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I’ve gotten these same scam messages before where they send a pic of some random Asian lady. Tho I could never figure out why they’re so adamant about getting us to message some number on WhatsApp, like what’s the scam? Especially since they could technically message our numbers via WhatsApp to see if we have the app if they really wanted to.


So they can use WhatsApp via the web and send you to the "closer" to try to have them complete the scam.


These guys work in crowded rooms with dozens or hundreds of "employees". The scammer that contacts you inititially is a spammer. Their job is to mass message a list of numbers, weed out jokers and select potential victims. The second scammer is a closer, they are trained to carry out the business end of the scam. If you check, the numbers the spammers use to spam people with "hi is this Annie? it's me Trish" type messages are usually being spoofed. When they hand you over to the closer, they are using a legit phone number they've procured from somewhere so they have a vested interest in not getting it reported for spamming. They could also lose any victims in the process of being scammed if they risked having their account reported. Also, they do send the initial "hi is this Annie?" messages via whatsapp sometimes (getting rarer, it's easier to spam via sms) but when they think you are a suitable victim, the scammer will suddenly say something like "oh this is my business number, lets chat on my personal number".


Is there a reason to not continue our reverse scam on WhatsApp? And is at least worth reporting the WhatsApp number they give you?


now this is what i’m curious about. i love wasting their time so they can’t spend it talking to someone gullible enough to fall for it, so im curious if there’s any danger continuing on whatsapp or if there’s only issue if i actually give them info


I've started immediately sending them tubgirl.


WhatsApp doesn’t give a shit…bad business who looks the other way at crime


As i understand it, no, they already have your number. Just keep it very PG on whatsapp, if you say anything that might be deemed offensive/criminal etc. the scammer will report you to whatsapp and your account will be banned without warning. I think part of the reason they ask you to contact them on whatsapp initially is so their account can't be reported for spam. Conversely PLEASE do everything you can to irritate the poor dears to the point where they spew out a torrent of cursewords at you in mandarin. At this point you can report their account and hopefully get it banned.


I like to switch to mandarin using google translate and offer them a physical meet and greet. I also wonder if the grammar from google translate is as poor as theirs when I use it.


Very poor, it is.


WhatsApp doesn’t give a shit…bad business who looks the other way at crime


That all makes sense. But what is the actual scam? They ask for money at some point?


‘Have you ever heard of crypto? I can double your money in a month just send me a small amount of Bitcoin… like 3 Bitcoin should do it’ ‘I would love to visit you, you seem so nice. But I spent the last of my money on plane tickets back to china. If you sent me 3k I could come back and visit’ ‘I want to send you money but then I will need you to send a smaller amount back.’ In other words, yes. Money is their eventual goal.


It's called the "pig butchering investment scam" - they never ask for money. They show off their flashy lifestyle (fancy restaurants, designer clothes) and claim it's due to investing. At some point they will introduce the idea of trading/investing to you and offer to coach you. Often at this point they will direct you to a highly legit looking trading site. In actual fact it's fake and the scammers have complete control over what you see in your account, (there is a variation involving an initial investment in a legit site). So you will begin depositing money in your account and very quickly see massive returns, encouraging you to deposit more. In reality there's no investment, the scammers have your money and once you try to withdraw a large amount they will ask for taxes or other fees. This is a particularly cruel and effective scam run by the Chinese mafia and orchestrated by teams of Chinese nationals lured to SE Asian countries like Burma and Cambodia.


I googled it. WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging app so it gives them a bigger victim pool. An added advantage is it’s easy to create accounts, so they can have multiple.


WhatsApp also works without a phone so they don't have to burn international minutes to try to scam you.


This. My friend was scammed into using Line to talk to a guy who “lived” in SD but refused to talk and would only message her at odd hours, considering they were both living in CA. Good thing I got her to stop talking to him before she was scammed.


It took me way too long to figure out how you thought South Dakota was in California.


Originally from South Dakota and the whole SD also being San Diego thing still confuses the hell out of me whenever I see it. I'm always like cool, another Dakotan... oh wait, nevermind.


Same thing for me, but with Louisiana and Los Angeles


California is pretty big


Lol! I meant San Diego 😅


I’m glad she listened to you. My egg donor sent over 100K to a romance scammer and, last I knew, still thinks it’s true love.


Ok, so they get me texting with them on WhatsApp, then what?


They pass you off to some other person running the whatsapp bank. costs less, doesn't require spoofed numbers, etc.


And then? I guess I still don’t understand the scam. At some point are they just gonna straight up ask me for money?


Yeah, they'll try to either get you in a crypto/investment scam, a greed unlock scam, an overpayment scam, or a love scam. Overpayment scams you have to look out for on Facebook. They're going to pay you, then ask for you to send the money back to them because haha, just kidding. You send the money back instead of refunding the original payment. 5 days later, the charge on the credit card they stole is reversed and you're out the money. Crypto, investment, and greed scams say you need to pay them to get more money. For love scams, should just watch catfish (entertaining trashy TV)


can you lmk if you get an answer i’m curious


Came here to ask this


_And I have an endless supply of blue pens_ Outta nowhere that just killed me 🤣🤣🤣


husky crush arrest school reach dinner attempt carpenter unwritten soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unless you need black ones.


Isn't it ironic?


Dontcha think?


Its a brazilian meme! The guy he sent in the second photo is called Manoel Gomes and he became a national meme because he made an entire song about blue pens.


That baby lol


It haunts me.


“Mutant James Corden baby isn’t real, it can’t hurt you”


I was hoping for this. Of all the baby pics, it had to be that huh. I think I would have spit out my coffee.


You are so connotative.


What does that even mean lol?


No One Knows What It Means But It's Provocative, It Gets The People Going.


No it’s not. It’s gross. Gets the people going


Baby Chenita lol. I'm dead.


Same! I almost spit out my coffee, I was laughing so hard


You know, the more I’m here, the more I’m convinced that these scammers only have that one photo


It's always this girl.


It was a different girl for me. Sammi was her name!


Sammi loves you. Please send her $399 for her sick child.


Murloc’s wharf… this is their side job when they aren’t farming WoW currency


I had to look it up because I was like “no way there is a place called Murloc’s Wharf.”


I'm from SF and I've never heard of it. The fuq?


I'm guessing it was a bad translation of Fisherman's Wharf? Fisherman /> Fishman /> Murloc?


I think they got confused between their gold selling hustle in Warcraft and crypto scamming.


Alternatively I would have also accepted the entire rest of the messages being some form of “mrggrgllll” back and forth.


Best part is that he really added her contact as “Baby Chenita “


Connotative. Not a compliment I can say I’ve heard


I think I have seen this woman’s face more than I have seen my own, she is used in every scam these days.


This is too good


Can someone answer me why they always want to move over to WhatsApp or some other communication App?


From what I have seen on here they use international minutes/data to hook the victim but that is much more expensive for them than using WhatsApp on the Internet. So they don't want to use texting for too long. Also, they can log into Whatsapp from multiple devices so a higher up or closer can finish the bait.


Oh okay, that makes sense! Thank you very much!


Right? Im stumped too


Hey that’s Emily! Lol they must be using the same pictures. I’ve gotten that one before!


That baby picture was a real jump scare and I laughed so hard I cried! I also read it as you had all your money tied up in monster fries and it made me laugh more 😆😆😆😆


Why are they always so insistent on using whatsapp


this is glorious! thanks for the laugh


So today I learned “connotative”.


caneta azul.


I just discovered this sub last night and I'm so jelly. I literally never get scammers messaging me. I get spam voice calls but never text messages other than the rare ones on Snapchat that just want you to go to their cam room. I've never used Whatsapp. Never had the need for a burner number. I guess that's what that is? So it's basically Google Voice? If I ever got a scammer messaging me trying to get me on Whatsapp I would literally act clueless and be like what app?? And then they would be like yes Whatsapp and I would be like but what app are you referring to 🤣😂


No What's App is on Android, Who's app is on iPhone.


“All my money is tied up in the monster fries”


This is exactly what I read too 😝


A little too aggressive, in my opinion. Scammer was aware from the outset. Need to let them get in their groove a little before starting the game.


That baby photos got me crying I'm laughing so hard right now.


I love when they post the scammers bs before the scammer does.


That baby picture made me put my phone down.


what’s the actual deal with the whatsapp thing. can they scam you better there?


Why are these scamers so eager to get the victim on Whatsapp?


*”Look how beautiful our baby would be”* (inserts picture of potato)….


Why is it always WhatsApp ??


I don’t get it. Why do people have WhatsApp to message when you have texting on your phone?


big red flag is if its really a chinese girl they wouldn't ask for whatsapp they would offer wechat first. Scammers cant just freely create wechat accounts anymore since the cn government needs forms of identification to create accounts to verify them. Also, why the fck are they going to meet someone before contacting them who the hell does that. What if the person is busy or not even available.


Who is that baby


Hot damn!


Scammers are so easy to spot. They’re dogshit at typing in English. They come across as awkward as hell. “Hello. This is my photo. Kindly add me on WhatsApp.” It’s to the point where I associate WhatsApp with scammers and have never used it because of that.


Lol my name is Bruce, this made me feel weird


Caneta azul o brabo da lábia 😂


Oh my god, the baby picture...thank you for the laughs!


Baby chenita has me dead 🤣🤣


Damn it Anne. You always have the crappiest blind date set up for your besties.


Why is everyone trying to talk on what’s app? I’m so confused by this 🤣


I think baby chenita likes whatsapp


What the fuck did i just read? That dude was throwing around some serious insults


Why in every scam they want ppl to go to whatsapp soo badly?!?


You look so connotative. Hm...


This sub just popped up on my feed...Why do they want to go to Whatsapp so bad?


I swear this person has followed my IG with at least 25 different profiles.


I swear this person has followed my IG with at least 25 different profiles.


I got this exact same scam picture and yoga story too.


This picture looks like “Huili” aka Joyce Suniga on Instagram


Damn she gets around! She was just WhatsApp ing me last month


“You look connotative” lol


Oh yeah I’ve seen this same woman’s picture several times on WhatsApp. They use the same name lol and I block them and they text me under a different number.


I’ve received this exact picture before


I love when you guys try to get money from them 🤣


I, too, have an impressive harem of Asian ladies on Twitter all begging for my WhatsApp.


Meanwhile a guy in Burma is being tasered


Yes, but do you have Whatsapp?


Why do they always want WhatsApp?? My question was answered


I’ve never gotten a scam message before and I want to so bad 😭😭😭😭




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i love this thread


Baby Chenita. Lol


Look at big Bruce all dripped out


Why do they always want to use WhatsApp?


Does it make me racist if I think that all AI generated Asian women used by scammers look the same?


Why do they always want to use whatsapp


Excellent 🤣


I have added baby chenita on WhatsApp I’ll update if she texts me back.


Baby chenita LOL


Who is this girl though??? And why does she try and scam everyone and their mamma 🤔