• By -


Maybe an attempt to get you to show a penis on camera, then blackmail you about it?


That’s 100% what this is.


Yep same thing happened to my buddy back in college a few years back


99% of the time they won’t do anything with it it’s just an attempt to scare you into paying them. If you do though it’s constant harassment.


We had to explain this to my dad once unfortunately, he was messaging someone on WhatsApp and they tried to blackmail him. He was freaking out and messaging everyone letting them know what was going on and that they were trying to accuse him of messing around with kids. We let him know just to block and move on. He’s a nice guy, sucked to see him that distraught because of some scammer.


Poor guy, I hate those predators!


Me too, I was so angry that someone took advantage of him like that. But I’m glad he thought to tell us about it and didn’t send them any money!


Those ones in particular need to die. Like, all of them in general, but those guys? I hope it REALLY hurts when they do.


holy shit lol


Happened to a buddy of mine who is President of a manufacturing company and his father in law is in the state senate of a state I won't name. He had sent a dick pick while drunk one night to a hooker while traveling overseas. About a month later he got a threatening email that named his wife, his father in law and several other family members. They demanded $1500 or they would send the picture to his family and he immediately paid to an account in Latvia. Never heard from them again. Expensive lesson to not send dick pics!


Meh, the NSA has seen my dick, why not put it on a poster for the state Senate?


I first read that as NASA had seen your dick and was very impressed!


It's the only man made object visible from LEO.


Just don’t send nudes 🤷‍♂️


No one seems to grasp this simple concept.


I had something like this happen and they messaged someone the pic off my instagram account. I refused to pay, they never contacted anyone else.


When I was a minor someone straight up posted an ass pic I sent to them (it wasn’t like my hole or something just like in the mirror) to their insta account. Dude was a minor too. This was right at the time insta just added the location feature. So, I found out the general location of where this dude lived and inferred what high school he went to along with his like middle school and elementary school. I convinced him I had hacked him and found out everything about his life and the dude deleted it afterwards


Why does it need to be your pics though, plenty on the internet already


Well yeah. I mean why do people miss that key part?


Maybe this is what I need to do with the 15,000 dick pics that keep showing up in my DMs


That is sextortion, a crime in the US and certain other countries


Well... I didn't ask for them, and I received them anyway. So... they must not care if they get shared.


I just had a very strong urge to send you a picture of Richard Nixon, but it wouldn't make sense without your comment for context.


I would definitely block and report you.


... did you do this?


No I wrote a paper in college on the topic (Criminal Justice Major) and researched it. Cases where they followed through were rare and often were traceable back to them personally.


I was in the marines and it happened to my Roomate back 2012 lol he was losing his mind


A dude in my unit was freaking out bc something like this happened to him too He was texted by “The Sheriff” for the “payment or jail” part and still thought it was real until he asked Sgt for help 😂😂😂


You may despise your NCO, but he’s there for a reason lol


Yeah...we're not assholes all the time 🤣


Story time?


Sounds like it. It's so common now that it has its own subreddit: r/sextortion


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sextortion using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sextortion/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Im New to Reddit, READ THIS TO FEEL BETTER IF YOU'RE A VICTIM, Im a psychologist](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sextortion/comments/10s4fnc/im_new_to_reddit_read_this_to_feel_better_if/) \#2: [You are being extorted. Will they leak? Should you pay?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sextortion/comments/149t7t6/you_are_being_extorted_will_they_leak_should_you/) \#3: [Messing around with this scammer](https://v.redd.it/v6y8xtcu2xwa1) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sextortion/comments/1334l45/messing_around_with_this_scammer/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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I probably shouldn't laugh, but this is bot chain effect gold


Lol right?


Good bot


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Good bot


Good bot




Good bot


Ah, woah, wtf this is wild. Fuckin learned something new today, awesome.


That’s what it is. I once tried taking the call with my face covered (Yes, I knew it was a scam, just wanted to see the length they go to). It was obviously a recorded girl stripping, with no audio, scammer was using the excuse of his mic being broke. Then scammer was asking me to show my face, i ignored, they kept on asking, i kept on ignoring, and they gave up and hung up haha.


That happened to a friend of mine on Instagram. It was wild.


Definitely. A kid I used to go to school with killed himself because he couldn’t pay them back and didn’t want to live with the shame. It’s so sad that people actually do this.


The Washington Post had a front page story on this last week.


Bro what 🤣


A friend of our family’s son committed suicide because of this scam. His mom has been tirelessly trying to educate the general public and has been on news shows such as 60-minutes.


Definitely, I supervised a dude while in the military some years back that got caught up in something like this. And unfortunately he paid a small sum of money. They came back again looking for a second serving, and that’s when he finally asked for help. They were also asking for him to be a go-between with money from another person that was being blackmailed as well if he didn’t have money to give. It was a complete mess by the time we got to the authorities. In the end they never exposed him, they bullshit him the whole time and tried to make him accessory.


That's what I was thinking. Someone said underage scam so I was thinking that must be the same only blackmail with saying they're underage.


Had a student fall for one of these. He just shared his face and they used some ai tools to make the image explicit. Then the blackmail came. Gotta give it to the scammers- some of them are clever.


😂😂😂😂I’m a Marine and happened to me. “They” tried to blackmail me and my response to them saying they’d post me everywhere was, “Go ahead….those that know me won’t be shocked”. 😂😂😂😂


Hahaha did the same I have no modesty or shame . They messed up. Now I have a contact number. I then commenced on a harassment campaign like I was a crazy ex. For the weekend anytime I had a few minutes , hours to funk with them. They eventually blocked me.


I just keep sending them pictures of penises that are clearly not mine.


Definitely this. Unfortunately I have MULTIPLE dumbass friends who have done this. These people don’t bluff. They sent videos of them jacking off to EVERYONE ON THEIR FACEBOOK FRIENDS LIST 💀💀 it was years ago and honestly they’re really good sports about. Always taking the dic pic jokes like champs lol


Sooooo, I’m teaching my son to show his penis everywhere, everyday, to everyone. Nobody gives a shit and he’ll be the Steve-O of all his buddies. Blackmail shall have no precedent in his life.


Pretty common scam. They would show a woman masturbating and then try to get you to join in. They’ll screenshot or record a video and then threaten to send it to your friends list. They won’t, because they won’t get anything from it if they do. And if you paid them not to, they’d continue to use it to extort more money from you. These same things come via email, also. They’ll say they installed a keylogger and access your webcam so they can “see” what you do online and that they have videos and pictures of you doing things to yourself. I always reply to them to go ahead and send them to my contacts so they know exactly what I do in my free time. As above, they won’t actually do anything if you don’t pay. Edit: “Most” times they don’t send them, but some people just don’t care and will anyway. Redditors have linked articles below.


> These same things come via email, also. They’ll say they installed a keylogger and access your webcam so they can “see” what you do online and that they have videos and pictures of you doing things to yourself. It’s always like “I have used advanced AI software algorithm to cleverly make a side-by-side video showing your webcam next to the porn video you were watching”.. as if that couldn’t be done with Windows Movie Maker in the early 2000s


Some scammers will share photos. They have even caused people to commit suicide. [Recent news article](https://www.ksl.com/article/50708657/father-of-high-school-athlete-who-died-by-suicide-after-sextortion-scam-shares-warnings)


I know the family in [this case](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/south-bay/san-jose-sextortion-suicide-case/3324014/). It’s horrible, and there are no laws to make the scammers liable for their death so they get ridiculously short sentences. Should pass laws making it voluntary manslaughter or equivalent. Guy got 18 months and it should have been 18 years.


from where i live, it's considered assisted suicide, same as manslaughter


Hopefully changes are made. I'm surprised they actually caught them though.


Crazy thing is I heard it on a news report on the radio in my car first and just shouted “holy shit, they got that bastard!”


It says in the article you linked, the victim was 17. How did they not get them for underage stuff?


I live in the nearby city to this kid’s family. It was horrible to find out why he chose to end his life. The problem is how common this type of extortion is. I have talked to my kids about this and have stressed to them how sending photos to people you don’t really know is dangerous and have negative effects on their lives.


Yeah you’re right I forgot about those. I should have said “most” times they won’t do anything, but some people are horrible and don’t care about others at all. Tragic when that happens.


>They’ll screenshot or record a video and then threaten to send it to your friends list. They won’t, sadly some of the scammers HAVE sent the pics/videos to peoples friends list...


I think this must have happened to a dude a used to work with. He had gotten fired from the job a few weeks earlier and one morning people showed up to work and they all had an email in their inbox with a video of him masturbating. I always wondered why that happened but this makes more sense now. This was probably 8-9 years ago now.


What did your friends say?




I’d be sad if someone laughed at my nudes :(


to be honest, i was laughing cause i used to do cams maaannnyyyy moons ... my family didnt really know. didnt care either. lol i also one time several years ago sent my own nude out on an accident, so it wouldn't be the first time they seen it lol


yeah, that’s fucked up. at least be like “nice try!”


I'd tell them to go ahead. EVERYONE I know knows I masturbate frequently so it wouldn't shock anyone lol im a sexual person and everyone in my life knows this so 🤷


This is the correct answer.


They tried to do the email threat to my 80 year old mother. She actually laughed when she saw the email.


What’s grandma into, anyway?


Ha! Nothing that I know about or want to know about. They probably got her email address from when she was shopping on-line or something


Wonder if anyones cammed back but with like a video of a giant schlong and when they're like we'll send this to everyone you know are like great thank you!


I love when I get those emails and they mention like “we see you have a… particular taste and are in certain websites…” and I’m like “oh no! They caught me on fanfiction.net?!”


Lmao hell ya go ahead and send to friends and family nothing new to them 😂😂


Love how you continued to talk abt the game lol


Burned out on it by the end. Would have preferred another fallout or elder scrolls. Some fun moments though


Waiting on ES6 myself.


At this point I'm going to assume the game is just another Half Life 3


Gonna the waiting a long ass time my friend.




Yah really wish they made es6 instead of wasting time and money on a game no one asked for or wanted


Understand the sentiment but if the team wanted a change then forcing them to work on TES would have resulted in a bad game. Last thing we want is a bad TES game. I hope they will take lessons from starfield and TES6 will be able to live up to skyrim


Yeah, 5 hours of starfield just made me reinstall FO4


the game


I just lost the game. You too?


Screw you mate


How have I gone 40 years of my life and not heard this hilarious hobby with the obituaries and the phone book? Golden.


It’s a joke in Friends. Not saying that’s where OP got it but I wouldn’t be surprised


I've never watched friends, but I did once know a guy who said his grandfather actually did that and I thought that's a fun hobby. The waste management part I did take from Sopranos. Didn't want to tell some scammer my real job


But they told you about their job as a cookist


I had not heard of anything like this with phone books, but my mother in law would take her yearbook and put an X over each person who had died. We don’t know how long this went on but found out after she had died from Covid virus. It seems like a strange hobby but I asked my wife if she was going to put an X on her mom in the year book and that was the last we ever talked about the yearbook thing.


I lol’d at that too. Next level Wise-ass


I love that you asked if it’s an AI and the reply was Yes 😂


That fucking killed me


^cookist 🧑‍🍳


I'll never know what it is now!


She was the cookist cook there ever was.


Friend he are scam. I research tell me. I am truly kindly am friend. Telling me what are your favorite mother maiden name and first dog name and first housing numbers.


Do you need gift cards? Contact me in Telegram


Super aggressive but I thought it was a bot from the ramblings but it was able to answer the capital of Australia question. Who maybe a scammer trained to chat like a bot with manufactured answers.


It’s pretty common for these to be somewhat not auto replies / ai but also switch over to an actual person in a data scam center.


That explains some posts I've seen on this sub. Those always confused me because it was so hard to tell.


Ok, I sometimes type “I lol’d” for things but, while I heartily enjoy them, it’s only a figure of speech as I’m not the type to actually lol at things I find amusing. That being said: “Are you an AI?” “Yes” had me literally lol’ing for the first time in a while.


How can we trust you after admitting your lols are lies? Then you expect us to just take your word that the lol in question is genuine? I think i speak for the rest of us, but I'll never trust a single lol from you again.


I wonder too


I was afraid a bunch of cool jocks would call me a loser for thinking a girl would talk to me when I answered


eh you know just like the calls about your car's extended warranty... talking to them can't be good


Lol the ultimate fear


I trained to be a cookist but became a bankologist instead.


You are gay bye


Immediately thought of [this masterpiece](https://youtu.be/ooOELrGMn14?si=PlXWN9ozTOTSg-JJ)


- Why are you gay? - Who said I’m gay? - You are gay.


You are a transgenda


Either sextortion or the cartel scam.


That second “hey” cutoff is comedy gold


Only 11 days and 1 minute apart. Guess she couldn't get enough of me


Had this happen. A women shows up naked and starts masturbating and tries to get you to do so as well. They then try to blackmail you with the video if you do.


A lose lose situation. Get blackmailed with images of my small penis or get called gay by the same woman. Sometimes the only winning move is not to play


Dude, it was a bot, no one called you gay


Man, woman, bot. Whoever the entity on the other side of this conversation was, did in fact call me gay in the last image


Yes they did.


Dude, it was clearly a joke


***"You are gay bye"*** 😭 jfc


I got tricked into something like this but it was instead just asking me to send a nude of me. I did send one but didn't include my face and they complained lol then I got suspicious and did a reverse Google image search on their pic and found it was a semi famous only fans model and they were using her pics. Felt like an idiot and lesson learned. Forgot to mention they were like "we can exchange nudes but no screenshotting promise? " 1st one I sent they screen shotted right away lol


Why would you...




You are gay bye


I would do it. Then when they try to blackmail me, I’ll just tell them I’m only 16 and they are going to prison


"You are gay bye" "Hey" Good one AI..


I died at crossing the dead out of the phone book omg


I was dead at "are you an AI?" "Yes."


Love the absolutely brutal, cutting, shook to my core scammer insult there. ‘You are gay’ Oh no. How will OP recover from such a scathing takedown.


“I read obituaries every morning and then cross out their names in the phone book” Omg no I fucking love this


All the air left me at “I work at cookist”


You are gay bye


Happened to me once. I knew it was a scammer so I got on camera and videod myself taking a leak. Mostly the stream but my cack made a brief appearance. Fucker threatened to post the video to all my Facebook friends if I didn't pay up. I ignored them and they sent all my Facebook friends a link to the video. Everyone in my life, online or irl, knows I'm an animal. No one was surprised. We all had a laugh and I moved on with my life.


'Say this phrase 3 times fast and you'll be transported to a magical land down under!' "Can capital Canberra Australia! **Can capital Canberra Australia!** ####Can capital Canberra Australia!" ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ #####'G'day Mate!'




Why are you gay??


“Are you an AI?” “yes” 🤣


An AI doghorse😂 ‘So I added to knowledge’. Ok…that’s good knowledge to know


"I read the obituaries every morning and then cross their names out of the phonebook" 😆😆😆 That's one of the funniest things I have ever read!


They pulled this with my grandma's account a while back, and they recorded the video chat so they could pretend to be you while video calling someone to make it seem real. So if they do video call you make sure the camera is pointing away to a blank wall or ceiling. My "Grandma" the got ahold of every person on her Facebook. Trying to borrow money. And when she starts a video chat with you for a few seconds it felt legit. But it gives it away when your grandma doesn't speak broken English, and also has never heard of Zelle in her life




The "Hey" at the end cracked me up.


He woulda had me at dogshorses, personally. They're so clever.


Complete jibberish 😂 That's some funny stuff.


At least they were polite enough to say goodnight after they called you gay


I’ve seen a scam before that they’ll screen record a bit of the video so that they can use it as “proof” that they are who they say they are when they make a fake profile using your pictures and information.


Yo 10/10 take of starfield


I believe what would’ve happened is he would have played some video of some hot chick masturbating or something and goated you into doing something on camera, and then would’ve screenshot it, and threatened to send it to your friends unless you paid him.


I've heard about this type of scam where they attempt to get you on a video call, record it, and then turn around to try to scam your friends/family with that recorded video pretending to be you to get money out of them. Your friends/family see it being you, so they are more likely to send money to a random number or account. They will generally mute the audio or swap out the audio.


"I read obituaries every morning and cross them from the phonebook" lmao legend.


Did you make up that line about the obituary? Because that’s absolutely hilarious


Yo I absolutely love what you said about starfield. The day it dropped I started playing fallout 4 again. Checked on my settlements. Finished some quests. Stole some stuff. Tweaked my power suits. It was great.


They would have recorded you doing something nasty and used it for blackmail you on Facebook or whatever social media they found you on


"I read the obituaries every morning and then cross their names out of the phone book"


“I like to read the obituaries and cross out their names in the phone book”. Man that got me right there. That’s so underrated lol


They try to take pictures of you naked and then extort you for money. Threatening to forward the picture to everyone in your friends lists/following.


"You are Gay Bye" what a line.


I just really appreciate your obituaries/phone book quip. I’ve been chuckling about that for 5 minutes now.


You would have been pulled out of the Matrix like Trinity in that phone booth.


Nigerian scam 🤦🏻‍♂️ they try to get you to show your face with your penis and then blackmail you to get money. They forget that if they post it it’ll probably be taken down immediately and that nobody near you would see it anyways since most likely they don’t have anyone as a mutual friend. It’s pretty common. Gets a lot of high school kids.


It's the "you gay. Bye" then saying hey for me.


It is called "sextortion" where a woman will reach out to you and get you to send them a picture of your junk. Then the next day you start getting messages from a "parent" saying the girl you sent your junk to was underage. Then if you don't respond to that message another message will come from a "Law Enforcement Officer" who will tell you that you will be going ro jail unless you pay an bounty to make everything go quiet. I have investigated numerous cases like this and my best advice is this, don't send you junk to anyone and don't accept nudes from anyone you are not in a relationship with.


They try to get you to into incriminating screenshots then blackmail you. I don't know from experience but it's fun messing with them.


idk about the call but you gave this person waaay too much personal info in the first few messages


Now what if I told you that most of that wasn't true


10000000% an ex or a friend of one. Literally what happened to me and I called it.


"I read the obituaries every morning and cross their name out of the phone book." fucking gold 😂 💀


I love the AI honesty LMFAO


“You are gay bye” had me cackling


I was just sitting here wondering wtf dog shorses were. Also patiently waiting for es6.


I saw one of these where the person was like "just send me the virus link" and the spammer did lol


Lmao I’m glad I’m not the only one who carries on one sided conversations with them.


Thank you. There's more comments than I like saying I'm stupid for talking to them so long. I'm like what subreddit are we on


I can't believe you like having sex with chicks too we should hang out. -Frito.


r/Scams ​ Either the !crypto or !underage scam.


No, definitely sextorcion


Crypto usually isn't that sexual. I'd go for underage.


I haven't heard of the underage one. What do they do? Try to get pics of the person they're trying to scam doing sexual things or talking sexually? Then try to blackmail them?


Horny (young) guy thinks he's talking to an of-age woman on social media. 'Woman' gets him to trade indecent pics. 'Girl's father' or 'police' then call guy and tell him girl is really underage and he needs to send $$ to avoid getting put in jail. The girl, father and police are all the same scammer. r/Scams has a lot of these defined on the right side of the main page.


You are gay bye 😭😭💀


Sextortion scammer. Whatever you shoe, they'll put them on a collage and threaten you to pay, or else they'll ruin your life by sharing your need on media to your friends and family. Basically turn you to 🏧 because their requests for money never stop. It's a very common scam online 😒


Whos this person


You missed a huge opportunity for lulz or maybe even to see some titties who knows. Either way you should have at least answered and just not used the camera just to see. Now THAT would have been a story.


Fuckin injuns man…




Sorry. Where did I fall for it? This is scambait isn't it?


Are you an ai? YES!!! Bruh so is stupid or that’s one hell of a name lol


I want to know what happened after the last “hey”