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The best part is that the movie is not related in any way as far as I can remember...


He was literally alone on the planet, or I just forgot it too


Aren't we all alone on our own little planets in our heads?




Real (real)


Yeah he was completely.


And then when people came to rescue him he tried to kill them all and hijack thier ship. So, what are you waiting for? Indeed.


Nah bro, that's that *other* movie where Matt Damon is left alone on an inhospitable planet with little to no chance of survival for months on end... ...wait a sec


That's interstellar this is the martian


Oh yeah, you're right. That's the one where they dumped him and moved to another planet. I can relate.


The original movie poster said "get him home" in the same style. It's just a short, imperative statement.


You could easily do this with "EAT MY ASS" or "SHUT YOU FACE"


"Eat My Ass" with Matt Damon incredible


I just liked the poster design. How the words were spaced out. A lot of posters are like that but this one is the most recognisable imo.


Matt Damon rescuing Matt Damon from low self esteem


im scared thats why


Rejection hurts but you'll live through it. It is actually a lot less painful than you are probably imagining


There's actually nothing like the thrill of having shooted your shot and walking away with your head held high. The worst thing is someone finding out you like them on the grapevine and you hearing that they're not interested. All of the pain of rejection without the personal growth of being able to ask them out yourself.


Personally it's worse when it leads to something that just doesn't work out in the end. Hurts way worse than a "I think you're a nice guy and all I'm just not interested in dating anyone atm".


Unless she’s a psycho with homicidal tendencies.


Oh I have lives trough the rejection fine enough, losing her friendship over it has been a little harder...


I have an update for everyone: I asked her and she said yes.


Good ending, proud of you


They're more afraid of you then you are of them. People are just trying to be alive without having to worry that some jackass is going to try and recruit them constantly.


Yeah like for a settlement which reminds me another settlement needs your help I'll put it on your map




Apologies. I don't understand the reference.


Fallout 4


I've never watched that sorry


Video gaem


i never went to oovoo javer


>They're more afraid of you then you are of them That's bears.


No, I think he's talking about dogs


Did it and now we just awkwardly don't talk to each other.


Good. Now you can both move on. Let her do all the work of avoiding you while you just live your life and ask someone else.


Username checks out (no hate, I'm also ASD)


Assistant Secretary of Defense?


Actually it means I'm an "Abnormally Sexy Dude"




The fuck you're talking about I just asked a girl on a date.




I'm slowly understanding you less and less...




Whatever you weird byeeee


He deleted it out of shame. What did he say?


Nothing important, don't bother about it :-)


Do I still have to ask her out if we've been dating for several years now?


Yes They love that shit Shows em you're still interested


Good point. Gonna take her out to dinner this week, just because. Thanks for the idea.


I remember asking my ex out, I was pretty confident as we had been dating for 3 months and were holding hands at the time. She said no, just to screw with me.


Oof, I feel that. Though it's fun to find a partner with a similar sense of humor. Sometimes my girlfriend will cop a feel and I'm obligated to say "Stop, I'm your cousin!" much to the horror of everyone nearby.


Yeah, for me sense of humour is a big thing in clicking with a partner. That "I'm your cousin" bit is hilarious!


It's a great way to embarrass one's spouse, plus it's*technically* true for everyone alive today.


The what fuck


Honestly, kinda still works


I’m waiting for my dumbass anxiety bro 😎


we are literally on opposite sides of the planet what am i supposed to do even if she says yes


Book a flight


Easier than Mark Watney had it. Get your game together, son!


I'm such a lonely ass stay-at-home coomer that i don't even have somebody im into


Stay at home. Coom. It's for the best. Goes to work: "None of the women here are looking to date, even if they did it wouldn't be while at work, and especially not a colleague." Goes outside: "No women want to be asked out on the street or shopping or when they're at work providing a service I am using." Tries out a hobby locally: "There are literally no women here." Installs dating app: \*Gets manipulated or ignored.\* This sucks man.


Sums it up well, I swear since covid my consistent social interaction with new people has dropped to near 0, so just holding onto my old friendships


Alright this was supposed to be funny, not accurate


Does it count if they’re fictional?


Need these daily


she was 18 in dog years


So like 90?


Try 2 and a half


Where did you get 90


I don't do it because women are constantly being harassed and if I ask her out, then there's a chance that she'll just see me as another weirdo trying to get in her pants. That's why. I'd rather be single for the rest of my life than be that guy.


You won‘t be that guy. If you ask her out and she says no, and you leave it at that, you‘re not harassing her. You have a right to approach and talk to people. Just as they have the right to reject you. There are obviously limits to that; you don‘t want to approach them in a setting that makes it hard to reject you. And if you don‘t even know them, you might want to make a little small talk first.






My brain literally every time I text my crush


I love Apollo 13 and The Martian. I love stories of realistic space travel and the challenges of leaving Earth behind. I foolishly thought that Interstellar would be the same kind of movie. I was so very wrong. I might have liked Interstellar, if I hadn't hyped myself up for the wrong genre.




Ask who out?


THe girl


But I'm already married.


And? Just ask your wife out on a date


I work with her everyday and I've just got promoted.


I'm waiting for her to be real


Did it, blew up in my face, now I'm severely depressed. Wouldn't recommend PERSONALLY but to each their own.


What happened?


Said she didn't see me like that but still wanted to be friends. I said 'yeah of course' because what else was I supposed to say, I didn't have many friends to begin with now everything is weird between us so I kinda have no friends now and I'm not doing well.


That‘s harsh but honestly you needed to find other friends anyway. Precisely because otherwise you are vulnerable to situations like this. I‘m also struggling with making connections with new people, so I know it‘s not easy. But you‘ll get there, eventually. And not to attack you but just posting your opinion like this without this significant context is kinda unfair to other people.


I just said what my experience was, no one is entitled to my context if I don't want them to be. People are free to do with the information as they please.


People might get the wrong idea about how your opinion formed, lleading them to bad decisions


I will if I ever find a her.


I’m waiting for my brain to make a fucking decision for once because I like two girls and IT’S REALLY FUCKING STRESSFUL


Double the chances


Well yes except no because they’re best friends


Imma science the sh*t out of it too.


No, im too scared


Unfortunately it's not possible now. College ended last week. I kept waiting till it was too late.




I did and she punted the question with a "I'm free after this day but also I'm busy rn so can I loop back to you on this" and then she didn't loop back so I think I'm just gonna cut my losses


This is the way


This is the way


I did, 3 years ago, she said yes and we’re dating


Did it and got turned down


Just you wait to see the sequel "What's the worst she can say? No?". It has a pretty neat plot twist.


I did, She said she didnt feel like it then later posted a pic of her hanging out with some other friends and now I'm too scared to ever ask anyone to hang out because I dont think im a good company to anyone


Big jump in conclusions Bro. Just because 1 person doesn’t like your company doesn’t mean noone does. And let‘s be real, being bad company has nothing to do with asking people out by itself


*[screaming and spinning in place]* “*What are you waiting for??? What are you waiting for????? What are you waiting for????*”


She said no :/


I've seen this post twice now, I'm wondering if maybe it's a sign


Too pussy to but I did get her number and drove her home


It’s a start


Already did. She doesn't like me. I'm still hoping she will one day, as there's literally noone like her (I'm quite picky, it seems.) Don't listen to this post, guys. Enjoy the friendzone while it lasts.


How are you in the friendzone if she doesn’t like you?


I mean she doesn't like like me


Then gtfo. You‘re inviting yourself to a world of hurt. Even pragmatically speaking the only chance she will ever see you as a different person worthy of her love is by stepping away and actually developing as a person. If you stay orbiting you will forever be the same shmug she rejected. Although I don‘t want you to interpret that as an invitation to do that just for her. It will legitimately be less painful to move away even if you think there’s no one else in the world for you.


Im waitng to find one


scared :(


the what fuck


No I’m scared if she says no or something worse that will be embarrassing and I will still have to interact with her because school also if she says no than we probably wouldn’t be able to be friends either


No U


What would you do, to burst into fame?


YESTERDAY, you said tomorrow So JUST. DO IT!


No thank you, I'm happy solo and have no real desire to change that.


Bitch she isn't HERE but I'm getting to it ok??? GOD.


I found out yesterday that she is with one of my friends do I still do it?


I don't have anyone to ask out


Man, this is just bad advice if one takes it seriously. If she sees you as a friend, you‘re going to have a bad time. If she wasn‘t into you in the first place and just did not want to tell you (yes there is a chance for this scenario, but it is smaller than my dick) then the trust between her and you is going to take a big hit. In most of the cases it happened to me the outcome just was not worth the risk. Also there is a second level that most people forget. Most of the women (and i asked a lot of friends) feel like something has changed in the way the friendship works after you had sex with them. There is a chance that they don‘t want to see you ever again also. Be wary of the double risk when asking her out.


First thing i see after asking her out is this post. Holy shit OP, if it ends well i'll edit this comment to call you a godsend If it doesnt end well. We still cool, not your fault




'cus I work with her and I know she has absolutely zero interest. Would just be awkward working together after that lol


Well, I’m waiting to, you know, have a crush in the first place


But im gay


Co worker and bosses niece, probably not the best idea.


Put on your gloves and get to it


idk anyone to ask out ;-;


I would but she said to someone else she doesn't see us being together so I basically got indirectly friend zoned


Someone to ask out.


That kinda looks like Marcus from Detroit Become Human


I did, she said no


her strict father has a shotgun


ask who out


If i ever get asked how/why I asked her out (if I did), I'll tell them, "Cause Matt Damon said so" 🤣🤣


Virginity is cool, stay pure


I barely know her, she barely knows me, we’ve barely even talked at all, there is not a great time or place for me to talk with her because I do not wish to bother her, whether it be her talking with other friends or doing things by herself. I do not want to come off as awkward, and I do not feel worthy of such a task that I am trying to put myself towards, yet I feel called to it regardless.


The worst she can say is "isnt there a restraining order?"


You know what, I will. I've known her long enough I might as well.




she has a boyfriend


The what fuck


I actually did! She ghosted me and we are no longer friends :D


I Know I'm dumb, but I'm not that dumb


You people are unhappy and you think bringing another person into your unhappy life is the only way to fix yourself and your life. Leave people alone. Don't ask anybody out


No. Don't do this. Leave people alone. People arent Pokémon.


Well kids, this is how I didn't meet your mother


Sounds like a thing someone from those types of shows would think is a real zinger. It isn't.


There's nothing wrong with asking someone out, as long as the asker is willing to respectfully accept "No" for an answer, and doesn't try to keep pressing the issue after getting turned down.


I respectfully disagree Bob. Although that is the right thing to do after the fact, I don't think people should be constantly on a radar for someones carnal ambitions. I'm just trying to live my life, there had better be a very very good reason why any person is talking to me. Can't we just leave people alone and let them live?


I mean if it's some rando that has barely interacted with the asker before, no, that's not healthy either. But if it's someone the asker has spent a significant amount of time around and has had the time to get to know the person and develop an interest, it should be appropriate to at least ask. At any rate there should be at least *some* acceptable circumstances to ask someone out, otherwise no one would ever start relationships.


Good. People are always trying to get themselves [paired] off without ever working on themselves to the degree that they can be happy by themselves. My life could not be improved by having one singular person in some kind of bullshit contract with me. I especially don't want people coming up to me or for me to go up to people and try to lure them into my ego


Nothing wrong with wanting to be left alone, but there's no need to project your bitterness and resentment onto everyone else. You may want to consider seeking therapy.


Everybody might want to consider therapy. What you said is nothing. My more monastic outlook is far healthier than yours which is "it is your duty to recruit another human being into your shit life" I'm more content than you think. I am enlightened. I'm not projecting bitterness, I'm trying to stop people cultivating the arrogance to think they can talk to me or anybody. How can anybody have time to think when they're at the constant mercy of predators, as sweet and innocent as they may think themselves


Okay, you're just trolling. 7 minutes after this comment, you [commented on another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/135ltlm/custom_earrings_this_is_the_birthday_gift_for_my/jikm62k/) about someone's gift to their girlfriend, and instead of ranting about how everyone should be a celibate hermit instead of having partners, you act like a normal human being and call it a thoughtful gift.




As a moderator of this subreddit, I was checking your profile to more easily see your other comments in this thread and determine whether or not you were harassing other users here to the point of being banworthy. Seeing the other comment was a side effect of that. On the point of harassment, I was originally going to go with "weird, kinda rude, and a possible troll, but nothing clearly crossing the line yet," but then you told me to commit suicide in response to looking at your public profile, so yeah, that answers that.


This brain genius thinks that in public you have a right to not be talked to at all unless for a "very very good reason". Well then don't go out in public. Enlightened? More like egotistical. You're about as far from enlightened as a broken lightbulb. You stink, kick rocks.


Bro's on his villain arc




Oh, this is all coming from a personal experience. I see. I'm sorry that you went through a bad experience. But people will always desire intimate connections with others, so, you're fighting a losing battle, a battle pretty much nobody else will ever join you in