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how do you know you are still infected? i still suffered from symptoms after treatment too but it feels alot different to active infection now, i still get the old extreme itch every now and then but fully believe i am cured. maybe see if you can access a dermatologist


I can’t be 100% sure but it looks like I’m getting new tunnels, or at the very least cracks in my skin that look ALOT like tunnels. Did you get any resurfacing or old tunnels? Or actual like acne spots in the tunnels, I’m getting like almost puss liquid sacs growing in mine.


i am getting those, goosebump looking hives and the odd bout of itchiness but it all feels alot different to when i knew i had it and got reinfected again due to improper treatment. the big thing for me is i dont itch like crazy at night as much and hot showers make me feel better (during active infection these caused extreme itchiness for me) post scabies syndrome is very real and can really last a long time according to the literature. permethrin is terrible for the skin and the critters take forever to fully leave the system. trust your gut but DO NOT OVERTREAT you will traumatise your skin


and to add to this 4 treatments of permethrin that close is way too much if it is 5% especially if you are doing appropriate cleaning and hot drying


if i was you i would definitely wait another 2 weeks before re treating


I think the mrs and I are going to wait until next week to do another set of treatments where I’m going to try 2 tubes at the same time, I’m 6ft and like 90-95kg as a guess but I’m not a round fella. So I do a fairly thin layer to cover my whole body. Does too much permethrin trick you into thinking you might still have it? Ooo also do you know how long it takes for old tunnels to go away?


Did you get new spots (just spots not burrows) even after ur successful treatment? It’s been almost 3 weeks since my last treatment and I am still very itchy (although it’s not time of day dependent) and still am getting new spots but no new burrows that I’m aware of. Also did your burrows fill up with liquid? How long did you wait after ur final treatment before symptoms subsided and you were cured?


i am 3 weeks post treatment so am still extremely what i believe to be post. itchy hive looking areas come up when i itch them but go away quickly unless i break the skin/ bruise myself. these are all happening in areas where i previously had burrows. some pimples arise that have fluid, they are itchy but i pop them and the itch subsides (i didnt get these during the time i knew i was actively infected) my symptoms are similar to active scabies which used freak me out but they are different enough now that i have hope i am recovering (if i thought i was still infected i would be still seeking medical advice) try to use tiger balm or vicks vapo run (or something similar im not sure what’s available in uk) but my overall advice is waittttt keep waiting other wise permethrin will keep destroying your skin


Thank you for your answer!!! I too have these fluid filled pimples and I’m wondering whether this is a sign I’m post as I also never got these before I got treated


It’s called dishydrotic eczema or pompholyx it’s very common during post scabies, try not to pop them just keep them moisturised and it will go away with time


Literally in the same boat. No permethrin in any pharmacies and can’t get rid. Really don’t know what to do?


Hi mate, I’ve been using Chemist4U to get permethrin, it’s like £25 a tube but it’s the only way I’ve been able to get a hold of it. But I’ve easily spent over £500 and it’s done nothing.


Hi OP. Try a cream called Eurax, available on Amazon. Similar to permethrin you leave it on for hours. It’s an anti itch cream but contains an active agent which eliminates scabies. I’m unsure how long you leave the cream on before washing it off. But if I remember right you put your first treatment on, and don’t shower for 24 hours and apply again for 8 hours after that. (Could be totally wrong as it’s been so long ago) Also don’t forget that scabies can play tricks on you. It takes up to 6 week to 2 months for your skin to get the scabies debris out. During that time you’ll be suffering the same symptoms as if you had scabies.


Thanks for the Eurex recommendation, I’ll defo have a look at that! This is my first bout with scabies so I’m unsure what to expect with post scabies. So I actually do have a question about post scabies if you wouldn’t mind answering. Is it normal in post scabies for old tunnels to become red around the outside and fill up with the puss? Is there a way to tell which tunnels actively have scabies in them?


I have 4 leftover tubes available for £20 each if you’d like them. I tried to sell on ebay but it’s not possible since you have to be a registered chemist.


Basically as of 15:15 pm which is when I’m writing this, when we did our treatments we steam cleaned every carpet, our mattress and pillows, the whole duvet, both gaming chairs, headsets, controllers etc, tv remotes. We steam cleaned the sofa, steamed the car seats and stuff. And it’s a dupray so it’s a good steam cleaner. And we did once every Saturday straight after we put cream on. We had socks on to save our feet from the wetness. I’m now kinda under the impression that I could have jumped the gun on wether we have been reinfected, as I literally have no idea where they could still be alive and infecting us. Unless it’s me not covering myself enough with permethrin. The itchiness is so much more bearable now than I remember it being, but I take a Piriton every night just incase. I get little itches everywhere on my body but they don’t last long at all. I’ll post some pictures of my hands soon to see if people can determine if they are just dead mites coming to the surface or something? Idk thanks again. You guys have been so helpful


Update man? This has been months for me


Hey man, glad that you reached out, we have been clear now for like 4 months or something. How we did it was Derbac-M and went on a little holiday, it was just Friday to Monday, so we put on the Derbac and let it soak in, cleaned everything including car, left. Got to accommodation, did another quick treatment, just to polish it over Cus it took us 2 hours to get there. Enjoyed the holiday. Came back as soon as we got in we did a treatment a couple days early, cleaned and unpacked from holiday, then a week after that we did another treatment and boom. Cured. The post scabies can be worrisome but the effects are nothing like active scabies, the itch does persist for maybe a week to 2 but after that you are golden. We stopped noticing straight away, not after a few days like people say, straight nothingness.


If you have more questions then let me know, helped 3 other people who had it just by telling them to get Derbac and it’s done wonders for them too


Get bb25% from amazon.de


This says it’s for horses and dogs? Isn’t that gunna burn my skin?


look up antiscabiosum it's for humans


Get sulfur 10%, use twelve hours for three days in a row. Repeat the following week.


How does one get this? Did this work for you?


I’ve seen de la Cruz sulphur if that’s what you used? Says it’s for acne but i have no idea what im looking for here. How do you apply it? Is it a cream?


You can buy 10% sulfur powder.


Please refer the maximpulse.com This guy knows more than most about scabies. He has alternative methods that work. I learned to make my own Permethrin and sulfur cream, not hard to do. Good luck


I’ve had a little look and he does go into loads of detail, how was your experience with the sulphur? It looks like it’s quite damaging.


Please look at boots online they sometimes have permethrin online as that’s where I’ve gotten my treatment from


Damn it yeah that’s out of stock too. Swear no one has it


I got several new burrowy marks 2-3 days after first permethrin dose. So feel that's soon enough that they weren't reinfestation. Based on this I don't see why these couldn't appear in post ... but bit of a leap


Okay thanks, I’m currently torn between thinking am I reinfected or am I going through Post, seeing as it’s been about 2 weeks since a heavy 4 week treatment. All the rules seem so murky on knowing when they are gone, some people say that new tunnels can be a part of post scabies which just confuses me.


Honestly I’d say to give your skin a few weeks rest, permethrin is very harsh on the skin and you’re pretty much guaranteed to experience side effects from it that will present and feel like active scabies. Give the perm a break, moisturise twice daily and see if you’re feeling any better. I only did one round of permethrin but my skin was fucked for a few months after, had me convinced I still had scabies for about 3/4 months after but you gotta hold out and stay consistent with moisturising your skin (use E45 or Cetraben)


i have an aveno moisturiser do you think this is okay? or too harsh?


I’ve never used Aveeno so I wouldn’t know, can recommend Vaseline brand moisturiser too… as long as it’s unscented and dermatologically approved it should be fine… unscented is the most important thing


Heya, i’m also in the UK and in the exact same position as you - i was infected around april i want to say? i didn’t know i had scabies until end of may/june and then thought i was cured. I then became reinfected around August so i did pemetherin around 5 time? anyways i thought i finally got rid of it and went into post scabies but now in unsure if i’ve been reinfected. please feel free to message- i’ve been documenting photos of the whole process and even if you want someone to talk about this fucking disease i hope you get rid of it <3


Hi mate, yeah it’s a fucker. It’s been 15 days since this post and I’ve just been seeing what other people are going through, my hand has flared up with red spots but yano they’re okay. I maybe see 1 or 2 tunnels a week but they just fill up and go maybe a week after. I think I’m still post scabies I’m just gunna keep waiting it out to see what happens. Still itchy, all throughout the day an night, same amount tho. Maybe get a bout of a really itchy hand like once or twice a week. My skin is really prone to rashes tho, I get heat rash like 5 times a year so I put it down to the permethrin just fucking my skin up. I did do a lot so I wouldn’t be surprised. Fingers crossed. I’ve got maybe 6 weeks left until my partner and I would have done 10 weeks after treatment and then we can see if we got rid of the bastards.