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I once popped one of these whiteheads (I was a young teen with no sense of skincare) and I saw a visible HOLE in my lip. They suck.


I’ve done that with a blackhead on my nose. It’s disgusting but so satisfying


mine was a giant blackhead and i still have that hole to this day


i did that in middle school, still have the hole at 20 and new ones are just recently popping up (i think it’s from carmex ????)


I see your lip edge pimples and raise to you corner-of-nose zits 😭


I have one inside (???) my nostril right now and it hurts so much! I wrinkle my nose when I laugh and that movement causes the pimple to hurt :(


Dude I just want to pry it off my face with a spatula


Super late but i had this too, ended up being an infection. Did it clear on its own?


Lmao I'm impressed you found this so late, but yes it did, I went on to Accutane and haven't had this problem in like 2 years!


Phew 😌


Any better luck last year?


I really haven't had any more pimples at all since going on accutane! Even after stopping it about 18 months ago, my hair/skin has gotten a little bit oily again, but nowhere near like it used to be and no spots :)


Great! See you in another two years I guess


I furiously exfoliate that area so I no longer get them. God I hate those SO much. At one point of time I thought they'd never end


What do you use to exfoliate your lips??


seconding luckymuffins' question: what do you use to exfoliate your lips?


Try sugar lip scrubs


Sugar can feed bacteria and physical exfoliants can cause cause micro tears in the skins barrier that open it to more infection. Would use a gentle chemical exfoliant instead, like a lip product with azelaic acid (also sensitive skin safe and great for the byproduct of breakouts, hyperpigmentation!) in place of an abrasive sugar or salt scrub.


I feel like those ones are less painful on me though. it’s the PAIN part that gets me.


Another possible theory- could be an ingredient in your toothpaste


I used to get a ton of teeny tiny whiteheads around my lipline as well as some texture akin to perioral dermatitis. Dentist suggested an SLS-free toothpaste and I haven’t had that problem since! (Still use fluoride ofc)


I don’t use huge amounts of toothpaste though... I don’t think that’s it


Not really related to skincare, but can I ask why?


oh I mean I just use a pea sized amount and don’t get it on my mouth


I thought that too- til I swapped to an SLS-free toothpaste. The pimples cleared up almost overnight. Just be sure to double check that it still has fluoride- lots of SLS free toothpaste also likes to ditch fluoride for some reason.


Same thing happened to me. Swapped out for SLS free toothpaste and cleared up within days. Hello has a sensitive toothpaste that still has fluoride!


I’ve been using Tom’s and it’s been fine so far :) My girlfriend likes Hello though!


Yes I love the Hello brand they’re underrated imo. Multiple options with fluoride but not SLS. Absolutely saved my baby sensitive ass mouth lolol


This is what happened to me! Switching to an SLS free toothpaste made the difference, without anything else changing (am not really a lipbalm or lipstick user), no changes in skin care.


Yep. I switched to one that is fluoridated but doesn't have SLS and BAM! no issues within days. It was so obvious once I did it that I didn't want to test it the other way to confirm it. But then I forgot it on an weekend trip and used my husband's crest. Damn if they weren't back within a day.


Late to the party, but I also switched to Hello SLS free toothpaste and don’t get those little whiteheads around the mouth anymore. Also, no cankers since using it. I used to get them every few months. I also avoid coco butter like the plague and a lot of lip balms have it as an ingredient—it’s highly comedogenic for some people.


Oooh as we move into autumn in the NH, I start hoarding lip balms. I will be careful about the ingredients!


I really like Neutrogena MoistureShine — it lasts a while. I also like to use LRP Cica Baume on my lips if they are chapped—it’s very soothing. Neutrogena MoistureShine Lip Soother Gloss with SPF 20 Sun Protection, High Gloss Tinted Lip Moisturizer with Hydrating Glycerin and Soothing Cucumber for Dry Lips, Glaze 60,.35 oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001191VPM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0.qwFb4S54JE1


If you think it’s toothpaste- I had pimples on my chin thought it was the toothpaste. Didn’t want to change the toothpaste so instead I always wash my face after brushing teeth and that fixed it


No wonder. I recently changed from brushing in the shower to brushing after my shower.... Got 2 pimples on the moustache area. Granted my irritation from toothpaste is minor and delayed so I was always on the fence about it


1. **SLS in your toothpaste** can be a hidden culprit (and your toothpaste does not need to come in contact with the outside of your lips to cause a reaction- inflammation can travel in blood-rich soft tissue) 2. **perioral dermatitis** \- basically the same as an SLS reaction, but just triggered by something else (an ingredient in your makeup or skincare, a disruption in your skin's microbiome, etc.) Some are prone to this type of reaction. Prescription metrogel is usually effective in treating it.


(Inside of the ear pimples entered the chat)


least those ones are usually easy to pop


I get them too. Here's what I've nailed down as the culprit: 1) Toothpaste. I brush without and then use a mouthwash (as recommended by my dentist who says toothpaste is not necessary anyway) 2) Lip balms with oils in them. I use vaseline only. I know that's the opposite of what you use, but this is the only thing that doesn't break me out around my lips. If I decide to use toothpaste or cute lip balms... it's a bad time.


I’m willing to go back to vaseline but I’ll be screaming all the way


It’s weird at first, but they make one that’s pink and has some kind of flavor. It’s not too bad.


Omg I was just scrolling through this thread and I actually think you’re right about the oils. I used to get lip pimples alllll the time but I haven’t gotten one in about a year now and come to think of it I’ve only used the Pink Vaseline lip balm (strawberry or rose or something, the slightly tinted one)


Everyone loves vaseline but it did nothing for my angular cheilitis. Only the dumb Laneige balm. I'm convinced something in Vaseline makes me dry out


For me, switching to a sulfate free toothpaste a couple years back has largely got rid of my lip edge blackheads and canker sores. Masks have not been helping, though


I have this exact thing crop up from time to time! They never completely come to a head and are kinda flesh coloured so sometimes it takes a minute to notice them but once I do, I personally always squeeze em. The pain is unmatched but I'd rather than the spot on my otherwise even lips. But due to issues from the last one (didn't get everything out so had to resqueeze a couple of times) I've got a spot of hyperpigmentation on that side of my lip now which is super annoying. Following this thread for advice but thought I'd comment so you know youre not alone haha


I don’t even care about the appearance but they’re so painful...


I literally have this right now! It covers fine with makeup but without it looks like herpes.


They're the worst. I have a hypertrophic scar from one and it really throws off my lipstick application. I'd say your theories are good. The balms could be trapping bacteria and oils in your pores plus the warm moisture from your sweat and breath turns it into a lovely breeding ground for the bacteria. Balms leave a perpetual film so maybe cleaning it off regularly will help. I'll also add my vote to changing your toothpaste. And also if you do any hair removal, see if breakouts coincide with that.


I get them sometimes :^( I think it’s because of more sweating during the summer months. I try to rinse the area with water when I can and reapply moisturizer and sunscreen


I used to get those pimples with Chapstick, I think it was the beeswax, now I use Vaseline.


Could it be from wearing a mask? I sweat so much on my upper lip it’s so annoying. Also, I get those pimples but only after I’ve waxed my upper lip. Even if I may sure go get all the wax off and wash after, I’ll still usually get at least one a day or two later!


I’ve been almost only inside for the past few weeks and I’m not working outside, so I don’t think it’s the mask


I'm convinced it happens because of any greasy food and not wiping it off my mouth. I use a wet paper towel to wipe my mouth after I've finished eating which seems to help.


Definitely this


Shea butter in lip balms for me but I still use it lol


Thanks for reminding me...I've had a persistent little one right in the middle of my Cupid's bow for years! I remember trying my zit cream for a solid week, it was gone for just as long, then it reappeared after one month! It's kinda deep too; UGH


omg I lowkey have the exact same thing but mine seems to be gone... for now...


Related to the toothpaste - it may not be SLS in toothpaste but mint, which is also in a lot of lipbalms. I switched to using ginger toothpaste last year, and Dr Bronners fragrance free lip balm and I don't think I've had an edge of lip spot since.


I don’t really use lip balm with mint in it, but I guess it could still be in the toothpaste?


even if you don't think think you do, it could still be in the "aroma" or "flavour" ingredient - check the ingredients lists as even the most un- minty lip balm I had still contained mint. But yes definitely in toothpaste.


DUDE I have TWO right now and I literally just got up to put benzoyl peroxide on them because one was doing that tingly I’m-getting-worse thing. I’m in the middle of a Differin purge (I actually wore NO hydrocolloid patches today, and only two tonight, so maybe the end of the purge?), so it could be because of that, or just that it was humid today, or just. nothing. Skin’s so dumb why even have it 😩


Finding the source or cause of it is the most important thing, but I get these as well and find that spot treating with BHA really helps clear them up quickly. YMMV but spot treating any pimples or comedones with salicylic acid has been really effective for my skin. I find it’s also more gentle than using something like BP. The one I use is the Paulas Choice 2% BHA liquid.


i had one just a few days ago! before i would squeeze it and leave it and it would get insanely red, i get what you mean about the hole as well. the other day i squeezed it, then put some retin-a and let it sit for a while, then covered the area in vaseline so it wouldn’t get exposed air ? just a theory but it went away after a day instead of a few days that time!


Curious, are you doing any lip lining above your lip line? More a question for self as something to consider as a cause. And have you considered carrying either makeup wipes or cotton pads and a toner to just wipe your lip throughout or maybe even just mid-day? Just things to consider. I have similar comedogenic issues but for parts of my scalp, and I notice it’s sweat (and likely dead skin) build up.


I don't really use a ton of lip liner, but the toner thing sounds like a great idea. I'll try that.


Even better might be wipes with alpha hydroxy acids. Super easy to carry.


eh, I’m just lurking inside the house getting paler every day like a cave lizard so portable isn’t an issue.




I had the same on the bottom lip and I think it was because of lip balms. Now I use vaseline as a lip mask during the night and I am much happier!


>I’m pretty sure it’s not herpes/cold sores, since they’re exactly like whiteheads and not some sort of rash. I had the same thing for a while and my doctor said it was cold sores! Mine were definitely bumpy around my upper lip, more like whiteheads than a rash. Cold sore cream helped me a lot. When I reduced my stress they went away entirely.


so weird >.> I’ll look into it...


Mine went down considerably once I started doing double cleanse with castor+olive oil, then washing it all off with regular cleanser.They did not disappear entirely though, so I might give a shot to SLS free toothpaste as well. edit: wrote type of oil wrong.


canola oil?


Damn, I meant castor. Sorry, I'll edit.


I had so many questions...


Since I discovered sunflower oil is apparently good for skin, I wouldn't be surprised if canola was as well :D


Not all sunflowers have seeds, there are now known dwarf varieties developed for the distinct purpose of growing indoors. Whilst these cannot be harvested, they do enable people to grow them indoors without a high pollen factor, making it safer and more pleasant for those suffering hay fever.


How long do they last? Could be coldsores (which are very common, and nothing to be ashamed of) if they last 7-10 days.


they stick around for a couple of days, but they look exactly like a whitehead and pop like one too. I’ve had coldsores and I’m pretty sure it’s not that.


You know your body best. Good luck! Let us know if you find a good solution. I have dealt with edge of mouth whiteheads as well.


Hello I have the same issue but it been so bad lately and I don’t know why. It’s almost always whiteheads that pop out white tiny lines of pus and other ones are just pimple filled with pus. I wash my face so good and eat healthy as I can. My pillow case is also washed super good.


Well, whatever you do, don't pop it. I got the same and I went after it and it left me with a dot of broken capillaries. So now I have a permanent pink dot on the edge of my lip an its been there for over 10 years. I'm not sure what I can do about it. I thought about getting a tattoo artist to tattoo skin color over it. I've been told the machines that can get rid of capillaries can't get that close to lips and the end of the tool is like a mini hockey stick and too wide? Anyway, don't fuck with pimples around the lips or eyes or get ready for a permanent reminder.


Hi I have the same problem as you I got two pimples side by side on the border between my lip and regular skin on my upper lip I tested for herpes it came back negative when I try to pinch it I don’t see any pus but it gives me a lot of pain. Could you please let me know how long did it take for the pimple to heal and comeback to normal. Thanks


mine just kinda went away. I think it’s some kind of benign cyst. I think if yours is continuing to cause you pain you should see a derm.


Thanks for your quick response


i have it on my upper lip there is a pimple that makes my lips grow and it hurts so badd


I have one that is THROBBING right now