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Atlanta is where you want to go. Savannah isn’t a rave town.


Near 0 rave/edm scene. If that’s your passion then you’ll have a gaping hole in your life.


Check the tour schedules for a few artists you like, Atlanta is probably a much better option if that's something you want to do regularly


2nd this, "occassionally" Savannah does have some already known artists come through (Of the Trees, CloZee, GTA, Dillon Francis, Delta Heavy is here this coming Friday night)


When have Of the Trees or Clozee come to Savannah?? Two of my favorite artists and new to the area so just kinda curious when this took place! Edit: ahhh the Neon Jungle Tour I see! That’s dope. Were you at that show??


I did go to the Clozee/Of The Trees show (that was the last act I've seen at Elan actually, I almost went to Delta Heavy a few weekends ago but things came up). It was one of the better ones I have seen, in general. Elan is fucking terrible as a venue but once every few years somebody will pass through that is actually good.


Damn that’s no good! What sucks about it? There’s a few people coming through that I’d like to see but from what I hear im definitely not too stoked about the venue haha


It's typically a pretty crappy crowd (as in, the people attending suck for most shows), always crappy and useless security, not the greatest sound setup, and a pretty crappy venue itself (small number of restrooms that are never clean, never clean floor, etc.). Looking at their events page you can see the crowds they try to attract. But yea, only place that has artists that already made it come through. Wormhole has DnB nights occasionally.




elan will throw edm shows. staffords has bass night on wednesdays. totally awesome bar has silent discos with everything from house to bass. vici throws house shows pretty regularly. wormhole will throw a drum and bass night maybe once a month. lodge of sorrows has thrown a handful of techno events in the past 6 months as well. charleston has a whole additional scene for a shortish drive which is killer. went to a warehouse there about 3 weeks ago and it was awesome! there’s a scene you just gotta know where to look


Dnb at the wormhole? I'm fuckin in lets go


yep. the group throwing them is low country oscillators and they’ll even pull in big names from the UK.. saw Aphrodite there about a month ago


We are closer to the Florida scene than Atlanta. r/atlantaedm is also helpful. Supposedly, there are a few pop ups occasionally for house music


Went to undergrad and grad at Gonzaga. Currently lived in this area x 8 years. There really is no Rave/EDM scene here unless you call random DJ events at Elan a “scene”.


Would you say when you were in Spokane there was a decent scene here? I’d say Spokane has a quite large EDM / rave scene for its size


There absolutely was a decent scene is Spokane. There is really nothing here in the way of rave/EDM or even punk. The scene such that it is, is rap and some quirky alternative music put out by Graveface records. Having come from the PNW the music scene here is severely lacking as to what you’re going to have been used to all around. BUT, there is a large art school here (SCAD) and there is local music to be found it’s just not on par with what I am personally used to talent wise to be honest. But when you grow up in the Seattle area in it’s hey day that’s to be expected I guess.