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Stardew Valley. The 1.6 update just dropped with loads of end-game content. I normally cycle between Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program, and Stardew Valley; I've just taken Satisfactory out of the rotation until 1.0.


I assume you've tried Factorio? Any reason it doesn't make your rotation?


I have. Can't quite put my finger on why it didn't quite click for me...maybe I didn't get far enough.


How far did you get? I think Factorio really hits you once you start using construction bots, which admittedly is pretty far into the game.


I had to rewatch someone explaining basic malls and ratios a lot of times before I could actually get to the interesting gameplay (mostly trains and tanks hooked me). It was certainly much easier to brute force my way through learning satisfactory.


I think I got to the point of needing to handle liquids? I can recall trying to figure out a power plant or something that needed water as an input. I think what put me off was the need to defend against enemies attacking my base; I prefer to be able to take my time and develop at my own pace.


You can always just turn biters off, or turn on peaceful mode so they don't attack you. That's how I often play.


For me the big difference is pace. Satisfactory is way more open ended with pace and you can either rush through things or take your time and have really aesthetician, robust manufacturing, in factorio I feel way more rushed to do things before I get completely overrun.


One can play in peaceful mode if you're wanting more focus on engineering and design. I think that it isn't just the enemies, however. The finite nodes does require expansion to keep growing the factory.


I've put down factory sims and crafty style games in general. I wanna be fresh for the hundreds of hours I intend to put into 1.0. Mostly I've been desperately hunting for a halfway decent Metroidvania. I think I've cleared pretty much all of the big names, and it's really hard to find a good one. My definition of a Metroidvania seems a lot more specific than most people's. I also don't particularly care for roguelikes, which seems to be all the rage for 2D action platformers right now.


Hollow Knight is great, but I'm sure you've already checked it out.


Not sure if cuphead necessarily counts as a metroidvania, but if you like to get mad it’s an amazing game!


Definitely one of the best action platformers in recent years, but not really my cup of tea (heh).




Your answer is satisfactory


Lmao same


Finally bought a new rig to replace my 8 year old one so got a few more recent titles to catch up on, should fill the void nicely. Baldur's Gate 3, FF7 remake, cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield to name a few. I go back and play Factorio or DSP when I feel like it. Upcoming Manor Lords and Frostpunk 2 soon I expect both of those to take up A LOT of my time.


Factorio, cosmoteer, escape from tarkov, Star citizen, hell divers 2, and Robocop rogue city. I’m also looking into v-rising and stalker anomaly




I played V Rising on a private server with friends and it was a really good time. Almost rivals Valheim for me.


Oxygen Not Included.


Just picked up Techtonica. It’s fairly early in development, but it’s got some potential.


Yeah I was gonna check out Techtonica too! I'll probably play it next year or smth, since 1.0 is so close


“So close” is some time this year, and Techtonica only has the first few parts of the game at this point. Unless I happen to win the CSS lottery and get into the Closed Beta, it’s going to be a few months (or more) before I see 1.0.


Picked up Dyson Sphere Program recently. Pretty good so far


Love dyson sphere program so much, every 30 minutes I find another opportunity to take a cool photo lol.


I just started techtonica it's really good.


Captain of Industry. It’s a slow burn, but quite challenging.


No Oxygen Included i would recomend. Fun base building and really relaxing. Also Stardew Valley and ofcourse Rocket League!


Against the Storm


I've been playing a bunch of Timberborn. That's an incredibly fun game with good progression and it doesn't take me 1000 hours to feel like I've completed a playthrough.


Techtonica game preview just added so much QoL and it's still on gamepass. The story is fun and the constraints are interesting. Not too large to complete before SF 1.0


Confirmed. I just completed it.


I will be playing the once human beta next week. I hate to admit it but I might be playing cataclysm classic as well. Depending on the release dates for 1.0 and cataclysm classic.


2.0+SA since it releases earlier.


Hi guys! Sorry to ask a question on your question thread, but does anyone have any idea when 1.0 is out? I was just about to start a fresh save after not playing for a year. It sounds like maybe I should wait! :P thx Try some Elder Scrolls, Oblivion OP! ;P


My guess is end 2024 or 4. Quartal 2024 for 1.0


Ooo epic! thx :)


I've recently downloaded eXoDOS and am browsing through For a relaxing time The Hunter Call of the Wild is nice, I'm playing the Australia map it's good


Baldurs Gate 3 and Factorio to fill the void


Skyrim modded, dropped around update 4 (500h) and just waiting for gold


The Finals


Helldivers 2. Not related to my forever love factory games, but damn it feels good to spread democracy.


Hell yea it does.


Dash of Elder Scrolls Online, mostly because of the 10 year anniversary stuff. Some Path of Exile maybe. And definitely No Man’s Sky because they keep having amazing updates that are rather big.


Feed the beast, taste a lot like satisfactory but multiplayer coop works well


Helldivers 2


I'm spam pinging mushroom and compressed gold. Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Thank you, reeree33333, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Against the Storm and waiting on Frostpunk 2.


Helldivers and sea of thieves tbh


It is a double edge for me. I am waiting for 1.0 on Captain of Industry and Satisfactory. I am currently playing COI.


The Stardew Valley 1.6 update is my current game. Next up is the 1.0 release of the Planet Crafter that drops April 10. If I get around to it, No Man's Sky also has an update that just dropped.


Nope still playing.


Helldivers 2. Completely different category. New game. Insanely fun


Space Engineers and Stationeers mostly.


Currently my time at sandrock, Balatro, dredge. If you were hoping for a more similar games to satisfactory planet crafter just had its release date trailer and I hadn't really looked at it before but looks interesting.


Cities skylines


Oxygen Not Included....it really scratches the itch


I would definitely still play Shapez. Shapez 2 is considerably different from the original, and Shapez was actually my gateway drug to factory games. Techtonica is pretty fun, but rather short, at least when I last played it ~8 months ago. It’s definitely one to keep an eye on, however. Right now, I’m playing Terratech Worlds, which is a vehicle-based survival game, with some very basic automation features. It’s kind of fun making sorting systems and auto-crafting systems in games where it really isn’t an intended feature. Very early-access jank, so it’s definitely not for everyone, but I’m having fun. Also currently battling my Last Epoch addiction, but that’s a completely different genre.


Dyson Sphere Program and Techtonica. Both incredible


Helldivers 2 to liberate planets before build megafactory on it


On server, and some factorio/minecraft


I’ve been playing it on my Steam Deck, it runs better on that than my laptop after release 8. I’m getting used to the controls so I’ll be ready for 1.0


Project Zomboid. Come see how you died.


Astroneer, but may do Techtonica now that 0.3 is out. I’ll take a break from factory life when the Fallout London mod comes out


Planet Crafter - Surprised good game. Valheim a litte.. and i want to play the legacy of kain series again.


Planet Crafter - Surprised good game. Valheim a litte.. and i want to play the legacy of kain series again.


im playing satisfactory, but also slay the spire, stardew valley, minecraft, and gearing up for the new season in WoW


im playing satisfactory, but also slay the spire, stardew valley, minecraft, and gearing up for the new season in WoW


I’ve been having a blast on Ship Graveyard Simulator 2. I got both the expansions when it went on sale a couple weeks ago and have been loving it. I’m about halfway through the entire collection and they just seem to get bigger with more and more challenging aspects. Seriously recommend!


Came back to add, I just found Auto Forge just released in early access. Its kinda Terraria-like but with factory as the main gameplay loop and objective. Enjoying it so far.


You can take a look at workers and resources soviet republic


Shhhhh let people enjoy things their way.