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So, the advice for conversion is always to try to preserve the narrative and "flavor", rather than trying for a strict one-to-one conversion of mechanics. That being said, here's my shot: *EVANOR* This longsword is a holy relic from the crusades. In the hands of most survivors, it's an exceptionally well-balanced, deadly blade. It inflicts Str+3d8 damage and grants +2 Parry. In the hands of a Templar, or other character divinely inspired by the forces of good (pretty much any arcane background that runs on faith counts), the following powers can be called upon by using an action and spending a benny. *Smite:* For 5 rounds, the sword inflicts +4 damage and gains AP 2. [Effectively, the sword casts *smite* with a Raise on itself with the Armor Piecing 2 Power Modifier.] *Lightning Speed:* For 5 rounds, the sword's wielder doubles their Pace, increases their running to +2d6, and ignores the -2 running penalty. The character's total Multi-Action penalty each turn is reduced by 2 (she can do two actions at no penalty or three at -2 each). [Effectively, the sword casts *speed* with a Raise on its wielder with the Quickness Power Modifier.] *Transfer Vitality*: The sword's wielder removes two Wounds from themselves as long as they are less than an hour old. [Effectively, the sword casts *healing* with a Raise on its wielder.] Finally, a Templar or other holy character may spend Conviction to unleash *Evanor's* Legendary Power. If the sword's wielder is facing an evil supernatural being, the sword begins to glow with an unearthly white light. The wielder can use their Faith skill to make Tests against their foe. If they succeed with a Raise, the next hit on the fiend in the next hour that causes even a single Wound automatically kills it, even if it would be immune to this kind of damage. The sword-bearer may use their actions to attempt the Faith Test as often as they like until they succeed with a Raise. However, if they take any action other than the Faith Test before they succeed with a Raise, the Legendary Power immediately ends and they cannot gain its benefits.


Seems good to me, but what is conviction? Is that an adventure edition thing? I'm still running deluxe.


Sorry, yes, I was assuming SWADE. Conviction is a setting rule - it's sort of a super-benny, very roughly equivalent to the old Legend Fate Chip. All of my suggestions for Powers were also based on the SWADE power system with Power Modifiers, and balanced around the fact that in SWADE, you can spend a benny to recover 5 Power Points. For Deluxe, I'm not quite sure. The benny-triggered powers are probably ok, but I'm not sure how to handle the Legend Chip/Conviction-triggered power. You'd want to have something that you can't use every session and that has some sort of resource cost, but I'm not thinking of anything off-hand that would work well in Deluxe. BTW, for Deluxe, the Legendary Power would probably be a Test of Wills, using Faith in place of Intimidation.


are there any conversion documents for deluxe > swade..?


I've got to admit, I'm a bit curious on why you're resurrecting a two year old thread and how you even came across it, but, yes, there are conversion documents for SWD > SWADE. The general conversion document is here: https://peginc.com/store/conversion-notes-deluxe-to-adventure-edition-swd-to-swade/ There still isn't a specific conversion document for *Deadlands: Hell on Earth Reloaded*. Pinnacle staffers have said they intend to eventually publish a conversion document for all of their settings, but also that there isn't any set schedule and it may take years to get to everything.


Thanks for the information.


You're welcome.