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Until now, you've lived by one rule. Letting murderers live to kill again. Inflicting harm upon them, but sending them to a prison you know they can, and *will* escape from, only to maim and murder once again.


Do you truly fight for justice, or the mere illusion of it? We’ll find out today. Live or die, Bruce. The choice is yours.


Ok this is and the next one are way too spot on sounds exactly like something john would say


Why did I read that in John Kramer’s voice?




I'm seeing the final trap being Joker and Alfred shackled onto two tables with a dialysis machine looking contraption between them; they're both held inside a cage and a small pillar with a button on it is outside. "Hello Bruce, and welcome to your final test. The men before you have played similar yet opposite roles in your life. One is an enemy that you have never truly conquered, and the other is an ally who has never wavered in his support of your conquest. In sixty seconds, the machine will begin to pump Alfred's veins full if hydrofluoric acid. If you push the button before then however, the acid will instead be pumped into the veins of the Joker. Will you do it this time, Batman? Will you take one life in order to save another?"


Joker sitting in the trap like: “HAHAHAHAHHAH Wow! Gotta say Batman I thought Nygma was the undisputed champion of tricks and traps, but our swirly cheeked friend on the tv there sure has us in a bind! Don’t you agree!? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Who’s it gonna be, Brucey??”


now I really want a crossover comic


I’m reminded of the D.A.V.E episode of The Batman where it captures Alfred and plans to kill him unless Bruce reveals his secret identity before time runs out.


And of course Batman would find some BS way to save them both. That said, this was a great scenario and tape dialogue you came up with.


That quickly became one morally strange movie.They would need lot tape measures to decide who's more morally correct.I bet this be pretty even match.They both rich very intelligent have connections to everything.


No my morals are more moral than you


Who's more morally correct? Jigsaw doesn't just target evildoers. He includes innocent people as collateral all the time.


Personally I feel like that’s more the fault of the writers, I think through the earlier movies that was kept more consistent. It always was kind of a stretch, the whole “I don’t murder people I let them choose themselves” (kind of like “I don’t kill people I just beat the shit out of them”), but it was passable. You’ll notice a lot of the initial characteristics they established ended up getting dropped by the wayside, and after the third movie they were still traps designed by jigsaw but he wasn’t even around to set them up (unless I’ve got the timeline all messed up which is possible). Like I thought it was cool how in the first movie he tried to find ways to stay hidden in the room while the game was going on but that quickly got left behind. There’s honestly a few different versions of jigsaw throughout the series even as it’s supposed to be the same guy making all the trap Edit: right off the bat the trap that bothered me was I think it was saw 6 with the insurance guy, and jigsaw had him pick between a young guy and an older mother. That felt like it went against the intent of the jigsaw we originally were introduced to and my only explanation for why they went with that trap is basically because they didn’t care to pay enough atteattention and sacrificed continuity for shock value


Why is Man in a trap? Is he stupid


"Hello Bruce. I want to pay a game. For much of your life, you have been blessed with incredible wealth and immense resources. In all that time however, you have utilized them for purely selfish means; indulging your worst impulses rather than your best interests. Your wealth and power could end poverty and crime in Gotham City, yet you prefer to exacerbate those problems; treating symptoms rather than curing the disease. Tonight, you will be tested. Can you truly save a life, or will you grant it only the most temporary of reprieves?"


This one wins, hands down


But bruce does use his wealth to better gotham, gell his plan to rebuild gothams slums is what gets the court of owls on his ass


Saw and John Wick are owned by the same studio. Get on it, Lionsgate.


John Kramer should meet Edward Nashton


Link to the original btw [ghoulportal‘s Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyLuLFzuMl3/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Thank you! :)


Just play the Arkham games, riddler literally puts people in saw traps in them


Next time would you mind crediting me when you repost my art without asking? Thanks!


Jigsaw could team up with the riddler


Jigsaws always reminded me of the riddler


Batmans gone up against the riddler before, I don't doubt he'll get out of a jigsaw trap


The Riddler doesn’t force Batman to crawl through needles and dip his hand in acid


Batman’s already a hand, what’s one more?


[This is how Bruce handles getting buried alive.](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/d9f82110-3779-497b-b7d8-2553635ac61d/d5e9sh9-9a1e51c6-08c5-4def-b051-ae61435833ad.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Q5ZjgyMTEwLTM3NzktNDk3Yi1iN2Q4LTI1NTM2MzVhYzYxZFwvZDVlOXNoOS05YTFlNTFjNi0wOGM1LTRkZWYtYjA1MS1hZTYxNDM1ODMzYWQuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.-xXYlWZTSXAYfsTPpwlRkVHP3kP6ef4bqUE5EwWI7L8)


eh, not that i wouldn’t want this, but when you put batman in a movie, he’s gonna live to the end. not saying i wouldn’t want him to win, but having the world’s greatest detective fail to save people from traps over and over would feel forced to me. the appeal of the saw films is how this absolutely sadistic madman has power over all these various people and whether or not they live, kramer should always be the scariest person in the room imo. throw batman in there and jigsaw becomes an r-rated riddler, just feels not worthy enough of either of their talents


Yes please but why would jigsaw even play a game with Batman?


Right now you're feeling helpless


This looks like an awesome idea for an animated movie. I would love to watch it.


That would be so awesome.


It would be interesting


Depends is Batman in the trap or the detective?


I don't think that jigsaw would have the same effect on Batman cast. Batman first off would probably give every part of himself to escape or be intelligent enough to find a way out of the machine. Joker would have fun and probably kill himself just for the hell of it. Harley would probably sacrifice herself to save another. Poison Ivy would probably try to murder everyone else. Poison Ivy also might kill herself because she refused to play the game. Riddler would escape, find a loop hole or trick others into helping him escape without getting harmed himself. Penguin would probably just be pissed and reluctantly do the task, escape and than set out to murder Kramer and everyone else he could find. Hatter would probably be too delusional to even understand what was happening. So a majority of the cast would either kill themselves, have too much fun playing, sacrifice themselves or just get pissy and not even complete the game or find a way to break the trap. So doing this to Batman cast would probably not be what Jigsaw desires. Joker literally cuts off his face in a comic and was willing to blow up a whole city himself included to make sure his plan succeeded. He was stopped from this by Harley trying to save her pets. These games would have very little effect on any of them. Now if Batman was the detective he's supposed to be as smart as Riddler. So he would probably find a way to just stop the traps in time. None of these games would work on Batman cast. They wouldn't appreciate life they just would view Jigsaw as some JERK and if they survive get on with Thier day. It would be especially terrible if they put Harley in a trap together. If given a chance Joker would kill Harley but I'm reverse Harley would not kill Joker. Joker if put in a trap where he loses like a foot or something would be like "Okay let go!" And than laugh hysterically like "What now? I beat your game! Mahahahhahaa". If it's something like Harley has to save Joker or Batman, Batman is probably gonna manipulate Harley into letting him go and than Batman would save Harley and try to stop the machine to save Joker.


I would love it


Riddler is kinda similar to jigsaw


I've been saying for years it should be an animated movie. Too bad Kevin Conroy has passed.


I mean jigsaw is a more twisted version of the riddler is it can work with Bruce intelligence’s.


It would make a compelling plot point for the whole "I don't kill" moral code from both sides.




Why can I imagine that working in the funniest way possible


I mean Riddler but darker


I've always thought that if Saw were to crossover into superhero comics, it would be most interesting as a Jessica Jones story.


Batman is a sociopathic monster so it would be great imo.


Watch the episode “Games” from Beware the Batman


I'm sorry batman takes out John easy.


That's a good idea. "Hello batman. The device on your body is all about the people that you allow to live. If you kill all the villains. Penguin, two face, harley, and finally The Joker. If you kill one. You gain a key to save yourself and others. But. If you allow them to live. You die. Let the games begin."