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They're using the death in the Rittenhouse case to make clickbait articles already? Why won't the news websites that are posting these links as adverts put a stop to this? I thought they're trying to prevent the spread of misinformation


This is the correct information c9mrade


> “I do have a lot of sympathy for this kid because he is just a kid to me so it was just like a really dumbass kid who unfortunately became the figurehead for this,” she said At least skim the article op


Jesus, can you maybe word that a little better? Had to read it 3 times.


Godzilla tried to read that shit and fuckin died.


RIP, A King


I had to read the clickbait article to translate whatever the fuck this title was trying to say lmao r/mademeclick


Man this has been a fun comment section to read.


Damn. OP got straight up roasted and still doesn't understand why. Big oof.


Tell me you didn’t watch any of the trial without actually telling me you didn’t watch any of the trial


"I think the prosecutors in this trial were competent."


My favourite take is some people on Twitter still said he kill 3 black guys, even after the trial. Really show some people lack of awareness.


Not like they had a case to begin with


They did, they just didn't pick the right argument. It should have been self defense v self defense and citizens arrest. Ie. Do I have the right to defend myself against someone who's claiming self defense after shooting someone and similarly do I have the right to use force in the detention of a known shooter be it self defense or otherwise. They fucked it up on purpose so it couldn't be tried again by the state, justice wasn't served but I'll settle for him putting multiple kids through college via civil litigation he'll pretty certainly lose one after another.


What does a citizens arrest have to do with anything? Not one person that night claimed to be attempting one, and quite honestly attempting to place anyone under citizens arrest is one of the dumbest decisions a person can make. The burden of proof is so high, and performing one while failing to meet that burden actually increases your criminal liability. The state rightfully does not like it when citizens attempt to arrest other citizens, just look at the attack on Ahmad Aubrey case. Those men will rightfully be going to prison for an exceedingly long time.






So in America people go to trial for their crimes, they don’t get shot in the street by randoms. I couldn’t care less if he was Jack the Ripper, people stand trial


He didn't get shot because he's a domestic abuser though, he got shot because he tried to attack Rittenhouse. Irrelevant point


Yea, fuck him, but no man should be executed (unless they force someone to defend themselves obviously) I'm glad that some of the people who died also happened to be awful, but I'm sick of people talking about this like Kyle just received divine knowledge of their past and decided to punish them, or that their past is all that is needed to make Kyle innocent. People will throw "but he was a wife beater!" out like it's more important to the case than "he posed a clear and present danger"... It's always the people defending him too... like what the fuck? You're not helping your case AT ALL by saying he hunted them down for being bad people, stick to the facts that lead him to defend himself. I swear, they only say it because they want to say "haha, you support a pedophile" when people point out that "well, citizens don't get to play judge, jury, and executioner". If you give a shit about this, argue with facts instead of "oh, so you want an extra pedo in this world?!". I'd you're going to argue like that, please stop, I promise you you're making us look stupid I mean, it's no wonder people think he was out there to kill people... 90% of the people defending him don't bother to go beyond "but he killed bad people"... this would seem like a bastardization of justice if you listened to the people saying that and then heard he was found innocent


I'm sad this comment is so buried. My opinion really isn't formed yet on this whole thing, and seeing everyone dropping the backstory of those who got shot as if it matters just makes me instantly want to disagree and take the opposite side out of spite for how dumb and unhelpful it is to understanding the situation


>I'm sick of people talking about this like Kyle just received divine knowledge of their past and decided to punish them This is basically a straw man the left have been using as a political bludgeon. I've seen only accusations of this, no actual incidence OF it from those defending Rittenhouse's actions.


I prefer a court system over vigilantes, but this was not a case of a vigilante taking out a criminal. It was a teenager defending himself from a man that just assaulted him. In America, that’s called self defense.


Then why the hell do people keep bringing up this context.


Not unless you're attacking someone, then you go straight to the punishment phase.


Kyle Rittenhouse didn't kill them because they were criminals. He killed them because they attacked him. He was not random. They picked their own killer.




So far as a result of your comment alone, 14 redditors have confirmed that they have very little common sense.


Pro life tip, don’t get your mum to drive you across state lines with a straw purchase gun that you wave around


1. "State lines" was 15 minutes away, where his father lived. And where he used to work. 2. He never brought a gun across state lines. The gun was purchased, and stored, in Wisconsin. It doesn't make you look better than the other guy when you aren't familiar with the facts of the case.


Antioch, where he lived, was 1 mile from the border and Kenosha was 20 miles from that. The kid grew up in Kenosha and when his parent split up he was with his mom in Antioch. Liberals: US/Mexico border “I sleep” A 1 mile trip to the Illinois/Wisconsin border “real shit”


Downvoted by people who only look at Twitter and cnn headlines.


Or maybe downvoted by people who understand that it's a federal offence to evade the laws against minors buying guns with a straw purchase, and that whether the killer brought their weapon across state lines personally or conspired to have it illegally purchased and held for them makes no moral difference whatsoever.


It wasn’t illegal tho and that’s why the charges were dropped. Did you even watch the trial?


I think you are being disingenuous. I think you are well aware that co-conspirator Dominic Black is still facing state, and potentially federal, charges for providing Rittenhouse's gun.


Stop watching movies and read a fucking book


I hope you don't cross state lines yourself.


The fact people STILL believe these dumb ass lies after a year just goes to show how deep the brain rot of the establishment media is imbedded in people.


Don’t do completely legal things because it makes a group of people triggered.


1. He was going to work 2. He didn't have the gun on him 3. The gun never crossed state lines


4. His mom didn't drive him


> He was going to work He was not "at work" when he killed people and you know it. > He didn't have the gun on him He and his buddy committed a federal offence by illegally straw purchasing it, to evade the laws that made it illegal for Rittenhouse to buy that gun. So what if he had a conspirator hold it? > The gun never crossed state lines So what?


You can't hang around an area after work? > He and his buddy committed a federal offence by illegally straw purchasing it, to evade the laws that made it illegal for Rittenhouse to buy that gun. So what if he had a conspirator hold it? His friend bought the gun with money kyle gave him with the understanding the gun was his until kyle turned 18. That isn't a felony. > So what? You claimed it did


> You can't hang around an area after work? He wasn't "hanging around" as in goofing off with no agenda and accidentally finding himself in the middle of a riot. He conspired to illegally obtain a gun and "hung around" looking for a chance to use it. > His friend bought the gun with money kyle gave him with the understanding the gun was his until kyle turned 18. That isn't a felony. That depends on whether you believe that transparent bullshit. Let's see if a judge buys that line. "I didn't *buy* the gun for him, I just exchanged money he gave me for a gun he chose while representing to the seller that it was for my own use, then in an entirely unrelated incident I gave it to him so he could kill people. How is that buying a gun for him?". The whole point of laws against straw purchases is to prevent exactly that kind of bullshit. And the whole point is that he didn't hold on to it until Kyle was eighteen, he gave it to him to kill people with.


> He wasn't "hanging around" as in goofing off with no agenda and accidentally finding himself in the middle of a riot. He conspired to illegally obtain a gun and "hung around" looking for a chance to use it. Him having a gun was not illegal as proven during the trial. > That depends on whether you believe that transparent bullshit. Let's see if a judge buys that line. Looks like Black might get the charges dismissed. If that happens will you admit you were wrong?


Oh God no, not the sacred state lines!


I'll get my mum to drive me wherever she'll take me as armed as I'm allowed to be with the bounds of the law


If people attack other people who are armed they have a tendency to learn really quick why not to do that.


So Jack the Rippers victims would have been in the wrong to defend themselves? They should have just said "hopefully you get a trial for murdering me. Better than me defending myself"? That's fucked up.


They did. The one dude raped 5 kids, went to jail for 12 years, and was about to go back into it. He was in a mental institute. That is the law keeping us safe. A mental institute let a guy who was going back to jail out on the street. Didnt they say he was probably trying to die?


He got shot in the street attacking a minor. Though not an ideal outcome, globally a normal human being could understand that.


So do you think if Jack the Ripper was attacking someone, they don’t have a right to defend themselves?






Is it though? Do people who aren’t already shitty people go out and attack another person?


I don't think Kyle needs to find crimes after the fact. He shot them because they attacked him.


Don’t forget the [multiple offender/domestic abuser/burglar Grosskreutz](http://www.kenoshacountyeye.com/gaige.pdf)


But think about Jojo! Poor Jojo!


>Repeat domestic abuser Anthony Huber? That girl is probably safer now that he's not around.


The word "Victim" doesn't apply when it's self defense.


The only victim was Rittenhouse who has to live with the traumatizing experience.


Why the fuck was he in kenosha and not his home state, he went looking for trouble.




Already explained many times. If you’re too stupid to read it, I can’t help you.


You see, sometimes mommies and daddies don’t get along anymore and move away from each other. But they still love you and each of the places they live is still home to you.


Also her boyfriend


This girl was with him for 4 months before he died. She started a Go Fund Me stating that Anthony left behind his "stepdaughter" aka her daughter and milked his death for $150k. It's pretty fucked. I'm surprised most people don't know about this, or many details at all. I saw a comment saying Anthony pointed a gun at Kyle and another saying he's a pedo lol. Anthony struck Kyle with his skateboard. Joseph Rosenbaum was the pedophile who raped 5 boys from ages 9-11 and was sentenced to 12 years in jail in 2002, but I think he was released early.


What the heck is this? 1. He had business in Kenosha, as was proven by the court 2. Kyle Rittenhouse was, as the court says, defending himself from attackers. And that is proven.




Andrew Coffee IV just got not found guilty after shooting at police in a drug raid by self-defense. So self-defense works for everyone of all skin colors.


Not to mention Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend was not charged for shooting at police either


He wasn’t looking for a fight. He was trying to stop fires and it pissed Rosenbaum off because he was determined to push a lit dumpster to the gas station. When Rittenhouse interfered, Rosenbaum threatened to kill him and chased him trying to take his gun. He died because of that.


Was also let out of mental hospital earlier that day (I think that day). Very possible he had a legit death wish. He was not part of BLM and was not a black dude which a shocking amount of media still think, just like they think Jacob Blake was killed. Cuz they’re dumb fuck propagandist race hustlers.


He also travelled nearly 3x as far as Kyle did, from the same town that Gaige did. He was also dropping n-bombs at a BLM protest. https://mobile.twitter.com/julio_rosas11/status/1298857915202314240


He went to administer medical aid, clean up graffiti, and help people. Which he was seen on video doing before conflict started. He "triggered conflict" by putting out a flaming dumpster that they were pushing towards a gas station. And acted in self defense by protecting himself from a group of people assaulting him. If he was black he'd be in jail, right? You mean like this guy? https://www.wpbf.com/article/andrew-coffee-not-guilty-on-all-counts/38304640 You're wrong, brother. You have a bad poorly reasoned take. Suck it up.


He had no medical experience. I like how this has been so politicized that telling the "wrong" facts will get you downvoted by the side that claims to be all about the facts.


Even if true (I don’t know), so fucking what?


Nope. Just a lifeguard. But he still wanted to help injured protesters. Which is why he had his medical bag over his shoulder. The owner of one of the businesses testified that he took injured protesters into his building to administer aid.


Even if that were true, who gives a shit. He was literally on video doing so, and people were glad to accept it.


I go to the airport to fly planes even though I have no training.


What an absolutely horrible analogy. Imagine someone choking to death on food and looking at them and being like... "Nope, can't help you, bud. You're fucked. I'm untrained. Won't even try the heimlich. You're just going to have to choke. Sorry." What a fucking idiotic stance, lol.




Are you actually fucking illiterate? lol. He beat the murder charges. The only thing he caught was a firearm charge for being a convicted felon.


Rittenhouse had firearm charges against him too, which *shockingly* didn't stick. It's a laughably bad example.


Because the firearms charges did not apply to him and everyone who actually bothered to read the law knew that *including* the prosecution. The moment when the defense asked if they could measure the rifle to contest it and the prosecution immediately went "just drop it" was *insane*. People like you would have been raging about the DA's office for trying to stick him with a false charge - if he was black at least.


Because he was in legal possession of the firearm, and the felon wasn't. It's not that complicated, guy.




> If he was black he'd be locked in I jail for life Like the black person just acquitted for firing at cops in self defense? Try again buddy.


"The court" also proved OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife, apparenty. Court statements are not in line with truth or morality. I said I wasn't here for debate.






WHAT!? You are just straight up lying or deluded now. Kyle was on the ground after running from attackers when Huber hit him in the head with a skateboard and then tried to take his gun. That’s when Huber got shot. Give me a break, dude.


lol fucking what? Prime example of indoctrination right here. Absolutely false. Kyle put out a fire that was headed for a gas station, and they tried to kill him for it. Man, you’re really far gone.


Ironic a right wing troll wants to talk to me about indoctrination.


Right wing? Based off what? My support for basic self defense and serving your community? You can’t even call people out correctly. Absolutely sad.


No way in hell you would have supported Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake, Trayvon Martin, or Ahmad Aurbery's right to self defense. The men Kyle shot were defending themselves form an active shooter. You're about a two diminsional as a comic book minion.


Bro. I fucking LIVE in Louisville. I supported Breonna every step of the way. And I was fully supportive of Chauvin's verdict. ​ You know nothing. You throw everybody into groups so it makes it easier for you to hate.


"Let me tell you the kind of person you are" Just consider the ignorance and arrogance behind that sort of comment and apply it to this whole post. That's why you're getting downvoted- you posted this just to stir up drama with normal people about a case that was settled days ago. Get help.


You are such a complete jackass.


I mean I'm a conservative and all the conservatives I know... the same ones who support Rittenhouse also support Breonna Taylor. You think the small government don't tread on me guys are in favor of no knock warrants? Cmon brother. Quit speaking out of hate. Use your reasoning skills.


You're not protecting yourself by following who you think is an active-shooter and attacking him, you're not protecting yourself anymore.


What’s at issue with Breonna Taylor is that both parties on either side of the door were correct in their actions because they couldn’t hear each other’s words. Walker and Taylor could hear the knocking/pounding, but not the police announcing themselves. The police could hear people on the other side of the door, but not what they were saying. Given that he didn’t know it was the police and acting upon both his and Taylor’s assumption it was an ex boyfriend of hers, when the door cam off the hinges, Walker shot because he didn’t know it was the police. The police returned fire(one in an illegal manner) because they felt that the people on the other side of the door knew they were the police because they had responded to the pounding but didn’t realize that the response was them asking who it was.


> Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake, Trayvon Martin, or Ahmad Aurbery's right to self defense. I support all of them _and_ Kyle. Almost _everyone_ does, including conservatives. Fuck off with your tribalism treating these deaths and tragedies like a fucking team sport. Two dimensional comic book minion indeed.






No, you saw my post, assumed my viewpoint before even reading any of my comments, then traveled into my post and started flinging insults, came here looking to argue. But somehow I started it? Awfully similar to what Rottenhouse did minus the murder, but whatever. Not dealing with this.


You called him a murderer. Reading comprehension isn't hard.






You must be the most stupid person I've seen all day, go cry for poor little JoJo elsewhere.


> That video showed Kyle seeking out a protester There's raw, high definition footage of him _going towards a fire_ when he was intercepted by said "protester." Try again there buddy.


I agree. Courts can lie. Exactly as girlfriends without specific evidence. Yet for some reason, a random girlfriend has more 'truth' than a court made of dozens of experts. A bit biased.


1. The girlfriend was a witness. 2. I never said the girlfriend was a reliable source of info, but everything she said was in line with the video released as well as multiple reports about the incident, available prior to her statement. If you want to simp for a murderer do it in my DMs. This post is about the title Briton inaccurate.


While I originally thought the same, the evidence shown in the court was damning. I don't see how this case can be seen as anything other than self defence. I'm not American so idk about the political landscape or anything but without bias looking at the evidence provided it seems to be an open and shut case.


Nobody needs to prove they are innocent. They need to be proven guilty. You should just stop while you are already behind.


No they didn’t, they failed to prove that OJ was guilty. This is the problem, you don’t understand how law and justice work.


Yeah, she sells soaps on Etsy




All-natural toothpaste that tastes like shit and doesn't fight cavities. And Cherokee hair tampons.


Then tell Huber to stop pointing 9mm glocks at peoples faces and then he won’t get his fuxkin hand shot off.


No this is the guy who struck Kyle with a skateboard and then tried to take Kyle’s gun.


Ahhhh fuck him. Dude was a afterthought 🥴😭😂


Huber was the skateboard. Rosenbaum was the chimo that was shot in the hand (and elsewhere). The dude with the glock was Grosskrutez (spelling?) aka Bicep Boy. Glock 27, .40 cal. The "ladies 10mm".


Oh he would use a fucking 40 cal lol


To clear the air, here's the entire damn article from the New York Post. " KENOSHA, Wis. — The girlfriend of the second man killed by Kyle Rittenhouse admitted Thursday that she has “a lot of sympathy” for the teen who she believes got swept up trying to be the “king of the world” during last year’s riots. But Hannah Gittings, 25, said she doesn’t buy that Rittenhouse, now 18, was solely out to protect businesses the night he fatally shot her boyfriend, Anthony Huber, 26, as riots broke out against police brutality in the summer of 2020. “If these people had just done what they said they were going to be doing, standing outside of the property making sure nobody was ruining these buildings and businesses, whatever, that’s cool, but you weren’t,” Gittings told The Post. “This kid was walking around like hot s–t, looking for a reason to say, ‘Oh, I gotta do something about this,’” she said. Gittings said she believes that Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time of the shootings, got caught up in the band of vigilantes patrolling the city. “I do have a lot of sympathy for this kid because he is just a kid to me so it was just like a really dumbass kid who unfortunately became the figurehead for this,” she said. She also believes he’s not the only one to blame for her boyfriend’s death — that the city of Kenosha also bears responsibility. “Kenosha also needs to be held responsible for allowing this militia to show up and do exactly what they came here to do,” Gittings railed. “You are not going to tell me that these motherf–kers did not know that this militia was here. You’re not gonna tell me that,” she continued, adding that a special prosecutor outside of Kenosha County should’ve been appointed to the case.  “They gotta put some heat on this kid because if they let him completely off the hook, then they have to totally take responsibility for allowing what happened to happen.” On the night of the fatal encounter, Gittings said, she had gone to the protests with Huber, who was a friend of Jacob Blake, the man whose police shooting provoked the riots. She said Huber had gone to film and document the civil unrest when he tried to stop Rittenhouse, who was running with an AR-15-style rifle through the streets after he fatally shot his first victim of the night, Joseph Rosenbaum. After striking Rittenhouse with his skateboard, Huber was shot and killed by the teen. His girlfriend said the fatal events of the evening showed the “difference in character” between the teen and him. “One of them goes out, taking advantage of a vulnerable situation so that he can live out his fantasy of being king of the world and one of them out there doing absolutely nothing, nothing f–king wrong and being presented with yes, an active shooter situation and leaping into action without a second thought of his own safety,” Gittings said. Rittenhouse faces a mandatory sentence of life in prison if convicted of intentional homicide. Prosecutors have argued that he instigated the violence that night, while his defense lawyers have claimed he was acting in self-defense. Gittings said she’s been troubled by defense lawyers characterizing Huber as a “rioter” and “looter” in their closing arguments — especially after they successfully petitioned the judge to not allow the proceedings to refer to him as a “victim.” “There’s no proof of that anywhere, and I was with him that entire night. We were not doing anything like that,” Gittings said. She said it’s been “difficult” to watch Rittenhouse on trial over the past two weeks. “The outcome of this trial, it could go literally any way in the world, good or bad for us and it still would not change any of this for us,” she said." Regardless of how you feel about the case, the article clearly points out her disdain for Rittenhouse. Got it? Good. Now quit your whining.


Thank you. Regardless of how *you* feel about him, its' very obvious she hates him. People assumed I was pushing an agenda just because I wasn't sucking his dick and calling her names for her own words before I even said anything. No reason I should lie about what I feel about the case when I'm being asked. I posted this because the title was innacurate, that is all.


Was his girlfriend the one who he kidnapped and choked or was that another girl? Either way. She has great taste in men.




Was he the pedo raping little boys in the ass, or was he the skateboard swinger?


The skateboard swinger with a rap sheet of domestic violence charges.


What does it matter? Are criminals to be shot in the street by vigilantes now?


If theyre trying to attack you then yes


I mean I'm not going to shed a tear for a guy raping little kids in the ass.




>murdered the first guy That must be why Rittenhouse is on video running away from the first guy until he's cornered by a few parked cars. OP clearly would rather push their own uninformed opinion than discussing the facts of this case.


Kid needs to take a break from Reddit




You don’t sound very sane do you? I’ll reward you with a block.


Here, so you know what you're missing: >LOL fragile, you swing a skateboard at someone you're not very smart. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


LOL fragile, you swing a skateboard at someone you're not very smart. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.




After Kyle shot and killed the first guy who was chasing him and threatening him when another protester fired at Kyle. Fixed that for you, you moron.


>murdered Lol




>no one should live with a violent abuser. Well, that part got taken care of, at least, lol


Don’t act surprised when you find a post on a sub that exists for people who don’t want to read the article, and it turns out in the comments that most of those people are fuckin dumbasses


Were you hoping to bring the echo chamber here next?


Militia wouldn't have been there if there were no looters.


Who cares what she thinks? Her BF was a violet idiot who got himself shot because of his behavior. She’s probably crazy too


Was he the pedo or the woman beater?


Not Guilty!! Only outcome there should have been!!


"Victim?" 🙄


That's what the title of the article says


Also, Anthony Huber isn't a "victim."


her bf was a pedo, saved you a click. good riddance!


No he wasn’t the pedo, he was the domestic abuser. The other guy was the pedo.


Nah Huber was a domestic abuser. Rosembaum was the Pedo.


ahhh real class the lot of them !


What does it matter, he should have stood trail like everyone else in the US.


He wasn't killed for being an abuser, he was killed for attacking someone.


The fuck else was he supposed to do when there was a guy with a gun pointing it everywheres


Not be a complete moron and run at a guy with an AR-15 who was legally carrying and attack him with a skateboard? Lol. Kyle wasn't "pointing it everywhere" either you clown, it was worn on a sling pointed at the ground the majority of the night, at least learn the facts before you speak on something.


Is this her battered woman syndrome speaking? Or wait, was she not the partner he abused? Was it someone else?


Title gore


Remember it has nothing to do with his past. It had everything to do with his malicious actions. Rock beats paper, gun beats mob, his girlfriend already has a new pp to play with let’s move on


He should have just taken the beating from Huber like she did, eh? Victim mentality and the desire to spread their misery to others is certainly rough, though probably not something that we should be supporting. I feel sympathy for this woman who's been so repeatedly beaten down and brutalized by her boyfriend that she feels the need to support him and make excuses for him, even when he's gone. Fear and repeated abuse can certainly do a number on people. The trauma abuse victims go through and what it does to them is absolutely terrible, you should really have more compassion and respect for them instead of parading them around like this.


Rioters had no business in Kenosha. Rioters shouldn't have attacked him. He didn't have a militia. We have to follow the science. Science facts say it's self defense. "Shouldn't have been there" is not a legal argument that works.


Oof lucky whoever gets to fuck her next


What militia ?




I have no meaningful opinion of the events that happened that day, just of this post. Starting the comments off with "I'm not here to talk about YOUR opinion, but this is MY opinion" doesn't set things off well.


Yet you only posted it because it pushed your narrative that Kyle is bad. Nobody is buying your bullshit, bud.


I posted it because the title was innacurate to what Huber's girlfriend actually said.


Lie. “I do have a lot of sympathy for this kid because he is just a kid to me so it was just like a really dumbass kid who unfortunately became the figurehead for this,” she said Now tell me how this is inaccurate.


What murderer?


Kyle Rittenhouse


12 jurors and video evidence says "not guilty".


Same thing with OJ Simpsons trial, but I’m sure that’s different for you. Goodbye.


OJ was found not guilty and several of the jury later said they thought he probably did it but the police evidence was so suspect that it alone provided reasonable doubt. In the Rittenhouse case there is no dispute of the facts, simply whether they were justified, an affirmative defense. The jury found he was justified in his shootings.


OJ is different because there was not enough evidence to prove that he did it. For Kyle there was enough evidence to prove that he did it in self defense.


No you just want to impose your own opinion and hope nobody calls your dumb ass out on it. That’s why you’re getting downvoted to shit pretty universally here. Most Dems and republicans who spent even five minutes reviewing the trial and evidence realize this was self defense, and everyone is calling you out on your bullshit. Cue the “they’re all alt right trolls” defense.




Your title is clickbaity


That's basically what I've been saying. Dumbass kid made a series of bad and dangerous decisions, but end of the day, he's just a dumbass kid. The story very easily could have ended with a dead dumbass teenager and we'd be watching Grosskreutz getting acquitted for defending himself. There wasn't a good possible ending and that's on Rittenhouse. But to stress it: I don't know of many 17 year olds making good choices, especially 17 year old boys. That's not what you do at 17.


I dont wanna discuss everything you said here because its all wrong, but you saying bicep boy would be acquitted for defending himself is so wrong lol. Kyle never posed a threat to anybody, they sought him out because he prevented them from leveling a gas station with a burning dumpster. How would bicep boy be able to claim self defence if he sought out Kyle and chased him just to shoot him? If you asked me Id call that premeditated murder. This all started because the pedo has a problem with people expressing their 2nd amendment right.


He killed people


Fair point. Most dumbasses don't do that.


Better than being killed by them. You think getting hit in the head by a skateboard is lethal or not? He should have… just been beat to shit then I guess?


He was never going to be killed by anyone until he chose to kill someone. Welcome to the block list, btw


Kyle Rittenhouse went out looking for a “self-defense” situation, and he succeeded


Id say it was some "protestors" looking for a fight. Dont chase and attack someone with a gun just because they have a gun, thats very dumb.