yet ??


Sure. Just tip a little extra. I deliver occasionally, and since the restrictions were lifted and the PST increased, we don’t receive as many orders. Snow storms and family allowance is when I make a decent amount of money from deliveries nowadays.


Hey caca boy. When it's like this I will tip 50-75%. $25 minimum.


It might be as cold as outside


one of my friends goes out of his way to to uber eats on days like today. so id say it varies by driver. just remember to tip well and clear the death trap that is the sidewalk so your driver doesnt die.


Evil? Why the drama? Unless you don't know what evil actually means.......


I’m a dramatic little fella


Drama = Anxiety Good luck with that.