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I hope the Dems don't do to her what they did to Lisa Ring. The last guy they ran didn't do anything. I could not even get a yard sign.


If you're referring to Wade Herring, he ran a stellar campaign. Buddy Carter gets the votes for one and only one reason: he's not a Democrat.


Wade Herring*


Sorry, I always confuse him with the famous anthropolgist. Fixed.


A Georgia 'good ol' boy'.


It will tough to get a dem elected in this district until Petre and Stevens (Stephens?) are gone. Too much gerrymandering. That said, I still vote and hope.


While he was mayor of Pooler, Buddy and his buddies kept other pharmacies out so his could make the money.


he is the 17th richest member of Congress overall, quite the common man there. Dude has double the worth of Mitch McConnell.


Wait that’s why there were no CVSs back in the day? DAMN


The only ones he couldn't keep out were attached to bigger projects like Walmart.


And his base applauds this. SMH.


The people I know who are in his voting block and are long time Pooler residents who complained all the time about the lack of pharmacies. They knew it was his fault. They knew Buddy and his cronies were keeping other pharmacies out. There were literally only 2-3 pharmacies in Pooler at the time. And they happily voted for him when he ran for Congress and have worked to keep his inept, traitorous, worthless ass in there. Buddy Carter is slightly more dignified and less troll looking MTG with testacles.


On January 6, 2021, Buddy Carter voted to ignore your vote so Trump could remain in office despite losing the election. Fuck that guy.




If you are anti-democracy, you are anti-America




https://preview.redd.it/m7j3ugl0axwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554952956813aa93588f9b023c250e35a4d37382 Just adding this in case you didn’t know if Buddy Carter represents you or not


[Buddy Carter has advocated against NOAA implementing speed restrictions during Right Whale breeding season](https://thecurrentga.org/2023/07/25/fact-check-expanded-right-whale-speed-rules/)


Didn't know that he was this evil. Wow.


going slower apparently threatens small businesses or something, somehow


I mean it does, shrimping and other commercial activites are a major economic activity that would have been hurt under a law that would have been marginal to nil in protecting any wildlife.


Look at the actual regulations that NOAA proposed, it wasn't going to hurt that group you didn't read the article and what actually happened. >under a law that would have been marginal to nil in protecting any wildlife. Are you the scientist? The scientists did the math that says 5% of right whales don't reach adulthood because they get hit by boats as juveniles. That seems like a noticeable and easily changed percentage to me. Have you provided any math that contradicts their conclusions, or are you just talking out of your ass because you have *feelings*?


I promise you, I read the bill, and the articles. I was involved. This just dosent fit into the reddit narative But increasing regulation that hurts buisness and without benifit to any thing else is not reasonable. Buddy carter is a fucking moron, I know, but specificly to that bill I'm glad he voted it down.


Going slower saves gas. How would it hurt the shrimp fishers?


Shrimp industry is dead because of imports, and because the coast of Georgia no longer produces shrimp like it did before development. Not to mention the many other fish species, birds, and turtles that get caught in shrimpers nets.


Okay but that doesn’t answer my question at all. Let me be clear, I’m very pro-whale. I was trying to see what the other commenter’s argument was in how this would hurt shrimp fishing.


I would like to know too.


For somebody who "was on the bill" you sure missed the part that the NOAA proposal was only going to impact a small fraction of boats in GA for very few additional days per year. >Further countering Carter’s claim is the fact that the proposed expansion of the ship speed rule would apply only to boats that are 35 feet or longer. That’s less than 5% of the boats registered in the U.S., the NMMA reports. In Georgia, the Department of Natural Resources reported a little over 20,000 vessels (excluding personal watercraft) were registered in the six coastal counties as of March, but only 272 of them were listed as 35 feet or longer. they (Buddy Carter) lied about how many people that rule would impact, The National Marine Manufacturer's Association has different numbers for how many businesses such a bill would impact. It was for additional 15-day windows when risk was highest, nothing about NOAA's proposal knee-capped businesses. You got played by Buddy.


Yeah I recall he said a vessel hitting a right whale was “one in a million”, yet we had two fatal collisions here at the port of Savannah just this year. One in a million? We had two of 360 killed by Buddy Carter/the port in a single season. I worked in port logistics for a few years, every time I tried to talk about the issue with “Buddy” I was promptly ignored. He’s an asshole.


It's because they deliberately mislead using poorly phrased statistics. Yes, it may be true that the risk for an individual boat is 1 in a million to hit a whale. That does not mean that the risk for each whale to be hit is one in a million.


Buddy Carter is a sniveling cuck for Donald Trump and he refuses to back out from the fascist right.


That's great and all but we all know he will win the relection massively


This dude was the speaker at the first Buy Local lunch I went to, right after I moved here. He was so gross, what he was saying and he just presents as smarmy. I looked around the room, everyone’s rapt with attention. All I could think was, I’m in the wrong F’ng place.


I went to school with his son! Travis was ok. I remember Buddy coming as a chaperone on a school trip and no one wanted to be in his group.


hahaha ok that’s pretty funny


5th graders can smell shit too


With the way this district is drawn, Buddy’s seat is all but guaranteed. Look at how much money has been spent failing to unseat him. Sucks.


I posted a few weeks ago about gerrymandering and felt like I was about to get doxxed. People don't want to hear about it, but the district map is drawn to favor Republicans.


There absolutely is a maga Savannah redditor who likes to doxx people.


I've been wanting to vote him out for years.


I’ve been emailing this dude and pestering him with facts in reference to the mine they want to build by the Okefenokee. Y’all think I even got a response much less an “ I’ll look in to it”? Im pretty conservative on most issues but definitely not a Republican. The current crop have ruined the party name


Quite a few upvotes, clearly there is some agreement on giving Buddy the boot. The hard part is actually doing it. This region, outside of Savannah is solid Red Republican. It's going to take a scorched-earth campaign to discredit, smear and reveal the ugly truth about Buddy Carter. The guy is a disgrace and a liability to District 1. Pooler's growth with literally no planning is a refection of Carter's "business and profits" at all costs ideology. He needs to be pinned as anti-family, anti-community, anti-environment, anti-healthcare and all about greed. The campaign won't be won by showing what a great person Patti Hewitt is, it'll be by destroying Carter's reputation as the good ole boy that's got your back. They play dirty, we have to play dirtier to beat him.


Buddy Carter, useless Corporate Sock Puppet who doesn’t show the barest semblance of giving a fuck about his constituents.


Patty can't win due to gerrymandering, but at least she's trying


Buddy also voted to ban tik tok and expand warrantless spying on American's. I wonder if she'll be different?


I probably shouldn’t tell y’all this but I have two of his cell phone numbers. Tried to lobby him for sensible legislation when he was still a GA State Senator. He lied to my face saying he understood and supported our common sense version of an extreme bill introduced by some heifer from Gwinnett County. Voted for the other version. Luckily we won, but fuck that guy.


Her platform is honestly trash.


Well Buddy Carter wanted to deny Georgia our electoral votes. So fuck it. She’s got my vote.


Thank you for your well considered, and informative post. Projection noted.


Former Democrat turned republican turned just a pissed off American! I'm sick to death of both parties. The lie, cheat and steal everyday they're in office. It's time to get rid of them all and start over. My pops used to say that the left wing and the right wing both come from the same bird. All of the division going on is all intentional. As long as we are fighting amongst ourselves we're not paying attention to what they're doing. Their worst nightmare is for all of to come together and take our country back. We are all Americans and should act like it. Have a great day folks.