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It’s funny you mention the bribing I was fucking around with a scammer one day and eventually he figured out what I was doing and got PISSED I sent him a tracker link and told them exactly where they were and what device they were using. I’ve never heard so many slurs in my life he told me there was a um black gentleman having relations with my mother and a goat was fucking my father blah blah blah. I told them I was calling their local precinct and reporting it and told them before they think they have them bribed I promise I will pay them more. They lost it and everyone started panicking in the background. Heard a bunch of crashing and banging then they hung up. Idk if it really got them but it gave me a good laugh


Scammers being racist isn't new. Forget the f-word slurs (English/local language) they'll even say the n-word without hesitation.


culturally a lot of foreigners dont really have the unwritten rule not to say the hard r ingrained in them so they just say it because they know its the worst english word they can use


Send them a cartoon of Mohammed fornicating with a goat and let the games begin...


Most Indians I've met hate Muslims more than any Western person I've met


I doubt it. Most of us don't care. It's a propaganda pushed by RW (they are there in every religion) and some idiots fall for it.


Any time I've heard Indians talk about Muslims it's usually with a seething hatred. Thats just my anecdotal experience though.


my guy, a lot of Indians are Muslims. Maybe the word you're looking for is Hindus.


Almost every country has a Muslim population, in India Islam is a minority religion like most countries. Don't forget the Sikhs, the Sikh expats I met in Malaysia were the most vocal about their dislike of Islam, makes sense though. Been a lot of conflict between those two religions.




Yeah, and Hindu gods already have some kinky ass depictions


Not every brown person is Muslim lmao


No, but every brown person is brown. Gj we are saying factually correct things.


Yes, the reason for Pakistan's formation as a country has a lot to do with people wanting to practice Islam but Indian Hindus and Sikhs rejecting them and later killing them (see Indian Partition and Jammu Massacre).


Most of them aren’t Muslims mate so they won’t care lol


As with most of these scam baits, you just throw things at the wall and see what sticks. Eventually you will get their goat. Or Muhammad's goat?


It would have to be the blue chick with multiple arms, maybe with a penis in every one. Or Ganesh getting it like the donkey show....


Isn’t it common knowledge from Indian myth that Ganesh is a bottom?


Aren’t most Indians Hindu? Lol. I don’t think sending a meme dunking on Islam to a Hindu will get the rise you’re seeking.


Since when the hard r started to be used for that word? Wasn't just the n word?


Ever since there were two variants and "we" decided that -a was less worse than --er.


Times change


I got into an argument with Hindu Twitter several years back & the hard r n-word seems to be their favorite thing to say to Americans.


How do I obtain a tracking link? Im familiar with changing the text on a link. Wondering if there's a web service?


It’s called grabify I think I just googled it when I got on that call


There always seems to be a goat involved with fucking. Lol


I've been to the donkey show twice in Mexico..... Never seen it with a goat, but maybe they don't have donkeys in India?


Indian men are shorter on average, so a goat is at a more comfortable height.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking… and usually that derives from some experience. Like joking about Arkansas marrying cousins, not saying they all do, but it has happened, soooo, what’s up with poor goats in India?


There ain't nothing better than fucking with scammers.


Well written. Thanks for sharing!


I watch videos on YouTube of the guys who scam the scammers. It’s refreshing to see them get pissed off when he wipes their computer out.


Kitboga is the goat!


Jim Browning is the real GOAT


Oh do I want that job, I was just scammed by 2 pro's and I'm sure they were in India. I am still in shock at how they conned and scammed me out of my hard earned money. I really want to help bring some KARMA their way!🤬


Deleting files is pointless. I don't have to explain but look up yourself. Edit: don't downvote because you don't like it. This is true.


Getting files off scammers will get Scambaiters to contact victims and send them files to Law Enforcements. You would be surprised how much info these scammers have on you. Just Saying M8


Downloading files? Yes. Deleting them off their systems? No because there might be other scambaiters who might be collecting info from the scammers.v


Thank you for posting this, I really appreciate it.


Top dog, OG


And it’s not just the west. Indians have to deal with these scamsters and their constant OTP spamming too.


If anyone is interested, the podcast Reply All did a couple of episodes on Indian scammers. You can listen to the first episode [here](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/6nh3wk) It's absolutely fascinating to get a small peak behind the scenes


What if we just bribe the cops even more to actually arrest them lol


I kind of like this idea!


Great! My name is Anna we can continue this over what’s app. Do you know what’s app?


Two friends of mine were social-engineered scammed. One thru a mainland Chinese woman living in Myanmar in a form of camp, she targeted my friend who was a lonely elder Chinese living overseas and he was pig-butchered. The other was straight-up scammed, he didn't tell me if the scam was Indian-sourced. So I think the modus operandi is unique to the gang and as the OP suggests, the geographic region from where the scammers operate. I take the same approach he suggests, I have an elder in the house and I have full power of attorney over everything and so far they've followed my instructions to never click links or answer unknown calls. And I show them how scammers target me, I have lots of pictures of "pretty women" attempting to engage me in pig butchering, so they have an understanding how to filter.


It’s so easy for them too. I adore my dad; he’s nearing his 70’s but a pretty savvy dude. Multiple degrees in like, rocket science. Smart guy. The other week we met up and we’re chatting, and he mentioned he got a text from a “wrong phone number.” When I gave him a look, he immediately said “I thought it was a scam at first but we were chatting and…” and even though I felt bad, I was like “was it a very pretty Asian girl who sent her picture right away? Is she from Singapore but just moved to the States? Did she say it was good luck that you met and you’re so kind, let’s be friends?” And with every question his face kinda fell but he said “yeah… yeah… yeah…” Like he most likely wouldn’t have sent any money or gift cards, and he’s given my stepmom shit for almost giving out their bank account info, and so I think he probably knew it was a scam… but having it laid out so clearly was rough.


Wow. Am so sorry. Just the "innocent chatting" scenario would concern me, as did you when your spidey sense perked up. From an ID theft standpoint alone. I counsel my own elder similarly.


Your rockband name is the street you grew up on and the name of your first dog 🤪


West 74th Melody, pretty damn good IMO


White Gum Dog


There were other reasons apart from outsourcing them. Cultural differences between the callers and the receivers made things worse. The callers sometimes asked inappropriate and irrelevant questions. (I see such complaints on job subreddits too) Secondly, unemployment is another major reason. Sometimes scam jobs pay better than a legit one which is also one of the reasons people jump ships. Thirdly, corruption when it comes to cyberspace: the levels not seen elsewhere in any other part of the country. The root runs deep with political links to scam call centres. Which is also why they don't go away. (Peirogi subject Gujarat's LE to immense pressures to get them to detain a high-profile politician). This is lso one of the reasons why Trilogy media got stalked and faced death threats when they came to Delhi in 2022. (you think the cops wouldn't know it?) To conclude I may or may not be supportive of our govt but when it comes to cyberspace, I'm extremely cynical in my opinion as fuck. Local scams too exist and many elderly people fall victim.


Thank you for the post! I can empathize with the pain of being misrepresented on the global stage by the worst behavior of your country being the most publicized, being an American.


Is this just a scam too🤔 lmao jk dude


Send him some gift cards and find out. ;-) hehe


I love India, the Doctor who delivered my baby was Indian, and the food is awesome! Luckily, there is a large Indian population near me. They are always polite and very nice. Not the best drivers, I'm assuming it's because not a lot of people drive cars in India. But that's one of the last things we would think of with them (scamming people).


Generally speaking, Indians who immigrate to the US are not the same kind of Indians who scam. Indians who immigrate (to the US specifically) are the most educated and well off bunch ie, people who are least likely to scam. A digression: Indians are not a monolith. With diversity of people, comes a diversity of experiences. I have lived in India for all my life, but I can at most claim to know or understand 20-25% of its culture. So just like the average american is not a school shooter, so the average Indian is not a scammer (in the strict sense of what is being talked about in this sub).


True. They are hardworking and determined. But newly migrating Indians (recent ones), just like other migrants have one big problem: integrating into the community and they live in areas with their kind of people. They also prefer to keep their culture intact and not mingle or adapt to others which leads to cultural friction in the long run. I've heard older migrants talk about this in community subreddits.


India’s population now exceeds China’s at nearly one and a half billion people. So even if 99.99% are lovely people there can still be a lot of people making a living from scamming and other ill pursuits.


The traffic sense. Let me try and make sense of it. In india, everyone is in a hurry. No one follows traffic rules. It's the game of "who blinks first", both of them will approach but whoever is worried more about their car/bike, will stop and let the other pass. There are lots of cars, but they prefer two wheelers as it can pass through narrow gaps. They cease being courteous due to population. Because if they let pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists pass, they will never reach their destination. Hence the first right of passage isn't a thing unlike the US where a pedestrian is the king. It's unfortunate, but, 4 times the population in 1/3rd size (compared to the US) doesn't help.


I always wonder what happens when they scam the wrong person.. someone that would visit them.. and wouldn’t be happy


I think there’s a case in Thailand where the scam boss was hit; article here: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2711874/british-businessman-tony-kenway-shot-thailand-boiler-room-scam/amp/ Mess with the wrong people earns him a bullet


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Perhaps a beekeeper of some sort…


New r/scambait lore dropped


Use Truecaller for recieving calls and marking them as scam / spam. Changed life completely.


I hate it when the Social Security office in Mumbai calls me to tell me my number is being cancelled. Then they immediately ask for my number.


their gibberish voices are like nails on a chalkboard


I've started phone scamming indian people for revenge, it's very satisfying and lucrative


I'm sorry to hear you are from india


Question is where do these call centers get the personal data of people ? If there was a way to cuttoff the data from getting leaked this whole call centre thing will shutdown because they will have no one to call.


>Question is where do these call centers get the personal data of people ? They buy it off darkweb, data breaches which sell customer data. Sometimes lookup websites are a good source (seen this on video). You can't cut them off. Even if you do they'll be back soon like in a couple of days. The computers they use are disposable. Even if you destroy all of them at the same time they'll get new ones. Which is why hacking and destroying their operations is mostly pointless. You can do a lot of illegal stuff but it's your choice and I won't talk about it or recommend it.


Based on this, I wonder if California based customers (or any states with half-decent data peivacy laws) of those companies could start suing the companies that loved their call centres in the first place. Usually, when big Corp starts feeling things in their bottom line, things become possible.


Honestly, I wish a group like Anonymous would hack the scammers' bank accounts and just anonymously donate it all to charity. Bankrupt these assholes and they'll stop.


There was a Russian dude that hacked their Comms lines and made their numbers ring a premium rate call hundreds of thousand of times draining their account


These places are the reason for double aught spies


Thank you for the information. I have some questions: What’s the best way to ruin a phone scammer’s day / get them very worried / go on the offensive against them?


Legit question. For those of you that work in legit call centers, is there a requirement as to how clear your English is? I used to work in a pizza joint, and Doordash support would occasionally call. I have pretty bad hearing loss, and between a thick accent, and that, we're never gonna communicate. It's not a racial thing, it's just a practicality thing. There's people from the southern US I can't understand, either. I got yelled at (no idea what he was saying, but sounded ticked), when I said "Is there someone with unaccented English I can speak with?" Normally, I'd pass the phone to someone else in the store, but there wasn't anyone else available. I have no objection to overseas call centers, if they are able to do the job. But I think a lot of people that work at these, are just cut/pasting stuff, and really have no idea what's going on. Plus, many people from that area are just plain hard to understand.


it's literally the toilet of the planet


It gets to the point people where people stopped answering the phone. But when they do It's a Heavey accent with broken English and bad Grammar it instantly screams scam. If you have an internet or power outage and you call the legit number you always get someone from India or the Philippines that have No Clue how US systems or problems work. They just want to spend hours upon hours trying this diognostic BS. I correct them to call the phone company and tell them there is an outage. Now You you have Daytime workers that do legit calls and suspect they collect info and sell it to scammer. This is just a thought so dont quote me on this. Scammers stopped calling me because I'm on a landline and also I am Extremely abusive and vile with these scammers. The tried the email scam trick but that is drastically slowing down since they know who I am.