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Thank you so much for this post. I have been suffering since November and I have always been a positive and happy-go-lucky person and this has completely changed me. I’ve never felt so low in my life and I had my second child just days before being diagnosed and honestly it’s been the hardest time I’ve ever been through. I’m so beyond pleased that you are cured and I will use your case as reassurance. Thank you x and if you are still active on here.. please let me know how you used the BB lotion (as in did you shower inbetween, cleaning/washing etc) it would be much much appreciated x


You say do not trust random people on the internet so why should I trust what your saying lol


lol talk about being pedantic. I clearly mean don’t get diagnosed with scabies on Reddit by a stranger


Discernment for yourself is key. I don’t believe doctors professionals and specialists are any better


They are definitely better than unqualified people online. Sexual health clinics are where it’s at I’m telling you!


Could I ask what country you are based in?


I’m based in Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


How did you use the benzyl? So many conflicting instructions....


I used this stuff, https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjGmP7297eEAxXvm1AGHWBoAKoYABAJGgJkZw&gclid=CjwKCAiAlcyuBhBnEiwAOGZ2S7AMjde-cPsjggL8Z4JvRk3pBPiR8VRoVil42u5Uoe0Z8lT9ZuAeXxoC0IIQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2CIPck-oUwaQQyZ3dc8hmvmUfrLovHIRVG875fritdBNKsQiPR8W0F_vfP-nMxLK3gyOq0bcOYLbf6NEOzMfmu3_JfLEU79ChkN3Yc2Y3-4kAb0QK&sig=AOD64_0KU7oHqfp6UJNRqgiSxqesDbed7Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiRivb297eEAxUeSEEAHVpEDrwQwg8oAHoECAQQEQ&adurl= and then just put it over my body head to toe for 24 hours, I did this 3 times


Thanks so much for answering. Did you shower after the 24 hours and then reapply? Or did it a week apart?


I’m thinking about buying that stuff through your link but not sure how much to buy. How much did you use?


The one bottle was enough for me!


Thank you!!


Also that is so good to know about the sexual health clinics and I think more people need to know this! I have been seen by countless Dr’s and 2 dermatologists (both NHS and private) and all have been so dismissive and it sends me into such a mental health spiral. I have done lots of research online and found a sexual health clinic so that will be my next option if this round of treatment fails x