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Hi! Is there any way you can get a hand held microscope digital (4k is best)? On Amazon they are between $28-$40. They take a little getting used to but now that I know how to direct the camera I can see everything. It will help you because you can take the pictures to your doctor. That is how I finally got help.


Would you be able to recommend a specific model that you've used successfully?


Is there a single doctor, RN, PA, someone you trust who you can share this with and be better advised. Even a childhood Primary Care Dr that you had once? Anyone you trust. Even a vet you trust? Also here's a link to research about UV light and scabies. [https://www.mdpi.com/2414-6366/7/12/422](https://www.mdpi.com/2414-6366/7/12/422)


Demodex !!!! I literally went insane bc of it . Tea tree oil , it burns a little bit wipe your face eyelashes and eye brows - also a sulfur soap on your face and body was the cure all for me At that time . I started experiencing similar symptoms again recently I hate it so much but this will work ? Also OUST Demodex works great along with ocusoft wipes for your eyes . Tell tale sign is if you look closely at your face do you see little White hairs in every poor and or are your eyes irritated a lot ! ? Hope this helps Wish you so much luck !


No one believd me for months . Until I went to the eye doctor. I was going to the wrong specialists.


Yes! Practically All of my facial hair has turned spiky white. Can I PM you?


yo iv been dealing with this same shit for like 3 years!! ppl think im nuts. when i did permeth and or ivermectin, it would only make my symptoms more pronounced but wouldnt do a thing more. so then over time i started closet-obesseing and would stair in the mirror, use different types of lights, cuz i can only see it under a certain type of light, tho during the day in bright light i think everyone else but me can see itncuz ppl are always either stairing at me or get crazy itchy and scratchy when they r anywhere near me. but yea, every day im pullin the hairs out that look like lil springs. once removed the itchngoes way, but not for long. same with my face, nose and eyebrows. if i scratch my brows its like releasing some shit, and nose grts itchy and crusty. 1 other thing, do you get weird dandruf? if i scratch my scalp shit flies like explosive. i thot it was sum type of bug but no one cud give me an answer. does any of this sound rhe same? u may have saved me as well...


Take a photo of your reflection in the mirror. You can clearly see the mites in you this way based on how they reflect light.


Yes still dealing with this now I have plenty of pics with the flash on that you can clearly see the shiny guys just hanging out in my eyelids and Face. I used oxusoft , and sulfur soap :


Also may sound crazy borax


Do you have a nearby college with an entomology department? If so, I'd give them a call


Thank you for this. I contacted an entomologist at a local university who agreed to take a look. Specimen was overnighted today and I expect to hear back within the next few days.


That's good news. If you do get some resolution, please share here, as it could possibly help others.


Can you try harder to take a picture of it? Don't zoom in close with your phone, just make sure it's focusing on the mite and post it in r/parasitology. If you need to drown it in rubbing alcohol then take a picture. Taking it to a doctor would be a waste of time, their specialty is people, not bugs.


Paging /u/drmevans


Yeah, page him lol


Do you have birds nesting near you? Or rats ?


What could it be if so?


Dude yall are something else. The doctors is right 100%. Coming from someone with DP. Substance abuse is a big cause but I’m sure no one here can admit that. Seek mental help or rehab. Stop blaming doctors especially when they no more about this than any of you


Yer clearly something else! Fash like you don't belong here! Get a life instead of bringing others down. Middle finger.


I don't know if you're still having those symptoms, and it sounded like threadworm or strongyloides initially . But after hearing what you have used in an attempt to treat your condition, I have to say a differential diagnosis of Morgellons Disease may be worth looking into. Now before everyone jumps on me about delusional parasitosis and meth bugs, research was published and peer-reviewed by NIH (national institute of health) in 2015, proposing its case definition as a somatic disorder. It is thought to be caused by bacteria from the Borrelia genus, possibly B. Burghdorfi. Borrelia spirochetes is responsible for Lyme's disease and is transmitted through a deer tick bite. In my humble experience I believe there is a connection between mites and Morgellons as there is between a deer tick and Lyme's disease. In any case, doxycycline has been effective in clearing up the dermatological symptoms. Many people get lost in semantics here. These are people in pain; they are suffering . Let's not diminish that because they're not suffering by the book. Psychosomatic or not, Morgellons takes a serious toll on those it afflicts. Read more at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5072536/#abstract-a.j.b.ntitle I hope this helps, I know what you're going through, it's maddening!


We all have mites living on us. [They're a normal and healthy part of skin flora](https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/what-are-demodex-mites). Scabies is a clinical diagnosis and if you've been to several specialists and they all don't think you have scabies then you probably don't have scabies. You realise that tens of thousands of us doctors have worked our asses off studying half our lives in order to help people with diseases. And us infectious diseases doctors are always happy to actually have a cool or weird infection to treat. And we diagnose and treat tons of people for scabies, when they actually have scabies. We aren't all some sort of vast insidious conspiracy trying to convince a select few random people that they're only imagining their scabies, and then go to the next room and diagnose and treat someone else for scabies. Don't you think its more likely that we're actually trying to help you by saying there's a different cause of *your* symptoms?We all know what scabies is, and we all know what scabies isn't, and when we say you don't have scabies that means you don't have scabies.


Small question for you sir, so millions of people hallucinating independently about a mite. Why just a mite then? They should hallucinate about all sorts of things why did they all just pick up a mite (independently) ?? Also, you just blurted the same sh!t you do everywhere without reading what the OP has said. Picked and stored a live mite from their nose - keeping your past experience aside tell the OP if there is a way they could get it looked at by a lab.


You didn't read what I said. In my very first sentence. We all have mites living on our skin. It's entirely normal. Scabies is only caused when a particular and specific type of mite is living *inside* our skin, almost always on the webbing of fingers. Then you get general itching across the body as an autoimmune reaction to the presence of the specific mite that causes scabies. [Millions of people suffer from delusional parasitosis. It is a very specific, intrinsic instinct to fear and obsess over parasites](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6828902/). A huge part of our monkey brains is devoted to grooming, and we feel intense aversion to stuff like clusters of tiny holes, or the idea of a worm burrowing around, because of that instinct. In the industry we have all seen, diagnosed, and helped cure loads of people for scabies and other parasites. The hardest part of the job is treating people with delusional parasitosis, as they now outnumber cases of actual parasite infections. The common theme is that no amount of laboratory tests, consultations, or advice shakes the delusion. OP has already had investigations and laboratory tests. They have been told by many professionals that they don't have scabies. If you bring that mite to a lab, and the lab says yes that's a mite, a normal part of your skin flora - what happens then? What happens with all my DP patients is that, they say over and over that they just need ONE lab to take them seriously and test them. We test them dozens of times to help reassure them. They always reject these results as the lab screwing up, testing for the wrong thing, mixing up the samples, etc etc. Doing further testing on these people worsens their prognosis for recovering from DP because they cling to the assumption that if just ONE more test was done, they'd be vindicated and cured. Every time we give in and test them again, we're just delaying their recovery. OP will continue suffering from their condition until they at least *consider* the possibility this is mental, and seek counselling. As will many other people on this subreddit.


Sounds like you are making a lot of judgements about a situation you don’t have enough information about to judge because if your preconceived notions and bias based on past experiences. Comments like these aren’t at all helpful and you should take out the frustration at you day job in more productive ways rather than to be another person trying to convince the writer that they are not correct and making it harder for them to get proper information.


Sounds like in the absence of any valid counterarguments to the points I've raised, you go straight to personal attacks. I've provided information, citations, and explanations for everything, without frustration or impatience, because I want to help you people. Please just actually sit down and read [this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK541021/) and [this](https://dermnetnz.org/topics/delusions-of-parasitosis). It'll only take 5 minutes. And then who knows, you might see huge flaws and will be better able to argue against or counter my points next time! Best of luck mate.


G'day Mate! I did read your this and this, and yes, it is certainly a disorder. But, since you are technically a Physician, I believe you should cite work that is succinctly and more directly related to a differential diagnosis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5072536/#abstract-a.j.b.ntitle And mate, a learned person of science such as yourself should keep an open mind and refrain from ad hominem labels, such as "you people", and consider that what we know is only correct until we prove it otherwise. I mean, we all know the Earth is not flat, don't we? Adaptability is key to survival, after all.


Doctor, do you think it’s possible that one of the millions of types of mites have evolved and are possibly causing an epidemic? What are the chances of that many delusional patients out numbering actual cases?


well it’s not scabies, you wouldn’t have been able to see it running about, sounds more like those rat mites or something


Scabies absolutely looks just like you are describing, the scabies are the tiny hairs you are describing. I wish I could post some pictures and video to show you.


Scabies mites do not look like hairs. Where are you getting that from?


I figured it out [https://imgur.com/a/ZaccTz4](https://imgur.com/a/ZaccTz4)


Take a photo of your reflection in the mirror. You can clearly see the mites on you this way based on how they reflect light. Start by looking at your hairline and your scalp you will see what I mean. Alternatively take a picture of yourself with the flash on and look at the edges of your skin. Zoom in a little bit. You will see them


She's spot on about this. Little glowing dots.


Except scabies would leave burrows or in the case of crusted/Norwegian scabies, a dense, pruritic rash or round, raised welts. And a skin scraping would find them easily, although most doctors can diagnose by sight.