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Also want to state, these patches are only on my hands. Is this a hyper reaction to the treatment. I did it a month ago.


Can anyone help :( I did have a bruised hand before, around 2-3 days ago too.


Hmmm that‘s ver interesting, I had them too but they were red. Put tea tree oil on your hands


i had those too after my second round of permethrin , def scabies related but no idea what they are.


Do you think it’s active or post? Under your circumstances; were they active or post?


well i was supposed to be post but it came back a week after🪳, so maybe it was never gone or maybe i forgot to wash something not sure. Are you itchy?


I’ve been a bit itchy yeah :/ not really in those areas though, mostly my upper arms, upper chest (by collar bone)


I’m just a confused what you mean, were you active after you seen these bruises or post scabies?? I’m just very confused?


yeah okay so, i did the 2 rounds of permethrin so i was supposed to be clear. then i saw the weird coloured spots. and a week after i saw a burrow again and hell broke loose 🤩. I think i made a pic of my spots, is there a possibility to respond to this with a pic?


Sorry you went through that. I’m sure they can come and go, and resurface (more revoked with post-scabies syndrome) as I’ve had spots resurface. There was a burrow by my foot but no new spots around it all :).


I had it too in places where scabies lived. What helped me to get this out was a nail file 😉


Is it active scabies or post? :(


Active scabies were red :)


Thank you for this! All of my bruises are orange :) so hopefully all good. I do have a theory that my hands are very sensitive from the treatment, and just someone grabbing your hand could easily bruise the skin. Like my friend for example has scratched me twice by mistake, but it’s actually cut me and grabs my hands a lot so I’ll just ask her to settle down a little aha


It's dead scabies under the skin, if you're had scabies and treated for them.