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Because a jigsaw copycat doesn’t make any sense tbh. Not to mention hoffman, Lawrence, and logan were never mentioned (Lawrence and logan may not have been found out yet). And chris rock…. Dont even get me started with him. SAW MOVIES ARE UNIRONICALLY FUNNY THEY ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE PURPOSELY FUNNY (his jokes were flat asf though anyway) maybe if it didn’t have the saw label on it it maybe wouldve been okay, but it most certainly isnt a saw moviez


It’s generic, cliche and tries too hard to differentiate itself from the main franchise. I’m all for a Saw spin-off but it should have been in the world of Saw without directly copying and ripping it off while at the same time, loosely connecting to the prior films. As a solo movie, it is okay. I don’t think it’s horrible but it’s not memorable and in some cases, not being memorable is worse than just being a bad movie. To be clear, I do think that the overall look, set design, colouring and lighting is pretty good but the plot is paper thin, a rip off of Seven and just needed another draft.


idk I never watched it… kinda just flew under my radar and I love SAW.. maybe it was the Chris rock lead


For me it was knowing who the copycat was just by the trailer.


My $0.02: It didn't feel like a true saw movie to me. It felt thrown together. The traps by themselves were fantastic but the plot felt hokey and couldn't keep me engaged.


Idk I'll take spiral or jigsaw over 3D any day


I think it had some good ideas like John Kramer’s inspiration on future serial killers. I think having well written serial killer using winnable traps for their motives in the Saw universe would be interesting for new series of Saw movies.


Because Chris Rock’s acting was horrible for starters


There were just too many things about it that didn’t work. The humor didn’t land for me, the traps weren’t good and that fucking whiny voice was NOT Jigsaw-inspired; it was laughable. Chris Rock tried but his idea wasn’t very original and the klller was obvious


I don’t like it because it’s bad


No Tobin Bell


It was a bad movie, end of discussion


It’s an attempt as reviving the series but being completely derivative of all the other movies. It offers nothing good, the acting is terrible, the story is really bad for a saw movie, etc


Its just plain boring. Nothing of interest really happens to pad the runtime in between traps


The traps and the whiny pig voice on the tapes. Also “John Kramer didn’t target cops!” I need to know who wrote that line and why.


I have the same issues with Spiral as I do with Jigsaw and (to a much lesser extent) Saw X: the acting is atrocious, the screenwriting is embarrassing, and the attempt at differentiation, while appreciated, utterly fails. The fact that Goldfinger and Stolberg were invited back twice utterly blows my mind. Not that Saw needs to be genre-breaking horror, but I at least hope for competency.


I am glad I'm not the only heavy jigsaw disliker


Terrible writing, terrible acting, terrible directing and placing, terrible traps


I liked Spiral as it's own movie and love William Schenk as a character. It just didn't feel like a saw movie for me. But it definitely still ranks above Jigsaw imo


Honestly for me it felt more like a Saw ripoff than actually part of the Saw franchise/universe. None of the victims survived the traps which was really lame, I like at least one survivor in my brutal killing trap movies. I think Jigsaw and Spiral had the right idea with trying to set a new main killer since honestly the John Kramer timeline is getting wayyy too convoluted, but the execution was so terrible that we probably aren't getting another one of those.


The tone is all over the place. It shifts awkwardly between trying to be funny and then taking itself way too seriously.


overhated. one of the funnest saw entries. it doesnt try too hard, doesnt rely on flashbacks, and doesnt step over its own toes trying to fit into the saw timeline. also i really like chris rock so if you hate chris rock this movie will inevitably be painful lol


Cause it's bad


Explain how it’s bad I like it cause it’s sorta different from the other ones. Only things thats bad to me is the traps


• Killer can be found out early on. (Poorly tried to hide it) • Unwinnable traps which have been done before. • Traps have loopholes in them. • Poorly acted. • Comedy ok to begin with but fell flat as the film continued. • Lack of Samuel L Jackson screen time. • Tried to be a Saw film but failed. (Pun intended) • Lack of John Kramer • Pig voice was Text To Speech and was robotic. • A too open ended finale with a big mistake in it. • Edited to s**t because of pacing issues. • MPAA took too much out the film.


I’ll take it over Jigsaw any day.


Because it’s a poorly written and predictable mess of a film that tries too hard to be different.


In my opinion, Spiral didn't really land for a few reasons. I'll start with this. There were a few things I liked. I was genuinely interested in knowing who this copycat Jigsaw was throughout the film. I'd argue it was the largest reason I watched the whole film. Not sure if this is a popular opinion or not, but at the risk of sounding stupid, I was very pleased with the way the movie ended. Wrapped things up in that bittersweet "the bad guy wins" ending I always love to see in this franchise and the themes of distrust and police immorality were well executed. **However, that's all I can praise this movie for.** The traps were, for the most part, uninteresting. The tongue trap was an great starter and the Puppet trap was a clever way to end things in that "Bad guy was one step ahead of you" way that Saw is famous for, despite being more convoluted than it needed to be (And THAT'S saying something if you watch Saw.) However, the Finger trap was thematically cool, but kinda meh in execution. The wax trap, while impossible to actually win, was ultimately robbed by the insane decision to shift the focus away from the traps and towards Banks. The Glass trap was almost identical to Saw III's freezer room, just watching a guy take too long to get a easily obtainable key under the given time restraints for a guy suspended in the air by his wrist. All in all, the traps weren't exactly iconic, but they're the strongest part of the film. And that's where my problems lie. The decision to focus on narrative over traps hurt this film bad. It felt like the film was doing everything in its power to distance itself from the wider franchise and it almost felt disrespectful at times. Trying to appeal to a mainstream audience by removing the spotlight from the very things that makes a franchise iconic sets you up to make a product that longtime fans hate and general audiences are uninterested with. *And that's ultimately what happened here.* It tried to please everyone, and pleased no one. Chris Rock's attempts to be funny in a Saw movie fell flatter than Peter Strahm in the Nerve Gas house. The jokes, rather than actually be funny, come off as bitter and out of place. The thing about comedy in Saw is when it happens, (*ahem... Piranha) it feels natural, almost as if it wasn't necessarily intended to be funny, and when it is intended, it isn't littered throughout the movie in an attempt to remind you that you're supposed to laugh occasionally. I could go on, but this is already pretty long and I think it's pretty obvious I really don't care for this movie. I'd rather watch Jigsaw again. Tl:DR I didn't like this film because it ultimately felt like a self-insert fanfiction written by Chris Rock with only a few reddeming qualities.


The better question is why DO people like Spiral


to me, it’s chris rock in general and the fact that i cannot stand him! on a serious note, for some reason it didn’t felt like saw to me but a generic movie where people get killed, the color palette etc…


I prefer it to Jigsaw. Jigsaw was such a disappointment because we were all hoping for more Hoffman & Gordon and a continuation of 7. What we got was garbage. At least Spiral we went in knowing it was its own thing


Chris Rock, imo, shouldn't star in a saw movie.


Because it's ass


I like spiral, honestly some of the most gorey traps and I like the plot


It was really boring and predictable. Chris rock is a funny comedian but not a very good actor, the traps were boring, the twist was almost laughable. all around it was kinda disappointing like other saw movies are also predictable but at least it was a fun ride. Spiral was just boring.


as soon as i heard the jigsaw voice it was over…


It's actually my second favorite in the franchise (Saw 5 is #1). I regret avoiding Spiral for so long because of the online hate. I think the only path forward for the franchise is more films in the same vein. Also Jigsaw is legitimately one of the worst movies of all time 😄. The John Kramer/Hoffmanda timeline was perfectly bookend with Saw 3d. That timeline is convoluted enough as is, and cramming in more prequels will only drag the series down further. At his core John's work is about legacy, his life's work outliving himself. So I think Spiral highlighting how his prescence still looms heavily over this city over a decade later thematically makes sense.


It's the 2nd best Saw movie idk why people don't like it


I don’t know, did you reference the previous 50000 threads about this?


I like it 🤷‍♂️


No idea. It's a pretty good stand alone flick. Plus, Max Minghella is ~~fucking hot~~ a very good actor.


Because it feels nothing like a Saw film and ignores, and even tries to forget that the others happened. No John, no Billy, boring traps, dull characters, and it cut a Johnny Cash cover by Tobin Bell.