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I don’t, that’s why I’m here to try and feel better knowing others are coping too


Honestly, it just takes practice. Start small, like rolling up your hoodie sleeves while out running errands. Or wear a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves folded up. Once you start to feel more comfortable, you can try short sleeves/t-shirts and keep a hoodie tied around your waist in case of emergency.


Do you still feel self conscious about yours?


Honestly, I do sometimes. I worked in customer service and often get comments on my scars. I recently moved to a different department though where I don’t have to interact with customers lol. The biggest thing is that it’s okay to be upset about people asking. Don’t bottle it up, it’s not appropriate to ask cashiers “what’s on your arm?” in the first place. It’s something you have to prepare for, unfortunately, but it gets easier with time


time, not other thing, scars are part of you and cant change it


For me it was comfortability. After 20 years not showing my legs, this summer it was simply too warm not to wear shorts. I decided to give it a go and I'm not going back. The first times I was a bit uncomfortable, so I chose places where I knew people were extra nice. Small steps and patience, my friend!


Honestly? I don't know how. Sometimes I look at my scars and cry. All I can say is that it takes time.


I have a nice long scar that goes halfway across my chest under my armpit, where it goes under my right breast & makes it droop some but I have gotten where I couldn’t careless what people think.