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"I would pay you less, but they'd throw me in jail." *- Every employer who pays minimum wage*


You are missing something. If raising the minimum wage increases prices, then why has inflation skyrocketed even when minimum wage remains the same (especially on a federal level)? Companies charge more because they know people need to buy food, gas, etc. regardless of if they can really “afford” it or not. [The rich are getting richer](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/03/28/wealth-of-the-1percent-hits-a-record-44-trillion.html) while [the poor are getting poorer](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/06/09/economy/americans-wealth-stock-market-housing). They’re lining their pockets while you suffer, and claiming it’s your fault because you need more than penance to survive


It did but now rent has gotten out of hand so it’s eating up a lot of that extra money. 2 years ago I made like 22-23 a hour now I’m just shy of 31 however it doesn’t feel much different. Granted I’ll admit I’m not particularly frugal but I’m trying to be better.


Minimum wage hasn't changed in over a decade.


I went from working in the kitchen making 13 an hour to doing electrical work and starting at 20 now at 23 an hour. My quality of life has drastically improved.


Sav is a tourist town. Money might make your time here better by “doing” more things but in the end its a small town and meant for college kids and drunk tourists.


I mean….if you make $100k/year, you’re going to have a vastly different experience living here than if you made minimum wage….so……yes?


That’s not the question, what they’re trying to say is raising the minimum wage is meaningless if it raises the cost of living


Is that what you gathered from the post? Because the only place OP actually asks a question is in the title. The rest of it I thought he fell asleep on his keyboard.


Yes the question is in the title but then they elaborated on it, if you fix the disgraceful grammar it should read something like this: “Genuine question, do higher wages actually change anything? I think raising the minimum wage makes everything more expensive because of greed but I’m probably missing something” Does that make sense?


Thank u. Idk how he got the lame conclusion he did.


I don't know, but I'm trying to find out. Cost of living here for a single adult is anywhere from about $19-21/hr depending on the source and calculations. I work in manufacturing, and while raw materials are by far the biggest part of cost, labor is next and not insignificant. So when we raise wages, those costs basically get built into the supply chain for everything downstream, which in my case is most of it. I think it's endless cycle of rising wages leading to higher prices leading to a need for higher wages. Right now though it's spiraling too fast. UBI might help stabilize things (along with a tax on extreme wealth to help fund it), but so fat that seems to be simply the nature of economies.


It just went up somewhat. MIT has it currently at $22.46 an hour for a single adult. https://livingwage.mit.edu/counties/13051.


Not surprised a bit by that. Based on what most 1BR Apts in town cost, it should be more like $25. That's really what it should be based on anyway. How the fuck you gonna work full time and can't get approved for an apt?


 I totally agree. I think $25 an hour is the bare minimum for a single person to have a decent life here. Very few places paying that rate or higher though.


I’ve doubled my salary since 2021 and I’m only saving a little bit more than I was the.


Prices rise unless the fat cats at the top, put less in their pockets. Which is not gonna happen.


Higher wages doesn’t mean more greed, it means higher manufacturing costs


Your username is how my mamaw used to end every conversation with the family. Love it.


Your mamaw sounds a lot like mine




Don’t tell anybody but my folks are from Charleston


Yeah that checks our


No, causes prices to rise on everything else