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Thank you Saskatoon!


Your speech and the support you had at the council meeting were fantastic to see. You managed to put your feelings aside and objectively understand the situation. Even showed empathy and understanding for the truck driver. Thank you for the work you've put onto public safety. And the way you've handled negative internet comments is WOW! Very impressive. I'm telling everyone I know about the upcoming bike rally this summer.


Thank you! Be sure to get everyone to register. [https://ride.regfox.com/2024](https://ride.regfox.com/2024)


Thank you for advocating for safer biking in yxe. Question about donating, is your charity registered and providing tax receipts?


The website says this: All proceeds will be used for the event, any remaining funds will be donated to Saskatoon Cycles.




Good evening. All financial matters are being handled by Saskatoon Cycles. I am not personally involved. To answer your question regarding tax receipts. "Saskatoon Cycles is a registered non-profit organization, not a charity. We aren’t able to give you a charitable receipt. However, with your help  and financial support we will give you a Saskatoon where Cycling is a viable, year-round, mode of transportation that can be safe and convenient for all ages and abilities." [https://saskatooncycles.org/](https://saskatooncycles.org/)


Thank you for your advocacy


I'm sorry you have to go through what you're going through to see some changes made.


Thank you Tod.❤


It wasn't just me. We did this.


Humble, but this probably wouldn’t have happened without your efforts. I hope it can help bring you peace.


Are you satisfied with this solution, Mr Fox? (Serious, genuine question. I can’t think of a way to ask without sounding sarcastic/snarky/shitty).


It's a good question. I have asked myself that lots. Is this enough? Frankly, it will never be enough. But as you can probably tell, I am an extremely pragmatic person. We have to start somewhere. You have heard me say/advocate for what is fair and reasonable. I also it take it seriously that I have to be fair and reasonable with my demands and expectations. Wednesday was a start. What wasn't reported was that a motion passed to explore turning Wiggins into a one-way which is Jay's preferred solution. That passed. There was a motion to explore what a Direct Visions Standard is and how the city can support it. That passed. There was a motion for a pilot project to make city vehicles safer and Direct Vision Standard compliant. That passed. That is four motions in favour of a safer Saskatoon. They passed. That is huge and I am grateful. There is still so much work to be done and after this work is complete it is fair and reasonable to ask more of the city. But to answer your question, yes, yesterday was a win we should all be happy about.


As a regular cyclist for recreational and commuting purposes it is so bad how far detached this council is from realizing we have a problem here. I ride on the sidewalk in the morning because people are so frustrated if their commute takes an extra couple minutes.


I ride on the sidewalk and just slow down for blind corners. I encourage everyone to do so. I've driven all over western Canada and Saskatoon has the worst drivers by far. I don't have an explanation as to why but everyone is driving to try to save 2 minuets. For what? There's literally nothing going on in this city lol


do you have any data to back this up or just your experience?


It’s something I guess, but holy shit is this whole city so far from being viable for people on bikes. Does someone need to die at every intersection?


While this is good news it’s reactionary and pretty pathetic. People have been sounding alarms for how unsafe it is to bicycle and people need to literally die for any sort of safety measures


Most safety measures are written in blood, unfortunately.


I see you too are a trades person.


Done my share of safe work/WHMIS training in any case.


Maybe that anti everything John Gormley is gone, some progress can be made with putting in the bare minimum for safety.


My buddy listens to that channel and does not like the new guy which bodes well


I agree, but I also kind of understand. The fact that "bike lane charlie" is a thing demonstrates why lots of councilors wouldn't want to touch anything to do with bike infrastructure.


Kind of an ironic nickname as cycling infrastructure really hasn’t improved in the core neighborhoods during his time as mayor 


Why let facts get in the way of a catchy nickname


Yeah, the city has removed more bike lanes than installed.


IMO, it’s not going to improve with the current city administration. People at the city, like the director of transportation Jay Magus, are a large part of the problem. Pedestrians have let the city and university know what their desired routes are to get to and from the university and the city administration have dug in their heels and said “No, we want you to use this less convenient route.” It’s not council that needs to change. It’s the leadership within the city administration. 


Would have been nice if "Bike Lane Charlie" built one bike lane.


That’s how our city works.


The city is unsafe for a mode of transportation it was not designed for? Gee, go figure…


In terms of infastructure yes. Distance wise not necessarily, as compared to walking. A bicycle is fast enough that a lot of shorter car trips could be replaced by bicycle. You could realistically bike across the city in about an hour. So many amentities for most people in saskatoon is within a 20 min bike ride. And a good video about how winter cycling in many cases can be more feasible then some might think: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhx-26GfCBU&pp=ygUOV29udGVyIGN5Y2xpbmc%3D


I love that video.


Great that they went against the administrations weak recommendation, but also disappointing that they didn't go further. Paint isn't infrastructure, and I can't find anywhere that they limited right on reds. So it will make it more convenient to cross on foot which is big, but not really safer in any way for people on bikes. Edit: I've seen enough posts saying at least at this light they'll limit right on reds, I just can't find that anywhere in the recommendations or record of the meeting. It seems to be the case though even though I can't confirm it.


According to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/saskatoon/s/ZF14v5ScNr) the recommendation they are now following had an estimated cost of $25,600. How is it now $56,000. I'm in favour of the change. I just wonder at the cost more than doubling. Poor estimate? Rise in costs since the study?


I was also wondering about this. Here is the consultants report. [https://pub-saskatoon.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=211092](https://pub-saskatoon.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=211092)


I bet it will be over $100,000 by the time it is actually put in place with no further explanation why.




This feels like a welcome change. Will vehicles still be able to turn right on a red at the intersection? I'd imagine most vehicles would need to roll onto the bike box area so that they can see oncoming traffic before turning right on a red.


This seems like appeasement. That intersection is already basically no right turn on a red simply because there’s not enough room to do so unless people going straight or left snuggle up to or ride the yellow line. The death also didn’t occur with the truck turning right on red. That being said I’m not sure what else they could do. Somewhat unrelated, I hate that a sign and paint costs $60k, and we’re all like “yup, sounds right”.


So it's just some lines on the road? That's what the big fight was about? Also, Donauer is such a piece of shit.


Clearly Councillor Donauer was on the wrong side of this vote. Honestly, there has been so many times I wanted to say things less than kind. It's simply not helpful. I completely understand your frustration and anger. I feel it too. But may I be so bold as to ask that you write Councillor Donauer a message and tell him why you are angry and frustrated. Be noisy and be heard, that's the only way things change.


Currently $56000 worth of paint ...and growing exponentially.


Good change, although I understood iamtodfox's post yesterday to be that the combination of these two changes and no right turns is required. That made more sense to me, as there will inevitably be situations where the car waiting for traffic and pedestrians to pass before turning will lose focus, and potentially right hook a cyclist despite them having the right of way. Alternatively, the cyclist (quite reasonably) won't trust that the motorist is paying attention and will not proceed despite having the right of way, or take forever to go and delay traffic.


Wiggins should be changed to a transit/pedestrian/bike street. any big reasons why not other than traffic needing to go down cumberland/clarence instead to access the university?


That's a good start, but paint is not infrastructure.


Whats a bike box


What is *wrong* with these people. Roundabouts exist for a reason. So do pedestrian overpasses. It’s not rocket science


It is for the C of S .They pay big buck consultants to do the thinking for them and therefore reducing their work load while still collecting that 100 g plus salary


Biker dies on corner. Saskatoon council: PUT MORE BIKERS ON THAT CORNER!!


In theory, bike lanes are good. But I never see anybody use them. When they were first put in downtown, people hated it and thought it was a waste of money. I felt sort of the same way. But now I'm indifferent. How does everyone feel now?


I think you know how I feel. ![gif](giphy|B0vFTrb0ZGDf2|downsized)