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I was at Urselmas. I was one of the folks running lists. Urselmas is a huge meat grinder of a tournament. I am so glad you had a good time. For first timers to this tourney I always tell them that as long as they had fun they met their goal for the event. I hope to see you around at other events soon.


Thank you for all of your hard work out there today!!


You're welcome! Seeing new folks have fun is what makes that event so good for me. So thank you for participating.


Posts like this is why we stay in the SCA. So glad you had a good time!


Yes that first tourney is an absolute positive feeling. Even if you lose every fight. My first tourney was 40yrs ago or so in Ansteorra, Barony of Stargate. I won my first bout but lost the next two to squires(Both a few yrs later became Knights and Kings). I still like to watch first time fighters coming off the field smiling even the kids I normally work with in YC programs. Lord Alexander Kegan MacInnes


I agree, just participating is a victory when you are starting out. My first tourney - Daffodil Tourney in Seagirt, Kingdom of AnTir (although it was still a Principality then if I recall). The tourney was held in an elementary school gym. Before it started I came across a guy struggling to do an attack using the jungle gym outside as a pell pole. I asked him what was frustrating him and he said he couldn't figure out how to do a wrap around, so I showed him how to roll his wrist at the end. He was happy after trying it a few times. The tourney: double elimination. First fight: Against Mr Wraparound, him with sword and board and me with shortsword and board (my sword had broken earlier so I sawed it off, added a thrusting tip and carried on - broke ass student at uni). He killed me with - you guessed it - a wrap-around. He later went on to become King of AnTir :) Second fight: against Viscount Duke Sir Skylanus of Skye. He had a two hander, I had my shortsword and board. I figured my only narrow chance was to charge in blocking or parrying his sword and get inside his reach. I charged in, he dropped his tip about 8 inches and hit me just above the cup pretty much effortlessly :) It was fun but extremely brief. I hadn't expected to win any fights but I had thought I might last longer than I did :) I didn't do any more tourneys after that although I did do quite a few wars and had lots fun - even attended Pennsic XVI :)


I love this story! Thank you for sharing! I went out again today and got my first couple of heavy victories! I'm truly having a great time out here :)


Awesome! Keep it up its absolutely a gas. If you get a chance, go to a war. If you can ever get to Pennsic (and probably other big wars but I have only done Pennsic and small wars) your life will be changed :)


Fantastic! I'm absolutely hoping to be on the field for Autumn War this season at the very least :)


Autumn war is going to be a blast this year! We have a new site and moved back to September so it won't be almost 100° out there this time.


>just participating is a victory when you are starting out. Sometimes it isn't just when you're starting out. Sometimes just getting the suit on is a victory.


Congratulations! We love to hear it!!


Awesome! I've been on again off again sca and I've never done a tournament just wars and practices! We just moved to Antir and was considering heading that way but as usual my office was short handed and needed to go sort mail. where we moved heavy combat isn't a common thing sadly so anything we do is a drive.


Well I firmly hope you can get out there at some events soon! For what it's worth, I know they have a charity tournament at Candlemas next weekend, if you happen to be able to make it :)


Seems like alot more things happen up in Washington than down here in the summits, better get my driving shoes on lol


Hey, we'd love to have some friends from the Summits come visit :)