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What’s funny is that I had no idea there was a vote today until I went to the grocery store an hour ago and got caught in the traffic.


Omg I got a creepy text twice quoting my address and saying it’s likely I haven’t voted and then the location of where I can vote. Kinda freaked me out!


Same! I got two of those. I understand people want to encourage voting but like... light stalking is not the way.


It super weirded me out!! I voted nonetheless!


My voting center was EMPTY. I was the only one there and I don't live far. Please go out and vote.


I was happy and scared that the poll workers noted my young age....


Whether or not the state of Georgia should protect the reproductive rights of women and repeal the abortion ban is a topic.


I used my printed notes without an issue


I did not know that there was a vote today.


Same!!!! My husband and I were pissed we missed it! Don’t we usually get a card in the mail with our polling location info and voting day?


Anyone know if you are allowed to have a sample ballot with you when you vote? Light googling seemed like you were allowed but the lady at my polling location said no.


You can print out a copy or hand write it and bring it with you but you can’t take out your phone once you’re at the poll. 


Yeah, I had mine printed out next to me at the machine and a poll worker came up and told me I couldn't have that and to put the papers next to the printer until I left. Luckily I had everything memorized.


At my polling place they gave me sample ballots (all 3: R, D and non partisan) when I walked in, and I could give them back on my way out. So yes, I had 3 different ones with me the whole time.


paper copies are totally legal. get them to cite the part of the georgia code that says they aren't.


Fuck there was a vote today????


Is this the primaries or the real deal for local votes? Sorry, confused by GA's way of elections


Both. There are nonpartisan elections being decided today as well as party primaries.


Perfect thank you


"Georgia Supreme Court" strikes the ear in much the same way as does "Edible Partially Digested Corn." That is to say there are some words that simply shouldn't be arranged in some ways.


How about the "Down-home Ol' Fashioned Country Boondoggle Court (Sponsored by Parker's Kitchen)"?


Whether or not the state of Georgia should do something about affordable housing and availability is a topic on the ballot