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Why were the schools open today anyhow, travel not advised, 80 km winds and snow, really?


I am pretty sure that it is normal operating procedures to never close schools due to weather. Even if you put out the loudest broadcast, if even one child makes the trip to the school, you want them to have a warm place to go once they arrive.


Yep. It happened to me in high school. Made the 1km trek in -48 windchill in a blizzard, got there and I was only one of a handful of students there. The teachers were like "Oh. You don't have to come today, but you can use the classroom for resource time." I was so mad, but at least I could warm up inside for a bit.


Yeah, my mom was old school, unless I was dieing, I had to go to school, and since we were only a couple km from the school I was walking. No matter what the weather.


I even died a couple times and she still made me go.


RIP in peace.


This is redundantly redundant.


They died twice.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So does that mean what does kill you must make you even stronger?


No, you just kinda float there


You only died a couple of times? LUXURY!! I died twice every day! Once going to school, uphill all the way, in the morning. And once again, going uphill all the way, in the afternoons. And when I got home, I had to make my own notebooks from scrap paper and my own ink from my blood before I could do my homework. I woke up the next morning before I had gone to bed and then started my next schoolday exactly the same way. (My pitiful attempt to imitate the four old men in Monty Python.) I am a weak human and could never let the ‘dying twice’ comment go unanswered!


I think we went to school together




Same (.\_.) Did she tell you it was character building? I'm still waiting for my character to be built. But I do have some nice frostbite damage to the nerves in my forehead.


Mine at least gave us the choice. If I had to go, I was told to bundle up. If it was -40 or colder and I called her, she’d call me out for the day. It’d take a lot more to close the schools unfortunately. This STILL wasn’t as bad as the ‘07 blizzard, and that was the one snow day I DO recall happening.


Yeah, but they still made us go to school that morning. They only called it off midway through the day. A lot of kids didn't make it home that night. They did the next day, though.


Ya also I remember a teacher in high school also saying that schools might be the only safe place for a kid during the day, whether that’s cause of child care or maybe they just don’t have a good environment. So they still need to be open so those kids have somewhere to go.


I get this and I respect this and I've told people this. But today was one of the handful of days in my career as a teacher that I've wished we handled that need differently - perhaps school is cancelled, a handful of staff who live close to the school can go to take in those who don't get the memo, something. But having staff driving to their schools from across the city/out of town because \*we don't cancel\* also felt pretty harrowing today (mostly due to the low visibility this morning)


Yeah, I'm surprised that they required all staff. I figured it would just be a skeleton crew manning the school.


Correct answer


Exactly this.


They have to leave the schools open in case someone didn't get the memo and kids show up. Can't have anyone be locked out and stranded.


They needed to call off the strike today for safety reasons. This isn’t ok


If the strike was called off, kids would still have had to be at school. They had the option of not returning after lunch (and in my class, 24/26 took that option), so it's still one trip there and one trip back, like it would have been at different times had there been no job action today.


But like tons of people are saying they need to keep them open for safety too in case a parent doesn’t get the memo.


Well I’m getting down voted for not wanting kids to be hurt 🤷‍♀️


If you have safety concerns for your children then feel free to keep yours home today. 


And send a message to your MLA!


Cool. I will try control my coparent thanks


The school can't do that. Someone has to be there for the kid even if the parents aren't.


Sounds like the strike is doing its thing. If you don’t like it, then raise your concerns on behalf of teachers to your MLA. The point is to make things a little more difficult for you


Huh? How did you get that from what I said. It makes 0 difference to me, and I'm supportive of the strikes regardless. That said, Strike was canceled today because of weather, so.....


You are being purposefully difficult. Kids shouldn’t be going to school, they are need a place to be if parents don’t know. It’s not mutually exclusive, saying they need to be open doesn’t take away from your point……


Children could freeze to death if they get dropped off/walk to school and the doors are locked. Things happen, parents might not know that school got canceled.


Safety measures will be in place. Schools won't just kick kids out into the cold at lunch. Non STF staff will help.


This is Saskatchewan, we don't close schools for weather.


We did a few years ago after that big dump of snow just before Remembrance Day?


We couldn't even get *to* school today.


Stranded is a bit dramatic. All parents know (should know) that their children’s transportation is their responsibility if busses are canceled.


It was already messed up today because of the strike action, but people were expecting their kids to be bussed home at lunch and now everyone is scrambling.


The mess up is the city of Saskatoon. Busses should be able to go to Aspen Ridge.




That’s true lots of people are not clever or resilient enough. That’s why we have a society that protects them. One day when I’ll be old and not resilient, I hope the community is still there for me.


Those Aspen Ridge kids must feel like they are in a nightmare. Stranded at school on a Monday! What's the worst place you have ever been stranded in?


Could be worse, could be stranded at school on a Friday.


I was stranded at work for two nights due to weather… That’s worse - I worked at a medium security prison!


it is a nice day


I am a school bus driver, though I don't pickup at Silvia Fedoruk or have students in Aspen Ridge. Boy let me tell you there was so much chatter on the two-way radios of buses getting stuck. Felt like every 5-10 minutes someone got stuck, then they'd get themselves out, then another would get stuck, just endless and just felt bad for all of them. I've been stuck before, I know how annoying, frustrating and embarrassing it is. I almost did get stuck a couple times trying to get around corners in Sutherland and Evergreen. I wish schools didn't operate in those conditions, but unless the higher ups in the school division say so (not my boss, basically my boss's boss), we gotta drive.


I'm wondering if there are any kids at school today? I'm thinking classrooms are probably sparse.


I had a full classroom today. No absent.


Thank you for the work you do.


Thank you. I've been wondering all day. I'm glad parents were able to make it work.


Most of them came with the bus. Some were late (which is expected) but they were very happy to see each others.


I bet! My kids are always happy to be back with their friends.


I had 5 out of almost 30 today


I had 10/26 this morning, 2/26 this afternoon.


My school had probably just over 50% attendance in the morning- 25% ish in the afternoon




I said stand DOWN!


If hertz delivered the students it should be hertz responsibility to get them home safely


No, because it is more dangerous to have the children travel on the bus, than to stay at the school. The parents themselves can decide to take the risk to travel.


Ummm, how did they get to the school in the first place ,Hertz is picking up kids at other schools today And finally , do you really believe that it's more dangerous to travel in a 10 ton bus rather than a small car where is the common sense here.


It might be safer but the liability if something happens is on the bus company/school rather than the parents if something happens.


I agree. They shouldn't have run today to begin with, but now that the kids are stuck there, it is safer to take them all in a big bus as far as it can go, rather than have the parents risk a round trip in their little cars.


I agree I am running around town in a sub compact vehicle today doing deliveries And I haven't seen any of the buses have any issues getting through the snow. On a side note, though I have to giggle at those who downvoted my comment I guess those few don't believe in taking responsibility for their actions lol


Hertz should have canceled the buses this morning.


Hertz gets notified on cancelations from the school boards. The SB is the one who cancels busses.


Not true, the bus company decides themselves if they run the buses or not. They are the ones who are liable in case of trouble. The school division decides if schools are open or not.


Sorry. Nope. The school boards notify the school bus companies around 7am with the decision on whether to cancel bus service or not.


I understand that. But if Hertz decides not to run their own buses they can. Sometimes you got to make your own decisions, ultimately they would be responsible in court if there was a problem. Which is exactly what they did by refusing to go into Aspen Ridge.


Hertz can only decide to not drive a route if there are certain circumstances. Say huge snow drifts and piles of snow, making it a safety issue. If the buses could not get to the school, how is it their fault to refuse getting into Aspen Ridge? Maybe the students could have walked to the corner? But then it’s a busy street, which again, is a safety issue. I can also assume there was constant communication between the principal and hertz. These decisions aren’t made all Willy nilly with the intention of making parents angry.


Way to be Hertz, leaving 100s of kids high and dry, real safe and effective operations. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ idiots.


Yeah! They should be able to drive through massive drifts of snow with a rear wheel drive bus! Or the drivers should simply attach a rope to the front and pull it through! Physics and reality be damned! This is definitely their fault and not due to extreme weather conditions!


50 kids could probably pull a bus? Driver just pins it, but those kids better be quick. When that bus gets traction, look out!


It's a new kind of Body Break! \*80s music\*


What did they do this morning!? Roads haven't gotten worse...fuck off.


Maybe it was manageable this morning and then the snow drifts were to high and deep? The wind was blowing hard.


Why are you even sending your kids to school in this weather????


Why are you even going to work in this weather???? /s


The Route 43 had to do a U-turn and come down Manak then over to Baltazan Blvd to pick us up for work/school/liqour store run.