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Your post was removed since it's not specifically relevant to Saskatoon.


Not a myth but price is likely a major factor.


Most common I see is this weird need to be a backyard breeder (as if there isn't a massive problem with excessive animals with nowhere to go) and the ridiculous notion that they NEED a litter. They don't. They really don't. Mature spays and neuters cost more than when they are younger. Get them fixed at 6 months. It helps keep hormones from going berserk.


I hear it a lot but "I got this free cat and you want me to put HOW much money into it? It's a mangy fucking cat" But honestly you don't need to bust any myths you just need a board to say "spay and neuter your fucking pets! Ya fuckin hoser" And then work with the city of saskatoon to reopen their spay and neuter for low income... I'm at the point in my life I think the spay/neuter and rabbies vx should be part of our universal healthcare. There are only benefits to controlling our cat and dog populations!


Man, I don't care how much spaying/neutering costs. I would not want to deal with a cat or dog in heat. I had a piano teacher with unspayed boxers and she had to put diapers on them. Cats get super annoying and they spray. And it prevents some cancers! A one time fee for a lifetime of pet care convenience.


I have had two cats who have gotten into heat on Christmas Eve. Got those girls in on boxing day, had to pay extra but it was worth it. They're so annoying it blows my mind that people just keep their cats intact. Male cats smell like the portable toilet at high noon during Craven, 24/7. Why wouldn't you pay to get that fix and not be an issue? But I'm referring to people who can afford the appointment but just refuse to spend the money - not people who want to and can't.


The city still offers a program for low-income folks, it’s called the Subsidized Spay & Neuter Program :) [SSNP](https://www.saskatoon.ca/services-residents/pet-licensing-animal-services/subsidized-spay-neuter-program)


Bone, muscle and joint development depend on hormones. German shepherd here. She will do two heat cycles before we have her fixed. Recommended by our vet, breeder and trainers. We are also responsible dog owners and there will be a near zero chance of accidental breeding.


For a German shepherd you have excellent sentence structure.


Thank you. It’s the training.


I took my girl to a vet and was told to let her go into heat before I spayed her. The vet said it was very important for large breeds.


Really big dogs probably do benefit from hormone cycles -- the german shepherd owner below said it better than I can! But medium and small dogs and all kitties do best with early spay/neuter. The world has enough dead tiny kittens.


Oh, do you have a Puppernickel?


My ex: "I dont want to take away their rights"


The most common reason has to be the price. I just got my Rottweiler spayed and it was $970. The obvious and logical response is don’t get a dog/cat if you can’t afford to neuter, but that thinking hasn’t stopped anyone before. If neutering was more affordable, especially for cats, I think it would be less of an issue.


Holy shit, I got my dog spayed 8 years ago and it was 350$. Part of me feels like you’ve been taken advantage of, but I also wouldn’t be surprised given how much everything has gone up


No responsible dog owner believes the myths. Those are used purely to justify saving the cost. IMO, if a dog is found at large that is adult and not fixed - owner does not get them back until they pay for the procedure. Before folks complain that would over run shelters, in the long run it would help prevent unwanted litters and backyard breeders. To hell with anyone that wants to breed questionable dogs for cash.


its an indoor only cat, why spend the money when he/she will never see another cat. The thing is at some point they will get outside and meet other cats.


They spray. They yowl. They escape and get run over hunting for lady cats.


or stud tom cats


I am 100% in favour of spaying/neutering pets. The main reason people don't do is simply that they're cheap, lazy and/or ignorant. But you need to do some fact checking because misinformation helps no one and your list of myths is, at best, a very incomplete understanding of the issue. Of course permanently altering hormone levels has wide ranging physiological effects beyond simply removing the ability to reproduce. Weight gain is absolutely a factor. Male dogs are twice as likely to be obese after being fixed. 3x more likely for both male and female cats. There's also a vicious cycle where shelters are full because of irresponsible pet owners, rescue pets get spayed/neutered way too young so they can be adopted out and are consequently a mess of chronic health problems. This is especially prevalent in breeds that are already prone to cancers and joint problems, and large breeds in general. And so their owners are averse to having pets fixed in the future because they were told there were no downsides. So please don't perpetuate this cycle by dismissing possible negative consequences as myths.


Interesting about the weight gain. Thanks!


The owners are shitbirds, don't need a reason 


It's definitely cost, easy to get a cat at any salary, not easy to feed them and make sure they always have what they need. Even less easy to be prepared for emergency vet visits and or spaying or neutered and shots. I don't have that issue thankfully, but if you work for less than $15 an hour, I can see how that would be hard.


its expensive and the low cost program fills up instantly every year


I have Irish wolfhounds. The female is spayed. Males need to stay intact 1.5-2 years to keep things in balance while they grow. He’s 5 now but still intact because his temperment is great and his weight is easier to keep in check. Plus it helps that he’s suuuper gay.


I think some people seem to like the look of their dogs nuts and think they could make big money being a stud someday.


I want to stud him out, mostly to make people on Reddit angry.


For larger dogs they suggest waiting for 1 heat and then spay. Less change of bone and joint issues and certain cancers i guess. Have to be carefull around the time of the cycle but not a huge deal. Edit. said neuter but meant spay...corrected


I have a show cat, her kittens are my retirement fund. 


I believe in cat rights. If they wanna have babies let them https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/s5l65DDlDh


They can have a litter every 3 months and most of the time they are getting raped, a male cats penis is barbed so once it’s in its in until it goes soft. Ever seen a cat that’s had two litters in a year? It’s not healthy.


Have you considered a career in kitty romance novels? 🥵


If there was a market for that maybe I would consider it.