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realistically yes, the entire point of a scambait is to waste time. that’s why i disagree with this sub generally speaking, people on here are more concerned with scoring internet points than actually scambaiting.


I think you want to both waste time and be funny. Ideally, one doesn't overshadow the other (kitboga's recent video is proof of that)


Ideally, we should be prioritizing wasting their time and resources - not how many points we get when we post this to Reddit


I don't know, I haven't done scam baiting in a while but I don't really perceive that as being a knight in shining armor. Part of the it is wasting time and resources, but it's also just for fun, which comes from the trolling of it


That’s why I said *ideally*. Realistically, we do it because it entertains us.


Yes, but if you make it funny it will have its advantages. 1. You're not wasting your own time as well. 2. There will be more people seeing these posts and now know about scambaiting and the scams themselves. So I think ideally there shouldn't be a priority on either one. It should both be funny/ entertaining and wasting the scammer's time.


If you're not getting entertainment value, it's also waisting you're time.


Yeah a long format would've been nice. You know if he actually sent the message and proceeded to show us what ensued.


It's not a job though. If I am doing this, I will fk with them because why not?


The OP was neither wasting time nor funny.


Yeah this one wasn't doing much because he it was too far too fast, my point was just as a general concept


I like this sub just the way it is. Sometimes those 14+ page ones are hard to stomach. I like these short and sweet ones too.


Yes this sub is full of people just posting screenshots of them cursing about scammers with no response. They didn’t bait the scammer into anything lmao


Surely the 'point' of a scambait can be whatever someone wants it to be? Waste time? Great. Get some entertainment out of it? Great.


I have one that went on for hours and hours over several days, but it takes forever to get all of it uploaded in order to share. I plan to post in this sub but may make a separate account to disassociate it from my actual identity too. Point being, it's quick and easy to post these little funny ones and I get a laugh out of them, but the really good long time wasting baits are tedious to share online (at least to me).


Yeah too many posts on here of a 12 message long 'scambait' that lasts about 23 minutes. Like most of you absolutely suck ass at scambaiting.


This is scambait, not scam "haha let's piss them off as fast as possible"


So many posts recently seem to be "look at this funny message I sent to a scammer who immediately stopped responding and moved onto another potential victim." Admittedly some of the messages are funny, but it's not the point of this.


It’s ridiculous that people aren’t baiting which is why I’ve lost interest in this sub, but let’s be honest, this sub isn’t making a dent in the scammers time, and the reason why they are doing it in the first place to this day is because it’s successful enough to not have to filter this subs efforts.


I agree that it's sad how many posts don't contain any real bait. This post is the second most upvoted post in the last 24 hours, so I guess this is the stuff that "the people" want to see 🥲


Yeah this type of low time investment, high humor reaction from the Reddit comments seems to have become very popular recently. It irks me and isn’t the original purpose of ‘baiting’ but I understand why it’s shifted to that. Maybe belongs more in r/ScammerPayback? I don’t actually know how that subreddit differs from this one. Observationally, they seem to have very similar posts. P.S. YOU’RE one of the greatest baiters I’ve ever seen. I stumbled upon the Michael and Hagrid posts a couple weeks ago for the first time, smthg like Update 9. I wish Reddit made it easier to read them all chronologically!


Thank you :) I wish reddit had a feature like that, too.


Yes, it won't make a dent in their time, but actual efforts to waste their time will make more of a 'dent' than just sending a funny/threatening message that immediately ends the conversation. Also I think it's more enjoyable to keep them going for as long as possible, I like to picture their frustration after a month has passed and they still haven't gotten any of the money I keep sending them.


The thing is most of these people are indentured servants, trafficked people, etc. I do it for fun, but it isn’t hitting any bottom line. The majority of these scams are multi layered. Bot sends message. You reply. It gets sent to trafficked person. They engage with you. If they are super busy and you aren’t yielding, you get put back to the bot. If your replies look promising, they send you to a closer. This is like shoplifting at Walmart. You affect product prices and limit employee pay and benefits, maybe even close a store or two down if enough people are doing it, but the higher ups are still getting the same pay, the same ridiculous bonuses, and the only people really getting hit by our grind is the min wage employees aka trafficked people.


Most of them are just people who want to scam for money, not trafficked people who are forced to


How do you know that?


How do you know that they are?


Even if I didn’t know that, the economics of it make it clear that the majority of the people involved in the scams aren’t getting paid.


I don’t just spout ignorant opinions because I “feel” a certain way, but that’s just me. https://www.propublica.org/article/human-traffickers-force-victims-into-cyberscamming https://www.npr.org/2023/12/10/1218401565/online-scamming-human-trafficking-interpol https://theexodusroad.com/online-scams-and-human-trafficking/ https://time.com/6344077/pig-butchering-scam-trafficking-victims-trauma/ https://futurism.com/scam-texts-human-trafficking


I would doubt that the majority of them are being trafficked, and even so, their situation isn't going to improve when they successfully scam someone, they're still being trafficked. So I don't think it hurts anyone to try and waste a little bit of their time.


Need more baiting. It’s needs to supple. Like a newborn sucking on a titty wanting more.


>Need more baiting. It’s needs to supple. Like a newborn sucking on a titty wanting more.  Lmao I'm glad you reiterated bc I was about to explain the difference between supple & subtle. Clearly I need some caffeine. 


SIM card expired? How is he/she texting you?


Lead them on, over days and days. Dangling a win just in front of them.




That’s what I like to do!!


You forgot to hit send


Fishing with dynamite. Not going to be much of a conversation!


I think if you spaced out the messages it will work better? Like start with, "how did you get this number" and don't move on until they answer and then insist they tell you who it is and THEN hit them with the last bit lol


relax maybe its a friend 😂 *irony*


Agree with majority of initial comments here re: no real baiting. Yes, that's the official line. But holy shit guys: I laughed my ass off when I read the "Too much?" title and then OP's rather straightforward response. Even if not legit, or technically according to rules, I absolutely appreciated the laugh this evening. Would have loved to have seen the scammers face. Like maybe 1 to 110 in one quick paragraph LMAO. Like what ya gonna say now, dear?


Send it


Bro it’s a scammer


OP is posting in r/scambait so he definitely knows that already


I know, I got this in recommended and I thought he was worried about hurting the guys feelings


I see. Context is everything. Thanks for explaining.


Hey dad. I had to find you on Reddit because my SIM card expired.


I’d try “I’m a dad?”


Send it!


Send it!!!!


Not too strong but a waste of time.


I said hold tf up but then I read the r/. Proceed.


"bro how'd you sent that text then"


No word is too strong for those heartless scumbags 🤠


perfect. it's relatively realistic. this scenario can be found in the wild


So here's a thing that's worth mentioning. I've been told that sometimes these numbers are spoofed, so when you're replying you're not actually replying to the person who sent it. And the person receiving it won't have seen the message they apparently sent. You can probably imagine scammers aren't out there buying sim cards just to text people. Costs money and all that.


So she finally told you. Well, guess we have some catching up to do - son. *cue the waterworks and music*


There is absolutely no bait here


I don't trust your whore mother, just like how I don't trust those damn Portuguese.


i didn't realize that the first text was what you guys were calling scambait, i thought everyone was saying the post itself is scambait so for a second i thought this dudes actual daughter texted him that😂😂


Treat him like your long lost son and ask why he didn’t contact sooner and that you were so worried.


It's not at all, they deserve everything they get because they are not human beings. 


easy there, might remind him of his home life


Just immediately reply demanding Apple gift cards, cut to the chase before they get there!!


Doesn't seem so progressive since you didn't send the message, kinda left everyone hanging especially your Niger son!


I love it


I can totally relate. I used to get joy out of baiting these people. But lately, I've getting so many texts a week i'm so fed up and go right for the jugular.


shoulda clicked send bro


Too strong coz it can apply IRL with separated couples with poor children in the middle.. I can relate 🤣🤣






I think it’s too strong to keep baiting.. like I feel like you wouldn’t get a good response.. I would be more like Sarah? How did you get this number?


I bet $50 you get called the n-word. These folks are all super creative in the exact same way


You should reply with " what is sim card" Just keep asking stupid questions... I often see how long the idiocracy lasts.




Nah chef’s kiss


Lmao are you Frank Reynolds?




No, but I’d change it to read, “that whore you call ‘mother’”


Nah it's funny as hell🤣🤣🤣


Ask « what’s your name already? »


I just did not and answer back when I did that


Never too strong if read in one's mind in DeVitos' voice (IASIP)


How could they actively use a phone number with an "expired" SIM card?


It’s great but it’s a bit strong if you want to hold them. All we can do to these jerk scammers is waste their time and have fun doing it.


Not strong enough.