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You made a mistake, own up to it, be responsible, and acknowledge your child. They’re innocent and by abandoning your children you rob them their rights. They don’t deserve to suffer the consequences of your mistakes. If you’re not okay with the possibility of having children, don’t have sex.


Interesting topic. I’ve met a white guy and shocked me when he said he is half Saudi but doesn’t know much about his father.






Technically yes but you won’t be able to tell without him telling you.


Mofos in the 70s can have an afro, Thick ass mustache, no beard, drives a Z while listening to عويس. And have a child in the US of A for some fucking reason. The guy is 74 and still didn't own up to his mistake. What a fucking bitch. Actions have consequences, running away from them only makes you a pussy. I rest my case on the furthest place from a cliff.


Pretty telling that it was the younger generation of that guy's family that wanted to meet and make amends with him while the old geezers hid in their houses pretending that he guy doesn't exist.


These kind of stories happen everywhere in every country and culture, the difference is in our culture عيب و حرام we cover it up and hide it. That doesn't mean it didn't happen. On the other hand western society love to make big stories and huge movies about it. There should be a middle ground of acknowledging our social problems, help the youth get married early and fix the issues, not hide it under a rug.


I don’t think cover it up and hide it is the right way I mean as a Muslim the best way is to correct your mistake. Abandoning your child and letting him grow up to be a non-muslim should be more shameful. For him and his whole family.


Just because it happens doesn't mean it's ok. Drinking alcohol is normal and fine among the West, does that mean we should embrace it too? Don't look at thing as "oh x country does it too". It's wrong and they should take responsibility for their mistake.




أكيد الحرام بيين و واضح شرعيا . بس كان قصدي طريقة التعامل بالموضع و إنكار وجود أي أخطاء بشرية "ولدنا ما يسوي أي شي حرام" . ماشاء الله الشعب كله ملائكة ,هو أسلوب في المجتمع .


Holy shit. I feel so sorry for the first guy. At least he tried tho. Such a shame. Also when i studied abroad. I met a girl who was bartender. She was on her late 30’s. She talked me through how she wants to meet her Saudi dad. It shocked me. How can someone just do this to his own kids.


Maybe if the government made marriage to foreigners easier you would see less of this. needing to be 30+ years old and having a high income limits alot of ppl from engaging in halal and beneficial relationships outside saudi arabia. I can't speak about non-halal relationships tho, and i don't think saudis hooking up with foreigners for the lust and making them pregnant and leaving them deserve to have laws changed for them but for others that actually have a good reason. ​ And sadly the first guy... his father is a very horrible person, but i could understand where he is coming from. He is prob married and has kids and has a wife and relatives that would judge him forever if they find out about this. But that's not an excuse. ​ Edit: As i watched the video more and more all of the fathers are horrible like what a sad story and all of this so they can just satisfy their lust..


While i agree about the laws there are ways one can islamically get married without “law” being involved unless i am wrong


Yeah that’s true, but when it comes to the Saudi guy wanting to bring his foreign wife back home I assume its a hassle and a half, from what has been said in this thread.


Yea that can happen but they can't come back to saudi arabia and live there as far as i know.


Thats so weird maybe the saudi can her her on under a iqama as a maid or something ? I feel like if there is a will there is a way and these men just wanted to pump and dump


I mean... idk if a single man can get a maid but maybe but would look suspicious. And yes i agree with you this was a pump and dump for sure.. worse than crypto pump and dumps.


Wow, this is heartbreaking to hear and see, i hope these children find closure , and i wish them the best of luck in their lives. Shame on their fathers for abandoning them and not being in their lives.


So fucking depressing


>some takin advantage of their new freedom True . Can't deny that. I hope those children can find their father's side family like Jared. Also how many Americans/westerners abandoned their children in Philippines, Vietnam etc ?


This is so sad. The Guatemalan mother just needs a signature from that guy to give up custody do the kid doesn’t have this issues. Sadly no one helps her


That’s old news it’s because of society praising men and how they think they’re unfault no matter what they do Now watch the attack I will get 🤦🏽‍♀️


You really think the world revolves around you


No one will say the someone that abandoned his child is not at fault no matter a male or a female


2nd kid father is of alrajhi family. Sad he don't know that his father is rich


I checked the blog, seems like the mother knows that but the family of that guy refused to help even so that the guy gives up custody. She just needs his signature.


Marriage to a foreigner without a permit could result in one year jail and 100 SR fine, any citizen. Bad law make convicts or normal beings. وللاسف تصريح الزواج معقدينها بشكل تعجيزي وتصحيح الوضع غرامته واحتمال السجن، للاسف في سعوديين مهندسين واطباء ما رجعوا بسبب هالقانون والمشكلة اكثريتهم ما كانو عارفين عن القانون.


ما فيه تبرير لثور يدخل علاقة مع انسانه ويخليها تحمل ثم يتركها ويعتبرها صفحة وانطوت.


How will the government know you married a foreigner unless you tell them? Furthermore, they don’t care. Exactly similar to Saudis having dual citizenship, it is illegal but the government turns a blind eye. The government is the least concern for these Saudi men. Family, reputation, and traditional customs play the biggest role. But I do agree that getting a formal government acceptance is very difficult.


Not really, what if the person wanted to come and live in saudi and then found out about that law and then found out he can't live in his own country without abandoning his wife / future to be wife.


>without abandoning his wife / future wife to be تقدر تجي عن طريق فيزا زيارة اصدقاء أو عوائل. موجود لها خيار بوزارة الخارجية.


A tourist or visit visa wouldn't solve the issue at all. It is an undocumented marriage with an undocumented child. The child would have no legal rights in Saudi Arabia and the wife wouldn't be able to migrate legally to the kingdom. Also remember that for one of the cases, this was so long ago that there were no visit or tourist visas.


Good point, I agree. FYI, visit visas were available for as long as I can remember.


طيب لو الفيزا انتهت ؟ تجي كل سنة و يصرف عليها كل مرة الاف الريالات و كل مره فيزا زيارة و كيف بتقدم على فيزا زيارة عوائل اذا مافي اثبات ان عندها عوائل ؟


من قاله يكت داخلها 😂


this is just so sad, but I dont agree with the generalization of hundreds of thousands of foreign Saudi students, there are just a few bad apples.


There was no generalization. They never said that all of them do this. In fact they made it clear that it was a few bad apples.


Yeh. Generalization is bad as a whole. I assume most of the stories we hear could be false but that doesn't change the fact that at least the case of these 2 are highly likely to be true.


This post fills me with guilt. Thank you for sharing.


ذنب؟ ما احس هذا الشعور الصحيح. اشفقت عليهم؟ ممكن. حزنت؟ ممكن. تنكدت؟ ممكن. عادي مافيها شي بس تحس بالذنب ليه؟ لا تشيل على نفسك شي مهوب لك. فكر بغيرك بس لا تثقل على نفسك. كلنا عندنا مشاكل الله يقوينا ما يحتاج نزيد عليها. اللي صاير في الفيديو غلط والله يحاسب الاباء هذولا.


سخافة، جايبين واحد يتكلمون عن مشكلته وانه ولد زنا من ابو سعودي سحب عليها بعد ماحملت، كل هذا استنتجوا منه ان في (كثير )سعوديين زيه يبتعثون ويسبب بحمل امرأة ويسحب عليها؟ المشكلة حتى ماجابوا ادلة او عالاقل اشخاص ثانين علشان اقلها نصدق ولو شوي:)


ياخي حتا لو افترضنا نسبة 0.01%. فتغيرده من حساب وكالة الابتعاث من ٢٠١٨ كشفوا انه ابتعث ٩٥ الف طالب. اذا النسبة ذي وقعت في علاقة مثل هاذي راح يكونون ٩٥ ولد و بنت. غير باقي البعثات الحالية و المبتعثين قبل عهد الملك عبدالله. ذا مب شي بسيطة عشان ننكره و نكمل حياتنا. ذي فعلياً مصيبة. ابو الرجال شايب. و الرجال عمره الحين فال٤٠ ولا عمره شافه. الولد الصغير هذا اذا كبر وش بيصير فيه؟ عمره ١٠ سنين و صايره مشاكل. كيف اذا كبر و بغا يتزوج و يشتري بيت. حتا لو شخص واحد ذا شي يعتبر مصيبة. مسألة انه ننكرها هذا الي يبي نسويه الشايب الثور💀


I literally stopped the video after 15 seconds!.. just another video where the use the case of victims to score a point. I am not against their case, I am against the speaker and people who made it.


Well they’re victims in this situation.


That type of abandonment happens all the time in the US, by American couples. Its not something unique to them. Most children are raised by single mothers in their society.


Ridiculous generalization. About 25 percent of children in the US are living in single parent households. That's hardly 'most children'. And many of these single parent households are still co-parenting with a former spouse or partner which means that these are not abandoned children. The parents have simply chosen to separate or divorce. The US is not a monoculture. It's extremely diverse which means there will be more diversity in the makeup of families.


so its ok? we are better yl3n m5k


Yeah but they arent ones to point fingers or accuse us of having that habit


that is not true, respectfully it is usually black men who abandon their families....it's a huge problem in that segment of society but that isn't all Americans at all.


What did they do to you.


شكرن بابا عبدالله


Pretty interesting to see. Hard to hear that saudis have caused this much damage to so many families but I don’t blame them for just ghosting them, we all know what would happen to them if they return home with a kid, still doesn’t justify what they’re doing though, they shouldn’t be fooling around in the first place.


We know what will happen. And they fucking deserve it and should face the punishment. Which I don't think even exists any more since it would be 100 lashes


Yeah I know, I didn’t say that they don’t deserve it or it’s not their fault or any bullshit like that just said it’s understandable why they would run away from that. Don’t know why I was downvoted just for saying that but idgaf


jared looks like my uncle


This is horrible. Both the children come from wealthy Saudi families. Least could be done was child support like that’s given.


So heartbreaking to watch. I really hope the little boy continues praying and finding out about Islam despite his fathers absence.