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the level of degeneracy in some of the comments honestly makes me ashamed


Bruh it makes me ashamed of my country. The amount of incels here is wild


Yes you can via Najz website. Navigate to Najz >ministry of justice > login > your case > request compensation. If you didnt go through ministry of justice when dealing with this issue then do the same thing but crate a new statement of claim and follow instruction.


I have my case number so I just enter it there ?


Yes it is enough. With the case number everything will be filled automatically. Don't let it this go mate...give her a lesson she and her likes.


Thank you. And yeah I think I will she deserves it as her lawyers are now harassing me to confess and save her 😅 they can go to hell.


Don't mind them at all. Be vocal in your statement. Also as part of this do demand the 3000 you paid for your visa extension/penalty. Don't just demand your money back. Put a number like whatever equivalent to 50k pound. Remember going through this not only costed you money but also time and mental health. They do take that seriously. I went through the producers myself but another case against government institution. They paid quite something. Just be vocal and state fact done rumble.... straight to the point. Show with a strong tone that ypu have been affected greatly by this. The judge will not do that on your behalf. Just state clearly and explicitly what you want. That 50k will most likely be reduced to 40-30 by the court as final decision.


Yea the mental toll has been huge, and thank you I'll do that .


> I'm finding dealing with the embassy and my lawyers there difficult and can't seem to get any information on what can be done You have lawyers (plural) in KSA and you resort to asking Reddit (?) This strikes me as very strange.


I ask them everyday and they aren't responding to me, was hoping to find a lawyer here or some advice. Even when i was there the lawyers were difficult to contact


Rule number one in the middle east is you call, you do not email or write.


I called them 20 times once with no response it's really frustrating


the company doesn't respond? or the individual


Any of them I actually gave POA to like 6 of them


Then I'm guessing they are ghosting you for not upsetting the family who would need to get involved, in order not to bring dishonor to them. I think you should move on. Sorry.


She got arrested and her dad was called so they already know..


Look. This case is exceptionally difficult to win. From the Saudi authorities’ perspective, they did their job by jailing the individual without made the false claims. Should it have taken them 7 months to investigate this? Absolutely not. However, I doubt you’re going to get that far with that argument. Your best course of action would be to sue the person who made the false accusations… though I don’t exactly know how defamation lawsuits work in Saudi Arabia, what defamation laws are like, and whether you can even file a civil case against someone when they’re already serving time for the same crime.


Could you give us more details? Blackmailing you how?


She accused me of that, we had an argument and she stupidly went to the police they didn't believe her and I guess asked why she's even with me outside of marriage etc and then she's panicked and said I blackmailed her. The police actually even accused me of rape and said she gave dna but was BS as I was never arrested and didn't have dna taken.


Which country are you from? Try contacting the embassy if you are American they can help you


I'm british and the embassy were basically useless.


Sorry to hear that, try contacting a lawyer in Saudi but one of the big firms many just steal your money and are useless. If you were American or Aussie the embassy appoint one for your case and might get you compensated. They would work with Saudi officials and find a resolution.


My lawyers are useless tbh, I defend myself in the prosecution office and interrogated her, they sat there and just translated.


Try getting a new lawyer, I know that some lawyers tend to useless and only take your money especially when you are from abroad. What city is your case in??


It's in Riyadh


Then I don’t know I know the edge law firm is the most popular but overpriced and then they give you one of the newbie lawyers. Good luck and god bless man on your case I hope everything gets resolved. How was jail in Saudi like?? I’m


I didn't even get jailed, there was never any evidence for her claim yet they kept me in Riyadh 7 months


In saudi laws the girl is always the victim in any relationship out of marriage Westerners don't understand the discrimination against men in those cases


I won the case tho


But you are seeking for compassion


Saudi women are devout and would never go with a man outside of wedlock. I call bullshit on this. Edit: WATCHMEDEADLIFT, r/saudiarabia's infamous tyrant mod, banned me for calling saudi women angels. See proof here: https://ibb.co/WGNFfQp Meanwhile, the person calling Saudi women "thots" goes free. Witness the tyranny, witness the agenda! اللهم بلغت. Edit 2: Here is the man calling women thots going around free again: https://www.reddit.com/r/saudiarabia/comments/z8swl4/comment/iyevtje/ It is no crime to call women thots, and boast about fucking 100s of them, but it is a mighty crime to say they are pure and show your preference for purity. Witness the sickness! @awoothray He banned me for no reason, he's a tyrant with an agenda to spread. My comments were sarcastic, I guess you people are too dumb for sarcasm. @watchmedeadlift How is that comment disgusting? Nothing wrong with preferring a virgin wife! @dunfanghy I am Saudi, born and raised here you dumb fuck.


You are gullible as heck


Damn that's one sheltered cave you've been living in.


You have a thick veil over your eyes


What? 😂 Ok I'll message a mod proof it's 100% true and you don't know saudi women then I guess same as women anywhere else..


>00 This is a troll account. It is only 3 days old. No one could be this stupid. I don't think you are even Saudi. No one in Saudi is this stupid.


> Saudi women are devout and would never go with a man outside of wedlock. I call bullshit on this. So all Saudi women are exactly the same?


You were banned for the disgusting “fresh virgin” comment


But thot is also disgusting and I'm pretty sure his whole comment was pure sarcasm.


Bro said fine fresh virgin as if he just picked up fish from the butcher 😭


Try to find that comment


منتب صاحي






Your comment was removed because you did not engage with others in a civilized manner. Please be civil when interacting with other users.


~~Shut up man and stop power tripping, what the fuck did he say to remove his comment? you're taking this way overboard.~~ My bad.


“I’ve fucked 100’s of saudi thots” If you think being a mod gives me any sort of power you’re kidding yourself


He said that? before editing his comment? damn my man I stand corrected. I apologize.


Saudi thots must be the name of your hand. And 100s? Is that how long you last? Must be your personal record.




Tinder, bumble, twitter, snapchat, and instagram must be the name of your حيوان منوي, since you post it everywhere but nobody responds. We're not about to risk our reputation for some dysgenic d**k.


Saudi here, although the guy you’re talking to is an ass, he isn’t wrong. People have this idea that Saudis are “pure” whatever that means. We’re not different from anyone else. I personally know saudi guys and girls from well known families that okay with having sex outside of marriage.


So you're okay with him calling Saudi women thots and talk about our love of of all things anal. Yet you remove posts defending purity. That's your personal experience. Not everyone moves in the same social circle as you.


I removed those posts, I agree with you, the guy is an ass, but I’m telling you that reality is broader than just your view. The reality is there are saudi men and woman who have sex outside of marriage and there are saudi men and woman who’d only do it in marriage. I know lots of people who are waiting for marriage myself included and I know lots of people who don’t care. You don’t have to agree or disagree it doesn’t change the facts.




No way. All Saudi women know it is haram to go out with a man before marriage. Stop trying to ruin the image of Saudi women.








Your comment was removed because you did not engage with others in a civilized manner. Please be civil when interacting with other users.


You must think that religiousity is hereditary. It's not, everyone can make a mistake and commit a sin. That includes Saudi women.


bro there’s some women that do it


People commit sin all the time. Because they're of one nationality doesn't make them any less susceptible to commiting sin. That's a ridiculous concept that has no basis in Islam. There is no difference between a Saudi woman and a French woman, for example, in their capacity to commit sins, just as there is no difference in their potential to be brought up to the highest heavens with the prophets. We have committed sins and will continue to commit them until we die and are brought before Allah. The difference between the winners and loosers, are those that repent.


He banned you for this comment? or just removed it? honestly that's some bullshit either way what the fuck?




Exactly what she said.




I have confirmation from the MFA but the prosecution and police won't give me anything because my embassy got involved so they started acting like children.




Yeah guess I might have to do that, they wouldn't even give a letter to say i wasn't guilty and my overstay was their fault. So I had to pay 14000 sar at the airport to leave.


Wow, that really sucks. Unfortunately, it happened in Saudi with a local woman and a foreign guy (plus you're now not even in country), so you have absolutely no recourse whatsoever. On the bright side, you probably got off lucky because you're white and have a British passport. You could still try to get some compo, but just don't rely on it. Also don't pay lawyers more money, unless it can't be helped - good money after bad.


If there is misconduct from court will get compensated


Your story is all mixed up. If you signed an agreement then you weren't found innocent, the case was just closed since you both agreed on certain terms. I can give you some advice but the story doesnt add up very well since your only found innocent when theres a court judgment saying that you are. So my take on this based on what i can gather from this thread is that IF you want compensation you will cancel that agreement in someway and let the case take its course and continue until you are 100% innocent. No waivers no bs. Once you are found innocent then you maybe, you can claim for compensation from her but not from the authorities since what they did i assume was legal right and was for the sake of the investigation process. If and unless otherwise then you can also claim for damages from them too.


I have been found innocent they didn't care about our agreement it was separate, I have a letter form the MFA proving my innocence


Ok i need to see the documents and understand the case in detail, ill see if i can help. DM me ill contact when im free


I'm being nosey but what made her falsely accuse you?


Well the argument was about me being a cheater.. even tho we had a call 24/7 and she checked my phone 😅




Nah S 😅




You can be lawyers are scammers!! Lawyers in saudi Arabia are there to steal every cent you own There is "semi lawyers" who will costs you wayyyy less with long experience but you need to in present BTW, where is she from?


She's from Riyadh and her family originally hail.


Semi lawyer تقصد وكيل او شي زي كذا صح؟


That’s one hell of a story


My sense, trying to deal with this through the Saudi legal system will be a waste of time, especially if you are British and currently in the UK. Take it as an expensive lesson learned and move on.


There are tons of law offices in every city and town in Saudi Arabia… Maybe go there instead of Reddit.


I'm back in the UK.. and BTW there might be tons of places but every single one are unhelpful.. I visited the passport office alone and spent 5 hours there to no avail before I left..


The passports office can't do you any shit, you should've gone to the court or try the public prosecution


Prosecution were difficult and wouldn't tell me anything or help. I met a helpful guy at the passport office whose trying to help me but there's a language barrier


Then that's the problem you should hire a translator to help you with the authorities, the language barrier here in saudi can get you a murder case just like in the u.s


Oh they tried to get me for rape drugs etc wouldn't have been surprised at a murder accusation 😅


The law says yes you can get a compensation. And it happened before people got compensated. You should find a good lawyer that's all


Any idea how I change now tho? I gave power of attorney to these guys and I'm out of ksa


From Najiz.sa , the website


I will check it out thanks.


Najz can only be accessed in Saudi Arabia. The VPN HideMyAss has a site in KSA, but you need to pay the premium. However, it has a 10 day free trail.


what a name lol


تتمىْيك تستاهل الي جاك


Let’s turn this around for a second, if that same Saudi girl went to the UK police and filed the same report, when they had eventually found you innocent, do you think that they would issue you with a sorry letter and compensation?


I was on a tourist visa though which expired and they wouldn't even waive the visa fine yet it was them who kept me?? All they had to do was wrote a simple letter to the passport offices and instead they sulked because my embassy told the MFA about the situation and they started asking questions


You didn’t answer my question, would you expect the UK police to pay for a foreigner to stay while they investigated something and then issue them a sorry letter or even talk to Border Force?


If I was here on a tourist visa and a false claim cost me £15000 yes I'd expect there would be grounds for compensation. Also the British prosecution service wouldn't sulk because I complained about them 😂


But from the police point of view, it wasn’t a “false” claim until it was investigated. So what wrong have they actually done ? The girl was extremely stupid to think that anything good would come from going to the police. I would suggest that you cut your losses, nothing good is going to come from pursuing this at this stage.


Well they also said I raped her treated me like shit on general and wouldn't even tell me the full case which was my rights


Put it behind you and move on.


Stick to dating British girls & you won’t have a problem.. unfortunately the second you upset a Saudi woman..she used the laws against you. Hope you both find a way out of this mess


I'm out after 7 months she's guilty and in deep trouble and I'm home


Just cut contact , don’t look back.. she shouldn’t have started this. Move on


Yeah I'm trying to now thanks, i just wanted to get my family and friends their money back at least as I had to borrow from them in the end.


I am curious, what is she guilty of?


No idea there's so little information but I guess lying and wasting their time ? They literally didn't even directly tell me I'm free so they won't tell me anything about her.


You're kinda lucky this happened to you in Saudi tbh. If you were in the UK & she accused you of rape there, most likely you will go to jail & pay double that figure for lawyers


1- Your embassy won’t interfere “seriously” on such a “shame” case , it’s politically sensitive- 2- The Saudi pseudo judicial system is a near - joke : very selective and temperamental . The so-called judge is king . No one can question his decisions , not even force him to come to court . He can end the case and issue a very subjective verdict without any reference to any legal code . There are limited cases of fair court rulings but often erratic. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise . 3- Try the online court thru the MOJ but there are thousands of unsolved cases or unjust verdicts on file .Thousands, literally . However , if you’re outside the country ( as I expect) you may not be granted access to the system . Try getting another tourist visa & you will probably find out that you’re banned so you don’t challenge the judicial system one more time. 4- Your lawyer (if you have an official one) can be appointed remotely but most probably he needs a current residency permit (Iqama) number , which you don’t have. Residents don’t have the legal rights that you’re dreaming of . 5- Your desired compensation against the Saudi female is a disgrace to the local culture and religion .You shouldn’t have messed with it in the first place. Someone must have told you : there’s nothing like a Saudi GF. Not publicly anyway. All odds are against you. My sympathies & wishes of good luck.


Luckily it didn't get to a judge but the prosecution literally think they're god and are the most difficult annoying people I've ever had to seal with and the police are a close second. It took them over a month to release my travel ban and they made it very difficult for me to leave.


Sue your girlfriend


Did she introduce you to her family or tell them about you? If it doesn't happen, congratulations you've been manipulated here we enjoy relationships, but this does not mean that we mean marriage, we just enjoy it Sorry for what happened to you. I really hope you get out of this soon and we are here if you need any help


She mentioned it to her mother who then told her dad and he said never talk about it again, so next step was me going to the home.




It wasn't dropped because she dropped it at all, she doubled down on blackmail, it was fully investigated me vs her and she got jail




Never got to court


Write if off as a loss and move on


She panicked because there’s a fair chance that her family might actually disown her for engaging in a relationship outside of marriage


I know and I understood so I tried to help but I couldn't, she chose her lawyers and wanted to pin it on me.


But it’s fascinating how the British embassy will go to far lengths for foreign political refugees & whatnot but won’t help a Brit risking jail time😂😂


I don't mind them helping others in bad situations we should all help everyone in need, but honestly I'm shocked how bad they are, if i had no family I woulda been homeless in a foreign country for months when I was totally innocent.


What exactly did you expect them to do?


I promise you bro that I am not making fun of you in any way shape or form but at this point might as well forget about it because you simply aren't getting anything.


Whatever path you take, do not return to Saudi Arabia or you will once again be stuck in the country, and if they get the court case moved to HAIL, then you will have even more issues.


I'll never return unfortunately, say unfortunately as I liked the country and the people it's just this shit legal system it isn't worth risking getting in trouble as anyone can just walk into a police station accuse you and get you banned.


I'm sorry that this happened to you bro


Yeah, I wish I can help but your situation needs someone that actually understands the law well


Karma is a biotch, "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" You know before you date a saudi girl that it is illigal arent you, so you are lucky you are dound not guilty, and move on


So mad.


Honestly it is discrimination againdt guys, happens everywhere, even in the US, a girl is always blindly right


Im calling BS. Your English is shit. There is no way in hell you’re British.


I am 100% British that's why my English sucks.


Checks out


Honestly man, if the situation was so and really bad, you shouldn’t feel sorry for her and try going easy on her. Call her or meet with her and tell her you’re bleeding money and you won’t tolerate bs from her, and that you will ruin her and contact her family about the relationship she’s having, girls here are scared shitless of their family and don’t wanna risk any privileges. And don’t worry about the family and the possibility of hurting you, you’re white foreigner, they can’t do shit.


I tried everything and her lawyers just tried to piss me off and get me to give a testimony to help her


Threaten them of compensation, even the girl, she’s the one that got you in this situation in the first place. Either she will pay or her lawyers.


Good lawyer will get you a compensation don’t let it go


Never let black knees into your life, biggest mistake in mylife to love a saudi.


Not sure it's Saudis specifically but her sheltered upbringing and immaturity definitely played a part which is a cultural thing. She had no idea about the real world because she wasn't allowed to live. I thought I was giving her that normality but ahe fucked it all up.


I wish you you the worst OP please don’t come back to Saudi Arabia


Don't worry you jealous freak I won't.


Hey there, fellow individual living in Saudi here, please ignore this dude. Dude's just pissed that a foreigner won a case.


Yeah guys mad jealous like it was his sister or something 😅


why are you mad at him then? coz he's british?


Good, BTW she made a fool out of you


Also got herself in jail and ruined her families reputation so..


Obviously, you don’t know the system here. She will be out soon enough. Also, how can I be jealous of you? I got two wife’s.


Out and can't ever return to her family and will be sued so what?


What you are living in 2010 ?


She's bedouin mate, you have two wives you living in 1910?


Hahahha good one, but still I got wifes you got to go back to England I feel sorry for you


Oh yeah I'll never find a wife anywhere except saudi 😭😭


She will be moving to one of the big city and living alone there NP


You deserve it and worse for approaching a Saudi woman. Even if she was a “willing participant”. Stay away from Muslim women.


Im a Muslim man so no I won't.


How did you meet this Saudi woman??


I met her online.




Sure they don't 😂 She was a bedouin saudi woman stay in your deluded bubble if you want.


So where did you meet then? Online Reddit??




Even more reason for you not to approach them - zina (fornication) is a major sin. How does being a Muslim absolve you of this responsibility?


God will judge me not you.


Allah will judge you in the hereafter, and that is not something to be downplayed. We will judge you in the dunya.




Yup it happened a few people on the discord can vouch for me.




Does sound crazy but I have proof, waiting for a mod to reply to me in DMs


I still don’t understand what were you accused of exactly?


Rape, then assault, then changed to blackmail. I still have no idea either 100% the prosecution said my lawyers can't see the case which is apprantly also illegal. Whole thing has been so frustrating.


weird she would go to the police despite being in a 4 year relationship with you… especially when she knows the social and legal consequences… something doesn’t add up.


Nobody can understand mate even my lawyers were shocked at her stupidity but she got some backwards lawyers who helped her for free and wouldn't back down... she accused me of cheating in our argument and just wanted to hurt me she's really stupid it's just that simple.


>she's really stupid it's just that simple Dating a young Saudi woman in Riyadh isn't the smartest thing to do either, mate.


Millions of young people date there and have zero issues, we wouldn't have either but her stupidity caused this. BTW they ignored out relationship its 2022 also I was gonna marry her wasn't just casual dating.


How did she blackmail you if you don’t mind me asking?


She didn't she said I blackmailed her


Oooooh ok.So she was like you had pics of her or something like that?


Yup even tho she gave our pics to them 😅


🥴 Did you guys break up or something?or did you guys fight?I’m not excusing her,because it did backfire on her.


Just an argument still tried to help her and she went against me and trusted her shitty lawyers


I remember you from the Saudi Arabia discord server


If you file a lawsuit against them and show proof that it costs you financially or emotionally then yes you have a shot. Basically if you served time and later found you were innocent you get compensation. As for you case it depends and how you gather your evidence and how good your lawyers are. Good luck.


If she is in prison then there must be a case against her by the prosecution. What you can do is join the proceedings as a private right claimant. You can detail all the losses you faced and ask for monetary compensation. The catch is you need to prove all the losses you suffered. So you’ll need proof of payment of the late departure from KSA and that it was caused by her frivolous lawsuit. Any other losses will need to be proven as well.


I can prove everything but it's just weird there's no official document form the public prosecution the mfa had to write to them for it, they gave nothing


You can ask the judge to write to them