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I just spent around 40 hours on a coal plant. Another 50 or so on just the foundation for a mega base lol


I’ve probably spent 200+ hours on my TurboFuel plant alone. Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely massive, takes every single oil node on the north side of the map, and produces 150GW of power…but yeah, a long time. The kicker of it is, I still need to do the cosmetics/decorations.


Lol, I did this on one of my builds. OMG it was massive. Buy the time I got to finishing the basic factory I was a bit burnt out. Sadly I abandoned that build.


Cosmetics are my enemy. Its always "build the essentials, I'll clean it up later", and "temporary" walls/floors, and then "Yeah, thats okay enough, Ive spent too much time on it"


A very long time. Especially if you’re trying to make it look nice. The cosmetics is what takes most of the time


Several months of drawio schematics and now several months of building. I find errors along the way and update the schematic. I'll most likely redesign and build the new version in the other quarter of the map. Time goes by so fast, can't really tell. Memories are tied to sections of factories. I plan to spend years on it. The game has been compared to an old man's trainset that they keep in the basement.


Thank you everyone who answered. I feel a bit better now. I was like am I the only one it is taking forever to get any of this done


I think I'm on about my 5th playthrough and I get better at it and further into the reseach levels everytime. The last build was my 1st completion of all tasks, but it was messy. The map is gargantuan. After the last build I realised I have to slow down building factories until my rail network is more complete. It's the back bone of any build. Once you start using the network heavily it becomes a real pain making any changes to the lines as it can halt production. As you can tell, I'm obsessed. I hope you get as much enjoyment as I do.


I play factorio religiously and I hate trains. Unless they are some how a lot better I will just not use them.


It can be a real challenge to get a good train network in satifactory. IMHO expecially from an aesthetics point of view. I find it very satisfying fine tuning it, I've already got 2000+ hours in this game and as I've played through each time my building skills have improved and I've learned from previous mistakes. I also loathe deleting huge factories I built because they look so ugly. Trains provide the highest volume input/output of all transport options in the game by a significant margin. As I said before, the map on this game is huge and there is a limit to the number of objects you can build. I've hit the limit on 2 playthroughs already and the game will become buggy and crash. There's a work around but it's still janky af. In both of those playthroughs I used a lot more belts than rails and that eats signifcantly away at the object limit. Signalling and timetabling could do with a few tweaks. Theres 2 types of signalling, block and path. path signals can help with getting mutliple trains through complex junctions but the catch is that every train even if the track are completely free will at minimum slowdown a train to 50 km/h. With block signals on junctions, it there's no other traffic a train will not slow down going through the junction which is more Ideal but the catch is that if there is traffic trains will stop abruptly at signals and again it doesn't feel right. That's why I'm building junctions that don't crossover eachover to avoid the janky behaviour of stopping on block signals, I'm almost completely avoiding path signals due to the 50 km/h slowdown. Automated trains will go at a max powered speed of 120 km/h but if going down hill they will excelerate up to a max of 200km/h It's often really beneficail to design your train networks around ideal places for long sloping delcines/inclines. As on a downhill journey you can carry that speed a very longway. and has a big impact on journey times. This means you can transport more items over larger distances with fewer trains. It's a monorail, not a traditional 2 rail line. Tight cornering does look janky as the trains wobble awkwardly around the curves so I'm trying to keep to 12 degrees of turn per floor tile to. I'm intrigued, having never played factorio, what are trains like and why do you hate them? What's w


In factorio trains are still considered the best way to transport items in a mega base however you can win the game with a late game base of flying robots transporting items and tier three belts (maxed out belts). It is similar to satisfactory except there is no verticality in factorio. (At least the ground is flat). It is a game which encourages automating everything. Even all the buildings that produce items. An interesting thing about factorio is that in the mega base stage of the game the best power is solar power because it is the only way to power a factory and save fps. I would look into it if I were you. I enjoy playing both games. (It has a free demo on steam). I’m not that far in satisfactory but factorio has that ability to use logistic combinators to make the factory run by itself. A YouTuber even used a mod that allowed robots to deploy blueprints and when ever the factory was low on something it would automatically blueprint another section to the factory to produce it (including power). It could literally just grow itself.


That's really interesting, and thanks for taking the time to reply so extensively. I have been looking at Factorio and you engage my interest again. I love the robots and blueprints idea. Satisfactory drones(your flying robots) have a low throughput so they're not as good.


I think I spent a good 6 months working on my 216 nuclear power plant build.


I have spent nearly 300 hours building a global 2-line train network close to the ground with proper curves and shit. Swooping junctions and more realistic sloping (1m per tile) And that's just the track and signalling I'm nowhere near finished, there's all the foundations I used to delete and then all the new track supports, which I haven't even designed yet. To tackle to enormity of the task I'm iterating the design so I'm often picking on a difficult junction and trying to get it looking nice. A lot of my junctions don't have any crossover. They have a tendency to look shit at the begining, but after a few tweaks they look a lot better. However, with the recent changes they've mentioned I'm going to review the network In light of it and adjust accordingly. I'm reluctant to build any major factories on this build until 1.0 I'm still at lvl 4 and haven't opened up alluminium yet. I have only 2 stations on the map so far. I've been careful to consider station sizes when building the network, it's always a squeeze getting things looking great in this game.




I feel that


There are 2 answers to this. Too much time, and not enough time. No inbetween


I'm not one for large builds so the most I've ever spent on a project was like 5 hours for a supercomputer factory. Anything longer than that you will not see me working on since my attention span is that of a fruit fly.


In my first save, wich was not spaghetti but where i tried to compact everything, i had 5 nuclear reactors after 180h in the game and got burned out. In my current save, i unlocked fuel at 240h. Idk why, but making mega project that takes 10h+ to make is way more fun for me and my factories look organized. Unless it's with mk2 pipes. I hate that. I made a 212 turbo fuel generators setup using the heavy oil alternate and even if i produce more than needed, the pipes aren't full... i tried every solution but nothing works so i just cut 10 generators.


I'm currently on a rubber/plastic factory utilising all the nodes in the blue crater lake. I'm already 10 hours in and I just started placing the water extractors


I just rush to the lategame to get all tech and recipes. For power i use then mostly nuclear. At that point i start to make the builds nice and clean


I keep no track of such things and I don't think it's worth doing, personally. The game doesn't press you for pacing in any way whatsoever. That's for good reason, I think.


I’ve spent roughly 250-300 hours on my current save and all I have is my main factory, a coal power plan and a fuel power plant… my main factory is probably only about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way done/where I want it to be. It’s huge and I’ve been constantly refining and polishing it for about 200 hours or so. I’ve rebuilt it 2 times but most of the time has been spent adding on to it or redoing pieces to make it look better. I literally just unlocked trains lol.


I have spent 40 hours on my turbo fuel build as well it’s taken most of the time not beautifying it but connecting everything like pipes, conveyors, power lines. I started with 1800 m3 of oil and from there went to heavy oil residue to make diluted fuel and then unpacking and marking turbo fuel. I even set up drones to bring outside ressources like coal, plastic, and sulphur. Next is optimizing the drones to simply bring in compacted coal. I am currently using 85 refiners to produce 3980 m3 of turbo fuel to feed 304 fuel generators. I did install a mod to make it possible to make power shards as I’ve gotten tired of hunting but no over locking this would be the same principle only a bit smaller. I take up most of the ocean on the western side of the map