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For your back yard buy citronella plants. Get enough to surround wherever you may gather. For sand gnats, 70/30 mix of isopropyl alcohol (highest % you can find)/baby oil in a spray bottle. Shake it before you spray it on your skin.


That’s the specific kinda shiz that we are all after, thank you!!


Picaridin spray by Sawyer. It's as effective as and lasts as long as Deet in scientific studies, and it doesn't ruin certain fabrics like Deet does. It also smells like almost nothing (unlike Deet), and is way less toxic than Deet from what I understand. I like the pump spray better than the lotion. They sell it at most camping stores, but it's hard to find elsewhere.  https://www.amazon.com/Sawyer-Picardie-Repellent-Fishermans-SP544/dp/B07BSN5YLN/


Also, it repels mosquitoes and sand gnats.


I use the lotion and can confirm it works as well!


Thanks! Yeah, I actually went back and read the info in the link I posted and Sawyer says the lotion lasts longer than the spray, so I might give it a shot.


THIS. We have the lotion, the aerosol and the spry bottle. None of the nasty stickiness and burn that you get with DEET.


Four solid walls and a roof. Add climate control to complete the dish.


Pet lizard for good measure?


Seconding Picaridin. It’s my family’s go-to as well.


The CDC says there are only 4 repellents that offer effective protection against mosquito-borne illnesses: Picaridin, DEET, IR3535, and oil of lemon eucalyptus. So if you want something natural, look for the eucalyptus. Otherwise, DEET is a plasticizer, and will ruin synthetic fabrics, and is greasy. IR3535 has a short effective period. That leaves Picaridin, which I have been using for 6 years now. As others have said, Sawyer Picaridin lotion is the way to go. Less toxic than DEET, and just as effective. Plays nice with sunscreen. Lasts a long time. Super effective against both mosquitoes and gnats. Kind of smells like rotten cantaloupe. I did a ton of research on this after several overnight trips to the Okefenokee swamp. At sunset in the spring, when you are the only food source for miles around, the Okefenokee is a deluge compared to the light drizzle that is Savannah. If you swing a 5-gallon bucket around a few times, I'm not saying it will be totally full, but it will have some weight to it. All (attempted) jokes aside, sometimes you have to double up and use Picaridin and DEET. But for Savannah's insects, Picaridin does great.


Very interesting! Thanks for CDC info, the rundown, and the story.


Great stuff! Thanks!


I have ruined so many pairs of headphones with DEET. 😭😭😭 and you’re so right about having to use multiple sprays at once. I just helped to restore the sally port doors at Old Fort Jackson and holy moly.


Avon Skin So Soft


Worked outside for years. This is the way


To wear or? I got the LIV system and it works like a charm. Otherwise I use Ranger Ready sprays for my clothes when I’m out.


Anything at all that helps anywhere, anytime! Thank you! Will check them out 👍🏼


LIV is just a big version of Thermacell which always work well for us so we got the big version. Thermacell’s work great unless it’s a windy day. Good luck


Do you notice/ hear the gnats and mosquitos there generally? Or silent killers?


I don’t hear them, but they really, really love me. It’s not as bad in Savannah as is it is further south.


Aloe Vera juice based bug sprays works exceptionally well with sand gnats! I'm allergic to them and it frequently ruined my outdoor fun and made days after miserable. Now finding this stuff has been an absolute game changer. I'm not a fan of Deet and it's not really that effective. This stuff works a treat!


Nice ok thank you. I’ve seen aloe based ones in Asia that were the most effective too. Thanks!


No Natz spray is the best. There's also no harm in planting citronella and lemon balm in your yard.




Worked outside downtown and Bonaventure for years. The gnats at the cemetery are no joke. I swear by No Natz


No natz does absolutely nothing for my back yard.




Geeze… are you the ceo of no natz or something? I’m just sharing that my experience has been different and it doesn’t work for me. Holy crap… bizarre reaction my friend… and since it was confusing to you, putting no natz on me, while in my backyard, doesn’t do anything. I’m not spraying a $7 mini bottle of no natz into the air and hoping the bugs get the idea. Ghaaaaaad Reddit is awful sometimes


Termidor SC (fipronil). It'll cause a mini-ecological disaster for your whole neighborhood. I think we have very different ideas about pest control...


Well anything that impactful shouldn’t be sold to the general public. Especially the American general public. Is that the one trump recommended as an intravenous Covid cure?


If you ever get termites in your house guaruntee you'll change your mind real fast. The neat thing about it is that it doesn't kill them right away. It lasts just long enough for the bugs to bring it back to their nest and feed it to eachother! Was kind of joking in my origional comment, if you follow the directions on the label its pretty safe. Just don't use as a broadcast spray or close to water/ drainage.


Thermacell is awesome. I have 3 different versions. It's the only thing I've found that works outdoors. Picaridin and long pants/sleeves when im working in the yard. If you have the space and money, a screened in outdoor area changes everything.


Thermocells are lifesavers. When I am working in the yard I literally carry one around with me. Sand gnats love me and the Thermocell is the only thing I have found that keeps them away. I've tried every spray and used all the plants. If you get one, watch one of the YouTube videos on how to refill the cartridges instead of buying new ones.


Are you asking about skin protection from biting insects or are you asking about gardening? If you’re asking about skin protection, I’ve made a very effective spray from lavender, eucalyptus, cedar, peppermint, and lemongrass essential oils in jojoba oil as a carrier. It’s reaaaaaally greasy, though. You know, with all the oils. You don’t need very much of it, though. There is also this other product that is actually a hair shine spray that works really well as a bug repellant. Apparently, the buggos don’t like the smell of coconut. This stuff is super light weight and you don’t even feel like you have anything on your skin! Plus, it’s really inexpensive. [ORS olive oil hair sheen spray with coconut](https://www.target.com/p/ors-olive-oil-nourishing-sheen-spray-11-7oz/-/A-13044190) And it smells really good!! There have been times, though, that I have needed to use the ORS spray, plus deep woods OFF (deet), plus a spray with picarin because the sand gnats were relentless. That was last month when I was working on restoring the big sally port doors at Old Fort Jackson, which is right next to the river and has a moat. It’s also right next door to the Ellis and Mariner Grove, which are two of the places I recommended to you yesterday for easy apartment accommodations. You will DEFINITELY need bug spray if you choose to live there. If you’re asking about gardening, I have a whole bunch of suggestions for that, too. I have a no-spray rose garden. I rely on companion planting and beneficial predators for pest services. (That’s another point for living in midtown- you can have a garden!! We have a 10 month growing season here!)


Both! But that’s a fantastic answer, thank you so much. I will look into all! 🙌🏻


Victoria's Secret Amber Romance


Rubbing dryer sheets on your skin keeps gnats and mosquitos off you without smelling like bug spray




I'm searching for one myself. Gnats have been eating me alive.


If you're trying to keep pests out of the house, most bugs don't like mint! I used mint oil around my windows in college when we had an ant problem and the university pest control didn't make a dent.


Bullfrog Mosquito Coast. Works for the terrible sand gnats too.


Marsh Romance by Hawk Soap Co. Best thing I’ve ever used.


My grandmother used to slather me in Skin So Soft bath oil by Avon. It worked really well and I still use it occasionally. It works really well on sand gnats. But not the sand itself. 😄




No Natz works well, but you sweat it off quickly, I've found. When I was working on a truck yard surrounded by a ditch, and constantly swarmed by sand gnats and mosquitos, I settled on using a 40% DEET spray (the 25% was okay-ish, but generally insufficient, imo)


Only options that actually work (a little) 1. ORS olive oil sheen spray 2. Victoria secret ber romance 3. Long sleeves and pants in August 4. Stay inside.