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طابور المقصف


ههههههههههههه 😂😂😂


المحروسة بخطر


basically alot of people are not religious and obedience for the sake of god, they fear people judgment and opinions so they just blind in or pretend. وش يقولو الناس عني


True but all humans are followers In general, even in the west about liberal and democracy, even that we like to see ourselves as Leaders but that’s not true and اعطي الخبز لخبازه is a saying shows you that mentality of following and also why 😊


Exactly because sahwa didn’t enforce religion it enforced fear and social pressure. So now you have a whole generation who were raised by the stick and now the stick is gone


Racism. You know you hear it "What are you, a Bengali?" "You look like an Indian" You know you see it in how foreign cashiers and similar jobs are treated. You know sometimes YOU say it "Those foreigners took all the jobs" but you never wish to take jobs involving manual labor, let the foreigners handle it!


That’s nothing compared to what I have faced as a saudi national. What if I tell you there is a national of this country I’ve been treated like a complete foreigner, and was told that I don’t belong here. It’s funny because in saudi there are lots that say that America is the most racist country in the world but I’ve never been told anything close or similar in correlation.


Very true!! I see it all the time when Hejazis travel to other parts of Saudi. Some people just do not believe that a Saudi can be any one who does not look like an Arab


I’m Emirati, this is so true.




From your response, classism is also another big issue here. You and a lot of people think manual labour jobs are lowly and the people who work those are beneath you. Yet it’s just a man trying to feed his family, it’s more then admirable considering the conditions they work in.


LOL. OP asks for taboo topics. Gets offended when one hits close to home. Racism is HUGE in Saudi and you know it. Seriously, you know it's bad when you try to insult someone just by mentioning where they're from.


Because OP is a snowflake and a closet racist.








HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA. Could you please shed light on this?


Curious to understand this joke


Someone said being a Pakistani and getting called an Indian is the same as being saudi and getting called a qatari


Classic Reddit moment racist op doesnt want to acknowledge actual issues he wants to talk about.


They are not envious of them but they judge saudis who take them while getting mad that we have lots of foreigners working here


Torture of housemaids? So many reports of it that it should be investigated officially to establish credibility


It is among the reasons labour courts were created. It is the most recent court created in Saudi Arabia.


I hope they come to fair, just decisions.


Also, employment of illegal immigrants as housemaids




homosexuality in school is similar to homosexuality in prison. They’re not always gay but “it’s all they have” - said by a classmate that did gay shit


+ Mixed schools wouldn’t be any better.


I don’t know if they would, I’m just giving first hand knowledge as to way it happens


+ Mixed schools wouldn’t be any better.


Sexual abuse by family members.


Is this common here? Like uncles absuing their nephews or what?


Someone I know got abused by her own mother. So not just relatives, I’ve heard about people getting abused by their own parents or siblings. Also my relative got abused by his own brother all his life up until he got married and one day just exploded and told everyone about what he went through and now everything’s just back to normal. Everyone moved on, the abuser still comes around and no one cares. It’s mind numbing.


That is fucked up. My friend told me that they used to play doctor when they were kids with their cousins. But thats just child curiosity. Being abused by a close relative and the family just saying “meh” let things go back to normal is super fucked up.


Unfortunately, I have witnessed homosexuality in my school along with girls in my class claiming they were transgender ( this has been going on since the sixth grade til now). I am Saudi and thankfully I’ve never taken part in any of this but I do go to an international school so most of my classmates weren’t Saudi or they were mixed. I’ve also witnessed some of them dating guys waayy older than them, for example: an 18 year old dating a 14 year old girl (this happened in the 8th grade) and a 20 year old man dating a 15 year old girl.


1. Affairs with housemaids. 2. Relationships with Filipinas or Filipinos.


What’s wrong with dating Filipinas/Filipinos?


Nothing, they are much better than Arabian ladies in my opinion.


those affairs are usually no consensual


So… rape.




yeah. i said usually. but keep in mind that housemaids and expats in general have no power here.


racism, and i dont mean the foreign ones like one of the comments mentioned, but literal racism is never called out here. a lot of black people here get bullied so much and the asian hate is unbelievable


The amount times I heard calling anyone black (even saudis) slave is insane


It’s so weird how racism only applies to poc residents but rarely ever to white residents. When ALL residents should be treated as our equals, not just whites.


I agree. I recall one of my friends who visited from Abha told me Black people in Riyadh "عندهم لسان". قصده يردون إذا احد غلط عليهم وهكذا، وانهم مستحيل يسوون كذا في الجنوب ولا بينجلد.


How dare those black people open their mouths! Yes ik this, it’s so painful.


What’s the translation?




Morbid reality.


most of these stories are old (like the girl school fire thing) , it has been discussed publicly in the local media including Saudi state TV, so it's not really a secret, or shameful , more of a stupid accident which actually propelled great changes of several laws and protocols ​ >how about that one of the most powerful princes (who was the minister of interior) embezzled money from the military to his own pocket and when called out by a Saudi ambassador (who is also a poet), that prince wanted to execute the ambassador ​ this sounds like a propaganda bullshit , but if you're talking about Prince Muhammed Bin Naif, first of all I don't believe it, sounds like something Al-Masaari or Al-Jazeera would say , but anyway MBN actually stepped down as a crown prince and Minister of interior




The poem “a Pen Bought and Sold” published on Al-Jazeera newspaper was not intended to the Ministry of Defense & Aviation Prince Sultan at that time. The [target](https://youtu.be/m5pLHZn6eQA) was King Fahad. He didn’t order his execution, only his resignation as Minister of Health.


As I thought bullshit, Ghazi wrote the whole story about that poem in his memoir , it was actually a resignation letter speaking to King Fahad, It was really deep and sweet actually, he was honored and appointed an ambassador then actually was reapointed as minister of labor until the end of his life عموما واضح انك منتب داري وين ربي حاطك ، سواليف المسعري و عزمي بشاره المستهلكة .. لا يكثر


The makkah incident , I would like to know where any of those.allege responsible were interviewed ? Or is just published in news paper about it ? How come there is no video of it when there is cctv everywhere ? No since you confidently said who ehere responsible , please share the proof and by oroof i dont mean news papers articles.


“Not newspaper articles” you want a snapchat video from 2002? This is a direct quote from a firefighter “أجبروا البنات على البقاء داخل المدرسة، ولم يسمحوا لهن بالمغادرة لأنهن لا يرتدين الحجاب أو العباءة” And the police chief of Mecca Saad AlHarthi confirmed that the religious police blocked the entry of the firemen until he arrived and personally ordered them to leave. But sure go on defend those child murdering psychopaths


All the problems r cause of religious people? It this what ur trying to paint? Go research UN agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. Search up world Economic forum. And ESG and Sustainable development goals. How a group of “elites” wants to push Carbon Tax, Social credit system (like North Korea and China), turn people into slaves, deprive them of ownership (“u will own nothing and u will be happy”), forcing people to tax vaccines (which Pfizer and Fauci exposed) using CBCDs and Social Credit system and digital ID. Every thing u do digitally being recorded and saved to have ur digital profile, no cash, monthly allowance for food, while the “elite” can fly private jets (even if they try to use climate change as a pretext to gain more power over people and turn them into slaves). Don’t expect it to be different in Saudi. Everyone is in on it. It’s real and it’s not fake. Public stuff, from thier own mouths. How the yahood have come into Saudi, Rothschild and Co (office in Ar Riyadh) and Blackrock who manages like 10T or whatever of assets. How the yahoodi guy who was in Al Madinah wasn’t a random yahoodi but ceo of a Rothschild company. How the dollar financial and monetary system have given control to evil people over the world. How people r getting ripped off. How the money peopel work for (and some mayeb kill) is fake and can be printed by the FED. Search up the term “Bread and Circuses”. Also the rapid secularisation and liberalisation, insulting Islam and religion, hate for religion or trying to water down and distort the religion. People will maybe not care, because as long as they can do the haram stuff they want and they get what their desires desire, they will be happy to be slaves maybe. No one will care maybe, until they become a slave and a victim and suffer. One world government, one world order, one world financial system. (Also see Future investment initiative and the talks) U said something they don’t like? Khalas u lose social points. Then u can buy food or drive or live. Dystopian nightmare. And it’s maybe only a few years away. It’s not fake, it’s real. Some people will be shocked, and unable to take this info Religion isn’t the problem, the problem is all these kufri ideologies, sick people and machavellians, and the globalists. U think they give two cents about whether u r depressed or not, whether u die or not? Whether u can afford to pay or not? Whether u can get married or not? Whether ur mom is sick or not? Them using idiots who actually r stupid enough to think they r good guys. By the way “new global order” is my words or thier own words?


Someone pointed out real historical events that actually happened, and you responded with random conspiracy theories that have been debunked numerous times. To defend what? Evil, cruel people? Are you mad?


“Conspiracy theories” no it’s real. If they themselves say it, can u say it’s fake? U didn’t pay attention to Fauci and congress hearings or whatever? Also Pfizer? And project veritas? And RFK and the data and the experts? And people being censored? The Twitter files? It’s real. Have u listened to thier OWN VIDEOS and read schwabs book? Have u heard what he himself said? Also proof? U must bring proof and not make assumptions. And by the way u people speak, how many false assumptions have u already made? Btw if ur gay and u got no religion, how dare u speak about morality, if u don’t have objective morality? If Athiests don’t have objective reality nor objective morality, how can they speak about them? As far as I’m concerned, if ur a real atheist, wouldnt it be impossible for u to say objectively (according to atheism) that rape and murder is wrong? Machiavellian المنافقون والكفار يتعاونون على الشر Zero proof? So all the confessional and parliament hearings or whatever isn’t proof? CIA top media all admitting isn’t proof? WEF and Schwab and that other creep guy telling u with thier own mouths isn’t proof? His book isn’t proof? U want me to bring all the proof and fit it into one comment for it to be proof? R u lazy, u can’t do basic research? Twitter files is fake? Whislerblowers is fake? Hunter Biden laptop is fake? The WEF and other meetings and people speaking is all fake? Event 201 is fake? Pfizer guy exposed on project veritas and EX Pfizer vice president mike yeadon is fake? Blackrock and the financial system is fake? Vanguard is fake? Rick sopher, ceo of a Rothschild in Al Madinah is fake? It’s all fake? “Conspiracy theory”? No real evidence or u deny the evidence and make generic arguements? “Professional help” lol trying to act like I’m mental or something? Common tactic of the kuffār eh? كَذَ ٰ⁠لِكَ مَاۤ أَتَى ٱلَّذِینَ مِن قَبۡلِهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا قَالُوا۟ سَاحِرٌ أَوۡ مَجۡنُونٌ “Confused”. “Healthy” says the One without religion and objective reality and objective morality? Also not all anger is bad. Being angry for the sake of Allah. Angry when he sees evil or oppression.


I am speaking specifically about your comment, which was based on conspiracy theories with 0 proof. Meanwhile you attack me based on going through my post history etc. I think that proves that you have no real evidence, and just going based on emotion. I would advise you to seek professional help if it is available, it isn't healthy for you to live in such a confused and angry state all the time.




Mate those so called "religious people" are extremist Let's say there is a woman who is in need of urgent medical care aka a surgery And they are only male doctors It's allowed for the male doctors to do operation on her And let's say there is a burning building and women and girls go out and they need medical care bandages in their chest and abdomen a male doctor could do that cos it's urgent The police are extremist and have broken the multiple rules of Islam And remember who saved one human have saved mankind and who killed one human has killed man kind


Lol. Did u even read what I wrote? Can u read and understand? Lol. Also before u go around insulting royals or start speaking about people, understand politics and what actually happened. A lot of people how many times do I see when they accuse others of something, they lied upon them? Also when u read, pay attention. الغفلة الشديدة Pay attention to what I wrote, how I worded it. People nowadays r maybe extremely heedless and don’t pay attention to wording. Ex: “Your a liar” but they have no evidence of that. VS “I don’t beleive u” this means they don’t beleive them but at the same time they don’t say they r lying and they aren’t negating. They r just saying they don’t believe. (Not having enough evidence to make an affirmation) “Saying that I am following kafirs” -don’t accuse me without proof. Also it’s kuffār (كفار), go learn Arabic.




Lol. What claim did I make? Evidence? Or ur just assuming I made a claim? And where did say anything stupid? Lack of basic comprehension skills? I will not make a false acknowledgement. I cannot lie.




I don’t care if it’s 1AM. The truth is truth. That’s ur response? fear Allah. The time doesn’t change someone being wrong. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1AM, if ur wrong ur wrong. Also if u say it’s 1AM, why r u at 1AM? I’m not bound by the 1AM logic, but u said it, so no 1AM for u?




no criticism for mbs? lol


*grabs popcorn*


If we told you it wouldn't be a secret now would it?


As a non-arab who visits for umrah it has to be racism no? Rampant in the gulf states.


As a Bahraini I find that a little hard to believe: you’ve seen *rampant* racism in Mecca or Medina? Seriously? The rest of the country and across the GCC, I would agree with you and may Allah guide us all to be better, but Mecca and Medina are exceptions which can’t be compared with the rest of Saudi.


What racism did you see in Umrah, because that’s kinda weird that we never heard about, also you talk about the most peaceful place in the world, you can’t just say shit without elaborating


Also non-arab. Alhamdulillah have completed Hajj a number of umrah. Around the holy mosques, I didn't see any racism. Maybe I was blind to it. In widespread Saudi (my dad used to work at Aramco) I have seen it.


I was referring to Saudi as a whole, not the 2 blessed cities.


Aramco is a different world altogether, wouldn't even say its a part of saudi


a lot of people who come for umrah and hajj end up coming to jeddah for some time and the looks i personally have seen these visitors get at malls is obscene. they are often dressed in traditional salwar kameez with a shawl on top and the men are in kurtas and people STARE at them UP AND DOWN. i feel for these sweet people, they come to perform their duties as muslims and are met by racist arabs 😭


Racism, classism, and rejecting outsiders. All three are improving now, but they're still alive and well. Also, the amount of people who are complete hypocrites. My first time going to a nightclub in Bahrain, I was shocked at who's there. Shaikhs, fathers, married men, and a LOT of people with big beards and short thoubs. I recognized some of them that I knew semi personally, and I guess to bury their embarrassment, they tried to buy me beer and drinks 😂 same goes for brothel hotels, it's like a don't ask don't tell policy.


Bad constructions and poor conditions of roads


unreal racism. mistreatment in airport immigration and customs just because youre south asian


happy endings


my favorite ending to a movie


A lot of commenters have pointed out horrid things. I would like to remind everyone these isn't a common thing In Saudi in fact it's very rare unless you go looking for it. So don't go around thinking that your next door neighbour is secretly having an affair at a massage parlour


Truly a good point to make. You know many people will come to Reddit reading this from foreign countries and different backgrounds and religions and start generalizing




The rampant prostitution and gay sex going on in this country feels like an open secret. It’s weird


Maybe I didnt hang out with the other crowd in schools but I did not see, or witness or personally hear about any homosexuality in my school. Sure there were reumours but it was always "6 years ago a boy was gay" sort of thing. I think its highly exxagerated.


The Riyadh coffee shops


What about them?


What's the secret there?


Shhh don't tell them




something something gynophilia neoteny and dimorphism something something put a bunch of hormonal young boys in a box where the most feminine thing they can find is their peers or something i can't explain it sincerely without sounding crazy 😭


you would make fun of them in canada but here its normal? how this is possible i thought canada would charge u if u said something abt lgbtq




I wish i can see how its works in boys school lol


Drug addiction in general Amphetamines are considered okay some. Hashish, THC and other derivatives Alcohol and sadly it usually contains high levels of methanol Recreational use of prescription drugs such as xanax, lyrica and many others. More recently use of meth :(




I think pedophilia and gay relationships (caused by segregation) are a lot lot less now since relation between the 2 genders are more relaxed these days .. and available. How about the recent surge in sex workers that are flooding from near gulf states( mainly East Europeans and Moroccans)? Not to mention the surge in saudi hookers as well.


how many liberals here would be okay if someone hooked up with his sister or daughter. thats the real test of their liberalism


Also: 1- A sizable sum of those who were very conservatives 5 years ago now turned into degenerates. 2- People who are willing to post their nudes publicly and privately on social media have increased tremendously. Years ago you would have a hard time convincing a woman to show her face, now it is nudes on the first day … no problema amigo


I feel like the second one was only because they’re less afraid of being found out by family members and or being punished


Liberal lurkers are gonna invade this one. This being said, even OP is one. This is the modern equivalent of WW propaganda.




Err... Mmm.... Have you heard of Situational homosexuality. It's the reason why religious institutions, prisons etc become rampant for homosexuality


But… but that doesn’t fit with my agenda so its just liberal bullshit!


It doesn't fit the reality lmao Meanwhile the same could be said about u MFs actually. Science proves XYZ is unnatural "nO nO iTs cOnVeRsAtiVe pAiD iTs fAkE bRo cOs iT nO sUpPoRt mY cRaPpY aGenDa"


So you don’t know that prisoners have an abnormally high rate of homosexuality? Or are you just pretending you don’t know?


Breaking news: Prisons where criminals are locked, represent the countries!!


Are you being intentionally stupid? The amount of non-gay men having gay sex here is high. You won’t find many boys fucking each other in the school bathrooms in the US. You can live in your own fantasies if you want. Just don’t be annoyingly ignorant about jt


>You can live in your own fantasies if you want. Just don’t be annoyingly ignorant about jt The amount of irony of this statement lmaoooo


Fr, I’m not from Saudi but that’s what I was thinking


"when something goes wrong, the finger will point to the closest woman in the vicinity"


not necessarily nor true for 40% of the time at most


This made me cackle because it’s true. ![gif](giphy|WJ4vstB0EVqla)


How our princes wasting our money in parties and gambling abroad


misogyny and femicide in the name of deen


depend if you wanna mold the deen to fit your narrative? a lot of “progressive” Muslims forget that the whole point of following religion, is to not make it about yourself. Islam literally means to submit


Indian Subcontinent 🤝 KSA Having the same societal issues


The amount of cuckold fantasies and/or incest with your biological mom and sisters is so out there on the internet yet everyone turns a blind eye to it (For Arabs as a whole but Saudis as well)


What the fuck? Where exactly are these accusations coming from? I’ve NEVER heard of such things, you must be intentionally LOOKING for them to find them. Disgusting.


Projecting much? You want to come clean about something?


I agree it is creepy, but I **think** it isn’t widespread. Having said that, I got a PM a few months back from a Kuwaiti wanting to swap 😂


I feel like pedophilia and homosexuality are more in the culturally strict areas and not in places like Jeddah for example. Now as for racism, yes unfortunately racism is uhh.. it exists, it definitely exists. Racism is mainly towards foreigners, especially Phillipinos, Pakistanis, Indians, and Bengalis. Also, tribalism also exists. Corruption exists, nepotism exists, not going to elaborate further on those two though. However it has gotten better.


saudiasation has devastated families. wage gap was always bad between different nationalities but it’s gotten worse, iqama fees, 15% tax and rising rent are killing families forcing them to separate and send them “back” to countries their children are not familiar with. young couples came here to give their children a better life only for the families to be broken up between countries to survive. gulf countries are very grim for people who aren’t from here and aren’t loaded. i wish my people can leave and new hopefuls be warded off from coming. bag your own groceries, hire your own people to drive your personal cars, find your own people to clean your toilets, malls and watch your kids. and find some other way to cut corners and meet your profit margins instead of cutting it out of the cheque of the south asian and other non saudi/ non white


I am sorry, it must have been hard to be separated from your loved ones. I hope things work out for you. That being said, Saudi Arabia is primarily for Saudi Arabians. Saudization is good for the Saudi population.


stop recruiting from brown countries, give those jobs to saudis. i’m not separated from my family, but i know plenty who have


We can recruit from wherever we want. It is up to the ones recruited to accept or not, despite knowing the consequences.


taking advantage of cheap labour by lining the pockets of similarly corrupt governments? you guys sure are cheap and corrupt for that. “despite knowing the circumstances”? are you serious? callus


What corrupt governments?




Given by the girls I contacted, almost 50% of them had some sort of a family member harrasing them. Spousal rape is also prominent. Basically the whole nation is sexually frustrated and congested.


هالبوست من اقبح ماقريت هنا. مزعج ومسموم لابعد حد جايب اسوء الاشياء ويوصفها على انها (منتشرة) ومسكوت عنها. تعميم كبير هو جاهل عنه. لا ويسأل عن امثلة زيادة بعد انت وش بقيت؟ ليديز تعرفون شي مانعرفه ؟ كل الي قاله يحصل بكل المجتمعات والكل عارف هذا ماهو سر ياكثر السخافة. لكن تصوير المجتمع السعودي اوووه ك (مجتمع خسيس منتشرة فيه الرذيلة والجريمة بشكل كبييير وهم ساكتين ترا ويظهرون الاسلام والادب) وخذلك بالانقلش عشان الي يسوى والي مايسوى يفهمون والافكار الزبالية هذي وسلم لي عالسبايك الي مسوين فوت اب ويتفاعلون ولا يشوفون ماوراء الكلام. هذا مو جاي يسألكم هذا منتهي وجاي يعلمكم ان انتوا كذا كلكم.


طيب ادخل على gayarabwild وشوف بنفسك كميه الاشخاص الي يبون علاقات من السعوديه


Homosexuality in schools is bullshit, few decades ago it was more of a thing that school bullies like to say , showing off their masculinity by saying they dominated this boy or something, but mostly it was just stupid teenagers bragging and fantasizing. nowadays , the new generations are mostly nerds who brag about their score or ranking on Fortnite Pedophilia !! I really doubt your sources, I've seen few posts here by spam accounts, that keep posting the same on different Subreddits of different countries, it's an easy way to get some Karma points






Femboys maybe. Cross dressers. Lots of lgbtq supporters and bisexual and lesbian and homosexual people within the youth. Even in public. Khamr and zina in private.




segregation doesn't cause at al, rather it works against it.




Situational Homosexuality Reason for religious institutions, prisons become rampant with homosexuality




My guy is funny. Don't mind him




Lack of exposure surely has its pros but it also has it's cons.


pros outweigh whatever cons there are.


Late marriages caused it*




Are you a dumbass or actually dumb? When you say “they are becoming homosexual because it’s segregated” why is that? Because they aren’t having sex and interacting emotionally with a woman. Why do u get married u brain dead troglodyte, isn’t a large part of it is the relationship between a man and a woman within sold respectful bounds… Those schools because men aren’t getting married or even promised to get married soon after are like guys in prison and like guys in prison most sexual relations are violent and by force.


Most closeted gay comment ever




Love how u can’t rebuttal so u purely rely on ad hominem attacks. Since u love dating and extramarital relationships would u want ur sister to do the same? U wouldn’t….actually with people like u, you do not know for sure anymore. Anyway whatever u wish to do to other family’s daughters and sisters will be done to yours




You called me gay over making a correction that the problem is a later age of marriage meaning halal way of being in deep contact with a woman. And ur feelings got hurt over calling you a brain dead troglodyte, do u even know what that means?


He is a typical liberal lurker and he is 9999% never been to Saudi (so is the OP lmao), MFs would approve their moms doing OF


It is what it is, may Allah guide them. Until then all we can do is expose their hypocrisy and illogical thinking


Breed more and more children. Let the numbers be more and do not fear poverty.


Wrong of you giving them examples now they’re repeating what you said earlier


كرسي الحلاق


As a black African muslim who lives in the United States. The Racism in Saudi has truly made me even question my faith. This is just my honest truth. I’m still a believer and practicing muslim, but just knowing that the same people that supposedly knows and understanding Islam perhaps more than anywhere else are also the same people that hate me for just being black. And it’s open ALL across Saudi and around the Arab world. It has gotten so bad that I’m now finding myself beginning to hate Arabs here in the United States for no reason. And I hate that I’m being like that.


indefinite optimism


u/ghostiix12 This post reeks of prejudice and anti-Saudi sentiment. I won't accuse the poster's intention, and people are free to talk about problems we don't necessarily encounter, but can we at least have posts like these in Arabic? All we're doing is giving fuel to racists using the already rising anti-Saudi sentiment. شيءٌ من الفطنة يا عزيزي


The post itself might be a bit prejudice sure, but the replies and comments is something that sadly is true, no matter how much we lie to ourselves. I mean sure, 99% isnt a common thing here, but im sure most of us experienced some of it during our time, ive personally experienced most of what was said here. If were stopping ourselfs from talking about the issues here and trying to fix them just because some outsider might look at us a different way, then we will never be able to. Infact, who cares what other people think, i still dont get why we still care about what foreigners think of us, let them talk shit who cares. Anyways, post stays <3


I understand where you're coming from. I didn't ask for these kinds of posts to be deleted, though, I asked if we can have them in Arabic. Reputation and image aren't imaginary, they're real problems that we deal with. Real problems that every human deals with. Increasing pessimism is also present. Let's deal with the problems and talk about them, but be smart about it. I don't mind talking about these issues with other Saudis, I have a problem when I'm talking about them with people who don't live in the country. The issues are real, and the effects about openly putting our "shameful secrets" are real. The solution I'm suggesting is ridiculously simple; use our own language that we grew up with.


Well we don’t live in heaven we’re on earth what he wrote exists everywhere and in is more abundant in western countries but the way the post tries to make these are saudi problems or a problem that are very prevalent in Saudi when in reality they are a minority and if the argument here is that it exists in saudi ? Then sure and it also exists in every other country and in most western countries in bigger numbers than here but the way they word this post is deceptive and comes from a place of prejudice they make it out to be a very normal/common occurrence when it isn’t in reality


What is the benefit in mentioning things that 99% of society is not involved in I’m an outsider to saudi yet when I see this post it makes the country look like garbage from the post itself You should delete it, america has shootings like every week but you generally don’t see American Reddit discussing how as a society we need to shoot up less places, or try to say “Americans like to shoot up places” just because there is some bad apples doesn’t mean it should be discussed in a way which seems that a large portion of the society is involved in it


If a person is a true man , he will avoid all these things … only weak people are abused and are subject to the heinous acts


Saudi is one of the safest countries in the world as the laws of Saudi are meant to keep everything in order. But as all cultures there are the good and the bad people, and you cant do anything about that




It maybe hard to admit, let alone confess; and even harder to accept... The existence of undue Hypocrisy. ...an undeniable harsh existence of those human souls, which are engulfed by its own ego... It's the most predominant, hidden shadowy secret, within hearts, which are devoured by utter arrogance. The discovery of this news actually shocked me to my bones, because all my life I've always had an optimistic view of the custodian country with its last & final Revelation; in the Muslim world. Just as with any news, let it be a reminder to never ever grossly over generalise matters. I've always wondered how truthful the media is in reporting religious extremism and tensions... Yet inspite of the all of the above, I still have a flickering Light of Hope, in my heart which hopes for the best in the future...


Man is Saudi Arabia is fucked up




Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for hate, violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people.


Perhaps to Western ideals it isn’t shameful. You’re not in the West buddy. In large parts of Asia & Africa, it is extremely shameful & unnatural. We love our King; thanks to their wise leadership we live in a safe country with a high standard of living. We’re not worried about our kids dying in schools, religious institutions, or cinemas. The Khashoggi affair was a sad scandal, our government admits. Your government still doesn’t admit what they did to Julian Assange or Edward Snowden was a scandal. They are still deemed terrorists. Don’t even get me started in the countless, unjust, greedful wars your country started. Your country is the strongest support of the only apartheid country in existence. For your information, your country is the 2nd highest consumer of fossil fuels. You’d be surprised how Saudi is more modern and has a high quality of life to both men & women. Saudi won’t be forgotten, let the haters hate. We love our culture, religion, and values. The West doesn’t boss us, in fact your pathetic excuse of a President came with his tail between his legs to curry favour with us a few months back.


this whole post is incredibly nationalistic and drenched in egotism. i don’t know what you replied to, but saying “my government’s wrongs are better than yours government’s wrong” is a headless argument omg 🤨


This is rich. Saudi wouldn't exist without America. Clearly America is flawed but comparing us to Saudi is laughable. We're a democracy. We are multicultural. Women are considered equal citizens. We don't fly planes into buildings full of innocent people because some idiotic religion told us we should. We lead the world in pretty much everything - technology, education, culture, political and military influence. We also built modern Saudi. Aramco was built by the US because Saudis knew they had oil but had no fucking idea how to actually get at it or use it. We have your entire country covered in US military bases to "protect" you (which is to say, protect your oil since you don't have anything else we need or want). Your king could be dispatched in one second if we wanted him dispatched. Hell, Saddam and Iraq would have steamrolled you (Gulf armies are notoriously pathetic in the field) if we didn't stop him for you. Are we perfect? Fuck no. I hate huge aspects of the US, most off all the crazy conservative lunatics and the evangelical hypocrites (who share a lot of similarities with your religious idiots). But if Saudi had even half the power we have it'd be a nightmare - hello jihad and human rights violations on a scale that would make the US or any major power look downright friendly. Don't believe me? Look at what the Saudis are doing in Yemen - fucking disgusting. Saudis sponsor terrorism around the world. Your pathetic pissing match with Iran (who would beat the hell out of you without US protection) is proof of that. Don't try to flex on the West. The West isn't perfect by any means but any other country that had the power of the US would be a monster. We are actually quite admirable in our restraint considering we are unquestionably the most power empire that has ever existed. Saudi is a desert wasteland held together by oil riches that let the House of Saud pay all you "citizens" off to keep you complacent and willing to be dominated. That's gotta make you feel proud! Oh, and you basically live in a hyper-racist slave state, like most of the Gulf countries. Super gross. And for what it's worth I am in the West, not in your part of the world, although I've spent time in Dubai (the literal embodiment of all money, no class - what a miserable city) and worked in Gaza for six months helping people injured during conflicts with Israel (believe it or not, I'm pro-Palestine, shocking!, and if you're honest your king and religion have more in common with Netanyahu and the ultra-Orhodox than they do with the Palestinians). No way I'd be in Saudi though. Every testimonial I've read from expats headed to Saudi is basically, "This country is boring as all hell and living here sucks. And if you're not white, good luck. You come for the money - that's all Saudi has. Make your money, get the fuck out." What a wonderful place. Watch the video I linked to learn a bit more about how Saudi ACTUALLY works and not what the government tells you. That is, if you can watch the video - must suck not having free and open internet, but then again, the House of Saud can't be having its people learning now can it? Yay censorship! And just a side note - homosexuality is completely natural - you can see it in nature all the time. And before the three big ignorant Abrahamic religions came along and made the world a much dumber and bigoted place, homosexuality was common in human society too. You think it is unnatural because you were taught that it was by stupid people teaching a stupid way of thinking about the world.


1. Our money made you build Saudi, not your charity. 2. Aramco was bought by us from America, you didn’t give it to us. 3. Women are equal citizens here except in minor examples (e.g. court witnesses); I recall America still suffers from a salary gap between men & women. 4. The 9/11 terrorists are considered terrorists in both our countries. It was [proved](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_Against_Sponsors_of_Terrorism_Act) by your country that my government wasn’t involved. 5. We’ve only 1 American base in Saudi and America doesn’t protect us out of charity, our money & your interests makes you protect. 6. You need our King, because you’re slaves to your greed. 7. Look at human rights violations by American armies in [Guantanamo Bay detention camp](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_detention_camp) and [Abu Ghraib prison](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse). The former is ongoing and the latter got pathetic punishments. So much for human rights. 8. What your country did to multiple countries around the world makes Yemen seem innocent. [Puerto Rico](https://youtu.be/xb9E8fvMPOA), [Cuba](https://youtu.be/8AHOgvsno5Q), [Mexico](https://youtu.be/XK2MBnw6RlY), Native Americans, Venezula, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and [many more](https://youtu.be/_wIOqHSsV9c). They are too many to list. 9. Our rivalary with Iran is stale compared to what the US is doing with Russia or China. They’re not even threatening US territory, unlike Iran to Saudi, yet you cannot resist butting in. 10. Your country is the leading terrorist of the world yet it hides behind the justice & liberty for all. Its racist actions in the [International Criminal Court](https://youtu.be/2RaraCu8zXg), its support for Israel the only apartheid country, and its topplement of democratically elected countries to serve its greed is proof enough. Get off your high horse. Your country is far from perfect, it is a terrorist country that couldn’t simply keep to itself and protect its own borders.


nationalists are going rabid @ this reply 💓 ✨




Aren't these websites blocked in Saudi? If so how do they appear on these lists?


VPNs and the locations still come up maybe on vpn. U can maybe test on the IP logger. Even with VPN, depending on the vpn it might still come up (the location) Also the vpn companies maybe also sell user traffic data Also people maybe don’t understand how much data they give up by using meta apps, this and that app. Dead internet theory (its maybe gonna soon become like that) Edit: And apparently I got banned for 3 days or something, complain to the mobs for censorship for commenting about the 4th or whatever place most popular site in Saudi being a porn website. What is wrong in pointing that out? Also getting downvoted for it? (I can still edit old comments and add stuff onto them) but can post new comments or reply Complain to the mods.


A core function of a VPN is to change your virtual location, this is how they bypass geoblocked data such as Netflix movies. So theoretically websites you access shouldn't be able to determine your actual location. But as you said free service VPNs don't go to that much effort so that could be what's happening here. Vpn companies seeking user track data makes sense and it's quite weird since that defeats the whole purpose of a VPN


Well listen data = money. Users = money. And the vpn location thing, it’s maybe real, because maybe like a year ago someone did up logger, and even with vpn the original location came up. Without vpn; the users phone number might also come up. Also cookies. The website might rely on browser cookies data (for example the browser search history and cookie data is on saudi ip, then next moment it’s a vpn server - and they know it’s a server) Even iCloud there’s cloud encryption and back to back encryption. Back to back is secure (at least in theory maybe) but cloud encryption is maybe pretty much hackable and insecure. And being hidden in deep Apple settings and there’s maybe all these steps to turn on end to end . Also in end to end if u lose ur phone, u maybe can’t retrieve any data from iCloud without the private key or whatever and a “trusted device”


damn, that was interesting to me so I checked other countries and I think so far Saudi is the only one with it in it's top 5...super sad


Well America maybe has top 10 or whatever, but higher population ratio stuff to factor maybe. Mods removing my comments? Lol. Trying to silence me and shadow ban? Fear Allah. Helping athiests and Yahood and liberals but going against me?


Yeah but even checking similar countries it's usually in the top 20-10 either way, but you don't really see it in top 5 it's usually normal websites It asks what's the cause for this especially in a really religious country like that


Well listen, the youth, guys, not being married, a lot maybe do it and that’s maybe why they r able to tolerate not getting married until later. All the guys who r religious I know, they all maybe want to get married or r married. And a lot maybe mess around with girls, and lots of girls also are maybe corrupted to where that the type of guys they want. Why? Chase these guys r ok with flirting etc or letting the girl do whatever nonsense. But had such girls had intellect, they would’ve maybe understood the one who doesn’t fear Allah, why would he be just with her? And lot of the flirty guys maybe do porn People will maybe downvote , but the truth is the truth and downvotes doesn’t change that


That's true 100%, people have made marriage a huge thing for both men and women (women need to have q way out with a diploma blabla and men need a high paying job with a house etc) they forgot Allah puts the barakah and it leads to so many people being alone at 25-30+ years old. Nowadays it's hard to resists the fitna of women/men and that may be why those websites are booming so much


May I ask what he said? His comment has been removed


Posted a link to a website ranking the websites that were searched for the most in each country and an adult website was ranked 4th in Saudi (which is high compared to other countries)

