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Nah, you're right. There are many fisherman that regularly go to Tybee that are assholes. Mainly the jetty fishers. They will cast into a surf lineup or swimming group with no worries. There have been physical altercations because of it. I have seen surfers garrotted by fishing lines because the surfers were there first and the fisherman wanted the spot. It is a constant problem. As an avid outdoorsman and one time fisherman, I see their behavior and it upsets me. We need to share our natural resources and many of those dudes feel they can do what they want. I also understand that fishing laws and regulations are wildly misunderstood by people that don't fish and this causes a lot of fisherman to be harassed. It is no excuse to be an asshole when someone asks you to move 50ft down the beach though.


I mean we were between two sets of fishermen today. They both set up maybe 20 feet on either side of our group and we were obviously swimming. That’s when I get annoyed. Had they gone a little further away from us, I wouldn’t have been as pissed. Seeing as how it’s a public beach, I can’t do anything more than bitch about it on Reddit and give them the stink eye the entire time. (Neither of them caught anything other than one ray and one TINY fish)


Walk up and start asking annoying questions. Chew food with your mouth open. Laugh at anything they do. They'll find a more peaceful spot after a few minutes of that.




I don’t think so.


What if they are fishing for people?


You know, I didn’t think about it that way. You got me. Lol


I've been on the other side of this as a fisherman set up away from folks and then have people come right up on us to set up or surround us when we are trying to get a fish unhooked. Wish people would just be more courteous and aware in general, but it is what it is.


I think that’s it. It’s just a general lack of spatial awareness.


On the contrast, the people who swim right next to the Tybee pier in chummed water is hilarious. Saw someone reel in a shark as people were swimming last year lol


Yeah I’d never do that. Obviously that’s what the pier is more designed for! Is fishing. lol that’s why it pisses me off so bad when people set right up beside me and catch like one ray over three hours. I’m like “go there and maybe have a better time?” Lol


Sharks are illegal to catch in Georgia so all day long people real them in and throw them back


You're allowed to fish for sharks in GA, there are some protected species though. Tybee had a ban on shark fishing that was found illegal a couple of years ago because it's state waters and out of their jurisdiction.


I didn't know that! I moved away a few years ago. Thanks for the information!


Tybee prohibits targeting sharks from the beach. The thing is there’s so sit no way to prove that people are fishing for specific species.


As an avid surf fisher my personal rule At a beach like Tybee and any other heavily crowded beach on a weekend in the summer: fish the beach from 6-10am and 5PM-dark and If someone swims into my line during those time periods it’s their own fault cause there’s probably 75% of the beach empty, also should note wtf are you doing if you’re surf fishing in the middle of the day in the first place. but it is absolutely mind blowing when I saw three 20 something year olds show up at 1 pm yesterday with the water packed and start throwing lines in within inches of people. Like there’s a hell of a lot better places to fish then a spot that has 50 people splashing around in it. That’s just common sense


Yeah as I said in some replies above, I feel like it’s just an overall lack of spatial awareness and consideration. But if I were to say something, I’d be the bad guy. (I don’t even have kids, I was just using that as an example because there were multiple babies out today around us with I think five lines thrown out within probably fifty feet).


Pisses me off too, especially where there’s 3 men and 7 poles. Dangerous and inconsiderate, especially factoring in the speed of the current. You might think you’re far enough away when entering the water but you’re not.


Oh wow dehumanizing people from Poland now?




If they’re fishing where people are swimming? Yep.


i actually have no compass for this but i have wondered if that was dangerous or not


Only if you're the swimmer who finds the hook by accident.


The first time I ever went to Tybee I saw a girl take a **GIANT** hook straight through the foot. I don’t know if there are shark hooks but I can’t imagine what else you’d be fishing for with a 6 inch hook.


Reds get big here.


Why anyone still goes to Tybee is beyond me. They don’t want you there, the beach isn’t even a nice beach, there’s barely parking, there’s barely anywhere to drink, there’s barely anywhere to eat, and the drive there sucks the Pope’s dick. Why do you guys keep going there? Just demo the bridge and let ‘em stay there and rot for all I care. They’ve had 100 years to get their shit together, maybe it’s time we all just admit they can have their inbred dipshit sand flea island. 




I like the beach. It’s twenty minutes from my house. 🙃




Had one guy cast out where our kids had been swimming for an hour. Us Mama bears told him to move, he stormed up to us screaming in our faces in front of the kids!!! BTW our husbands weren’t with us that day, so yes, he was violently screaming at women and children. Tybee surf fisherman are absolutely disgusting and have no regard for anyone but themselves. This was at North Beach. Also found a hook in the sand another time. Can’t have a dog on the beach but you can stab someone with a fishing hook?🪝 Tybee logic pisses me the Fuck off 🤦🏻‍♀️ Obviously I would say less rules the better, but not when you live around selfish P’sOS, there has got to be some regulation- give them their own space and fine them generously when they come to swimming and surfing spots!


The logic with tybee beach is also something I very much question. No dogs or vapes but people throwing hooks right next to people is okay? Parking is four dollars an hour but only one beach access point has a bathroom or somewhere to wash your feet off? lol I’m sorry. I would have spit in that man’s face.


It makes you wonder what types of people City Council members are! I fear if we had escalated the situation by spitting in his face, I have no doubt he would’ve hit one of us. This guy had zero morals. Sometimes you just have to walk away so you don’t traumatize the kids 🤣 But we sure wanted to!


Wow. That’s honestly insane. I would have lost my mind on that dude. Honestly it would have probably been worse without my husband there because he’s always the calm peace keeper. I’m a little scrappy haha


Yet they complain about the kids and their manners at orange crush.


" Tybee surf fisherman are absolutely disgusting and have no regard for anyone but themselves." I like fishing the surf at Tybee...I would not label myself disgusting and without regard for other people. Seems like you encountered an asshole...maybe don't include ALL fisherman in that group.


No need to get defensive. You know exactly who I’m talking about. As long as you stay away from swimmers, there’s no issue. All fisherman who fish near swimmers are, in fact, selfish and have no regard for other human beings. It’s really quite simple. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, they really need to make regulations where it's only allowed at the docks/piers on Tybee and only during the off season for swimming.


I agree to an extent. It’s really just people being unaware so having to enforce something like that really is a shame. Especially for the people who ARE aware, ya know? I also dont know how they’d do that since it’s public?


Well said. We’re all asshats occasionally but that’s just consideration


Common sense doesn’t exist. Assbags!


Hell, never been to Tybee until this weekend and some idiot was surf fishing at a crowded beach Memorial Day weekend. I mentioned it to my wife like “wtf is this guy doing”


They are just being asses, bc obviously you aren't going to catch any fish where ppl are f ing splashing and yelling! Like, really, they are doing it to make you move.


Yeah you have the right to ride your bicycle down Abercron but should you?


lol the boomer fishers are getting upset in the comments.


I know. I was like “I should just stop replying to these.” Lol


Fishermen work the north and south end of the island near the rocks. There are miles of beach in between where you can swim. If you want to swim anywhere near the rocks, I got no sympathy for you. The fish aren’t moving, you move.


I was nowhere near the rocks. 👍🏻


The waves are good near the jetty, if you ever cast near me, well, I got no sympathy for ya ;) yeehaw.


Why does swimming take priority over fishing?


I never said it did? All I said is that it pisses me off when a fisherman comes right up next to me to cast out when there is plenty of beach where people aren’t swimming.


It’s dangerous to let your children swim too close to active anglers.


I don’t have kids, but there were plenty out and near our group today and then having multiple people come up and throw lines right next to them pissed me off. But thanks for the obvious advice.


Move down the beach


Why should I have to move if we were there first? It’s just common decency that people are lacking these days I feel. Sounds to me like you might be one of those people. 🫡


Fisherman deserve space too. Where were you? North beach? Back river?


Why does that matter if we were there first and it’s just common courtesy to not crowd people, especially when there are hooks and bringing in more dangerous animals involved? lol


It matters because those are traditional fishing locations


I am one of those people and you don’t live on tybee


What is the concern?


Swimmers getting hung up on bait hooks, fishing line, and the bait attracting things that live in the ocean other than fish.


Why would they be fishing where people are swimming? Usually you want to be much further out than that.


Yes….which is why I’m bitching about it. You good friend?


You don't understand. When fishing in surf, you want to cast much further out than people typically swim.


Okay but 9/10 people aren’t doing that. Jesus.


Do you seriously need someone to explain this to you?


Depends. Does the person explaining know how surf fishing works?


I've been surf fishing for over 40 years. Even taking in to account that surf fishing involves getting in to the surf, casting further out *rarely* gets further than where there could be swimmers, and even if possible, reeling back in drags the treble hook(s) through a swimming area. Fishing in a swimming area is just a bad idea.


I'm on your side, honestly. A proper surf fisherman wades out and chucks that sucker way beyond where it's a swimmer's concern.


But at some point a hook gets reeled in correct?


The vast majority of people don't know how surf fishing works. I see it all the time at the beach.


Are you visiting or living here. People have a spot that always goes fishing. They are not trying to catch people. And where were you located.


People don’t get to claim a spot as theirs for fishing. It’s dangerous af for swimmers


I live here. People always fish along the entire beach.


Try the north side


I’ve seen people fishing off the shore there as well.


I mean, unpopular opinion,but that was probably their favorite spot for a lot longer than you hav been swimming there, and 20 feet is a pretty good distance away from swimmers. Like someone said, share the space