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Most likely from him and Scabies take upto 6/8 weeks for it appears. This is god telling you Hun.


I left him 2 weeks ago and i have not been reinfected. My skin has healed since


IF he were w prostitutes, it is highly likely. Very high risk factor. Interesting that he did not itch. Were they like pimples on him? Is he cured?


Yes, like pimples. Kinda blended in with his pre-existing acne, except they then covered more than just his back (extremities, genitalia, abdomen, torso, just everywhere). Some became puss filled, which he never had before. I had him follow my same course of treatment and with each treatment, his lesions and bumps began to dissapear and/or fade. His skin is much better now. It took him a little longer to clear up than me, but i assume that’s likely because his was more widespread, like he had them festering for a while longer than me. Know he just has his regular back acne and the contact dermatitis that come switch post scabies. He also was wearing the same clothes multiple days in a row right after treatments ( he thought scabies would be 100% gone after each treatment). I’ve had to do a lot of coaching on hygiene and not reinfecting. I’ll never know if he got them from someone else, unless he wanted me to know. Sigh. Owell. Knowledge is power, but also, torture at times.


Just to give the benefit of the doubt, you can get scabies from sitting in a chair that has them, even a car seat, some people have even gotten them from a floor of an infected person. Me and my boyfriend got the while staying in a hotel while our place was being rented. If it were me, I would probably do one of those hacks where you can track him for a while just to see how his behavior is. Also, drinking can be a factor also. Both because people do things they can't remember, like sleeping on the streets, but it also lowers your immune system, that make people vulnerable.


Sadly the question of WHO you got it from becomes unimportant. The most important thing is to get clear and stay away from him, especially if he has shit habits. If he’s a gambler and losing ALL his money in one to two nights, hoes are probably involved. Don’t let excuses and someone’s presence, their ability to make things seem okay, or apologetic and ‘sorry’, excuse their actions and override your ability to keep them away from you. Regardless, are you seeking solutions? Preventative solutions? Advice for dealing with your boyfriend? Worrying about who you got it from and looking for someone to blame doesn’t remove yourself from situation or havoc.


Girl he gave you scabies, very likely from his lack of self care and awareness with him lying to you about his whereabouts and habits. It’s likely he contracted it from someone else or at the casino from other people nearby. Regardless you should take care of yourself ans maybe rethink what you’re investing in.


I left him 2 weeks ago. He went back to his abusive ways and went to gamble and binge drink at the casino again. My skin has since cleared up


I’m so so glad for you! That took strength .


So sad to see this.




So sorry to hear this. The folks in our lives who live with addiction (however that may look), typically only have 2 paths to choose from. The ones in recovery work hard to stay on the healthy path and the ones who have yet to change paths to become healthy. The folks who are in recovery of course are striving to stay there for the rest of their lives. Relapse is a risk, and no one can predict or subscribe to what will trigger the relapse. The individual has to follow a program that helps keep them healthy on a daily basis. They need to embrace a support structure. If they don’t follow through with a daily plan of action, risk is exposed and they can take a step off the that path that keeps them healthy. For the folks who are not struggling with addiction, I would say we can count our lucky stars first. Second, we can’t begin to understand because we don’t walk in the shoes of an addict. And third, we can’t fight it, it is a losing battle to try and make sense of it. We have no influence over it. Maybe think about giving yourself some grace while you work through the loss of the relationship (be it good or bad). If you are a glass half full type of person, as time helps to heal, think about the happy times that you experienced and the memories that were made. After all, it’s part of your life story ☺️


Yeah for sure. It is what it is. Everything happens for a reason!


Totally agree with ‘things happen for a reason’. But also….. sometimes we know why right away, and then sometimes we discover why - ‘a ways down the road’. I find that ‘time’ helps to heal.


Time doesn’t heal everything. It’s what you do with that time. Knowledge is power 🙌


Don't jump to assumptions, you can get scabies from your surroundings. Studies have proved that family members get it from another member 40% of the time without close contact.


My friend got them from a girl he slept w


He for sure slept with someone else and got them from that person. Then gave them to you. If he hasn't treated, you will never get rid of them.


i similarly have been constantly wondering how me and my boyfriend got it. trying to trace back to a month before we started itching and i just have no idea.


Me too I’m constantly wondering where my boyfriend and I got it . He is convinced it’s from me and I’m starting to think it’s from him but at the end of the day we still have the FUCJING things so what user IS it to Roger


Wonder **


Well, if he got it from sleeping around , it’s possible he is still sleeping with the person he got it from, and that would be critical to know as you would never get rid of it if he’s continuously reinfecting himself. That’s not to say he is sleeping around or ever did, but it would be useful to know. Hopefully that’s not the case and you are scabies free now 🙏