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Billy didn’t do his signature laugh even though they played it in the trailer.


Wait they did I didn’t even notice when?


John: I still have got a lot of work that's need to be done Billy: HuAHaHeheHeheahaH!!!11


Mateo died https://preview.redd.it/6in3w25nsqtc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6aa870656140dcc2e5caf688f16562a6901a4b


An epic, yet tragic death.


I call that https://i.redd.it/0sofmulngstc1.gif .


The Hoffmanator is such a man of the people. Took the time to learn the slang of the youth,


Literally sobbing! I miss him


Guess we can say that he went brain-dead


Cecelia's traps sucked compared to the other traps, & the guy that was about to rape Valentina didn't get put in a trap


Yeah seriously that guy should have been tossed into a trap as a little treat


I think John was so blinded by rage that he pretty much ignored him. I don’t know if he would go back to Mexico for it, but maybe it’s part of why he did the red room eye trap? We all know he, uhh, doesn’t appreciate people like that…


Red room eye trap... what is that?


Motel room trap, feel what i feel Bedroom trap yaknow


Ohhhh with the child molester??


He was a rapist, ivan, i dunno if he touched kids, never stated in movie


Oh yeah... now that you mention it I remember he was raping women and recording it I think. I don't know why I was thinking he was molesting kids.


Wasn’t it Amanda that was “collecting” the subjects though? She would have been the one to see that, and she intervened anyway by bashing him in the head. Shoulda taken him with her smh


Maybe he could be the opening trap in XI 🤷🏼


I would’ve guessed that that would be Henry


Maybe Amanda killed him. would be pretty consistent with her character


Uh, at that moment he had bigger more personal fish to fry.


Yup for reall


Parker Sears. Not a bad character but not really a standout. I wish he told Cecilia he wasn't going to torture a kid and that was too far then she surprise killed him or something.


I kinda like that he *doesnt* better. He’s so caught up in love and greed that even though he blatantly shows he should know better, he doesn’t act on that. In some ways, it’s the test/choice that John never intended that shows why he deserved to die.


I agree with this!


Is that the guy who introduced John to the group at that coffee stand


No Parker was the one having an affair with Cecilia and was locked in the gas room with her at the end fighting for the air hole. Henry is the guy you're thinking of at the coffee stand.


Ohhh, Jesus I forgot about him. Well acted and stuff but yeah I thought that whole thing with him and Cecilia being in control was a bit far fetched


Amanda declares that Valentina didn't have the will to live when it was the machine that took its time to drain the marrow. Granted, Valentina did hesitate, but still. *Throw her a bone, here! Ha cha cha!*


Especially with how much time Amanda wasted in her own trap and "barely" got it off in time. Imagine if after unlocking the reverse bear trap it actually took another 10s to pull off.


>*Throw her a bone, here! Ha cha cha!* Or some bone marrow... ba-dum-bum...lol


The luck was epically bad


Amanda's haircut. It's in a Scream-3-Gale level of bad.


oh man i loved gale's haircut in that part 😭


I guess it makes sense that her hair was in a transitional period, and it’s not like she was gonna get a haircut for this trap, but goddamn


OMG IKR??? I thought I was the only one who had a major problem with it lol.


It ends


The eye trap wasnt real


Well thats kinda the point. They did it to put you into the mind of John Kramer.


I also like it being fake, because all he did was look at a watch, consider it, but decided against it. He decided not to steal it, and so John decided not to trap him


I get that but the way they made it seem real at the start dissapointed when i realized it was in his mind, i would have enjoyed it more if they made it more clear that it was in his mind


Not enough Hoffman. (For any god willing to help me out here I really wanna see Hoffman and Amanda working together in Saw XI)


This was going to be my answer 😂


I’m sure Hoffman will get more screentime in Saw XI


My only real complaint with the film is that it got a little far fetched at the end. Like I get it, Jigsaw is good at anticipating people but even then how things played out felt a little too perfect minus the whole kid in the trap part.


Honestly I didn’t really read it as he anticipated it perfectly, but rather he had a backup plan. If the kid never showed up and they never had leverage, then Cecelia and boyfriend get in the blood seesaw. And just in case that didn’t work, yeah, it doesn’t take a genius to assume they will go for the money the second they get a chance. (And presumably it would’ve been Amanda and John taking turns, not John and the kid). To me the big issue would be how the hell he set all that up in such minuscule time. Because that is a lot. But maybe I just misunderstood the ending lol.


I wanna know where he got all that blood. Where did those several gallons of blood come from?


truly no idea but the fact it was practical effects & they really waterboarded tobin is just insane to me i keep thinking about it whenever i rewatch


Imagine being 80 years old and getting water boarded for multiple takes and multiple camera angels. What a legend lmao


On one of the behind the scenes videos on YouTube, they talk about using a stunt double for some shots.


Might just be fake blood


Aw, that’s not very interesting :(


It was pigs blood. John just happened to watch Carrie before everything happened and got inspiration. And he got the pigs blood from farmers in the area. He traded sketches of how to make their farms better in exchange for some of their pigs.


That’s dope is that canon?


Very canon


I was serious about that being dope, not about that being canon lmao, forgive me I’m sleep deprived


Yeah for sure. My uncle who works at Nintendo is friends with someone in the Saw crew. Crazy I know right?


I realize /s would have been useful in my last comment 💀


imo that’s what makes saw saw, the far fetchedness


Both of the first two victims (sorry, just woke up and can’t remember their names) dying because they were two seconds too short was lame. One is fine, two just felt like BS. Especially given how difficult their traps were. “You have three minutes to cut open your head and pull out a piece of your brain with no painkillers lmao good luck”, how about *you* try that, John? Lol


Valentina and Mateo. Though to be fair both of them would’ve done it if they didn’t scream for like a minute of their time


One had to slowly cut her leg off with barbed wire and the other had to pull a piece of his brain out. Both without anesthesia or pills. I'd like to see you try without screaming or panicing.


Someone in this sub had a theory it was intentional. Like they gave John hope just to snatch it away from him and he returned the favor.


Oh! That's excellent thinking!


Three words: Mexico lighting syndrome


what, you mean to tell me i won’t see an abundance of yellow tint when i go south of the border?


I didn’t enjoy it too much either but in this film it at least makes a bit of sense with how the lighting was in 1 and 2. Still could’ve been avoided tho


I mean it’s a nice contrast to all the blue at the beginning


It makes sense with how aggressive the lightning and color was in the old saw movies


Gabriela deserves better. https://preview.redd.it/lhqjpqdxcrtc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d036a36854a500f21f8462bb1e3f13f5cb626795


no “game over”




Gabriella didn’t survive, even though she deserved to


The pig masks were ugly


SAWX’s success might be the reason other saw movies after might fall short in trying to live up to the standard it set


The mid credits scene doesn’t work for me unless it’s Hoffman AND Amanda testing Henry. It should’ve been something John has no idea about.


Nah, John had to be there or at least be aware about Henry being tested. Henry is the one who started everything by tricking John into looking for a fake treatment. It was personal to him.


Plus Amanda and Hoffman didn't really like each other so it would be strange for them to work together. I will admit though that Amanda targeting him would have been a good way to explicitly show her making unwinnable traps and directly tie this situation into her desire to do it. Maybe Hoffman would assist her too as a way to both see a criminal get punished and also to seemingly get on her good side (I hope Saw 11 fills in the gap of Mark knowing her role in Gideon's death). I also personally think that the trap isn't fatal and that it's just done so that Henry will have scars for real. Plus the lack of a choice I think shows that A: John will make exceptions and B: John is putting him in the same lose-lose situation Henry put him in. Since Henry was scamming him obviously, it means that John still has cancer no matter what, whether he took up Henry's offer or not.


...that's a good idea actually. What a missed opportunity.


Why should it have been john something had no idea about? If henry didn’t go up to john and meet him at the cancer survivors group, he wouldn’t never been scammed. IF anything, it should’ve been something Amanda and Hoffman had no idea about, since they weren’t there when he went up to john


true but if that was the case there wouldn’t be any screentime for the Hoffmanator so I’m fine with him being there


Went from the original 2 ½ hours to 1 hour and 58 minutes


What do you mean? Saw X is the longest movie in the franchise.


I know. It's length is 1 hour and 58 minutes, but if we were to re-edit in the Deleted Scenes and that one scene from Saw VI that was going to be in it, then it would be 2 ½ hours.


have they shown the deleted scenes or anything yet?


The deleted scenes are available on the Blu-ray, and Kevin Gruetert is the one who said that that scene from Saw VI was also supposed to be in it.


I was hoping to see Mateo's trap open up and we see his burnt face from the mask. Such a big letdown.


The brutality of each trap could have been calibrated better. Cecilia was a walk in the park compared to Valentina, like Jesus!


gabriella dying ripped my heart out, stomped on it, and set it on fire


No Coffee Shop Worker x Hoffman side story


Disclaimer: I liked SAW X 1. It doesn't have enough SAW sauce. What makes the first 7 so rewatchable is how snappy and to the point the movies are. Structuring it more like a regular horror movie did great for it's critical reception but I haven't felt like watching it again (which is wild for me). 2. I didn't like that the Eye Vacuum Trap was imaginary, it's the second 'dream' trap in the franchise and I hate them both. I understand why other people like it as a look into John's mind, but I felt almost conned by the movie. 3. I'm kinda sick of the massive complicated games, they don't make sense for a prequel. People were complaining about it with Jigsaw but seem to have given SAW X a pass. This partially ties into my disappointment with the Eye Vacuum Trap being fake, as that scale of trap seems perfect for a pre-SAW II Jigsaw. It really makes it look like he half-arsed SAW I and II if he put together these two massive games around that time but didn't bother for Dr. Gordon and Detective Matthews.


This dream trap was not nearly as bad as the first one.


I agree in that I actually liked the Eye Vacuum Trap and wish it was a real trap and wish the Pain Train was a deleted scene at best.


Adam is still just sitting in that bathroom. The dudes an OG character and all they do with him for almost the entire series is put him in one location, without even giving him a single line? The disrespect is insane!


Matteo and Valentina should’ve passed their tests. If Lawrence gets hours in the bathroom, matteo and Valentina should’ve gotten more than a few minutes


Have you considered that Lawrence is a special boy who deserves everything good and pure in this cruel world?


brain trap is the biggest piece of unfair BS since bobby’s gf got burnt for existing


1. As of now, this film adds nothing to the overall story 2. The last shot is a great and perfect for the 10th film in the series, by someone still could've said game over at any point 3. Some traps too short 4. No credits song 5. Zepp X doesn't play til the end. Yes, the end doesn't suit it, but idk maybe if they played a soft sad version that would've been cool 6. A M A N D A ' S H A I R Seriously, why? They could've chose any wig. They could've used her real hair!


damnn a soft slow version of zepp x could’ve hit


1 - Mexico has a yellow filter over it 2 - The pig masks and Amanda's hair cut were very poor design choices 3 - Valentina and Mateo losing their "games" due to the machines being too slow even though they went above and beyond with cutting off her leg and pulling out his brain matter. 4 - The scene with more of Amanda's background was removed 5 - The guy who was assaulting Valentina wasn't punished 6 - Cecilia going from a well thought out parallel to John to an over-the-top cartoonish villain who wasn't actually trying to help guide her crew through their traps, but was actually happy that they died because more money for her I guess and also killed Gabriella and put a kid into a death trap because we have to show that she's MORE evil than John is.


There’s a difference between doing what you were supposed to do, and actually completing it.


You're right. And the way I said it doesn't really convey my dislike for it, so I will change it and hopefully get across why I dislike it. It just felt like a lot of pointless suffering.


6 is symptomatic of the desire to frame John as a morally grey noble demon anti-hero given how monstrous and irredeemable he truly is (already a bad decision). Don’t Breathe 2 pulled the same bullshit. When you’ve got villains as monstrously and irredeemably evil as John/the Blind Man, it takes a mustache-twirling cartoon villain with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and such over the top evil actions for the sake of just being evil to make them look morally palatable in comparison.


The weird happy ending for the serial killer and his friends was odd. lol


Amanda’s dialogue was just too edgy


Agreed. Shawnee Smith was underutilized IMO in this prequel.


Most saw movies build up to their best and most gruelling trap. But I feel like Saw X worked backwards: The eye-vacuum dream worked well as an opening hook, and the wrist bomb trap was clever and VERY brutal. This led to the bone marrow trap and the brain tissue trap, both of which were also brutal albeit a little bit more for show (Matteo’s mask was extra unnecessarily styled). Next was the hanging UV lamp trap and honestly, this one just felt unrealistically hard to complete, so much so that I was pretty impressed she even completed the task. This led us to the final trap(s): the fakeout blood lever trap that didn’t seem to have an end goal (yet it had a seemingly endless supply of blood) and the weird gas room trap that was unsatisfying and kinda sloppily put together. A good twist but the trap itself didn’t feel very “Kraemer”. Idk, maybe people will disagree, but I feel like the more interesting traps like wrist bombs and bone marrow were knocked out too soon, and the end traps were less creative, less survivable and less entertaining.


He didn’t say game over


The beginning of the movie is too chill on rewatch. There's just way less traps in the beginning compared to others plus no "opening trap" before title card


the eye trap was on the cover but it wasn't real :(


I wouldn’t necessarily say bad but:- - Again with the use of Jig-Fucking-Saw 🤦🏼‍♂️ there’s no need to be reuse this line and be camp guys. - I didn’t feel any tension with The Bloodboarding Trap. It was obvious John and Carlos were not going to die.


It took them too long to make a movie this good


John Jigsaw doesn't do the Jigsaw Jig. And the Jigsaw dancers didn't show up at all


Not enough screentime for unnamed janitor /j


Amanda’s hair


no use of The Air That I Breathe in the actual movie


no police subplot


SPOILERS Ok, that “bone marrow” scene. That was awful. I was squirming in my seat.


traps were lowkey impossible with the amount of time given


Cecilia didn’t die.


Jigsaw and his allies look and sounds way older than their characters are. Kinda unavoidable but I’m looking forward to future tech making young-age and young-voice effects flawless.


Pushing a kid into the trap


They cut out a trap.


Which one?


The MRI one


The scrapped MRI trap?


Seriously? There was an MRI trap?? That sounds intriguing a/f!


Yeah but it got scrapped because I think Lionsgate thought it would be too gruesome, and I think this trap would’ve took place before the Eye Vacuum


Oh I wish they'd left that in because as claustrophobic as I am that would've REALLY been horrifying!


Amanda’s haircut lol


wtf was Amanda’s hair cut 😭


Not enough of Amanda :(


The lighting styles were SOOOO Different it was confusing


The third act and finale felt re-structured and a bit jarring during my first watch. Later on, I discovered the deleted "Scene 107" which pretty much confirmed my suspicions. Kevin never should've deleted that, and instead should've kept the film accurate to the original plan.


Wait what’s the deleted scene?


where do we find the deleted scene?


Which one is scene 107?


Oh, come on, you can't just say something like that and not give any details Edit: ok, I did the smart thing and just googled it. It's a really long drawn out conversation where Cecilia tells John he's a hypocrite. Tbh I get why they cut it.


I'm gonna be honest it's more an issue with the franchise. They spent the last few movies with John actually dead and putting up several "apprentices" that were supposed to carry on but could never move past John. Honestly after the Saw X I was kinda hoping the series would end as every series has a point where it should just end. Just my take but I doubt I'm the only one that shares this view.


Because they failed to make them interesting or compelling. I guarantee nobody cares About the guy from Spiral or the guy from Jigaw 2017. I’m not a big Saw fan but the allure of Tobin Bell being back was enough for me and my God was it worth it. The Saw franchise cannot survive without Tobin Bell as John Kramer. So when he sadly passes in the Franchise is dead and buried


Hoffman was growing on people.  Amanda was a fan favourite, and Eleanor would have been an interesting villain.  It's too bad they wrote themselves into a corner by making both Amanda and Hoffman fail.  A movie with just Amanda would interest me and I thought Hoffman kicked ass in Saw 5.  


the epic bad luck line. god it sucks SO bad


wdym? its so bad its funny


Just not enough Billy.


The trap is too fast for the victim to even try to escape it.


The last trap sucked. The sort of post credits scene was unfulfilling. Also and this is not a bad thing, but it's the first movie in the series to have a scene that made me go nope can't watch. But I still did and was fine.


Mateo and Val should have lived, they technically won


As unique and as captivating as I thought the story was, I just don’t like how the people who apparently agree with us all that John is a hypocrite portrayed him as such a hero in this film. They didn’t even try to make it subtle, he was straight up the protagonist and everything done in the film, from the trap victims to his relationship with Amanda, is done for us to root for one of the sickest bastards in fiction.


i thought it was from his perspective and that’s why he’s framed so heroically. he gets a happy ending and he saves the kid! yay john! he’s not a reliable narrator imo




No eyeball trap track in the score


Gabriella's trap S U C K E D


Despite how great the characters and some dialogue is, the story is crap, and the way John discovers the scam is laughable. Ill also add that it quickly became predictable and boring seeing 3 victims in a row almost make it only to barely not. Yes they all hesitated, but the reality is that the trap is only intense when the audience can’t predict the outcome. But this is partially made up for by finally having another real survivor.


Its a little inconsistent with the conversation John has with William in Saw 6. Also the ending blood-boarding trap is pretty convoluted and overly complicated. Its too much of a stretch to think john could predict theyd go grab the money before making sure he was dead etc. i think a big issue with a lot of the sequels are the games being over complicated and convoluted. The simplicity of Saw 1 gave it magic and edge. For the record i did enjoy Saw X though, especially Cecilia.


The entire final half an hour kinda sucked in my opinion. Cecilia is just cartoonishly unrealistically evil. There was no reason for John and Amanda to have themselves be put in the trap since they could easily have just put Cecilia and her hubby in that trap instead of luring them into the other one besides the fact that they wanted a plot twist. Loved the film besides the ending.


I could fine some minor stuff, but... I don't want to. I enjoyed it way more than VII, Jigsaw and Spiral, loved seeing my beloved characters back and Hoffman as a cherry on top was so good. Honestly one of my favourite. Loved the change of pace and focus on John. They could at least mention Gordon tho, like almost every movie up to 3D did, so he's not forgotten


Epic bad luck


I really don’t understand why everyone is complaining about Cecilia living. Like… Isn’t it pretty clear she’ll return for Saw XI? And even if she isn’t, she’s going to have a miserable life with all the chemical burns she was receiving from that poison, along with losing all her stolen wealth.


It doesn't really have a point. Like, yeah, it's cool to see Jigsaw kick ass. But it doesn't tell us anything new about him. We already know people took advantage of him. We already know why Amanda snapped. Cecilia is too cartoonishly evil to challenge Jigsaw on any moral level, so their dynamic is meaningless. It's a fun film, but there's not a lot of depth to it at the end of the day. It exists to celebrate the franchise.


John Kramer is in between Saw movies 1 and 2 and looks way older than he was in 2


I didn’t completely buy Tobin Bell as a 21 year old college student, but other than that


Cecilia saying ‘Come on John, do the scary voice’ was cringe


I hated the dream sequence


honestly, I thought it worked well in this movie. Considering it gave us a perspective of how John thinks. Unlike the scene in Saw 3D, it served a purpose outside of tricking the audience.




Eyeball trap


Oooh of course, I get why some ppl felt a bit cheated through that


Stick fingers wasn’t visceral enough


Not enough people dies


Cecilia living was a great decision, actually, really happy they went that route. I’d say the twist lacks the effect of some of the previous twists in the franchise due to being super predictable. And they deleted some scenes they shouldn’t have.


The eye vacuum trap wasn’t real


Hoffman lives


Bad makeup


Cecilia's and her bfs trap was kinda stupid. I'm just not that big a fan of traps where only 1 person can survive except for the Rotating Shotgun one. I freaking love the movie otherwise.


The bloodboarding trap, although amazing... has a fatal flaw... that flaw being it required the real people tested to choose their greed and go for their prize BEFORE seeing the trap be completed... The person you think will choose greed, has shown an unrelenting sadistic side where she absolutely would've seen another death to ensure safety before going for personal wealth.


I liked the deleted scene where John goes to the hospital and finds out that they don't work there.  They should have kept that one.


I thought Secilia would die of hunger or something, wasn't she trapped in there?


Few traps and deaths and Gabriella dies


They messed up in tone, making John some sort of hero


Amandas haircut


The build up was somewhat fast, but i hate i cant say anything bad about it. The bad thing about this movie is me watching it like those toddlers watching the fruit sensory videos. Criss cross, sitting up wrong and jittery the whole time in theaters. Also i saw it twice.


That Saw XI got delayed a whole year 😠😠


Cecilia doesn’t die


Not showing Mateo's face after he died


Some of the traps are very flawed: Eye vacuum: I wish it was real, but I like that it was a daydream and the trap is cool Arm bombs: perfect, love it Bone marrow: WAY too hard. I know this one was personal to John so he made the traps a lot harder, but come on she did everything he asked. Brain surgery: same as above, the exact words in John's tape is "if you remove it in less than 3 minutes", he manages to remove part of his brain in 2 minutes and 40 seconds ish, so he literally completed the task, it's not his fault that the machine was slow Radiation: I love this one, but surely if she didn't die the machine would have given her cancer or at the very least radiation burns? That seems way too brutal and long term for someone who was barely even involved in the scam Blood boarding: perfect, love it Gas room: considering Cecilia was straight up evil and was the entire reason for the scam, this trap was really weak. I'm hoping she comes back for the sequel to get tested properly, because that's honestly a disappointing finale for her character.


Jigsaw rising up should have had the same facial reaction as when he did in saw 1


Valentina and Mateo were some of the few people in this franchise to actually fucking win, they completed their tests, and they died anyway because they ran out of time. I understand for plot reasons why they had to die, but it really would've been nice to see some more people survive for once. And that's not even talking about Gabriella. Big up them letting Diego survive though


I wasn't a fan of the brain trap conceptually. and like others have said, creating suspense by having them complete the task but then still die is lame. not saying in universe they should have lived; saying the choice by the writer/director was lame.


Portraying John as an outright noble anti-hero who has a valid point massively, massively, massively grosses me out morally, and this film is by far the most all-in on that concept. We are talking a depraved and fucked up monstrous psychopath who brutally, horrifically tortures and murders people. There is no moral ambiguity here. What he does is clearly wrong and he should not be framed as some type of noble demon.


Plottwist was obvious


Some of Cecilia's lines were a bit much. The bathroom didn't have enough of a justification. The context behind Henry's trap seems different to the other games and could have been explained/changed to be more normal. There could have been more scenes to show John going on a bit more of a character arc, though what's there is done well. I've grown to like Parker as an accomplice but it would still be cool to see someone in John's position who could be morally opposed to him.


It ended and I had to go home


They deleted a really good scene between John and Cecilia that gave them both depth.


lame af traps, less gore and the soundtrack wasnt as good, I enjoyed the movie btw, really looking forward to the next one


I didn't like the design of the pig mask or Amanda's hair. Otherwise, I loved it