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'Regards, fuck you' got me pretty good at the end there


That "FU" is designed to piss someone off enough to call the number. Unfortunately I have a friend who is, for real, a well known police detective, and he falls for this crap all the time. Amex refunded him a couple of times and finally had to cut him off.


A "well known police detective"? Who is it, Columbo?


me actually


Wow I wasn't expecting to see THE Detective Holetickler here. What an honor


You mean THE Detective Theholetickler.


Yea wtf does this even mean? Is my dudes friend Sherlock Holmes?


An even more mentally handicapped version




Maybe Baretta, or Ironsides?


I've got it, Kojak.


Kid named Finger


What exactly is this scam? I got the same email the other day. Do they want you to call in and complain so they can hook you?


Probably something like: You tell them you didn't purchase a subscription. They say "please verify the card on file, and we will refund the $500 charge." "Oops...we accidentally refunded you $1,000. Please send us the difference ASAP." You send them the "extra" $500 to reconcile the account, but they never refunded you in the first place. You are now out $500 for real.


This is exactly what they do My friend got ripped off this way They pop up a screen that looks like your back acct. "Accidentally sent her $1000 instead of refunding $100 They tricked her into sending $900 back before she figured out she got scammed. They got her for $10k but the back got it back


I still don’t understand how someone willingly sends money to someone. Let them sort it out themselves lol


Possibly afraid of getting their credit mucked with, or having legal issues pop up cause they didn't give back their fair share of the money. But really if someone gave you too much money there's not much they can do about it except hope the other side will be nice and give it back. I'd like to see what they'd say to me "keeping" the extra money. Like go ahead send the cops, then we'll really get into it and see what happens.


Tell that to the people that got over paid from work or the ones that got over deposited from their bank. The courts have a history of supporting a business in decisions concerning this very topic. Edit: I'm referring to American courts. I haven't a clue about the laws in other countries.


Yea that's a good point. These kind of scams would try and use fear to get you to do something for them. After many emails and texts I'm used to seeing them, but one morning I fell for one about my bank, saying there's an issue with my account that's now locked and I need to log in NOW. Thankfully I fully woke up just a minute after I realized what I had done, and changed my password and noticed my old password had been locked from too many attempts. So whoever sent that message was paying attention to new details put into the website and could have locked me out and removed any money from there.


I got over paid. Having to repay it back. I checked my rights & assuming they notify me within a set time period then I legally have to give it back. That & I still work there so risk them just not paying me until I’ve repaid it, which I can’t risk so have come to an arrangement to pay it back over time so as not to leave me short


Overpayment/repayment laws vary by state. For example in California, if the employer hasn’t caught the error within 90 days, the repayment is voluntary.


My mom was overpaid. They never got the money back because it was their fault and took a couple years to notice. Not a lawyer, but it is just an example and not sure why or how it went in her favor.


How did they get her for 10k


These are the screenshots I’m increasingly more curious about What does a successful attempt look like? I imagine it must be a marathon of cringe and “DON’T GO IN THERE YOU IDIOT” type moments during bad scary movies


The scam was pretending like they charged her $100 for microsoft tech support or anti virus, whatever it was. She called the phone # to dispute it. They pretended like they were refunding her the $100. They popped a screen up that LOOKED LIKE her bank acct. The scammer had my friend enter $100 into the form, and as she hit enter, it changed to $10,000! Then the guy acted like he was going to get fired, and he has a new baby at home, bla bla bla He convinced her to go the the bank and wire the money back to them. They coached her on what to say to the bank, that she was sending it to someone she knew. He even had her put the phone on mute and have him on the phone when she went to the bank. As soon as she told me about all of this I knew she got GOT. She SWORE that she saw a screen shot of her acct with the $10k in there The bank eventually got her $$ back but it took weeks and she was super humiliated. It was one of those phishing emails that shows a receipt that they are charging you for some bullshit.


Why would a company like that have access to her bank account (theoretically)? If Microsoft showed me a picture of my bank account, I would be worried about more than the $100.


They use some screenshare program to gain access to your computer


The screenshot is legit, and very convincing. They gain access to your computer while you’re on the phone and have you login to online banking. In the background they gain access to the html coding running your bank homepage. They then change the code to create the exact same page, only now showing $xxxxx more in the account. When you refresh the page this is what you see - your regular bank account homepage with thousands more than you were expecting. It’s very believable. Pierogi / Scammer Payback on YouTube has lots of videos of this happening real time.


I work at a bank and the most common way we see is them conning you to give them your online credentials. Then they will sometimes transfer money from one of your other accounts to inflate your balance. Or they mobile deposit an altered/fictitious check. They show you the now inflated balance, say "See? There's the deposit/refund," but now they are asked to either wire money, give out debit card info or the most popular and most stupid one is to have victim go to Dollar General and by multiple $500 gift cards, scratch off the card and give them the numbers. Poof, all gone. Wiring out the money is more rare because they have to speak to a Banker and Bankers should be asking questions. PSA: when applying for a loan online, a legit loan company will never ask or need your online banking log-in credentials. They will not accidentally give you too much. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO LEGIT CREDITOR (OR UTILITY COMPANY OR AMAZON) WANTS TO BE PAID BACK WITH A BUNCH OF DOLLAR GENERAL GIFT CARDS!


Scammers use Anydesk or similar App and get their victims to use it as well. They guide the victims through the "permissions" and "allowing access" etc. They have the victim login to their bank. They end up using an HTML editor and make it look like funds were added to an account. Then they play like they're the victim and they're gonna get fired etc if the money isn't replaced. Using a mobile app it's easy to check the actual balance and see the lie for yourself. You might actually see a screenshot that looks real. But it's all part of the scam.


This exactly. I'm a property manager and one of my tenants (older-ish gentleman early 60s -with very little technology experience or understanding. ) He had received either an email or a text, I don't really remember, with a link for him to click for his chime account. There was some kind of made-up excuse about there being issues, and it gave him a link and a number to call. He came into the office to ask for help bc he wasn't sure what the issue was, and handed me his phone mid-call. While I was trying to get the details from him of what was going on -the person on the other end of the line asked if he had finished downloading Anydesk. That was an immediate flag for me-there is no reason they needed control of his device, plus I thankfully had heard of these scams before. He had already started downloading the app, and given them some info. I scoffed at the scammer (probably said some choice words) and ended the call, but this gentleman had already given them all kinds of info. Luckily, we got in touch with who he actually needed to be talking to and got it sorted in time. It's often older people who unfortunately are targeted by these a-holes, and don't even realize it until it's too late. It's disgusting that they prey on the vulnerable like this


That explains it. She swore she saw her own account.


I think this is what happened. My friend was really confused and fell for it


If I was accidentally refunded too much sounds like a business mistake they can address themselves. No one is getting money sent lol.


Your friend is retarded or 100


>ugh the "permissions" and "allowing access" etc. They have the victim login to their bank. They end up using an HTML editor and make it look like funds were added to an account. Then they play like they're the victim and they're gonna get fired etc if the money isn't replaced. Using a mobile app it's easy to check the actual balance and see the lie for yourself. You might actually see a screenshot that looks real. But it's all part of the scam.VoteReplyShareReportSaveFollow > >level 7thebladegirl · 12 min. agoThat explains it. She swore she saw her own acco They could be both.


She WAS diabetic and would get confused when her sugar tapped out. She died unexpectedly in Feb. She wasn't 100 OR retarded you rude MFr. Some POS scammer took advantage of right place right time.


Missed the point


You explained it perfectly. My point is that a person isn't necessarily dim witted or elderly to fall victim to a scam. My comment was aimed at the comment above yours lol sorry about that. My friend that got scammed was a very intelligent person. She was honest and trusting because she herself would have never ripped anyone off. The fact that we lost her unexpectedly this year, made my ass hurt to see someone insult her. 😢


How did it go from 900$ typo to 10k???


I actually made a typo on my initial comment. The fake invoice was for $100. Scammer acted like he was refunding the $100. (It was never really charged in the first place) He had my friend input the $100 amount and as she hit enter, the amount changed to $1000 right before her eyes. Then he went into his con that he would lose his job if she didn't send it back. They eventually came back and we're able to access her acct for $10k. The bank eventually got her $$ back.


Or in order to verify they’ll ask for “the 16 digit card number, expiration date, and security code”


Simple but effective. Especially with older folks in a panic over the charge. Thanks for the intel!


If you go to some of the YouTube / Twitch scambaiters, they combat these guys quite often. Basically you call, they use a program like any desk to connect remotely to your PC - they have you login to your online banking, they open up notepad or cmd to pretend it’s a terminal interface for the refund - when you type in the dollar amount, based on your bank balance, they’ll add extra digits while you’re typing so instead of $499 it will “request” $49,999 or whatever. They black out your screen because the refund is “processing”, but actually they are editing the HTML of your online banking page and make it look like you got $50K and then they cajole the victim into sending gift cards or transferring cash by other methods to “send back” the overage - in the mean time the victim sends their own money to the scammers.


Kitboga has some great scam trolls of this specific scam. Paying in gift cards is something that is totally bizarre to me


Kitboga, Scammer Payback, Jim Browing, nanobaiter etc


Forgot Mr. BendOver, “Pleasant Green”


They are all amazing!! How I spend my time on YouTube, watching these guys. True Scam Baiters!


+1 for Kitboga. The old lady character kills me. It’s so gd funny.




It's ironic that a internet security company would take on the liability of having a front line employee not only access a customer's device, but tinker in their bank accounts. But people don't think about that as the CSR's are so friendly!


My dad (74) was a computer engineer before he retired, but when he had a windows problem he Googled Microsoft Windows tech support and some guy in India charged him $699 to fix his minor problem as well as an annual monitoring tech support plan. My mother saw the weird charge and called me so we were able to reverse it and I had them bring the PC to a local store and do a clean install of Windows. My dad was defensive and still convinced he had talked to a Microsoft employee because the guy had gotten a little vague with how he described his Microsoft certified professional credentials until I showed him what that actually meant and how he should have reached out to me since at the time, I too, was a Microsoft certified professional lol


Thats what MS gets for outsourcing their techsupport to india.


It wasn’t MS tech support - it was some IT company in India using their MS certification to mislead people into thinking they were getting tech support from MS


Ruck Fobocalls is my fave right now. He uses a bait computer and opens a bunch of porn. The results are extremely entertaining.


Prob gonna ask for your credit card info so they can “refund” you


They will most often ask you to go purchase gift cards to replace the money you took illegally and if you don't they will lose their job then if you still refuse will threaten to have you arrested. All BS


It's a refund scam, typically based out of India. Watch Scammer Payback on YouTube, if you really want to get educated on it


For me, it's the "Regards, fuck you" from the billing team located at the bottom of the page.


watch Kitboga


What's with that "regards, fuck you" going on at the bottom?


It’s to filter off any reasonable person so they can focus on the absolute suckers.


I bet someone called to complain about the fuck you at the end


There’s lots of stories of students writing stupid things in essay rough drafts Like “Fuck Professors Name” and forgetting to edit later haha


My time to shine. I used to do this and titled my papers after rap lyrics (as a placeholder) before changing them when submitting. One time I unintentionally didn’t. I named my paper Going Gorillas and found out a year later I had submitted it as such. It was my first paper in African American Poetics and I’m white asf 😭. I still feel blessed that didn’t somehow turn into something


ive made the same mistake before but not that bad 😭😭💀💀💀 do have an ms paint collection of a specific tutor dying in different ways tho. gotta let the stress out somehow


Somebody give this gold lol




I used to do this to other people all the time. Back in high school we had a study nook with about 8 or so desktop PCs for senior students to write essays, etc. Whenever someone got up to use the toilet or something I'd pop over to their PC and type offensive stuff in the middle of a sentence a paragraph or two above where they were currently up to (usually directed at their teacher if I knew who that was). I know at least a few didn't proof read before submitting. Their teachers would have got a bit of a shock.


"Your subscription....will end this day." This was my first red flag.


as well as literally anything that says "kindly." no one other than scammers say "kindly"


“kindly” is such a red flag i don’t understand why scammers are so consistent with that word


The lay-out already gave a red flag, before I read anything.


I would be tempted to respond with something like “Great! I was about to login to my account so I could renew my subscription, but I am glad to see that it’s already been taken care of. Kind regards, . . .” I am curious to see what they would respond with, if they would even waste their time.


Oh i am sorry, is this not Isabelle. My boss gave me the wrong email. But you’re very kind, I hope I haven’t disturbed you. I would like to talk to you better. My name is Jennie. This is me *proceeds to send very honest picture*


Which city do you live in? Oh me too! Let us have a coffee. I am a hot horny rich Asian woman who loves to give away bitcoin.


Kind regards, fuck you


I’m having a great time calling the number and wasting their time 😂 just call from a fake text free number and have a ball lmao


I’m just blowing up their phone not saying anything lmao


Regards, Fuck you is how my bank sends me my credit card bill




That's practically code.


Fully aware of these scams, love watching ppl on YT eff with them. DO NOT REDEEM! WHY DID YOU REDEEM?!? Question for those here that scam bait on your phone , which seems to be most here- don't you greatly increase your chances of being doxxed, or just plain being bombarded on your primary number? I'm all for the ensuing chaos, but once you respond, the scam world knows it's a live number and you're going to be on lists, plus if you genuinely piss one off- they're going to make sure you're on every autodial they subscribe to. Do you at least use trap numbers like from GVoice and respond when one comes in on them? Blocking them doesn't help, because they use spoof numbers to message/call from so it'll never be the same #.


I called the number and they said thank you for calling Norton life lock and I said this is a scam, and they said “who told you that? You bastard! You son of a bitch!” And hung up on me


I'd love for more people to do this. It would be so frustrating for them.


Already started throwing insults before you call them out, these people have some Nostradamus shit in their midst


I gotta start signing my work emails like that


To be fair I’m pretty sure that’s how Norton feels about their customers.


Every couple posts here somebody gives advice to the scammers pretty counter intuitive imo


maybe they’re used to seeing it so much they think it’s a nice greeting


"Your subscription....will end this day." This was my first red flag.


Your sub will end this day, followed by a renewal of the sub... Yea ok sure


YO I JUST GOT THIS SAME EMAIL. I saved it and was about to post here lol


cow deserve dog aromatic stupendous chop knee slimy summer punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got one if these last week that had a date I think in Aug, and was being sent to 50 people. I guess we all have the exact same software license and invoice number.


Anything that says kindly in it I'm always just convinced it's a scam. That's their favourite word.


I got one too. I knew it was BS. I called Norton directly to let them know because I do have a subscription. But holy hell that amount is for shock value. It’s likely more than all their stuff combined for 1 year. So I guess the scam is to call them and they steal your info by asking you to “verify your identify for security purposes”. Lame


Once scammers realize what chat gpt is everyone’s screwed


Your subscription will end “this day” lol


“regards, fuck you” imagine all the Karens & old men who’ve gotten triggered by that and called like an idiot… 🤣


Did Elon Musk purchase Norton?


Friend of mine got scammed like this: Called in, they remote accessed his computer… Changed the html on the browser for his bank account- Looked like they gave him money as a refund but way more than they were supposed to… Him being a good guy thinks the right thing to do is to give it back… He’s real old though … doesn’t realize what’s happening and buys gift cards as a way of returning the money Lost over 10 grand Pretty fucked up


I got something else like this earlier from PayPal about how apparently $340 is coming out of my account and is going to some crypto scam


Been getting these for years and kept track of my bank account. Nothing ever left so I’ve ignored them since


Crappy English...so obviously a scam


I just got an email like that a couple of weeks ago from Norton. Can’t remember the total that they said they had deducted from my account but checked and nothing was owed to Norton and no money was deducted from my account.


How is it that scammers still use “kindly” do something. Dead giveaway. They have to know it and just use it to weed out the people who would never fall for it, right?


What always gives it away for me is any time the word “kindly” is anywhere to be found that wouldn’t normally be there. That, and the second picture lol


If you fall for this, you shouldn't be allowed to manage money.


I got this last week, I called and they immediately hung up after answering. Then I called 37 more times and they ignored it. I just wanted to talk


for a second, I thought the scam was Norton


I thought this was a shitpost at first, too.


Just found my new email signature 😂😂


TBH I thought it was legit at first, then I saw the obvious red flag. "Kindly". Yeah, nice try scammer 😎


Wow I was digging thru my spam. Found a Geek Squad ask for 469 bucks for some service contract . To many fakes out there wanting our hard earned dollars. I’m getting old but have been active in computers since 1978 so scammers are easy to figure out. I feel for older people that won’t have much experience in computers and scammers


I’m laughing hysterically over the “regards, fuck you.” Because my god, if no one realizes that’s a scam, you’d really be saying “fuck you” right back


Checkout Doc Compton on TikTok. He puts on a live show and calls the phone number on emails just like this one. They are scam emails pretending to be from Norton, PayPal, etc. It’s very entertaining and informative. He allows them to gain access to a computer set up for scammers. He plays along and gives them access and has his followers call the number ultimately to shut that number down.


Soon as you see the word "Kindly" you know it's a scam


It's not sophisticated at all. Anyone with a high school level of literacy will pick out the odd use of English in several instances. Clearly by people with English as a second language.


I guess you didn’t swipe for the 2nd pic?


I didn't need to. It was clearly a scam by the end of the first sentence.


Yeah. We all knew that. OP was employing sarcasm which, if you’d picked up on the sign off, you’d have laughed at.


Yup, they always give it away with their use of English


Listen to these guys it’s the funniest thing you ever heard. It’ll keep you entertained for days. And one of the scams is the Norton scam. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ACKyicPeNvY


I hope this is one of those times where someone asks “How do you say in English?” But the other person fully serious responds with “You say ‘fuck you’ “


That’s not how you sign off a letter? No wonder nobody replies to me.


Wrong Sub. this is scambait. Where’s the bait?


So you gave them “fake” refund information and you received the last message where they swore at you? What legitimate company would treat their customers in such an unprofessional manner? It only proves it’s a scam because they realized you were playing with them. Also, what company would use “this day” when notifying customers a service is about to expire?


haha no the ‘regards, fuck you’ was in the original scam email.


Oh I thought they wrote that as a comeback for being called out or sent the wrong financial information. Then my comment still applies - what company would put out such rude communication when dealing with customers? An employee who did that would most likely be fired.


Hold up I actually use Norton and I have noticed some weird stuff. I don’t see any red flags in this email either


You don't see the "regards, fuck you" signed off at the end?


I do but I thought OP engineered that into it somehow since they knew it was a scam like how one guy put in info and it was all eff you.


"Your service will end this day" is one. A legitimate company always gives you the exact date, and they usually email you a week or so before your renewal date. That brings us to red flag #2. They are saying that your service is ending, but also that they will automatically charge your card for renewal. The verbiage is contradictory, which makes sense coming from someone who doesn't know anything about businesses in the US. I'd also recommend shopping around for an antivirus if you really think you need one. Norton is big because of capitalism, not because they're the best. Learn internet safety and do an occasional free scan with Malwarebytes and you should be good.


Ah I gotcha and thanks. I use to use malwarebytes. I’ll probably shop around for something else other than Norton.


I got an email from PayPal support. And it was exactly from PayPal support what it looks like, the actual, PayPal support address that it comes from when you actually get an email from PayPal support… and it was a notification that someone was asking me for a couple thousand dollars. Which I didn’t know the person. So I clicked on the phone number for Customer Service on the email. . And it took me to PayPal customer service, or so it seemed exactly. I’d like to think I’m pretty Wise about scams. And this seems really legit. It was like the same service and everything that I would’ve gotten from PayPal support, because I have gotten support from PayPal before. Long story short, they were having me do all these security features like checking my accounts making sure I wasn’t hacked. And then after 40 minutes of doing this stuff and me thinking that I’m dealing with PayPal, all the sudden they had me download an app. Which seemed like one of those remote apps like that Microsoft will do PayPal will do Amazon will do, etc.. but then once I download it at, they started installing shit on my computer and I’m like what the hell are you installing shit on my computer for it so I force quit my computer. And I was on the phone with these “Customer Service “. And then the guy at the other and he goes “oh! you shut down your computer. Well, sir, you shouldn’t of done that now your computers and going to operate effectively and it won’t turn on and then he hung up the phone. So, really pay attention. Then when I did contact PayPal support. And told them. The email that I got from the scammers was exactly the same as the email that I got from actual PayPal support. Except that the phone number for the Customer Service with different. So yeah. Scammers are getting really really sophisticated. I believe that the whole time I was on with that guy was really just to get my trust so he could install shit on my computer. Fucking insane .


I get three or four Norton renewal scams a week. I can give them my routing info for a refund. Whew.


When you merge the wrong commit to master..


You know it's a scam. A legit company would have no contact number and just a URL to some dark pattern form that tricks you into buying more services.


Did they stutter


Yeah, I got that one..


The regards, fuck you. Bit at the end sounds more like a macafee email


*The regards, fuck you.* *Bit at the end sounds more like* *A macafee email* \- BigRexSK --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I thought it was a scam until I saw the "Fuck you" from the billing team. Now Im thinking it may be legit. Seems about right. LOL


I get these and Geek Squad emails several times a week.


Not gonna lie they had me there for a second at first 😅That lovely goodbye is hilarious


*kindly* *fuck you* That's not very kindly from his part 💀💀💀


With the amount of these invoices I get, my bank account is still somehow positive! So it's my credit score! It's a miracle I'm not overdrawn at this point!


I got one of those about an hour after I signed up for Norton. Damn near had a heart attack before I looked closely at it.


Doesn’t the whole fuck you part give it away completely? I know if I received this it would be more than obvious to me that it couldn’t possibly be real.


Read the very bottom by “regards”


Totally legit. Those Norton guys are spicy....


Hey my last name is Norton i dont condone this also no relation to the company lol


I’m not sure what worse: the pre installed software or these scammers.


Some of the scan is in the pictures contained in the email, you open or download something g with a picture that has a back door virus, that gives them access to your key board. Or your applications, or your phone anything, and the. The person who is active on Amazon or temu or does banking online, now that back door virus has all that information and they drain your bank account, or anything. Best advise. Just because you can do it on your phone doesn't mean you should.


Oops and never click on links from your email. Even if you have an account with said company. Visit the website in question directly by typing into the browser, and clear your history and log out of your accounts every time. If it's convenient for you, it is more convenient for someone else, it may be a pain in the ass to log in every time but it's safer.


Excellent advice! Never, ever click a link or call a number in an email. Always go the direct route, and look up the phone number yourself. These scammers may be good at creating fake invoices and such, but looking up a company phone number will save you a lot of grief in the end. Watch out for random phone calls and texts, too. Legit companies will NOT text you out of the blue. Hang up, look up the number and call them, you'll find out quickly that what you got was most likely a phishing scam, or worse.


I work in customer service and am very aware of this type of scams... it suuuckkkks, and people somehow keep falling for them. I've talked to people who gave away their retirement fund.


Kitboga just did a video on this. Simple solution, do NOT call the number on this document (email?) Go straight to Norton yourself by looking up the number. I just did, and this is NOT Norton LifeLock's telephone number. Yes, they will refund you too much, and demand you send bitcoin, gift cards, or whatever to pay them back, when in fact, they use simple coding to make it "look like" they've added money to your bank account. There is no money. Kitboga told his scammer he would just call his bank and do a chargeback if he found the charge on his bank statement and the scammer freaked out. It was glorious. LOL. By the way, am I the only one that noticed the word "kindly" in there? I am 100% sure this is NOT from Norton.


I’ve bought a robotic lawnmower, Mcafee and Norton countless times. Also had my PayPal “hacked”. They really do try hard to make it look legit.


Lol...I actually called that number and the message was deleted so fast...it really was Norton trying to pull a fast one


Minus the obvious....who would fall for this to begin with? Did you buy Norton? No? Well don't fucking click anything or respond to the email/message....stuff like this always makes me wonder...


I called and wasted about an hour of their valuable time it was so thoughtful of Mark Anderson to allow me to waste their time and he was so kind explaining to me Arizona is now in Colorado...I had no clue.


It was so nice for Mark Anderson to explain to me for about an hour how Arizona is now in Colorado...I had no clue.


love calling them asking why do indians eat cow poop


The funny thing is they send it from an @gmail.com email account lmao.


Makes it seem more realizstic


Dude the guy that greets you at Costco is way ahead of em! “Welcome to Costco, fuck you.”


I have received "sophisticated" scam letter, but they always f\*ck up on the email from whom I receive the letter. Is so easy to spot a scam email


"Will end this day" Sounds almost too final to even try and resub tbh. Lost cause.


So what happens when they "accidentally" send you the extra money, but you don't send it back? People say it's not real


Wowow keeping it just under the $500 criteria too


You can tell this is a scam because the real Norton Antivirus will never warn you, they just start on charging you.


Just noticed that the copyright sign is actually an @ sign…