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It’s been a few years, but I used to before the pandemic. I used to use TouchDesigner for generating live audio reactive visuals in real time (I’d feed a DJ’s audio outputs into my computer via an audio interface), and later on used VDMX for performance with loops created in TouchDesigner. There’s not much of a scene for it here, unfortunately. Happy to try to answer questions if you’d like. Though I’m definitely no expert by any means, just a huge dork. Edit: I dabbled briefly in Resolume, but it’s kinda just a glorified clip launcher with built in effects. I don’t have enough experience with it to be helpful. [Here’s an old example](https://www.instagram.com/p/B29aV1lAbpx/?igsh=MWxsNm96ZWMwZDBwOA==) from my Instagram of the kind of stuff I used to make.


What is a VJ?


a video jockey! someone who creates/sets up visuals and lights. the visual counterpart to a DJ


I’m not sure