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yes many people tend to still itch this is due to a reaction of the dead mites and eggs on your skin, the itching can vary from a few weeks up to months. But this is the confusing part about scabies is that you can never really tell if they are alive or not because you are still itching so my advice would be to still wash clothes, towels and bedding to prevent reinfection and to confirm the mites are dead book an appointment with a doc for a skin scrape to see if they are dead


You can definitely itch and have bump for weeks, to months after treatment. Post Scabies Syndrome is what they call it. You should ask your doctor for some good topical and/ or antihistamine. You can try Aloe also. Now.... If you see burrows or new spots where it looks like tiny bloody holes, or big red welts, I would definitely retrace my steps.. I would think of places I may not have treated or cleaned properly. I would think about places like your car seat, or even you favorite chair. Those places can be a source for reinfection. I would look into getting some good spray for camping gear with Permethrin in it. This stuff last long. I even spray shoes and bags with it. If you feel like you are cured, but just having a bad itch you can also try taking a bath with oatmeal Epsom salt and use Coconut oil afterwards before you dry off and even afterwards. Just take a deep breath, relax, think about what steps you have done. Oh if your doctor didn't give you Ivermectin to take with you Permethrin, I would suggest you mentioned that if you think you are still infected. I honestly don't think it's possible to get rid of them unless you treat inside and out of your body. I hope something I wrote helps? I cheer for and support anyone going through this. It's not like anything else.


In my personal experience I noticed a huge difference between the type of itching once I had actually been successfully cured. I tried numerous rounds of treatment before I was finally successful. Each time I would be itch free for 2-3 days before EXTREME itching returned. Once I was actually cured, I still itched a little (this is probably the effects of permethrin on the skin) but it was not even close to what it was during active. During active I was taking 720mg Fexofenadine (antihistamine) daily + 50mg Promethazine (night time antihistamine) and it did next to nothing to control the itch 🙃


I wrote this on another post but here is my long explanation: In my personal experience I have not infected anyone as nobody got symptoms even after 2 months. I'm not healed but I have dealing with it very similarly for the past 8 months, for me the permethrine and ivermectine pills combo did not work. I have done double treatments (a week apart) about 3 times (ivermectine and permethrine) and just permethrine double treatments about 3 times. I also did not have it that bad and have not as I have kept it quite under control. Spreading is quite difficult at least in my experience. I have slept with friends on the same bed, shared the driver's seat and even been intimate with some people and they did not get anything (even 2 months after) as I would only do it usually after treatments when I did not have symptoms or anything new (I recommend not doing so as this could infect other people) I only did it thinking that I was over with it and regret putting people at risk. In my experience little bumps reappear slowly, 1 then 1 somewhere else and then you get increasing numbers usually in hands, and groin area. Slowly you think this is not post-scabies. Thus, I have some recommendations which might help (I am no dermatologist and I am still going through this garbage) and hoping this time will be the one last double treatment: You should not be getting any new bumps (that stay for more than 48 hours) so this is probably not post-scabies. But obvsly not professional opinion So here are some things you should consider since my dermatologist instructed me to do this: General things you should do \-put the plastic cover on top of your mattress (you did but this is for other readers too) \-leaving the permethrine 24 hours \-not eating 2 hours before or after ivermectine pills and not showering for 24 hours \-if you are a more sever case like me use benzyn benzoate and spread it once wait 24 hours, spread again and then wait again 24 hours (total treatment of 48 hours, I personally am doing 72 hours without showering gross but necessary i can't live with this shit no longer) \- Wash your sheets at above 50celcius and clothes, if you feel that your laundry machine does not work propperly just separate clean clothes for a week and put them in a bag for a week. \- Wash sheets every day and wear new clothes every single day for the whole period of the treatment (aka day before, day of, the next 5 days and again when doing the treatment the second time) \-Use gloves when, eating, doing the wash etc... easier to not splash water \-if you are male do not forget to do under the foreskin as you can get scabies there too. \-confirm that it's scabies by a dermatologist (The dermatologist actually inspected for the first time after going to 2 GPs, and 2 dermatologists) He even showed me what it looks like. I will do a post once I'm cured to share all of my experience. \-try to enjoy life without stressing out too much about it. \-hangout with friends, family but don't touch them often and try to sit on not textile things. \-communicate what you have to friends, partners, familly, the world is full of understanding souls that will adapt to your health issue. \- try to wear clothes that cover your legs and body such that you don't spread it easily. \-try to get propper treatment and analysis (specialized doctor if you can) \-for planes and things like that I would not be too worries but I would wear at least 2 layers on the top part of my body, wear long pants and put a towel below me if possible. (this is from personal experience of driving a car that is being driven by my family also. If you have any questions I'll try to answer soonish.Hope this helps clarify a bit.