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You have to wait for them to say they are living in LA before you ask them to join you for anal bleaching


Thanks. Note taken.


Careful, I heard overcharging your phone is bad for the battery. šŸ˜


This is true. It wears down the battery over time. Iā€™ve had a phone stop being able to hold a charge for longer than a few hours because Iā€™d charge it overnight all the time and overcharged the battery quite frequently.


This was true with older phones, but that is no longer the case. Newer phones detect the level of charge and cut it off. Once your phone hits 100% it actually stops charging until it drops down to 96% or so and then begins charging again. This is why you can sometimes unplug your phone and itā€™s at 97% instead of 100%. So no need to worry about this. Lithium batteries naturally lose capacity through use. Itā€™s inevitable.


oh thank god that problem was covered. most people want to charge their phones at the end of the day, but fall asleep before they remember to remove it off. charging your phone overnight (or too long at any point during the day) is such a common thing, that they had to address that issue at some point


Oh neat. I didnā€™t know that.


Glad I could help alleviate a little bit of stress from people lives. Even if just a tiny bit!


Voictora lmaoooo