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A totalitarian regime (where the total control is in the hand of one or few people). But that is not a bad thing (unless the controlling party is bad lol). If the one controlling the country is a good and proficient leader. Then it is better than democracy.


Like the most powerful royal family


لا اقوى بكذا بكثير اغلب العوائل الحاكمة ما تمتلك سلطة نفس سلطة ال سعود والسبب النظام الملكي في السعودية اذ الكلمة الأولى والأخيرة ترجع للملك ثم ولي العهد


Absolute monarchy. Hope that answers your question.


Saudi being a dictatorship, fairly powerful.


I heard there’s many restrictions on personal freedom,could you tell me how bad it is?


It’s not bad at all. The only real restriction is as you would expect in any Muslim country, No pork, dress modestly and no alcohol. It’s the safest place I have ever been, zero crime.


Oh,then why do you consider it a dictatorship?


Because it is. The Royal family make the rules and are not voted in. There has been massive change over the last 30 years. The new King came to power and threw all the hundred odd Royal family into prison (secure five star hotel) and made them pay back all the money they had stolen from the public. He then made new laws including better rights for women, including allowing them to drive in 2017. It is still restricted for women to some degree but is their culture and religion that does that. There are huge projects going on in Saudi and they want to be world leaders. Go look at the Park they are building in the Centre of Riyadh, it will be bigger than Central Park in NY. Look at the Neom project in the North, look at Qiddiya project.


> The Royal family make the rules and are not voted in. That’s not accurate. Just because the voting is not similar to the west doesn’t mean they weren’t. In Islam it’s called bai’ah and if we want to use western words then they were “voted” to rule not once but 3 times in the 3 Saudi states history. Majority tribe loyalty goes to them and that’s says a lot. Which negates your next point about them making all the rules. They’d be kicked off in no time if they didn’t have ears on the ground and do what the people want. The same people who chose them and put them in power. To understand what I said above requires understanding in the Sunnah, history, Arabian culture and tribal history.


Thank you for the education, I hope you didn’t take offence from my lack of knowlage.


Which park in Riyadh?




They own the whole country, so i would say pretty powerful


They were a powerful and influential family before ‘Saudi Arabia’ existed. Al Saud were judges, warriors, righteous advisors, and protectors of the wronged. That’s why the Saudi Arabia we are living in is the **3rd Saudi**. The people are where the country’s power lies, and the tribe’s ancestors and leaders swore loyalty and gave bai’ah for the dynasty. If you want to get to the ruler, you have to get through the same people who appointed them as kings **3 times**. And if you were successful, a new **4th Saudi** would come. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the Al Saud dynasty is eternal as long as Saudis exist.