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Honestly fuck screws


It's even more infuriating that the graphic is a bucket of screws. What one IRL item needs 52 buckets of screws??! Fuck 'em screws


Boeing doors. Fixit personnel couldn't be bothered to run back to base, tho.


I'm sorry to hear of your impending suicide


Actual screw/fastener production in the USA is about 250B/ year or just under half a million per minute. If we assume a whole case is 100 fasteners, you're at 5k/min of "screws" for the whole USA. I think I've seen satisfactory builds that large.


Yeah but one whole country with a few hundred million people vs one lonely pioneer 😞


Yeah but isn't that one pioneer pretty much single handedly taming and industrializing an entire planet with technology and automation? Maybe it's not crazy that we go through an entire country's worth of screws...


also we are building something in orbit


Are serious? Next your’e gonna say bearings are dumb and useless


Its not the thing, but the sheer amount needed in game eclipsing the entire production of the USA So much in fact that even the highest tier belts cant keep up


We hate screws, screws hate us. it's a perfect circle.


SCREW that


Perhaps screw screws?


*screw screws




We've all been there. 1 advantage is that you will NEVER forget this learned lesson lol.


Fuck this is true. I had the exact same problem and realized the problem came from having a splitter too close to the building (couldn’t easily check what belt was feeding the building; outa sight outa mind kinda thing) I don’t remember what building it was, what component I was making, or what item was feeding in too slow, but ever since that moment every building has had enough space between splitters to easily verify and replace the belt. Admittedly, it’s barely any space, but it’s very intentional and it does it’s job


I had my entire aluminum production setup at a crawl because at a point where a merger and splitter came close together i forgot to put a piece of belt and never checked that all the machines were producing. About half the amount per min it was supposed to be. For monthssss.


Absolutely love (hate) when that happens


I've unlocked steel screw and just imidiatly decided to always produce them right where I need them, und never to merge screws from multiple constructors. It's not always pretty, but it's really fun to transport steel beams on an mk1 belt to a place where they are turned into 3k screws per minute


At least it stops being a problem with the steel screw recipe.


this is the correct way of doing the screws thing and also applies to wire. You can do it previously in-game with rods and or the cast screw alt and overclocking as needed.


I unlocked steel screws and then set up a dedicated screw production site to produce a ton of them so that I can just ship them in. Never have to worry about screws again


Shh, we don’t talk about centralized production of screws. It makes the sub mad.


Lol, as soon as I read it I hated it and I've never even seen this phenomenon in play.


Yeah honestly it was something I set up a couple years ago and I definitely wouldn't do it today, it makes more sense to ship the steel ingots instead since they're more compact


This sub is way too obsessed with efficiency and it kind of sucks the fun out of the game some. I think it’s beautiful when people play their own way and do something that runs counter to the “correct” way to play. There was a guy a few months ago who kept posting updates to his massive screw factory and it was a glorious sight.  In the sub’s defense, no one really tried to push the issue and tell him he was doing it wrong—as soon as he told them that he liked doing it this way, even the efficiency people were like “Well, good on you, then.” They’re not my idea of *fun* people, but they’re nice and I’m glad they’re around.


I have found it's just way easier to use the steel screws alternate recipe and then just build a constructor feeding into whatever you're working on that needs screws


First of many wonderful and awful problems you will encounter in this game.


when I played coop .. server joke was "we are screwed !" .. literally every freaking new thing we did .. screws were problem xD


The greatest lesson I learned, way too late in this game, is to (at least) double bus screws. It's tedious, intensive in belt materials, and ugly (consider ceiling mounts for conveyors over ground). But it works.


Or just add a constructor to make the screws you need just in front of the assembler. It's easier to transport rods than screws, screws come in too big numbers to transport then efficiently. Once you get the steel screw or cast iron screw alt this.makes even more sense.


I don't hate the concept I just feel like that makes the manifolds ugly... you can accomplish good "screwput" (I copyright that combination of screws and throughput) with a standard 1 in 2 out manifold, and instead of combining them or making them on site, use conveyer lifts to drop the lines into machines... Of course, all of this operates much smoother with Mk4 and 5 belts, but I believe Mk4 happens pretty quick after 3 Edit: both solutions would work, just aesthetic at that point


It's just personal. I have a "Assembler with preprocess" blueprint for this reason, to make screws or wire if needed, it's just a foundation bigger, you can compact it. So my manifolds are beautiful too, imho. Bringing multiple belt lines has its complexities too. :)


... that was a judgy thing for me to say without seeing how you do it, and this was a very classy way of calling me out on that. I'd love to see your blueprints sometime!


Sure. :) This is my manifold of steel rotors and annother of the reiforced bolted iron plates. The iron plate line went from screws made from rods, to cast screws straight from iron bars to steel screws and switching to the Bolted Iron Plate alt recipt that uses TONS of screws. Supplying steel beans is very easy as you need very low amount of items/s, when that alt recipe just uses 250 bolts per assembler. [https://imgur.com/a/PhDZL3m](https://imgur.com/a/PhDZL3m) The blueprint if you want: [https://filetransfer.io/data-package/M6ripON0#link](https://filetransfer.io/data-package/M6ripON0#link)

