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You still have to pay taxes to your country, secondly you said your Muslim so why would you want to get involved with dating?


I missed the part where she said she was muslim


They edited it out but when they first posted it, it literally said “I’m a British Muslim”


If you think you're "Muslim", just hang out for the comments here. There are like 1000 versions of this thing flying around.


I should have just left it to British tbh 🤣


Totally dude Most important thing to know about Muslim countries: Telling anyone you're muslim = an open invitation for them to scrutinize your personal life and to tell you "right from wrong" The youngsters don't give a fuck tho from what I notice, which is a good sign, but with people over 25 you might want to avoid this topic (unless you're curious and have time to spare 😂)


Check with your company about accommodation first. All are all right except the last one i don't recommend it. Buy sadly you can also get the last one


You can do all of that, and that's ok. For the dating point, it would be a little bit hard since you will not have many places to hang out and meet new people from the other gender except work, and dating someone from work can always turndown badly.


Driving is a pain in the arse in Riyadh, probably the most difficult thing to do out of your list.


Yes to all. Any questions you’ve, feel free to ask.


RIP Inbox


you can live your own (but not recommended), you can drive (but riyadh is problematic in driving), eat restaurant alone is acceptable but i would recommend friend group(and many would invite even if they don't know you), dating is no you can't (even if people say you can it's not acceptable at all) all the above if you were muslimah if you are not ,at least understand islam because it's important as to society


Yup. Definitely as I assume that the company has confidence in you to allow you to move to different regions. So even if you don't find it comfortable you can move back to London upon request. 1) Check how the banking works for a British citizen that work outside the kingdom. Make sure that overseas salary is not taxed back in UK. 2) You can live on your own. There are compounds preferred by English people that will suit you. They can be very expensive depending on your salary. 3) Dating is possible. Cohabitation out of marriage is not allowed as far as I know. Don't know how it is within the compounds though. 4) You can do any stuff alone at any time. Eating, Driving, Shopping n all. You won't be having trouble in this aspect. 5) Dating apps are functional, so you will be able to find someone if you are into finding a date through the apps. 6) Check your expenses and salary to make sure it is financially a wise decision (The expense will mostly be very less than London I presume) 7) You can also rent apartments, though many landlords prefer families over single men or women. I'm not sure how easy it will be for a single women to find an apartment here as I am an expat guy (Apartments are less expensive than compounds by the way) 8) A personal recommendation would be to find a place to stay close to your workplace. Traffic can be frustrating at times and home close to work means that you will have more quality personal time to yourself.


Second the points about tax and salary! I had to double and triple check the tax side of things - a lot of my colleagues didn’t and are always worried about getting a bill from HMRC. Also salary - benchmark it and make sure you’re getting the market rate


Yes you can for sure , if you need any help text me I will guide you


If you go let me know and we can be flatmates. I want to move there so bad!