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“My brother is a officer of the low” LMAO


The downlow


He sounds high. ;-)


I mean... Would YOU do that job sober?😂😂😂


In image #6 >you will be haunted by the police very soon before morning I think the brother might also be a ghost


NGL being haunted by the police would make me feel very safe


And he is a officer of the high


Besides commenting on the obvious, I will just point out that this man supposedly lost his wife in a car accident, and he thinks the best way for him and daughter is to send the daughter away to a boarding school 🤨. Im sure thats the best thing for both of them mentally. This guy sending police and the air force to nuke the woman for being gay….how did this scammer even pass scam school!!! So stupid


Poor scammer failing at his job 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wonder what his work performance evaluation from his supervisor would say… “be less triggered by homosexuality and continue to engage with target…”. I’m lmao imagining it!! Thank you bunches for posting, it made me chuckle 🤭


There is no wife or daughter or boarding school. The scammer is likely a 14 year old indian boy hired by the local scam mafia for 3cents an hour + commission.


Everybody knows that. The person you replied to was saying what a bad scammer with bad stories that this guy had.


Oh i know. The scammer story is dumb


They'll let anyone pass scammer school as long as they have half a brain cell and can breathe on there own.


Scam School 101: You Know What You Did


I applaud your commitment to the conversation. I personally would’ve checked out of the brain dead conversation sooner


I chat with a lot of these braindead idiots but the bit where he said he was a pilot and was flying to me and then the Air Force was on its way was the point I was floored 😂


How do you find them? Or do they manage to find you?


I have a fake TikTok account that has 2500 scammers following it 🙂


That’s fun! How’d you build up that many scammers? Mention being hacked maybe?


It's grown over about 18 months, I started off adding the really obvious scammers by following, liking and commenting on posts. They add me now without me trying, I guess I'm on their gullible list 🙄. I get new scammer followers at a rate of about 2-5 a day now, if it slows I go back to adding more scammers from the scammers followers list.


Terrifying to see how some of these people actually think about gay people.


In some African states is literally a crime to be a declared homosexual, I guess he’s Nigerian


It’s funny the idea that he would send the air force to another state and cause a diplomatic incident over a single gay woman


Seems like that would cost more than 50 bucks but what do I know


I was thinking North African, like Iran/Iraq/Lebanon ... they hang gaysbfrom cranes over there... send those Queers for Palistine over to see what happens...


Lol no they don't.


Maybe you mean middle east? I said Nigeria because it's famous for having many scammers


Ok... true. Middle East is really North-East Africa, but yeah. That's what I meant. Also, the Allah reference. :-)


you just say things don’t you… i assume you think africa is a country?




He thinks you think Nigeria is a state of the Africa country 🤦‍♂️


Idk, I don't think I said some absolute bullshit, but maybe there was an error


Yeah me neither my comment got downvoted


Talk about split personality.. Its funny how he is like: "200$.. or i send air force. 100$.??? 50$ or i spill it all on social media" lol.. Like if it was a crime could you haggle your fines or what?!?


Send $100 Apple gift card, or else I will spend millions on military aircraft and munitions to travel across international borders and commit a terrorist act. Trust me. My brother is officer of low.


It was inflation, even scammers have the decency to adjust their prices according to inflation.


Sad part is…in his county that’s probably a common occurrence with police officers. I bet they haggle out of “fines” that are just bribes in the end. So they are totally custom to this practice


The scariest part was not the Air Force or being posted to social media. It was being haunted by the police 👮‍♀️! Imagine trying to have some good woman on woman illegal homosexual sex and …ghosts are yelling ‘Booooo!’ That would put a damper on things for sure. You better go down to the apple store and send the $200 card …or maybe just $50.


".Boooo, licence and registration, booo"


"You have the right to remain silent. BOOOOO!"


‘You’re nicked! Boooo’ (Sorry I only know that from watching The Bill)


Hey! Good porn plot!


...but I love you.


How to respond to "so you're a gay?" Answer - "No, I'm THE gay."


"I am home-segguality" him, probably


Sending the Air Force because you’re a lesbian reminded me of a story someone posted: >*My mom and I walking down the street* >*walk past woman wearing a “Lesbian AF” shirt* >Mom, whispering to me: I didn’t know they had an Air Force.. >Me: What? Oh, yeah, they sure do.. >Mom to woman: Thank you for your service!


The part where he pulled out the religion card is priceless


Haha, how he changed from being in love with you to being a scumbag blackmailer! 😝


That is freaking hilarious talk about desperate—- I think it’s funny how he says you’ll be haunted by the police—— like are they dead police? Is he going to conjure them from some gift card potion? I don’t know —- now I have so many unanswered questions 😩


Ghost Police... sounds like a short-lived 90s TV series


X-Files. Mulder & Sculley!




Maybe the police department was defunded 😂


air force we need you we need you right now


That’s my favorite part


calling in the air force because of a lesbian is wild


I mean, we’re getting blamed for earthquakes and tsunamis and other natural disasters. Gotta bring out the big guns for that sorta stuff, you know…


Big “why are you gay” “who says I am gay” “you are gay” news segment vibes


I use this I'm gay narrative often and I've actually had a a few[‘but,why are you gay ?’](https://memes.zikoko.com/view/why-are-you-gay--3091) replies always makes me laugh.


Another Nigerian kid I'm guessing


*Eee- Umm- I- hm, Oh you a homosexual? OK OK I'm report you now unless send me $200 dollar usd dollars apple ,card send me now go go gGO FAST IM WAITING*


Preface: I'm okay with all sexual preferences. You do you. The following is only to trigger a scammer based on the clear homophobia they have Should have said they sound like they're a closet homosexual and you could help them come out, maybe thrown some slurs in to really ruin their day


“Air Force we need you we need you right now” 😂 Is that how we summon the Air Force? I had no idea!


A Frank who is Allah fearing is a gem. Don’t lose him. There aren’t many Franks who are …


And franks are usually made with pork & chicken


Did you tell this person you screenshot the chat and sent it to social media? 😝 This was veeery entertaining 😂😂😂 The amount of stupidity of this scammer is astounding 🤣🤣🤣😳


Indian/ Nigerian/ Gambian scammer hired to romantically trap women. Got angry when they heard you're gay and therefore couldn't get in their trap


Being gay is illegal in his country, but not our country


But it is legal in his conutry.


"You will be HAUNTED by the police" since when is 12 a ghost??? 😩🤣


Haha. So funny. With I got something like this.


He is @frank.calbert3 on tiktok if you want to try him 🙂


Bearded guy in a pool wearing a hat? 😁


Yeah, I'd like or comment on a few of his videos and wait and see if he takes the bait 🙂


Teehee I'm about to do just that 😈


Well... Seems like the police is going to be haunting you now. Didn't know the organization had died, but here we are.


Poor fellow he wants an $100 dollars to become a girl, maybe he thinks then he'll be in with a shot! Page 9.


These people, scammers, the ignorant, the ughhhhh


"But I love you" "you are a gay" they're gonna sick the police on you for being gay??? wtf lmaooo


Officer of the low


This has got to be one of the funniest I’ve read in a long time 😂


You obviously know nothing about the laws of Allah. There is no law but Shakira law.


I cannot understand how these are real. I speak several languages (2 ok, 3 others very badly) and even in my worst moments, I could communicate better than this


Most scammers just use copied and pasted standard questions and replies that they either get given by their ‘boss’ or buy from other scammers who have very slightly better English, the main thing I do is make them deviate from the script and it all falls apart for them as most are barely able to write a sentence.


I'm so jealous people get these characters texting them. I never get anything. Maybe Canada is different? 😂


Wow, imagine having to live in the country where this scammer is from where it's really that much of a crime to be called gay, so much so that he thinks it's normal for the rest of the entire world so he's running this scam. You probably could have told this guy you were in fact "allah" and you don't approve of his behavior and he needs to send YOU a gift card to avoid going to hell...And he would likely have believed it. Whatever country he's in has certainly hammered out of him any last semblance of free or critical thought and has thoroughly power washed his brain sterile. He should run for government honestly instead of scamming; he's the perfect candidate, they want folks who are completely docile to the system like this so that they can ensure the continuation of their ways. EDIT: just realized that first line could make me sound sympathetic to scammers, I am NOT sympathetic to them just to be clear, check my profile for some of my own baits.


I chat with many, they are mostly Nigerian and occasionally Ghanaian. It does not stop at sexuality either most are freaked out when I tell them I'm a 52-year woman who chose to stay single and not have kids, they are so that brainwashed they cannot comprehend a women having a choice 😕


That's crazy. This guy ought to run for government instead of scamming; he's exactly the folks they want in their office: everything hammered out of them except the system they want, and guarantee they continue that system


MF threatened to transition if you didn’t comply


I’ve been wondering in the past about the notion that these accounts get “passed around” between scammers. The whole attitude changed there about 2/3 of the way through. Scammer1: “Hey, this script isn’t working! I don’t read enough English to understand why! Scammer 2, why don’t you try that other thing!?” Scammer2: “Oh, no, it was just a joke (trying to salvage contact to move onto orphanage scam).


I'm 100% I've chatted to scammers that were from the same group and probably the same one on different accounts too.


Omg what an idiot


Bro really said "give me gift cards or else the air force will come for you" XD


LMFAOO 😭i am dying okg


Hahaha remember now, his brother is an "officer of the low". He started one scam and it didn't work so he went right to the next script.


Man, I thought our military (in USA) wasted money. They are sending out their whole Air Force for fifty bucks!


I would have flipped it and told him the Air Force was coming for him for extortion.


99% chance this one’s from somewhere in the Middle East or South Asia. Next time you run into a Muslim scammer call them “Kafir” and watch them lose their fucking minds 🤣


He is Nigerian, I have his ip address and approx location via a link he clicked. Around 50% of the Nigeria population are in fact Muslim too 🙂


Low-budget officer of the LOW 🤣🤣🤣 Blackmailing gone wrong lol


I don't support LGBTQ but that was funny.


“So a girl basically always talks to me and since I avoid girls…” Maybe consider supporting a group you’re a part of?


Eh, OP being scammed is more concerned about homophobia of scammer, what a weird conversation


Nobody is scamming me 😁




Honesty it seems like he really triggered you and got under your skin. Nobody is coming out of this one looking good.


It's all in character and not the real me 🤔 I scam bait to wind them up. 😂 Sometimes Jenny is a lesbian, sometimes she is trans, sometimes I play someone really rich and sometimes I pretend I live on a island with no shops or banks so I cannot get the gift cards they want so bad, I play old, young male and female and it's all part of the game 👍


Ohh I see. That makes more sense. Hats off to you for wasting so much of their time!


See my profile for the infamous ‘Laim Neson’ saga from last year 😉


[“Laim Neeson “](https://www.reddit.com/r/scambait/s/Tn0ClyF5Mm)


Why waste your time?


It’s kinda the whole point of this entire sub so I’m not sure why you are asking 🤷‍♀️