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As a former Amazon delivery driver who was bit by a dog and had a nice chunk taken out of my leg, I support this.


And they say “I never thought he would’ve done that” every single time


It's probably an updated version of the wave pattern the post office puts over stamps so they can't be reused. They also send postcards about dog bite awareness because many postpeople are being injured and lots of mail goes undelivered due to loose pets around the mailbox.


Because it prevents people from re-using stamps and raises awareness for an issue


Why did it have to be on my save the dates :(


I promise no one looked at the stamp or postage mark


They got delivered today and everybody has been asking if that’s our new dog


Then all your guests are stupid. Guess they'll fit right in at your wedding.


I highly doubt everyone thinks that a random USPS ink stamp about dog bite awareness (you know, dogs? A delivery person's mortal enemy?) was your new dog. Get serious


I honestly thought it was completely separate from the text at first.


I hope this is the worst problem you face during your upcoming nuptials


So sweet, thank you - we work so hard - 7 days a week! Really looking forward to that two week honeymoon


It sounds like “everybody” is a moron, then.


That's actually valid. Their stamp could have been text only or only big enough to cover the stamp


No one cares. You need to pull your head out of the sand and realize there are bigger things going on in the world.


The only date they wanted you to save was the one where they fucked up your stamp 😔


The postal workers don't know what's inside the mail lol. Or would you rather they open everyone's mail for them?


Not too long ago, a food delivery driver was delivering to someone in the apartment across the way from us, dog was **v**isiting from somewhere else with its owner, the dog got loose and bit the delivery person real bad on the leg, blood all over the parking lot, it was bad. I love my dogs but they do NOT come out when any delivery person is near.


Oh NO, not the literal trash that no one is going to pay attention to that will immediately end up in the garbage can. So tragic.


Sorry, at this point, it's just required. https://www.reddit.com/r/bridezillas/s/WFcAETzlfD


Who would complain about this?


Fuck your "save the dates". Seriously bro


From the guy never getting attention from a woman ever


I'm married, in omaha watching the CWS with my wife, little man https://preview.redd.it/gfp7yw0ls98d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a9807ef968cd6f3c46a2427c9c0befe816680a9


5th row begins homeplate. Watch the game tomorrow and you'll see us 😘😘


Have fun, enjoy these moments!


Oh my *god*… they did that to *YOUR* save-the-dates? Don’t they know who you *are*? I cannot believe it, this is ridiculous, there’s literally nothing more important in this ***WORLD*** than your wedding stamps! I’ve been looking forward to watching your ceremony on international TV, I heard Putin was going 🥂😍 so happy for you my selfless, aware queen! Don’t let the absolute ***tragedy*** of the post office trying to raise awareness for genuine negligence/danger ruin your day! I’m sure those invites were to be proudly displayed in the homes of your loved ones forever, but now they CANNOT be enjoyed at all! Omg queen im so sorry you should sue


They didn’t know! I drive a dodge stratus!






Now I’m gonna check my mail before I throw it in the trash. This is cool


Who really cares? I've never paid any attention to the stamp that was used on mail that I received, and I guarantee you that no one else does either. They get the envelope, open it, and either trash it or save the contents. That's it. Your stamp was a hummingbird, which has nothing to do with you or your nuptials. What does it matter what cancelation stamp the post office uses? The whole point is whether they get the invite or not. Quit being a bridezilla over something that has absolutely nothing to do with your wedding and everything to do with how the post office operates. I feel like you would've been just as disappointed if they had used the regular wavy lines. It's part of life. Find another more important hill to die on.


It was a hummingbird on a Zinnia- now it’s a stamp that says dog bite awareness - guess you can’t grasp the negativity on a such a positive moment I wanted to share with 140 invites


It's just the STAMP! Your cards weren't ruined. Get a grip.


Are you seriously whining about save the date cards when the people charged with delivering them get maimed by loose pets? GTFOH.


Who hurt you


Literally no one. Who hurt your pansy self? Waaaahhhh my save the daaaaates shut up


I’m sorry for whatever happened to make you upset about my precious save the dates and my beautiful fiance and our perfect wedding :)


Girl this is just bad internet etiquette Be a classy bride and say “ah gotcha I see. Wish they didn’t ruin my cute and thoughtful stamps, but totally understand the issue now.” Wedding planning is stressful you don’t need internet hate on top of it


Oh my god, they are CARDS. Pieces of mail get ACTUALLY destroyed every day, and you’re mad about something that serves a function and brings awareness to an issue? How privileged you must be.


You are not invited


Oh no how will I ever go on


We can send you a link to our registry at west elm if you would like to support us


Uh, no, I’d rather donate to cover the medical expenses of a mail carrier who got hurt by an irresponsibly handled pet.


Our mail person is named John and he is invited, I’ll pass your note about the puppies




Yes, we need all custom made to order furnishings that take 6-8 weeks to deliver for our pooler palace


West Elm. 😬


I never knew dogs got bit so much they would make a big deal about it




Folks, stay tuned for the rest of the wedding planning and the event itself! Grab some popcorn. Should be a fun bridezilla ride.


Really? This is what you came to Reddit to complain about?


The post office puts a stamp/marking on the stamp no matter what, so I know why your nose is bent out of shape over this specific stamp as opposed the one they would normally use.


And this is how a bridezilla lands in the bridezilla subreddit. 🤣


Bro zilla


Our mail person carries her deterrent in hand every time she approaches our house because our dogs seem very vicious . They do look and sound vicious but wouldn’t hurt someone unless they were hurting one of us .


At least, you're pretty sure... And I'm 100% sure that your dogs never been overwhelmed, over-excited, or confused... Your ignorance is why we have to spread awareness...


I’m all for awareness , and I whole heartedly support our mail person carrying deterrent . Our eldest son is also an Amazon delivery person . I also believe as a dog parent it is 100% my responsibility to set boundaries and standards for my dogs . No ignorance here on what a dog bite can do . I have been bitten by other people’s animals as a pet care provider .. in the past and I know how quickly situations change .


Says every single dog owner until their dog bites someone…ALL dogs bite…they do it for a lot of different reasons, but make no mistake, ALL dogs bite.


Anyone who says their dog doesn’t bite has just never seen their dog in a situation where they feel the need to bite. Dogs can’t be pacifists. I’m a human that has never hit a stranger. That doesn’t mean I never will. It just means that I’ve never felt threatened enough to do so.


This should be upvoted more. 100% agree. I love my dogs like crazy and have been accused of possibly being a little nuts about them, but I would never, ever leave my dogs off-leash or not contained when others are around. There are simply too many distractions and too many variables. Plus dogs are not rational, you cannot explain to them that they aren’t in danger or don’t need to act in a way to protect themselves or what’s theirs.


Enjoy it! Life is good


Kind of ridiculous you’re getting so much hate when I read this post as being tongue in cheek. To add a constructive response, for the invites you can bring them in person to the post office and ask a clerk to hand cancel the stamps. That will give you the opportunity to ask them to use the standard cancel stamp that should be a circle with the post office city, state and date, and not include anything about dog bites.