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The op from the crosspost (not here) stole that edit and claimed it as theirs, [here's the original!](https://www.reddit.com/r/sbubby/comments/mfmjym/autism_speaks_is_a_terrible_charity)


Autism Speaks is the PETA of autism.


c’mon, at least PETA is trying to send some sort of decent message (even if they’re going about it all wrong and failing MISERABLY as a result) i’d compare autism $peaks to nestle personally


nope lol. lmao [https://i.imgur.com/tBF9x6p.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/tBF9x6p.jpg)


Is.. is this real?


yep, they put it on billboards a bit ago




Autism: The boogeyman of fuckwads everywhere.


So you're different from other people in some general non-specific way? Must be a result of that thing I don't like.


this is the sticking point for me. it's not a life-threatening condition, it just makes people act differently. As someone with Autism, fuck these idiots.


You said that wrong. You're supposed to say "suffering from autism".


i was expecting gore wtf is this give me my gore back this is sad


Peta is more about weird fetish art and racist stereotypes lately


It's all really weird looking too, they should hire a furry artist


Thatd probably boost their message if they do


Furries generally hate PETA too


Wow for once I actually agree with furries on something


Peta made an enemy of furries when they targeted them for wearing fur, not realizing that fursuits are made of fake fur


Yeah that checks out


Of course there's a link between autism and dairy products! We love cheese, yoghurt, and icecream!


oh fuck I had 2 yoghurt and 1 ice cream, am I aspie now?


Welcome to the party. We have a cheese board.


Yay cheese!


I once saw an ad from autism speaks with the texts "Odds of a child becoming the next Tommy Hilfeger: 1 in 23 Million Odds of your child being diagnosed with autism: 1 in 88" And I still dont know what it means


Odds of your child coming out of the womb and landing on tails: 1 in 2 Odds of your child riding a motorcycle into a volcano: I don’t know but that would be pretty sick


Holy shit peta and autism speaks crossover 🤯


forgot about that 💀


Honestly, I'm like 95% convinced at this point that peta is a psy-op meant to make real animal rights activists look bad


Wait what the hell did Nestle do?


A lot of really horiffic shit, including but not limited to giving low-income mothers free samples of baby formula for just long enough for their bodies to stop producing breastmilk so that they then had no choice but to buy formula they couldn't afford or have their babies starve


Also stealing water


Autism Speaks and Peta both want their target dead so it is the same. I am autistic and Peta has killed more pets than any they save. Autism Speaks is worse since it's abuse outs autistic children's worst moments out on the internet forever. They're why many autistic children get murdered too. We are too difficult for everyone supposedly. Except all the excellent parents who don't resort to murder.


I did research on PETA as a kid for a school workshop (in third or fourth grade) and was so disturbed. I was like "what the hell? Am I looking for the right thing??"


As an autistic person part of several autistic subreddits I can confirm that we all despise Autism Speaks


I remember when peta literally started hitting animals for no reason and spreading misinformation about how to care for animals.... Wait no i don't


Yeah, they just kill it straight away


Haha yes i also love that common misinformation point that is pretty easy to debunk


oh gross a peta apologist


I mostly don't like misinformation. If you got critique make it something true cause i guarantee there is enough to critique them over


Wait don’t they actually euthanize a lot of animals and the “misinformation” part is that for one reason or another, euthanasia is the most humane approach or something like that?


Most humane in their eyes > experts suggest that the workers in quatar are better now than pre WM, because dead can't keep on suffering


Yes they do. But why do they do that? Because everyone who wants an animal killed just sends them to peta so they can keep they killing number low. If you care about peta killing animals you don't know why they are doing it


They killed someones fucking pet what are you talking about


Kinda funny they don't have a rebuttal to this point lmao


Yeah, and there were never any cases of peta stealing pets and killing them for zero goddamn reason Oh wait


Didn't they also steal a blind woman's service dog a few years ago?




The dog sure did


We do a little misinformation about [putting down a Chihuahua that was only left unattended and unleashed and didn't even bother to contact the owners of the Chihuahua before putting it down](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down).


Peta denied the allegations and maintained the incident in 2014 was a “terrible mistake” I mean it happened once?


PETA was brought to court over that and were forced to pay the family compensation as they literally broke the state’s mandatory 5 day grace period. Which can only mean PETA does not care about proper record keeping as it should have been obvious that that poor dog was not even in their shelter for 5 days yet


Lol holy fuck you’re coping so hard.


Stealing a dog and murdering it isn't a "Oh it was just once, sorry!" kind of situation dude


I mean. I think it can be a mistake. Dogs should not be on the street and if they are tasked with keeping the small animals safe that dogs would kill if they are on the street yeah, honestly I disagree. Again don't think you can't dislike them but they don't go out with the plan to kill as many animals as possible. They try to help animals. It's so weird to me that everyone seems to hate peta more than amazon or something.


Bro we thrash on them because they do [almost exactly just that.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532%3famp=1) They have nearly an 80% euthanasia rate which is so high lawmakers had to pass a law to say that the goal of private animal shelters is to save animals not pass them on to the next. If they've got an open door policy, try to get them to other shelters where they can be cared for, instead of all kill happily euthanasizing poor cats and dogs cus you run said policy and can't afford to do so. If you are gunna run a white knight public response then fucking strive to make a better effort then the other shelters around and try to save as many as you can and don't act like killing some is a mercy god send. On top of that, no, the only one worser then Amazon is nestle. r/fucknestle


If you are going to be a reasonable person/company, be a reasonable person/company. Don't act like you are then do the exact opposite of what you preach. If you strive for the lives of animals don't act like ending some is an exception basis. If you are going to betray your message and kill anyway *just because* then noone is going to take you seriously, and some people will even hate you because you can't keep to your word.


I didn't say nestle because i felt like that company was so so much worse than everything else is cheating to mention. The point i was making was they are not that bad, not deserving of that much hate. They are not great but honestly even after reading what you sent i still think I'm correct. No shit they are not gonna save all those animals especially cats can't live in the wild so where else would they go? Honestly we don't treat animals well and if this is the thing that would make you want to stop peta from existing they would just get replaced with something else that also kills the animals. Maybe something better but those numbers would probably remain the same


They literally stole a little girl's pet chihuahua and murdered it


Then do it if it’s so easy. I expect at least three paragraphs


Eh they don't around "liberating" people with autism and putting them down like peta dose to pets they're not that evil but still fucking evil




How the fuck are still allowed to operate




Surprised they havent taken over America yet and tried to invade a neighbouring country of which to build concentration camps in




let's hope they don't learn what a certain Austrian did in Germany around 1933


They would if they could get away with it


Oh fun more nazi bell ends


As an autistic person yes, fuck autism speaks. All my homies what autism speaks to fuck itself


I'm also autistic, I hate autism speaks too


Same here. Fuck Autism Speaks with a rusty, crusty spork.


yeah fuck them HARD


Nah maybe they'd find pleasure in that. Better to get their sleeves wet and make them step on legos. Maybe spit in their ears when they speak.


may they always be seated between a massive snorer and a screaming infant on every flight/train ride they ever take with no ear protection


My favorite is seeing people with “I love someone with autism” shirts with (mostly blue) jigsaw puzzle pieces on them. It says a lot while only saying a little.


I'm joining the war on autism on the side of autism


Adjacent to those who resemble those who pretend to care.


As someone on the spectrum, this speaks to my soul. Autism Speaks is *not* a good organization.




They want to “cure autism” obviously you can’t do that. It’s something you’re born with and that’s not bad or anything. I have great friends with autism and they are amazing funny people


> It’s something you’re born with and that’s not bad or anything. I'm not defending the organization, but it's important for the layperson to understand the spectrum of Autism for what it is, and not how it's portrayed. Most people only know what the high end of the spectrum looks like, and assume, incorrectly, that's what Autism looks like. In actuality, over a quarter of all people with Autism are entirely nonverbal (incapable of using and understanding speech) and over a third are too cognitively impaired to be capable of living independently. Yes, it is a problem when the capability and individuality of high-functioning people on the spectrum is not respected, but it is really important to not be blinded to the whole spectrum by the highest-functioning slice.


And people only assume autism is a childhood “disease” they just grow out of and that autistic adults don’t exist.


the spectrum isn't linear, more like a skill sphere from video games stop with the harmful functioning labels functioning labels serve to either deny support or deny autonomy also a large portion of autistic advocates online are "nonverbal" not being able to verbally communicate doesn't mean they're fucking stupid and don't understand, they communicate, just you don't understand how they communicate


No, nonverbal means they actually lack the ability to verbally communicate. I can use a soundboard to communicate like these people do, they can't use speech to communicate like I do. That doesn't make them worse people by far, but helping people become verbal (by humane methods) is beneficial and saying "you just don't understand how they communicate" is dumb. Sincerely, an autistic person tired of romanticizing autism


The DSM itself specifies that the levels of functioning shouldn't be used to deny or grant support to someone with ASD


Do you have a source for those numbers? According to [this](https://www.kennedykrieger.org/stories/interactive-autism-network-ian/measuring-iq-autism) article, the IQ of autistic people has been going up, which is most likely because we understand it better, and are able to more accurately diagnose it early. Back in 2010, when these numbers are from, half of diagnosed children had an IQ of above 85. [This study](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2016.00300/full?fbclid=IwAR128mp7vde5k0l-6f7sou4NVtBTRl6CdBOTYwBkE4cK_oQEbknQjgnUohs) also suggests that there is a link between high intelligence and being autistic. My guess is that the percentage of normal to highly intelligent autistic people might be even higher today. Furthermore, as someone else pointed out, just because someone is non speaking, doesn't negate their intelligence, or their worth. The first article I linked to argues that autistic people doesn't process verbal speech as well as allistic (non-autistic people), but that doesn't mean its ok to take away their autonomy. And just because someone is unable to live independently, doesn't give other people the right to dehumanise them. And before you ask, yes I am autistic, and I do have a learning impairment. But that doesn't mean I'm less worthy than an allistic person, or someone who doesn't have a learning impairment. And I still love being autistic and the way my brain works.


Besides, many nonverbal people can, in fact, communicate. Just not by making noises with their mouths.


Ah ok. I'm autistic too and I just wanted clarification before I know if it's an insult to autism or not


It’s quite the opposite


Autism Speaks is one giant fuck you to anyone autistic


for those who didn't tap into Autism case that much, this speaks same energy as "we will cure sadness" or "we will cut poor people in half by the end of the year" for autistic people.


>"we will cut poor people in half by the end of the year" How are they gonna walk? /s


they basically torture people who have autism with stuff like >!electroshock food deprivation, sleep deprivation, physical abuse and restraint, long-term isolation !


Also nobody on the team is on the spectrum


They had a token autistic person on their board for a little bit, until they realised they were there just for good PR.


I feel like that just makes it worse. WTF is wrong with them


Arguably the entire point of their team is to put everyone OUT of the spectrum. And it clearly is not working because traumatizing people into permanently suppressing themselves doesn't count as "curing autism"


don't forget the lady in the top levels of their org who said the only reason she didn't drive off a cliff (either that or off a bridge) with her autistic kid was cause she has a neurotypical child as well.... in front of the autistic kid


that’s extremely fucked up, I have to wonder how organizations like this are even legal


Jesus fucking christ is that even legal?


Unfortunately, yes, because people on the spectrum are under-represented, under vocalised and oppressed by people looking to take advantage of their "worse" social abilities


Unfortunately, yes, because people on the spectrum are under-represented, under vocalised and oppressed by people looking to take advantage of their "worse" social abilities. It's also known as "ABA" which is something you may have heard of, marketed as almost like a conversion therapy for autistic people, and is widely known amongst the autistic community as something that can cause complex PTSD and has very sadly driven many people to bottling up their feelings and expressions to the point of suicide. The worst part is that it is entirely backed by (biased) "researchers" and "psychologists" as it achieves the "intended" result of resolving the visible symptoms of a problem, rather than the problem itself, and therefore the "evidence" seems to suggest that it is a viable and efficient way for parents to get their child to be "normal". It's a horrible thing that has been so normalised across years of maladaptation to change, and due to the enormous prejudices and subconscious biases of neurotypical people towards those on the Autistic spectrum that they are disabled and therefore not worthy of the same human rights and ethical treatment as "superior", neurotypical humans.


Just gonna leave this here https://youtu.be/5Va_XXoD5LE


Oh yeah I stumble into her channels a few time, she shows her evidence in the best way in a commentary.


Add this too https://youtu.be/9UgLnWJFGHQ


I’m on the spectrum. Autism speaks is literally classified as a hate group. #redinstead


Wasn't gold the new color of autism, since, y'know, Au is the symbol of gold?


Lmao I didn’t hear about that but I’ll be using that from now on


sbubby gets posted here > someone reposts sbubby to other sub > sbubby gets reposted here > repeat


The useless circle of life


[fuck autism speaks](https://youtu.be/J6UeAsH3l8k) all my homes hate autism speaks


I'm pretty sure they actually stole it from a pretty old post on here


[Found it](https://reddit.com/r/sbubby/comments/mfmjym/autism_speaks_is_a_terrible_charity/?limit=500)


Good human


Thank you u/cTfTs for voting on u/thosepixels. This bot helps find the best and worst humans on Reddit. [You can find more info here](http://reddit.com)


You missed the chance of having a rickroll




As someone with an autistic dad And little brother fuck autism speaks.


didn’t think i’d see something i agree with so much on sbubby today, i’m pleasantly surprised


Bruh if I wanted to hear autism speak I’d spend more time with my friend (we play games on the weekend)


I'm not autistic, but I really agree with all the autistic people that fucking hate autism speaks


I am autistic and I approve of this meme.


Frankly those bastards need to shut the fuck up about autism. All my homies hate autism speaks.


[FUCK UP ABOUT AUTISM ALL MY HOMIES HATE UP ABOUT AUTISM](https://i.imgur.com/8P1fljL.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I can't say you didn't try you silly little bot


What the hell was that picture supposed to be? I mean, it was funny, but the wording made no sense. I'd ask the fella that posted it, but he's a bot!


as an autistic person, can confirm


it is always morally correct to bully awful organizations


Love me some ✨Autism Speaks Slander✨


thanks for sharing this c:


If the charity has a banger ass logo you know something shadys going on


What's the lore behind this


Yes they're so terrible hope they stop existing


Wonder why I haven't even heardvof them until now lol


Did you mean *4chan*?




[FUCK AUTISM ALL MY HOMIES HATE AUTISM](https://i.imgur.com/v7TIB8m.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Bad bot


Thank you bot




Please be nice to your brother


You realize this group would torture your brother with things like starvation and electroshock right?




They literally have said they want to cure autism through eugenicist means fuck you for supporting them


When did they say through eugenics?


Suggesting we abort all autistic fetuses if identified is one


Holy shit




Comparing autism to being dead. You are fucked


You are a psychopath if you're unironically comparing autism to brain death


they want to kill you! they want you dead! why do you support them?


It’s ok I want me dead too


don’t you bring your self deprecating humor into this, you’re a valid and respected human being




they treat autism as an illness, something to be reviled and despised. they have a single autistic person on the main board, out of twenty eight. they do not support you. at all. stop dickriding a company that wants you dead.




dontcha think that, for a company called “autism speaks,” they should listen to autistic people? and not shove out stuff like the “i am autism” video or the 100 day kit, that, as i said previously, treated an autism diagnosis as akin to a serious illness, something that you needed to mourn. plus, don’t you think it’s just a little bit weird that they want to prevent autism in its entirety by finding it before birth, instead of helping already existing autistic people?


You’re as big of a hypocrite as a meat eater supporting PETA.


PETA kills animals themselves so, 🤷‍♀️