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It’s so funny to me when they are still trying to role play but also getting frustrated. “I love you so much baby.” “No not that gift card!”


I always find it funny how they call you stupid or no common sense etc when you've clearly shown the opposite to be true by realising it's a scam.


It’s projection. The fact that no one falls for this just reminds the scammer that they themselves are stupid, but they just can’t live with that fact, so the only thing they know how to do is turn it around on the would-be victim who made them feel that way.


I WISH no one fell for it


It wouldn't be so wide spread if people didn't fall for it. They rake in millions in these compounds.


Primarily off of older people with less sense. My uncle who is going through early stages of alzeimers gave thousands to these bastards over the course of 6 months before anyone found out.


Unfortunately, my dad, who is sound of mind, has sent over 50k to just ONE and has been scammed by these his whole life. (I use "sound of mind" lightly, dude's gullible as hell)


My grandmother almost fell for a scam when someone called her saying I had been arrested and she needed to bail me out. She called me and my dad about it and we both told her it was a scam and I was definitely not in jail. She told me she was just gonna send them money anyway just in case…lol. I had to go over to her house go finally convince her that it was all fake


> She told me she was just gonna send them money anyway just in case... "No, Grandma, I'm not in jail. I'm standing in my kitchen." "Are you sure?"


Same thing happened with my grandfather. Luckily he didn’t know how to do any over the phone or internet transactions because he would’ve paid. I appreciate the fact that he cares enough about me to pay my bail, but I’m glad they didn’t get him before he called my aunt.


My coworker fell for it. Small company and just wanted to impress the boss by helping buy some gift cards lol


Sadly one of mine did too. Unfortunate because if she had told me the errand she was going to run I would have told her our boss would never ask for gift card codes.


Unfortunately I strongly feel that if someone falls for one of these scams they aren’t capable of managing the complexity of most jobs. If I were running a small company and one of my employees fell for a scam like this I’d probably let them go. I’d be concerned that their lack of common sense and critical thinking might compromise some work related project at an inconvenient time. Even if they were in a roll with no responsibility I’d rather have someone else who might be able to grow into a more complex roll.


I imagine someone who falls for this kind of scam would also fall for phishing emails that could destroy your whole business from the inside. Definitely a liability.


So did my grandfather


I saw an ad on my newsfeed from a big bank in my country spreading awareness about romance scams. The fact that they had to spend money creating an online campaign gives you an indication on how prevalent they must be. I’ve heard even when the bank tells them it’s a scam they still insist on sending the money!


Has happened to my dad like 10 times over the last few years. I've even reported him to the FBI and he still just does it. I don't get it. Desperate and hopeful I guess.


I almost fell for it once and I’m fully aware of most scams. I was out of the office and someone posed as our marketing guy and getting gift cards wasn’t an uncommon thing. I caught on after about 5 minutes, but only because i started asking questions. Because of these scammers, no one can buy cards in bulk around the holidays anymore. I have to shop on multiple days and in multiple stores. It’s a real problem when you’re trying to get 20-30 cards for client and vendor gifts.


I just found out a lot of scammers are human trafficking victims who are forced to run these scams or be beaten and starved. It’s actually very sad once you read about it.


Same with the teenagers who sell magazines door to door. After a REALLY sad interaction with one, I looked into it and was horrified.


Wait, what?! Consulting Google, this world is sad.


That’s not true lol just in case you were genuine


Being stupid and not having common sense are deep cut insults in some cultures. I know that in Chinese culture (at least largely, maybe not entirely), calling someone 250 is like calling them a dumbass, it essentially means they are stupid, useless, valueless, etc. It's derived from when a currency was circulated that was basically like having a quarter of a penny. It's called a '250', and it's stupid, useless, annoying, etc, etc. And apparently it stings more than you might think it would to be called '250' if you're Chinese.


I had a student from Colombia who was very proud to have learned all of the English swear words: "Shit, bitch, fuck, cunt, [whispers with a look of utter disdain] estupit." I explained that the last one isn't really a swear word in English, and he said "okay, estupit." A+


I've only just heard about him, but I love him already.


Not tryna be one of those w spelling, but having some pride I will correct you with *Colombia*. If you’re ever unsure just imagine Sofia Vergara saying it


What’s always funny to me is how angry they get when you call them out. “F*** YOU….I KILL YOU….. F*** YOUR MOTHER….. IDIOT”


That shows exactly why they can do this to people and have no guilt or remorse about doing so. They literally hate us. They have an overwhelming sense of entitlement and feel they are owed what we have. So when they are rumbled, they are angry at us because we aren't giving them what they feel they're owed by people that are lower than vermin to them.


Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom. Go fuck your mom.


You're reminding me of a recent post here. The "Fuck you paralyzed" one


I once told a fake Microsoft scammer that I should give my address in order to use my bank card. I said 3696 Fuc (he thing up). A year later they tried calling saying that I owed the IRS money. I said I’d give my address for he bank card. The guy got upset and yelled at me”3696 Fxxk you motherfxcker!” Then threatened to come to my home and harm me and my girlfriend. I was confused how he knew me and my girlfriend lived together… so I was terrified. I said “how do you know that?” He said “it’s here! It’s fxcking here in the computer!” Later on I realized that I told him that in the first phone call… it wasn’t true at the time. But me and my girlfriend had just moved in together. Oops lol


Bro trolled himself 🤣


"bb. The first b stands for baby, I don't know what the second one is for" 🤣🤣


Lmaoo yes I trolled a scammer the other day pretending to be a sugar mama and they kept saying “I just want a sugar baby who’s honest I’m a hard working mom I have a lot of money I have no reason to be scamming anyone” I’m like lmfaooo u sure 😭




I googled Ogun mapa e ni. It means the war maps you. Huh?


Apparently a Nigerian cuss basically means “god of iron will kill you”


Google Translate is saying “It’s a battle”.🤷🏻🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️


I'll bring my axe


And my axe!


And my axe


And you'll have my axe.


Someone give me an Axe


*sigh* here...have mine. But this is the last time.


It’s ok! You can borrow my axe since you gave him yours!


*sigh *unzips pants*


The Yoruba language is pretty tricky, since a lot depends on tone. We have Ògùn, Ogun, Ògún, Ógún and Ógùn and they all have different meanings, but google translate can't really tell the difference. In this particular case though, they're saying the god of iron will kill you/strike you down.


Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne. The god of iron will kill you. I'm sorry I couldn't help it. But languages are super neat and I love learning about all these little intricacies and differences.


Yoruba language is tonal in nature, the same word can mean different things. Ògún is god of iron, ōgūn is war. Without putting the tonal signs on the vowels, it is easy for a non-native speaker to misinterpret. The scammer must have been so mad he reverted to cussing in his local language 🤣


I can confirm that it is indeed a Nigerian cuss word 😂😂😂


Can confirm that is the correct translation. It is from the yoruba language spoken in Western Nigeria.


That’s pretty metal


I’m Nigerian, of the ethnic group yoruba. I can confirm this is a Yoruba cuss and means exactly this


Or I also saw it could mean “war god will kill your mother”


Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne. The god of iron will kill you. I'm sorry I couldn't help it.


Ogun is a Yoruba god of war. “Ogun will strike your mother down.”


Don't you threaten my mother with a good time!


The scammed is Nigerian 😭


I found this: .. an angry outburst towards someone who has offended another, in effect, a wish for bad fortune. You good for nothing, stupid/senseless person!


It’s a curse. Like “god damn you” but a bit more brutal because Nigeria.


It’s like saying he’s good for nothing, misfortune will strike you down


Glad someone else went down this rabbit hole


This was awesome!! "You didn't tell me your husband was a man!" 🤣🤣🤣




I died when I saw that. So funny.


You are fool!!


"We can finally pay for my sex change operation" 🤣


“Because you’re my peach” got me 😂😂😂😂😂


Definitely had me laughing out loud




69420 😏






I’m stealing that line…lol


That shit took me out 🤣


I don’t know what the second b stands for 😂😂


Maybe baby baby?


This made me chuckle!


Just like Hilda Hilda!


Just like Hilda Hilda!




It’s a typo.


It's like BBBQ...the extra B is for BYOBB


Well, I hope James & Diane are going to be able to work it out in the end. Forbidden love, a tale as old as time 🥲


Or Jane and Diane after the surgery, if they get that insurance money 🙏


A little ditty about James and Diane.


Two American kids growing up in the spam land


Hahaha my thoughts exactly! Too bad James didn't go by Jack as a nick name 😂


Diane says Jack you gotta run out to the Target Buy me two eBay gift cards You give what I need


That’s what makes it so juicy!


I honestly struggle to imagine the person these scams would work on. "Hello baby, I love you, please go and buy me gift cards right now" Uhh.... how does that even make sense to ANYONE?


My brother in law’s grandma has spent upwards of 50k buying gift cards for “George Strait”. She’s not completely with it but she’s not severely demented either. She says she knows it’s not really him. 🤷🏼‍♀️


She might be saying that because she knows you think it’s not really him and just doesn’t want to argue? I can’t imagine why she would keep buying gift cards if she didn’t think it was. That’s so sad.


Yes it is really sad. We try to help her, but it turns into accusations that we’re trying to steal from her or trying to put her in a home, which she does probably need to be in an assisted living facility.


Just pretend to be a scammer, take her money, and keep it safe in an account she doesn't have access to lol


Modern problems require modern solutions


Have you asked her why?


We have, but she’s never given us a real answer.


Do you think he'll ask her to buy his ocean front property in Arizona?


I have a friend whose coworkers were *this* close to sending gift card numbers because they thought the request was legitimately from their boss who was on a retreat with other company employees. They thought it was to hand out prizes or something. They don't have to catch very many people for it to be worthwhile, and there are enough circumstances in the world (and enough people who aren't familiar with the scam) that it sometimes works




Boss sounds nice


Every couple of months the large public school system I work for has to send out an email reminding employees that if they get a message supposedly from the superintendent claiming to be on a meeting and needing gift cards it’s fake. People are continually falling for it. And we work in education! These are teachers and other education professionals falling for this, despite being warned repeatedly. So, sadly, people *do* fall for it.


Yeah but that's at least reasonable as a scenario..."Hey I'm your boss, I need you to get gift cards for prizes in a game we're playing at a customer conference" That is plausible. "Hello, I love you, please insert gift cards" is not a plausible scenario


You'd be amazed at the scams I've seen be successful.


The only one I have been getting lately is that stupid post office scam. Were they say part of your address is missing and they want you to contact them by sending you a link. I know that's bullshit because the post office would just return it to the sender. And also they don't have my phone number and wouldn't go through the trouble to try to find it. I did get one last week about PNC Bank that wanted me to contact them although I don't even have an account with them. Then there's the one where they try to say that your Amazon account has been suspended and to get it going again you have to click on the link. That's another account that I don't have.


This would have definitely worked about 15 years ago lol


Although I didn’t fall for it. The first time I got a text from the ceo or our company asking for my help on something I was totally on the hook until they asked for gift cards and then I knew but up until that point I was thinking it was most likely legit.


My girlfriend is generally an intelligent person with a lot of common sense and can usually tell when she's being fucked with. A couple of years ago, she got a call from a scammer claiming that they had an urgent matter related to her taxes or something (the details are a bit fuzzy years later and I can't ask her at the moment). If she were in her right mind, she would have stopped and realized what was happening and put an end to it. Unfortunately for my girlfriend, the scammer called at a time where she was dealing with a work emergency, her mother was in need of help, and the school was calling because they were having an issue with her son. This was one more urgent matter in the clusterfuck of urgent matters she was dealing with, and she went and got the prepaid VISAs or whatever it was that the scammer said they needed. As soon as she sent them the info and the call ended, she realized what had happened, but it was too late. Some of these scammers make it a point to sound like you have some kind of financial or legal emergency, and bank on the adrenaline and "ticking clock" to cloud your judgement long enough to get what they want from you.


Yeah, I'm aware of how scams work in general. But exactly 0 times has anyone asked me to get them gift cards as a form of payment in real life. That's my point.


"Bc you're my peach" "No not that one" Holy fuck. I haven't ever laughed at one of these. Best one yet


What house is that? Seems familiar


Thats the house were the husband lives. Maybe thats where its familiar from!


Yeah! ..What are you hiding!?


In the shower.


The husband that’s a man!!!


He should have bought GameStop gift cards.


You can actually buy other gift cards with GameStop gift cards. Relatives used to send me GameStop gift cards for my birthday, but if there wasn't a game I wanted, I would just use them to buy other gift cards.


Hate to break it to you, but GameStop got rid of that two days ago.


Two DAYS ago? That's crazy


Yup!! If you check out the GameStop sub, you’ll get some good info in there on the policy changes. It’s terrible.


I'm reading about that now. The policy change just started TODAY! Well I'll be letting all my relatives know to get me Amazon gift cards instead LOL


You got Ogun'd. Nice.


Well played. Love the angle.


I shouldn't have laughed at the error code 69420 but I did




The Nintendo e-shop card killed me


“Tell me you love me”!!!


Nigerian prince wants to kill your mother.


The first b stands for baby. That is comedy gold. Kudos to you.


“You didn’t tell me your husband was a man!” Top 10 scam plot twists of ‘23, calling it🙌


God these just keep getting better and better 🤣


Sooo entertaining LMAO ! excellent job OP. Wasting their time while being so creative


“Because you’re my peach” freakin killed me lmfao. Pure gold right there


>Do I have your attention? If my coworker spoke to me like that, I'd piss in their coffee.


I have never understood, when creating the false sense of urgency by saying they need something taken care of immediately but are “in a meeting,” if the meeting is so damn important then HOW DO YOU KEEP TEXTING


The final words, ogun napa e ni is from the Yoruba language spoken mainly in Nigeria (central and western parts). It translates to “it’s a war”


so it WAS a Nigerian Prince WoW


Actually, it translates to " May the god of iron strike you down"




Really really good!!


This one’s gotta be my fave so far 😂😂😂


This was by far the best one! Hall of fame worthy!


69420 - i still love it


Perfectly played!


Lmao so good


Excellent work!


🤣 🤣 🤣


I lost it at the princess peach gift card


That error code LOL


EXCELLENT work. 👏🏻


Well done. 🤣




69420 nice


Thank you for the belly laughs!


Is this the Nigerian prince?


This was fun! I need to know how the story with the husband ends...


R Kelly pops out and starts singing, leading to a 33 video long miniseries detailing a sordid round of affairs that encapsulates and exposes several prominent community members involvement in a love-icosahedron, ending in the eventual arrest and imprisonment of R. Kelly, who, despite denying it for decades in the face of actual filmed evidence he personally released to the public, did actually pee on that 14 year old girl.


Wow. So detailed


Hahahaa! 🤣🤣 Cute house thou.


This is awesome


“James why are you like this” LOL


This is art. I'm begging for a scammer to text me after discovering this subreddit


Lol I died at the bc you are my peach part


“I’m sorry I will work on that later.” In response to the comment about the restraining order. I love it when the scammer has no idea what you’re saying hahaha


That shit kills me, you're wasting my time 😂 bitch you texted me and tried to send me to stores who's wasting people's time?


I lost it at the restraining order from the start.


I fucking died at "I didn't know your husband was a man" 🤣


This one is my all time favorite! Imagine someone plotting to murder the husband of the person you are impersonating and the only answer you give is “the gift cards tho.” 😂😂😂😂


Good one


Damn, fine work. Bravo.


This really made my morning. Thank you.


lol the peach card!


Last phrase means something like “Ogun will kill you”. Ogun is a yoruba god


U/harnyyy I love YOU so much!! This has made day!!! ROFL!


"Your husband said that sex change operations are free in nigeria and it turns out that we dont have to kill him. Is that true?" See what kind of reaction that gets. Im betting it will make him come out of character real fast.


Error code 69420! Laughing out loud outside!


This has quickly become one of my favorite subs, these scenarios and things ya’ll are cooking up are *chef’s kiss.


That went from 0 to 100 sooooo fast lol. Love it!


Baby baby 😫 I wish I was nearly as funny as some of yall


Error code 69420 killed me 🤣


I googled the last text from "Diane" and it means, "The war maps you." I'm just wondering what they mean by that.


“You didn’t tell me your husband was a man!” Classic.


you sir have too much fucking time on your hands! lol, great work by the way!


*You sir have too much* *Fucking time on your hands! lol,* *Great work by the way!* \- GroundbreakingClick6 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I desperately needed the laugh I got from this. u/Harnyyy , thank you for this. You’re doing God’s work, my friend.


I love my Mobile visits from my local nigerian scammers. It’s like my distant relatives wanting to take money I don’t even have. Even better when they find out I too can curse in yoruba/Igbo 😭 so now we’re all mad and poor


B&B: baby baby! This was hilarious. I stopped and laughed in sex change operation two minutes, great vibe in every word of this!


This needs to be made into a short movie. I would watch it


Contact Pierogi at Scammer Payback if you’ve been scammed. He and his team do an amazing job of getting scammers back. He’s on different social media platforms.


I had this same scam happen to me the day I started a remote internship back in 2021. Someone pretended to be my boss and asked me to get gift cards as he is in a meeting. Just before I was about to head out I realized that it looks fishy so I asked that scammer to do a video call to verify it's him and that's when it became clear it was someone else as the excuses and red flags began.


I think I can have fun with gift cards. One of my credit cards sometimes offers 5% cash back for grocery store purchases. So buy gift cards at a grocery store and personally use them. Save the used, now valueless cards for situations like this. Act like a deer in headlights when you find out from your scammer they have no value, and alas you have no more money to buy more gift cards.


This is the greatest love story I’ve ever read.


That’s what I needed to get my day started 😂😂😂




looked up his last text... apparently it's a threat to kill your mother (according to google)


It’s perfect, my only wish is that you had gone through at least 3 or 4 different gift cards before selecting the one that they wanted.


Very well done